The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena (By chocolate10)

chocolate10 posted on Oct 13, 2011 at 01:48PM
Ok guys I'm posting this because I'm not having fun with my other fantic since the book came out. So I'm doing this. Some chapters may take a while to upload since I don't speak read and or write italian I have to got to an all italian school. So don't be mad if it takes me a week to upload. Thanks!~The one and only chocolate10

Chapter 1
The war ship aproched. Half of me wanted to bolt, half of me wanted it to land already. Frank and Percy stood by my sides. After about ten minutes of waiting the thing finally landed. Four people came to the front of the boat. I couldn't make out faces. But I made out what they looked like. One was a blonde boy he was fairly tall. Another blonde, this time a girl, then a boy that looked like Sammy, then a girl that looked indian. The came slowly of one by one. Once the came close enough I realized the blonde boy was Jason. "Um.... hi." He said awkwardly. There was a moment of pure awkwardness. The camp rushed forward. Reyna first, of course they were almost a couple. I felt happy maybe because the camp was happy and they were practicaly radiating "Happiness beyond all forces of nature". The indian girl looked uncomfortable. So did the boy who looked like Sammy.
OK I'm finishing the chapter in a post. maybe late or tomorrow. It depends on how much homework I get done by dinnertime. :-\

The Heroes of Olympus 20 replies

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over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Ok finished it. >:) SO here's THE CONTINUATION! Wow that sounded creepy.
The blonde girl made her way through the crowd towards us. When she reached us her face lit up like a firecracker. "Percy!"she through her armed around him. "Uhh hi?" She looked at him. "DO you remember me? I'm-" "Annabeth WE KNOW!" Frank said rolling his eyes. I elbowed him in the ribs. I tried to look at him and read his face. Nothing. No emotions what so ever. Like I don't know, If you're really bored then something exiting comes up, but your face is the same, that's what he looked like. "Um Percy?" I nudged him. "Oh what?" "Um Frank just basicly dissed." he looked at Frank. But we knew he didn't care. When the mob cleared up Jason looked annoyed. "Hey Reyna." "What?" "Glad your Boyfriends back?" she blushed. Jason looked uncomfortable. I saw the indian girl glaring at him. "Boy friend? But I tho-" Jason nudged him, then muttered 'shut up'.
Ok i'll post in the morning! ENJOY!!!
~The one and only chocolate10
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
Awesome! Post Soon!

You should start a new line when somebody different is talking instead of having it all in one paragraph.
"Percy!"she through her armed around him.
"Uhh hi?"
"DO you remember me? I'm-"
"Annabeth WE KNOW!" Frank said rolling his eyes.

*Threw not Through...XD
over a year ago Nemisis said…
cool post soon
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Thanks for the advise. I'll post soon promise! Hmm maybe after I post this. UGH! Can't I gtg to my friends. >:(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
KK here's my post.
Chapter 2
"Silence!" Reyna yelled. We all looked her direction. She called a senet (UGH! Can't remember how to spell that..) meeting. We all shuffled in the genral ( Whatever it's 10:10 at night I can't think straight but it's Sunday hight with tests tomorrow so whatever.) direction. Right in the middle of Octavian's 'Why are we trusting them?' speeches, an Apollo camper came in with a girl behind her. "Sara," Reyna started. "New kid, duaghter of Hecatate" ( Ok I just don't know her roman name.) We all looked at her. She had blue grey eyes, and pale skin. "What's your name?" Reyna asked. "Anna." the girl said. "Sit." Reyna beckoned twords the chair by ther offical standing area. Anna went to sit. She didn't seem uncomfortable standing next to officals. In fact she looked kinda pleased. After the meeting was over, I saw Anna talking to Percy. "Hey hey." I said walking over to them. "Hey." "Btw, we're playing war games tonight." Percy looked at Anna. "You know how to fight?" "Sorta I took fencing..." Anna said. "Ok you should be fine. Just stay out of the front line."
"OK" Anna said.
AT lunch Percy, Frank, and I made stratagies for the war games. Anna sat at the table with Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Sa- er Leo. I gotta stop calling him that. Anna looked unhappy. I couldn't blame her, Annabeth kept on blabbering on about archatecture. After we finished, we went to our usaul spot. I told Anna to come over because it was pitiful. I felt bad for her. Not like I wanted to here about the Partha-something.
OK END! Hope you like it!
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Chapter 3
Camp Jupiter is kinda cool. But it feels like, like, like a prison. WIth too many rules and stuff. But Percy's cool. I don't like having a lame title like: Anna the lame and People would joke with stuff like: So lame the hair of Anna. Reyna being all bossy and rude called a senate meeting. It wouldn't be any fun. When I reached the senate house I saw Hazel. I went to catch up with her. "Hi, Hazel right?" "Yeah Anna." "Ok so where do I sit?" "Over there in the guest chair." she pointed to a broken chair behind the last row. "That?" "Yeah sorry." with that Hazel walked to her chair. "Why do they get special seats and I don't?" I muttered all the way to the broken old beaten chair. The only reason I liked today was because of the war games. They sounded fun. Butt-kicking my specialty. I can't play sports without being overly aggressive. If I lost I wanna punch the heads off of all the players on the winning team one by one. But my bestie Jessie told me violence isn't the answer. If there's a god or goddess of peace and she were a demi-god the peace hippie dude or lady would so be her parent. Percy and Reyna sat at their special table with their special chairs. Reyna got up and talked. I didn't listen. I find it hard to, Jessie said it's because I love to hear the sound of my own voice. Reyna talked for about twenty minutes until a blonde dude stood up. "Reyna, you can't be sure. What if it's an ambush?" "Octavian, I've hear enough of your nonsence. So do me a favor and sit down." Octavian scowled and sat down. "As I was saying, I'm still not sure if it's safe to leave Rome ungarded. With you know, the mark of athena burning through Rome." "What concerns you in that sentence?" A lare asked. "The word burn idiot." Percy said. I could tell Percy was bored out of his mind. I was too. "Thank you Percy for that interesting comment." "No problem.'' "So I say atleast four people should go to Rome." "Hey Percy, didn't Pauls sister say something about taking you there? You must know a lot about it. Why don't you go?" Annabeth said. Percy bit his lip. "Sure." "Ok pick the people who come with after the meeting." Reyna said. "Ok." "And we already know that Jason, Piper, Leo, and maybe Annabeth are part of the seven." People nodded. "I think this meeting is done." Reyna said dismissivly. We all filed out.
After the meeting Percy, Frank, and Hazel caught up with me. "Anna! Wait up!'' "What is it?" "­emb­er.­...­..&­quo­t; They said out of breathe. I was sudenly very much loving today. "Ok." I said. "Kk, I'll go tell Reyna." Percy said and jogged off. "So we're really going to Rome?" "Yes." Frank said. "Cool." I said. "Yeah really cool."
UGH! Reyna said we leave tomorrow! So just packed the basics.
1) My new camp jupiter t-shirt, and my other shirts.
2) Three pairs of jeans.
3) My converse hi-tops and my nike sneakers
4) Lots of gummi feet and water
that's it.
the next day
I walked tiredly to our meeting point. They were already waiting there for me. "Morning sleepy head."
"Ha ha very funny." "Why thank you." Percy said. "How are we supost to get there?" "Well...." Hazels voice trailed off. I knew what she meant. "Telleportus transportus, Rome Italy." Suddenly we were standing on a street with lots of apartments. A coffee shop or as it's title was: "Pino's Bar." "I know where we are." Percy said. "Where?" Hazel asked. "Quatroventi. There's a train station down the street." "Ok so where first?" "We take the train to San Pieto." "Why the Vatican?" "I've got a friend."
We walked down the street. We finally reached the Quatroventi train station. "What level?" Frank aksed. "Very bottom." Percy said. "Of course." Hazel mumbled. We took two really long escalator rides down to our stop. We caught the train just in time. We got on. Two young girls sat in front of us. About half way there, the blonde girl started to look irritated. She kept glaring at us. Like we were evil or something. Suddenly the train came to a full stop. The driver went out to look at the situation. That's when it hit us. The girls in front of us turned into mosters. "Umpussas!" Percy said drawing his sword. Frank and Hazel did the same. My hands started to glow. The blonde one lunged at Percy. Percy leaped to the side and cut her head off. The other one went at me. "Dissus Didustus!" I yelled. She puffed into a pile of pink dust. "Cool." Percy told me. "Thanks." "No problem." After five minutes we started moving again. When we stopped. Percy lead us into an alley, that lead onto a main street. We carefully crossed the street. Percy pressed the buzzer for apartment 4 on floor 2. "Yes?" A girls voice said. "Hey Camilla. It's Percy." If about three minutes a girl stood before us. She had long brown hair in a braid, she had pale skin that sparkled in the sunlight. "Welcome. I'm Cami, and that's my brother Chester."
Hope you like it!!
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Since I left a cliffhanger and I"M TOTALLY BORED! I'll post chapter four.
Chapter four
Chester growled. He looked like a wild child. Cami led us up the stairs. She unlocked a completely retro apartment. "Do you have the servalence room open?" Percy asked. "Yes." She lead us to a small door. We crawled into a small room. A bunch of portals hung themselves in mid air. "Chester why don't you get to know them. "Chester like portals." he said. When he saw my face he growled. "You daughter of Athirva." "What?" I asked. "Chester go to this side of room now." He crossed sides. "What did he mean 'Athirva? I've never heard of her." Percy whispered. "I don't know." I admitted. "Anyways we should be able to watch every part of Rome.
Piper's POV
Annabeth seemed unhappy that Percy went to Rome. Like her parent just died or something. We walked over to the Argo II. We were about a mile from shore when we were attacked first. "Gah! Gryphons!" Jason yelled. Sure enough a bird with a body of a panther swooped down. It grabbed me by arm. "Piper!" I heard Annabeth yell. I screamed. We were out of throwing range. I flew for a while. I might have enjoyed it if you know I weren't being carried to my death. I say an island. Sisily. Wow these things fly fast! Wait! Maybe I could find Percy, Hazel, Frank, and Anna! I could get help! We flew into Campaina. ANd into the next region. Then into Rome. It dropped me straight into traffic. And even worse. At the Vatican.
Frank's POV
I looked at my portal. I saw Piper. No really. She was falling to her doom. "Percy!" I yelled franticly. He saw. "Oh my god! Anna!" Anna looked over. She understood. Magic shot out the window. I saw Piper stop right before she hot the top of a taxi. A second later she was sprawled on the floor in front of us. We sighed a sigh of relief. "Alive." Piper sat up still in shock that she was alive. "Thanks." is what she managed. "Chester? Will you take our friend here to Cami?" he nodded. "Chester will take friend to Cami now"
Back to Piper.
I was still shivering. Thank the gods for Anna. If she weren't there I'd be a Piper pancake. "We enter now." the boy said. He jabbed his finger twords a door.I walked through it. A pretty girl lay on the couch. "Hello Piper McLean." "Uhh hi." She smiled. "No need to be afraid." she had a heavy acsent. "I am Cami." "Ok." "I am a sorsoress." "Ok I'm a daughter of Venus." "Aphrodite dear." "Huh? Aren't we talking Roman?" "Oh of course not!" "The greeks are so much nicer! More calm! Less rules. Better achratecture!" "Umm ok?" "Come sit. I have juice." I sat on the couch opposit hers. "So what brings you here? Fate? Destiny?" "A Gryphon?" Piper said under her breath. "whatever it was you came from a ship." I nodded. "It is fate though when I say you are meant to be here." she sipped her juice. "What? No! I'm suposted to be going to Greece!" "A minor mistake child. An easy one too." "Huh?" Now I was confused. "Gaea put you there to through you all off. You are needed in Rome! You are important to this part of the quest Piper. The only one who can stop the horrible wrath of Gaea that awaits Rome." Whatever she meant I didn't like it. "What do you mean?" "Shh! No spoilers!" With that she sent me to my room, er well it had a note saying it was. I crashed on the bed. I fell asleep instantly. My dream was horrible. I saw fire. I heard screams. I saw a girl ingulfed in fire. "I SHALL DESTROY YOU ALL!" She screamed with such anger that I was scared. I saw my friends lying on the ground wounded. I suddenly understood Cami. I had to stop Annabeth. And soon. I know it was her! If just had to be. The mark of Athena burns through Rome...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
chapter I mean
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over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Wait a minute was the person shouting Annabeth
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
No people were just shouting not shouting Annabeth.
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Thank god. But who was the person on fire? i have my theories but i wanna know for certain. so either tell me or post. One way or the other i'l find out
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
No spoilers
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Chapter 5
I woke with a start. What a nightmare! Annabeth .. . Oh man. That's-that's no it's got to be somebody else. But who? I bit my lip. If Gaia could make Annabeth cooaperate . . . . we'd be in a lot of trouble. Ella's prophesy made sense. Somebody must've died somebody close to her. Percy? No, he's so too good of a fighter.Thalia? No, she'd electrocute anybody on Gaias side. What if it's not Annabeth? a voice in my mind said. This made no sense. I went to the terris. Anna was up there coloring or drawing. Her dirty blond hair hung down to about her waist. Her gray blue eyes looked serious. 'Hey Anna.' she looked up. 'Oh hey Piper.' 'WHat are you drawing?' I asked. 'Stuff from dreams.' I looked at her latest sketch. It was a man about forty? Thirty eight? 'Who's he?' Anna hesitated then said, 'My dad.' I looked at her eyes. 'You sound as if he's bad.' 'I-I ' she stopped. 'What Anna?' 'He didn't want me. He thought I was a disgusting monster. He married a monster, Sherrie, she had two snobby girls. They would come into my room and shred all my pictures, while I was asleep they would cut my hair. They never got in trouble. Ever.' Anna looked resentful. Like she'd just tasted something very sour. She bit her lip. 'What were they're names?' 'Sherrie, my dad's name was Mark, my step sisters names were Emmily and Sandra. Monsters they were devil spawn.' I stared down at her picture. 'Can I look at it?' 'Sure.' she handed me it. I saw two girls in identical pink frilly shirts with blond hair, and giant pink bows in their hair, with pink were those sleeveless shirts? Just looking at them made me wanna punch them. I looked at another. It was or it looked like, a test.
They capital of Washington is ___________________.
The second president of the United States was _______________________________.
World was two was in the years of _______________ until ________________.
Write an essay on how to ruin Anna's life
The part that said 'How to ruin Anna was made in sharpie as if . . . . . .
I'll post more later! Sorry it's so short i'll post the rest later.
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
I'm not going to post 'till I get some comments
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post soon
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
I just want to say that I might not be able to post for a few days since my lil sis spilled juice all over my laptop so I have to use the computers at my mother's work. Sorry thanks for understanding . . .
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Here's a VERY SMALL part of of chapter because my mom leaves work in say, half an hour? So here.
Piper was gone just like that. 'Ok,' Jason said at last. 'So where would it take her?' 'We don't know.' I snapped. "Wait!' Leo said. 'WHat?' we both turned to him. 'Didn't Hazel say something about their little "gryphon palousa?"' we nodded. 'So . . .' "Leo you're a geinus!' I exclaimed. 'Could you say into this tap recorder?' I glared at him. 'No.'
'Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow exept my offering.'
UGHHH I gotta get ready to go home I'll post the rest tomorrow! Promise!!!!!
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over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Ok here I got about two hours.
Bathroom. Private. Iris Message. What more do I need to say. I screamed as an image appeared in front of me. 'Woah! Sorry Hazel! We'll call back in a few minutes!' Annabeth said. I finished and washed my hands. Sure enough while I was sitting in the living room the Iris message appeared. 'So . . .' Annabeth said awkwardly. 'What do you need at six a.m.?' I asked eager to go to sleep again. 'Oh it's six a.m. there?' she asked sheepishly. I nodded. 'We need to know where the gryphons nests are.' 'Sure okay why?' 'They uh stole my dagger and I uh want it back . . .' I knew she was lying but I didn't presser her. 'Alaska. I don't exactly remember where, just somewhere near Seward.' 'Ok thanks Hazel!' With that she swiped her hand in the mist and disapeared. I couldn't go back to bed so I went to the terres. Piper and Anna yelped when I say "Hey." Piper said she needed to take a shower and Anna said she wanted a little time to just walk and be alone. I knew how she felt. They left. I leaned against the railing. The sun was up, it glistened in the morning dew. I heard a voice behind me. 'Hello Hazel.' I nearly fell off the balcony. I turned. It was Cami. 'Oh hey Cami.' "You are worried.' she said. I was taken back. 'What? How-' 'I am a guardian, I read minds and sense stress and worry.' I looked at her. Just to show me she spread wings like angels, one pitch black like Thanatos's wings, one white. Her pajamas changes into armor over a flowery creme see through dress, her brown hair up in a beautiful bun, her face had light makeup on, one eyes had white eye liner, one had black. Her lips a pretty shade of crimson, a light amount of blush set on her cheeks. 'Uh wow.' was all I could manage. 'My form pleases you.' she said her voice soothing. 'I am the voice of love and hate, my partner is the voice of anger, aggresion, and passion.' 'Uh cool.' she smiled. 'We are always open to new ones, assistants, lietenants, and eventually new guardians.' I realized what she was offering. 'Oh . . .' 'It is immortality my dear, you wouldn't have to worry about being damned for coming back, or being killed, poisoned, sickened, or diseased. You could avoid death, join me and my sisters safe from Gaea, safe from magic, safe from the gods, you forget your past, join the future, at least think.' It was tempting, never having to worry about dying, sickness, the gods, Gaea, or this stupid quest. . . . 'I-I will.' she smiled. 'You can make your desision over time, I for see that, in your crisis know we are here, know you can forget the bad and evil, pain and misery, and just say yes. '
Will Hazel become a guardian? Will Annabeth, Jason, and Leo get to Alaska and survive? IDK! >:|_| *Gasp*
Next chapter coming up soon!
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Anyone see my awesome new icon? If you ant more awesome images click on the ling below! Or type. IDC!!!!
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Ok I'll post tomorrow.