The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena

HereosofOlympus posted on Oct 09, 2011 at 11:13PM
Chapter 1

Annabeth looked off the side of the boat and saw the Roman Camp from above. They were high up but she could still make out Mount Diablo and Berkely Hills. She was nervous about the combining of Greek and Roman demigods. There was no telling what would go down, but she was more nervous about seeing Percy for the first time in months. Eight to be exact, over half a year. Jason stood next to Annabeth.
Looks like im not the only one who's nervous. He said.
Is it really that noticeable? I asked.
Jason just laughed, Its going to be a suprise to all of us.
Its going to take a lot of getting used to...
The boat lowered down into the Little Tiber. Her and Jason both walked over to the other campers.
Whatever happens, try not to fight them. We need to show them were here to help.
All the campers nodded there heads in agreement.
Leo lowered the ramp on the side of the boat and campers began getting off.
Together? Jason asked Annabeth.
Together. I agreed.
We both walked down side by side. We were the last to get off. There were gasp from all of the Romans. When we got off Roman campers surrounded Jason asking him all kinds of questions. I looked over at our campers who were surrounding Percy. I ran to the group and when Percy saw me his face lit up. He pushed through the crowd and hugged me.
Annabeth, I can explain.
You remember? I asked excitedly.
Yes, I..he started but before he finished I kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back.
Theres time for explaining everything later Annabeth but right now we need to talk about the prophecy.
Just when he said that Jason walked over to Percy.
I see you already took over my rank of being praetor. He said smiling.
Percy your a praetor? I asked.
Like I said, lots of explaining to do.
Good to finally meet you Jason. Said Percy and they shook hands.
And at that very moment the Romans and Greeks united

The Heroes of Olympus 21 replies

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over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Chapter 2

Everyone was standing in the Principia, Greeks and Romans. I went and sat in the throne next to Reyna.
We explained to everyone about the prophecy. I got up and read the prophecy.
Seven half bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes beer arms to the doors of death

There where gasp and whispered coming from the campers. Final breath!.....The world must fall?!
Quiet! Reyna yelled.
Gaea has opened the doors of death letting out monsters for her army to capture Earth and Olympus.
Hera exchanged me and Jason to unite us, without our combining Gaea would have already won. We need to travel to Rome, and eventually Greece.
Gasps from the crowd got louder.
We need to close the doors of death and prove to Zues, Jupiter, that we are worthy to fight side by side with the gods. We also need help from Nico di Angelo who was captured by Gaea....
Reyna butted in, WE need to choose the seven demigods eligible for this quest.
Percy, you are needed on this one, and also Jason.
Frank and Hazel also earned spots on this, we need a child of Pluto and Frank was chosen by Mars.
Thats four.We need three more.
Jason convinced Romans to let Piper Leo and Annabeth also on this quest.
I smiled at Annabeth and then remembered what Hera told me. She would cause me the most trouble.
Reyna said we would use the Argo II to sail to Rome tomorrow, that everyone needed rest for the trip. I agreed. The principia let out and I walked over to Annabeth, I needed to talk to her about Gaea.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
it's good, just a few suggestions:

write up the description like this:

Main Characters:

I think HecateA and Amps did an article on that so you might want to read it.
Also, try and use speech marks --> "Hey!" but other than that it's good.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
Its really good so far!
oh by the way, i like your username
over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Ok. I didn't do that because I don't spend much time on this.
And no I don't want to read HectateA or Amps.
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Good job! You should try to add quotation marks and make sure that you add periods when you need them. But overall, it was good so far. Keep posting! :)
over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Chapter 3

There were so many questions and thoughts going on in my head at once I didn't know what to ask first.
Percy was leading me towards the cabins.
Theres a lot we need to talk about, said Percy, I figured it would be better to be in my cabin.
We walked inside the cabin and I was shocked. Then I remembered about the Romans not liking Poseidon very much.
Sorry about the cobwebs, its not like my Camp Half Blood cabin. Percy said with a smile.
Normally I would have laughed at something like that but I just wanted to hear about what has happened in the past eight months. He sat next to me on the bed.
You could have at least called. I said.
I did! Well I tried to but It was too late at night. I've been through a lot since I got here.
How did you get your memory back so soon? I said.
Gorgons blood...and Gaea. He managed to say looking down when he said Gaea.
Gaea? Why would she help you?
I made a bet with one of her helpers to save a harpie. We had to drink gorgons blood, I had one from each side, the left and right but I didn't know which was which. I picked the wrong one but Gaea wants me alive for some reason. She saved me, but the gorgons blood helped my memory loss. He said.
Why would you make a bet like that? Risk your life..I said before he interrupted me.
I know I know, but I knew Gaea wouldn't let me die.Not if she really needed me.And Annabeth, Hera, she mentioned something about you thats really bothering me.
What, what is it? I said nervously.
She told me you would cause me the most trouble on this quest. That you have a hard task ahead of you and she doesn't know if you can handle it. He said and looked at me. I could tell he was just as nervous as I was.
Heras had it out for me for some time now. First eight months of being depressed and now...
Percy interrupted me again.
Annabeth he said taking my hand, you know we'll get through whatever it is. I know you'll be able to do whatever she's talking about. Im not worried about that.
He always had the right things to say. I hugged him.
I started crying.
What if I do cause you trouble, I wouldn't be able to live with my self.
Your not gonna cause me any trouble don't worry about it. Cmon, you need to sleep on it. Ill take you to Athenas cabin.
I really hoped What Hera said isn't right. I don't want to have to cause Percy any trouble. I want to make sure ill be able to handle whatever task Hera has given me.

over a year ago pjlover447 said…
cool post soon
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon, this is good...
over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Chapter III

It felt great being back on Roman grounds. Everyone seemed really excited to have me back. It seemed like Id caught up with almost everyone except Reyna. I guessed she would be in her cabin getting ready for tonight. We were going to play capture the flag. Romans against the Greeks, I was so looking forward to this. I started walking towards her cabin and saw Percy and Annabeth walking together. They both looked upset.
"Hey Annabeth", I yelled. They stopped and I walked over to them. Annabeth looked like she had been crying but I knew better than to ask questions.
"Just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about tonights capture the flag game. Its gonna be a fun one!"
Percy looked at Annabeth. "I forgot about that, but yeah were in, cant wait." He smiled at me.
"Good, Ill see you guys then." I walked back towards Reyna's cabin. Everyone expected me to be mad about Percy taking my place a prater. Yeah I was jealous but I know I can so him who's boss tonight. I laughed at myself. I got to her cabin and knocked.
"Looking for me?" She yelled behind me. I laughed.
"I was hoping Id see you sooner or later"
"I really missed you Jason its good to have you back"
"Its gonna be weird, you not coming on this quest."
"Im a little worried to tell you the truth, maybe tonights game we'll see there true colors, who the real fighters are"
"We'll see about it, and the Greeks will prove you all wrong." I smiled because I knew Reyna didn't like to be wrong. Just then the horns blew. It was time for the game. "Race you like old times?"
"Your on" said Reyna.
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
i hope percy kicks jasons butt, cause percy is TOTALLY AMAZING!
percy deserves to win, cause percy faced kronos, iapetus, hyperion and atlas! also, percy pwned ares, so PERCY HAS TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­x 10
post soon
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
I'm serious you have to post and I thought it was war games not capture the flag for the roman camp anyway can't wait but can you use quotation marks it makes the story easier to read post soon

over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Yeah its war games but I personally like capture the flag a lot better. Its great to change it up every now and then.
over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Chapter IV

I was really looking forward to tonights games, I wanted to show the Romans that Greeks totally dominate. I felt someone grab my arm, Octavian.
"Watch your back" he whispered. I yanked my arm out of his grip. I joined the group of Greeks and listened to Reyna explain the rules.
"Tonight is going to be different for us, we host the first game of capture-the-flag." There were chants and shouts of excitement coming from both Romans and Greeks.
"Romans, were red, and Greeks are blue. Each side hides there own flag anywhere on camp grounds. The first side to cross there boundaries with the opposite teams flag wins."
I saw Frank and Hazel. "Looks like I wont be able to help you out this time" I joked.
"We'll see about that" Frank said.
I have to take a break ill post part II of this chapter later.
over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
"We have Jason back" Hazel said smiling.
I walked back towards Greek boundaries.
"Ok listen up, Iv'e gotten past the Romans before. You need to look out for the East wall. There loaded with water cannons and scorpions down there, I think they'll try and hide there flag there. Also watch out for trenches and hidden tunnels. Hide our flag West towards the Little Tiber." I looked around at the campers one last time."Lets show these Romans how we get it done" There were shouts of excitement and the campers were off. Some went towards the Romans, others to guard our flag. I looked at Annabeth. "Follow me" We went towards the Roman side. After a little while down we ran into a scorpion. Nothing we hadn't seen before. We took that one down easy, but then three more came out surrounding us.
"Out of all the campers they choose us" I said.
"Wouldn't be the first time" Annabeth said charging. I turned around and ran towards another. I slid under and stabbed it. I watched it turn to dust. I got off the ground to find the second one charging at me. I dodged and got it from behind. Annabeth finished off the last.
"Just like old times" she said breathing hard.
"Just like old times" I agreed. We went further into the Romans territory and reached the East wall. There were other campers there trying to get through but were being shot down by arrows, rocks, and water cannons.
"This isn't going to be easy, whats the plan here Percy?"
"Maybe we can start by" I bagman to say taking a step further. I shouldn't have taken that step because as soon as I did I fell into deep trench."Whoaa" grabbed Annabeths hand but instead pulled her down with me. Not a smart move.
"Are you ok?" I said helping her up.
"Yeah, Percy look, maybe this tunnel leads to the other side of that wall" I looked down and could see dirt falling from the cannons. I looked up at how deep this trench was.''Looks like were not going up" I lead Annabeth through the tunnel. Once we finally got to the end we had a clear view of the flag. I was ready to grab it and run but Annabeth grabbed my arm.
"Wait, they wouldn't leave the flag unguarded"
"There too busy at the wall" I said walking towards the flag. This was too easy. I looked through the trees and didn't see anyone. I looked again and saw Octavian lowering a bow. Wait, lowering?
"Annabeth move!" I ran and pushed her out of the way of Octavian's arrow aiming right at the back of her neck. After that a few Romans came from behind the trees running towards us. We both fought against them. We were getting past everyone until the last few. Jason was one of them. Eventually some of our guys, the Camp Half-blood campers, came and joined us. Then it got quiet everyone was staring at me and Jason. He got his sword ready and charged. I dodged him and turned around and as soon as we did our swords clashed. Thats all I heard for the next few minutes. The clanging of metal. He took a stab he shouldn't have took and I knocked his sword out of his hand. I looked at the faces of the campers and when I did he kicked mine out of my hand. I ran towards it and just as I did Octavian tripped me and kicked my sword farther. I crawled to get it. Sword in hand I turned around to ee Jason at my face. I rolled out of his reach and tripped him with my feet. He landed on the ground dropping his sword. I got up and kicked the handle of his sword. It flew in the air and I grabbed it pointing both mine and his at his face.
"Okay you got me" I helped him up giving him back his sword. After that I grabbed the Romans flag and the Camp Half-Blood campers went crazy.
"Victory to the Greeks" yelled Reyna.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Don't they have to run back to their side*shrugs*all well post soon

Don't mention the icon it's a dare
over a year ago HereosofOlympus said…
Don't you have a gay icon? *shrugs* well change soon.
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Good chapter,post soon
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
Post soon please
over a year ago Gracyia_23 said…
big smile
Gooooooooooooooooood Chapter, plz post!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
please post