The Heroes of Olympus SENOR's Heroes of Olympus

SenorMcCool posted on Sep 26, 2011 at 10:01PM
Genre: Adventure, Action, Romance, Humour, Mystery, Drama

Sypnosis: Our hero, Cameron Emerson, is back. But this time he must face even greater obstacles: monsters, titans, gods, friendships, and...amnesia? Yes, our hero has lost his memory. And he must go on a dangerous quest to who-knows-where to retrieve his stolen memory. There, he will meet new people, make new allies, and, more importantly, make new enemies. Enemies that are greater than ever before. So, is Cam ready for the time of his life? But, more importantly, reader, are you...?

Disclaimer: I OWN THE ENTIRE SERIES OF THE HEROES OF OLYMPUS AND PERCY JACKSON! (Just kidding! This book is dedicated to MisterPerfect1)

last edited on Sep 28, 2011 at 04:14AM

The Heroes of Olympus 102 replies

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over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i've heard that before....................................­...
are you misterperfect1? You write like him
and ur username sounds like something he would come up with...
post soon and read my fanfic,
"When Worlds Collide"
Its about the events that lead up to the Lost Hero.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
big smile
lol post soon;)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i swear he is like misterperfect
i dunno i just have a feeling
post soooooon!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
big smile

Cameron Emerson was none as the Paparazzi Magnet in Dawn Middle School. Even though he had just started attending Dawn Middle School this year, he had already become the most popular kid in school. To Cameron, everyone loved him. But then again, who couldn't love him. He was more lovable than a CareBear. And man did the girls sure understand that.

Cameron had lost count of how many girls had a crush on him. When someone said, "You like Cameron!?", it wasn't even news. In Dawn Middle School, if a girl didn't like Cameron then they weren't normal. But all this popularity was about to change. Whether Cameron liked it or not.


Cameron walked down the aisle. Unlike the other kids, he wasn't carrying his binder and other school supplies. If Cameron asked you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. So if Cameron asked you to carry his stuff, YOU DO IT!

As Cameron walked by, all the girls waved "Hi" or he was treated with some high-fives from the boys. Cameron loved his school. He loved his life. Besides school, Cameron spent most of his time at a hotel that was named after him. His mom was a famous actress, so she couldn't stay at home like almost never. But Cameron still had Jack Stanley. Don't let the Jack fool you. She's a girl. And she was Cameron's best friend. Jack had been Cameron's guardian. She had silky, black hair and was just six years older than Cameron. And she wasn't just his best friend, Jack was like Cameron's older sister. And when Cameron got tired of all the popularity, he went to Jack.

"How's school, Paparazzi Magnet?" Jack asked as Cam walked into the room. Jack was busy chopping carrots in the kitchen. Even though it was a hotel, she still didn't trust their food. Cam remembered her saying that she had had a bad experience with a waiter, and, from that day forward, he had never trusted them again. But Cameron didn't mind. He loved Jack's food. To him, she cooked better than what any other waiter could give. And he was always reminding her.
Cameron flopped onto the red sofa and turned on the TV. He reduced the volume so he could be able to hear Jack. "Yeah," he said. "Today was the usual. Hey! And don't call me Paparazzi Magnet. For your information, I hate that name."

"Want something to eat?"

Cameron stood up. "Nah," he said. "I'm good." But he took a brownie from the fridge anyway. He walked to the sofa, but stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked.

Cam shook his head. For some reason, he felt tired. "I'm going to take a nap."

"Okay." Jack went back to chopping the carrots. She had such an intense look in her eyes. As if she were dissecting a human. Cameron shivered. What if that was him? What if that had happened to his dad? Throughout his life, Cameron had never known his dad. His mom had always the changed the subject when he had tried asking her about him. Pictures didn't help. But one day, Cameron would find him. And Cameron had a feeling that that day was coming soon.



Cameron eyes shot open. Jack leaning on the edge of his bedroom door. She had a puzzled look on her face. "Some nap," she said. Cameron got up. His head hurt like crazy. Maybe it was because of the dream he had had. The terrible nightmare that had predicted that something horrible was about to happen.

"Are you okay?" Jack questioned. She walked over to the side of his bed and placed her hand gently on his forehead. "Nope. No fever. You don't seem to be sick. Good thing, too. The gods would've been so upset if they had found you dead." Jack walked out, as if noticing that she had said something that she wasn't supposed to.

Cameron walked her close the door. What had she meant about the gods being angry? Whatever the case, Cameron couldn't go to school today. In his dream, Cameron had seen something. Something that would change his life forever.

His dad. The person that looked just like him--fair hair, auburn eyes, and the permanent smirk on his face. That had to be his dad. But why had he seen him now? And would he see him again?

Hoped you liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
LOL. Okay...?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
awesome man
is his dad Hermes?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Sooo... this is the SENOR guy. I still don't get what you are talking about, Alex.
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Omigosh! It's MisterPerfect1! I love your story: PERFECT's Son of Neptune! When are you going to post? (@Unknown)Y si, yo hablo espanol. Yo soy Mexicano y Africano.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Whoever comments first gets three props! And this chapter is dedicated to Unknown for commenting first.


Cameron couldn't help it. The thought was nagging his mind all day. What was going to happen at school? Cameron just had to know. He took a longer route to school. He didn't exactly know where he was going, but that didn't matter. It only made his progress even slower. Cameron walked and walked until he had finally reached Emerson Middle School. And sure enough, there was a disaster.
The school was on fire. Five men surrounded the school as if unaware of a burning building that was about to fall right on them. Cameron hid behind some shrubbery. He could see kids evacuating the school. The three men were guarding the entrance and there was probably more at the exit as well. Cameron stayed hidden. Jack had always told him that imformation was power. So Cam had to learn more about these mysterious people and maybe find their weaknesses. Obviously, they weren't firefighters. From as far Cam could see, there wasn't a big red truck. They weren't police either. The clothes they wore made them look like regular civilians. But Cameron doubted it.
Cameron stood up. He tried to inch closer to the scene, when someone yelled, "Hey, there's the Paparazzi Magnet!"
Cameron was frozen. Now his plan was ruined. Everyone looked at his direction. Even the three men. There each gathered together in a huddle and had an uncomfortable conversation. Cameron chose the time to run away. But as he turned, there stood a man, blocking his way.
"Move, fool!" Cameron covered his mouth. This popularity thing had gotten all into his head. He had unconsciously disrespected an adult. But it was strange that this man resembled the other three guarding the school.
"With pleasure," the man replied. The man lunged at Cameron. He wrapped his thick arms around his neck, and put Cameron in a headlock. His breath felt hot like fire. Cameron looked like a helpless teenage boy. Luckily, Cameron's mom had signed him up for karate, tae-kwon-do, and jujutsu. And Cam had gotten a black belt in all of them. The man dragged Cameron forward, but Cam clipped his heel with the man's shin, twirled in a 180 degree angle, and the man went falling. He let go of Cam, but got back on his feet immediately. Cameron had no where to go, but back. But as he turned, the other three men appeared. He was trapped.
The men inched closer to him. They were crouched low, anticipating any way of attack/defense.
They all looked up as Cameron was lifted off the ground by giant talons. He looked up and saw Mom smiling down on him. "Stay still," she said. Cameron nodded. From the long, colorful fan-like tail, and feathers, Cameron looked like he was flying on a giant peacock. But peacocks couldn't fly. And the last time he checked, peacocks were never this big. "Don't worry," Mom said as if reading his mind, "I will explain on the way."
A rock sailed past Cameron's head. The men were throwing anything they could find at the Cameron and the peacock. The peacock made an easy target, but it still outmanuevered the sailing projectiles.
"Where are you taking me?" Cameron asked. The peacocks were digging right into his flesh. It hurt. But compared to being kidnapped by those men, this wasn't that bad.
"I said I will tell you when we get there," Mom replied. Then Cameron noticed the long toga and sapphire tiara. Was this really his mom? She looked like she had come out of an old Greek film. But whatever the case, she had saved him.
But still, where was she taking him?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Post soon!
and i guess you aren't Misterperfect after all...........
just post!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
AHH!!! Spanish! Cool!! By the way luv you posts they are what's the word ( I've been on a vocal streak but it's really hard well harder than you think) got it! Top-notch!(:
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Oh and thanks for the chapter I wonder who his parent is??
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
awsomeee!!! Is his dad Apollo? :D so when do youu post?
Om zuess im mexican tooo:D
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
(@AHOTSUMMERDAY12) His parent is so far unknown. But I will give you a hint, it's a man. And P.S. here's a woot to all my supporters (and Mexican supporters). Stay posted. And give me some feedback on this nexty chapter because I think it sort of sucks.


Cameron felt a heavy shove on his shoulder. He realized that he had been asleep for a while. He was on the giant peacock's back and was in an entirely different environment. Everything was different. There was a vast land filled with lush green grass and robust plants and flowers. The horizon was edged with a navy, blue ocean--the Pacific. The peacock landed. Cameron jumped off its back, but realized that it was bigger than it seemed. Mom caught him just in time. "Take it easy, son," she said, and gently placed him on the floor. Cameron hated that voice. It made him seem like a six-year-old again.
"Okay, mother," Cameron replied. Mom stretched out her hand and Cameron grabbed it.
"Let me show you around this place," Mom said.


As the two walked, Mom explained everything about this place. It was obviously some kind of camp. There were eleven cabins that formed an upside-down U. In the center of the cabins laid a fountain. Except, water wasn't coming out of it. It was like liquified fire. And it didn't seem like it was going to be extinguished anytime soon.
"And this the Banquet Hall," Mom said. Cameron was amazed at how many people attended this camp. The place had seemed so empty when he had first arrived. Obviously, these kids were on a schedule. Cameron frowned. He didn't like schedules. He went by his own time. His own rules. There was going to be a lot of getting used to around this place.
Cameron was used to being stared at. But these kids stared at him like owls. As he walked, their heads turned in the same direction. Cameron offered a slight smile and a hesitant wave. Some of the girls started whispering. The boys just kept staring, or they just smirked. Cameron memorized those faces. No matter what, they would still have to accept him.
But then Mom walked by.
Everyone stood up in unison and bowed. Cameron was awestruck. Sure, his mom was a major celebrity. But these guys were treating her like...a god? Cameron looked at his mom. He looked at her bright blue toga and sapphire tiara. Suddenly, his mom was just a normal celebrity that a lot boys had a crush on. But now, she was radiated something deeper. She was good-looking--where do you Cameron got it from? But now she wasn't just good-looking. She seemed powerful, like a malicious tyrant. What was going on here?
And then the giant wolf attacked him.

Espère que vous aimé. That's French for: Hope you liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
That was awesome and all, but in the last chapter, you said Cameron had never seen his dad, so.............................
dont worry, just edit it.
Your post was awesome. I guess Cameron is Roman?
Et,oui, j'aime ton (story) lol
ad read my fanfic
post soon!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Cool post soon I would comment more but my battery is about dead on my iPod:p
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Thanks, NiceCatch, for the advice. I changed it. And plus I love your story. Keep posting! And here's a new chapter!


Cameron felt the pain immediately. The giant wolf weighed a ton and Cameron felt like he was being sat on by an elephant. The wolf opened its mouth and showed off its teeth. Surprisingly, they were clean as snow. But the breath was what gave it away. It smelled awful. Like onions, garbage, car exhaust, spoiled food, and other stuff that might make you puke. Its eyes glowed yellow like the sun and burned like one too. Cameron couldn't help but look away. But that wasn't part of him. So he stared her down. And fought back.
He fell flat on the ground, grabbed the wolf's paws, reeled her in, and used his legs to propel her away. Astonishingly, the wolf became extremely light. And Cameron felt all tingly. His body felt light and very robust. There was talking amongst the crowd. They were pointing and then one-by-one, they stood up, and bowed. Even Mom bowed. The giant wolf had appeared beside Cam. She growled, but reluctantly bowed as well. Everyone was bowing now, and Cameron felt like he was in the middle of a tidal wave of people.
Then Mom stood up, and said, "All hail, Cameron, son of Jupiter, and our chosen hero!"

Sorry for the short chapter. I just had to post more. So enjoy. And bear with me for now. Hasta luego!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Ooh a son of Jupiter I got my iPod charged so yeah I'm good now if only the wifi would stay
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
awesome chapter man!
Cameron is a son of Jupiter! WOOP!
Now he can be mortal enemies with Percy!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Danke, euch alle! That's German for Thanks, you all. And Alex (NiceCatch) when are you going to make that new story of yours?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
yeah, i'm writing the first chapter right now!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Señor you know too many languages (kidding!) * grabs Spanish book*
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Here's another chapter for my biggest fans!


Percy couldn't believe his eyes.
He had just arrived at Camp Jupiter just a few days ago (read PERFECT's Son of Neptune for some back-up information) and had been the current celebrity until this Cameron kid came along.
From first sight, Percy had hated Cameron. He was such a show-off and still got attention.
The girls had forgotten about Percy and had gone after Cameron instead. Even though Percy felt like he already had girlfriend. But what was the big deal about Cameron anyway?
Percy and Cameron had met before. And it hadn't gone so well. From that day forward, Percy had sworn to hate Cameron for the rest of his life.


As you all know, Percy had been kicked-out of many schools, and somehow he had ended up in Dawn Middle School.
Cameron and his gang had picked on him ever since. And they always found a way to get him back.
Percy was short, and that gave them another advantage. And plus, Cameron was rich, which outdued Percy's hand-me-downs. But Percy couldn't help it if he wasn't as rich as others. But Cameron would never let him forget it.
Cameron would slap down his binder or tray of food, and do other stuff that bullies do. And there was nothing Percy could about it. Everyone loved and respected him so they didn't do anything, but join in on the fun.
Percy had begged and begged with his mom to let him switch schools. And finally the day had come.
Dawn Middle School had been burned down. Percy was just one of those people who had gotten out. And all along Percy had thought that he had caused the accident. But the men were really after Cameron. But why? Percy knew that it was definitely not for some audigraphs. Any demigod would know when danger lurked by. It was like a radar every demigod had been supplied with.
But that radar comes from experience. And that Cameron boy had none of it. That's how the three men had found him. And Percy had decided to let him die. And now this!
Fate must've brought them together. And Percy had remembered Juno saying that Cameron was the chosen one. But she had said the exact same thing to Percy as well. But what made Cameron so important? He was just a rotten, spoiled brat. Percy just had to know.


Breakfast had ended. All the demigods had filed out of the Banquet Hall. Even Cameron was nowhere to be found.
Percy walked to his Neptune cabin, when Cameron walked by, and bumped shoulders with him. But Percy had had enough. He was an inflated balloon--and balloons have to pop some time. And that was this time.
Percy pushed Cameron to the floor. A crowd had already formed. Or they had just been around Cameron all this while. Cameron. Percy hated that name. He charged at Cameron.
But Cameron was flat on the floor. And before Percy could think, Cameron had used the same trick that he had done to Lupa earlier to propel Percy into the air. Percy flew a few feet and landed in a small pond. There was a loud splash and the ducks swam away, giving Percy an angry QUACK!!
Cameron had rolled up his sleeves, and was storming toward Percy. Everyone was already cheering for him. But that would all change. Percy would change Cameron from the Fame Magnet to the Shame Magnet. Little did Cameron know, the pond gave Percy an advantage. And Percy had to use it wisely.
Percy summoned a tidal wave at Cameron. But Cameron waved his arm, and used a gust of wind to brush it aside. Cameron's pace hadn't even changed. He was still advancing at Percy. And the closer he got, the louder everyone cheered. As if Cameron had become a hero. A hero just like his mom. A hero just like his dad. And what did Percy have? Nothing. He didn't even know who his father was. And plus he wasn't even rich. Cameron was better than him. He had everything. He was everything. And Percy was just a nobody.
"I can't take it anymore!" he screamed, causing a cluster of whirlpools, miniature earthquakes, and waves to go crazy all around him.
Percy pulled out a ballpoint pen from within his pocket. He uncapped it and the pen transformed into Riptide, his trusty three-foot-long celestial bronze sword.
Cameron had also gotten ahold of a weapon. It was a five-foot-long inperial gold gladius. It gleamed and vibrated with exotic power, like lightning itself. Percy may have seemed helpless, but hatred pushed him forward.
The two boys charged.
Then Juno appeared between them. She yelled "STOP!" and morphed into her supernova form. Then everything went blank. All Percy saw last was an endless array of light. And Cameron with a smirk on his face.

Comment if you loved it. Comment if you don't. Whatever the case, just post a comment anyway!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
(@Unknown) LOL. What's wrong with learning a lot of languages. My mom is Mexican/Italian/Brazilian/British/Irish/Ru­ssi­an/­Sco­tti­sh/­Spa­nis­h/S­wis­s. So I have an advanced background. So what's wrong with learning a lot languages? LOL.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
that was cool
i hate cameron!
and i started a new story
the first chapter wasn't that good, but the next ones will be awesome, so read it please!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Hola! Adios! Hola! Adios!.....Commentar ahora!!! (That means comment now!!) LOL.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
WOOP! WOOP! Second page! This calls for a celebration! Cupcake anyone? (And yes it's a cupcake! ;D )
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
awsome story wow i hate cameron already what a show off (and omgosh no way noway ur mexican too thts so awsome i am too woop woop i'm also spanish,indian and french) anyways ur story is awsome i can't whait untill you post awsome story adios
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
I'm French, Irish, polish , and Indian but don't know anything but English as said before
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
don't worry unknowquestion you can just take clasess for the lagueges i'm learning french and laready know how to speak it right now i whant to learn latin and italian.

>>>senorMcCool espérons que vous postez dès copain espagno
(thats french for hope u post spanish buddy)
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
big smile
my school only teaches spanish and im starting out on rosetta stone but seriously post soon senor!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
America is a very confusing country. Since I live in France and all, the U.S. seems very strange to me. (@Unknown) If I knew anyone that spoke fluent Italian then I will be very jealous of that person. I am learning Italian right now. So yeah. And here's another chapter.


Demigods were used to having weird dreams. They were either omens, or prophesies, or millions of other stuff that just might make your head explode. Cameron was having one of those dreams.


In his dream, Cameron was in a small auditorium. Actually, it seemed more like a gymnasium. And there was a man and woman each shooting hoops. The woman looked pretty and robust with glowing lustrous skin and beautiful bright colored eyes. Her hair was auburn and was tied in a ponytail.
She was wearing shorts and a sports jersey of the New York Knicks.

The man was tall and very, very muscular. As if he ate steroids for every meal. He had a split-chin and intense blue eyes that looked a little like Cameron's.

The woman was definitely beating the man. But there only seemed to be two basketball hoops left. It was a full gymansium with six basketball hoops. But four of them seemed to have been smashed.

The girl had gone in for a lay-up, but the man had slapped it away. He ran after it and went in for a slam dunk.

The ball ricocheted off the rim and the entire backboard shattered in a shower of plexiglas.

The ball rolled to Cam's feet. Cam picked it up.

"Hey, over here!" the woman called.

Cameron passed the ball to her. But the man intercepted it and flattened it with his hands. The ball fluttered down like a deflated balloon.

Cameron was amazed. This man had extraordinary strength. It was far from human. And that's when Cameron knew why he was here.

The woman frowned. "I'll go get another one." She rolled her eyes and ran off.

"Thanks, Hebe," the man called. "Now some privacy with my younger brother." The man patted Cam on the back.

Then Cameron realized their resemblence. Him and this man looked almost alike. They both had fair hair, lightning blue eyes, and a smirk on their faces. Thanks goodness that was all. If Cameron was as buff as he was, his arms would've been dragging on the floor.

"Who are you?" Cameron asked. "And who's she? And why am I here?"

The man held up his hands defiantly. "Slow down and take it easy. Let me start from the beginning."

"What beginning?"

"I am the son of Jupiter, just like you. I was once a great hero. The greatest in fact, after that Perseus brat, that is."

"You mean the Perseus. Who battled Medusa?"


"Who rode on the Pegasus?"


"Who is also the son of Jupiter?"

"No. Not that one. Let me see. His name is...Percy. Yeah, Percy Jackson."

Cameron frowned. "He really did all that?"


"I hate that kid."

The man looked down. Cameron could see the hatred in his face.

"I used to be the greatest hero of all time. Until Percy came along. He stole my fame. My glory. And he could've been a god too."

"A god?"

The man nodded.

"But who are you?" Cameron asked.

The woman came back, holding a new basketball. The man put his arm around her waist.

"This is Hebe, my wife, and the goddess of youth. And I am Heracles. Or Hercules, whichever you prefer. But you sort of resemble Juno."

"Who's that?" Cameron asked.

"Well. I'm like the male Cinderella and Juno, your mom, is my mean stepmother."

Cameron's eyes went wide. His mother was Juno, the mother of heroes, the queen of the gods. Now it all made sense.

"So Jupiter is my father. Juno is my mom. So that makes me..."

"A god."


"Yes. The time will come when Jupiter will officially appoint you as a god. So use this time wisely. And try not to make yourself an enemy of Poseidon, or his son. And whatever you do, become a greater hero than that Jackson and I myself. Okay?"


Heracles ruffled his hair and punched him on the arm playfully. Good thing it was a dream, or Cameron would've had an ugly bruise.

Hebe nudged her husband. "Come on. Let's go play some basketball."

And the line went dead.

But all Cameron knew was that he had to outdue Percy. If he was going to become a god, then he had to prove to his dad. Prove to everyone that he was worthy. But through all this Cameron hated Percy even more.

And by the way, Cameron won't always be bad. This chapter is dedicated to Venus143 for being my Spanish Buddy!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Please post a comment. I really need the feedback!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
OMG CAMERON IS STUPID! sorry got carried away and i love percy im sorry but yeah america is confusing ine minute its fine next were going into an economic plunge but that was great i still love the post cant wait for your next one
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
LOL. It's okay to express your opinions. Who doesn't love Percy? Percy is awesome. So yeah express yourself. I don't mind. Like you Americans say, "It's a free country."
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
awwwwwww thz for dedicating the chapter to me that was really nice of you and awsome chapter i really do hope that cameron dosn't stay a brat for too long ur an awsome writter spanish buddy i hope you post soon:)laters
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
I can't think of anything to write so I will post another chapter tomorrow. I know a little Irish, so here's some: Fodhlíthe, gach duine! Beidh mé ag phost amárach chaibidil eile. <--(That says: Bye, everyone. I will post another chapter tomorrow.)
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Sorry for not posting a chapter quickly. My parents said that I will soon move from France to England. And I haven't heard many good things about England. My parents want me to go to Oxford University, a very hard school for hundreds of gifted children. I hate it when my parents plan out my life for me. So without further ado, I present Chapter Seven.


Just like Cameron, Percy, too, was having a weird dream.


In his dream, Percy was underwater. Marine animals were swimming around him--squids, schools of fish, whales, and...a man? Percy was surprised that a man could swim this deep in the water. Then he saw the tail. The man didn't have legs. Instead it had a scaly fish tail that wiggled like a snake. It's skin was light blue and it had lime green eyes. Three pairs of gills embedded his neck. Percy couldn't see the man's ears. It had tiny frills instead. This creature was in fact a merman--half fish; half man.

"My brother," the man said, stretching out his arms. He embraced Percy in a slimy hug. Percy felt the merman's muscular abdomens. "It's been so long."

Percy looked the meerman closely. He sort of reminded him of someone. Percy had it at the tip of his tongue. But he asked anyway, "Who are you?"

The merman folded his arms. He looked unimpressed. "I am Triton, son of Neptune and Amphitrite. The second-in-command to your father."

"You mean, our father," Percy corrected.

Triton nodded. "But, Perseus. You have to take this seriously. Neptune and Jupiter have always been rivals. And that tradition has been passed down to their children." Percy thought of Cameron. He was also a son of Jupiter. Were they meant to be rivals? "But fate has brought you and that Cameron kid together. And soon enough you will be going on a quest. But beware, Heracles, the god of quests, another son of Jupiter will be trying whatsoever to trture you. So be prepared."

Percy shuddered. Fate had brought Cameron and him together. And fate would bring them out. For now, he would just have to cope with Cameron for the time being.

Triton was rambling. "Oh, curse Heracles. They thought he was the greatest hero of all time. They don't know all I've done down here." Then he patted Percy on back and looked him in the eyes. "You have gained back my title as the greatest hero ever. And Percy."


"I want you to keep that title. Okay?"

Percy nodded. Life was getting pretty confusing. And when life becomes a rollercoaster, you barf.

Triton shoved him away. "Now off you go, young one. And remember our deal." Triton winked, and Percy's eyes blinked open.


Percy was back in the Neptune cabin. It was empty (as in, it had no other children inside). There was fountain in the middle of the room, trickling out water onto a trident that protruded from within the fountain.

Percy felt so much at home at this place. But there was also a sense of loneliness. And the strong feeling that something was missing in his life. But he knew that through this quest, he would find out.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nice chappie, but could u make Percy like kill Cameron or something?
At least make Percy beat him
and, in the Last Olympian, Triton hated Percy, but whatever
those were still awesome!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Oh? I forgot that Triton hated Percy. But oh well. Thanks, dor commenting! And a new chapter is coming up ina few minutes.!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
And by the way, Cameron is just as important as Percy. So I need them both. Thanks for the idea, though.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i'm glad u liked my 'idea'
but could you at least make it clear that Percy is stronger then him?
it is annoying meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
but that is what all good authours do, so it makes you...........
Post sooooon!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
Thanks! But then again, who is stronger: Neptune or Jupiter?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Neptune? (hopefully)
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
NEPTUNE !! Whoop Whoop! Lol I hate Cameron! Percy The whoole Way lol Woe aim Taking french class ! For 4th per!awsomeeey chapters x)
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
This chapter is dedicated to Alex (NiceCatch) for his everlasting support. I couldn't have made this story without him and many of my other supporters. They know who they are. Hola, Spanish Buddy! And here's the next chapter. There's going to be big fight with Cameron and Percy. Guess who you think will win?


Cameron had woken up early so he could train. Of course, he had made a deal with his brother Heracles to surpass Percy. So he had to get prepared.
He walked to the Training Grounds. It made up over a quarter of the entire camp. Romans really loved to fight. The Training Grounds was like an amusement park...for torturing.
Cameron's favorite part of the Training Grounds was the Obstacle Course. It consisted of a running track that had a giant boulder rolling behind you. Maybe crushed demigods were a secret ingredient to the camp's mystery soup. Cameron shuddered from the thought.
There was the merry-go-round that spun around and tilted from different angles. You had to get to the merry-go-round through walking across a thin rope. And plus, if you fell off the merry-go-round, you would be falling fifty feet to a ground covered with spikes. That was just another way to crush a demigod.
And then the Tarzan. There was a rope that hung from a large redwood tree's branch. The concept was that you had to swing from the rope over to the other side. Which was ended the Obstacle Course.
Cam readied himself.
But then a whistle blew, calling all the demigods for breakfast. Cameron ran after the other demigods. He kept walking until he ran into Percy Jackson.
"Hey, watch where you're going," Cam said.
"Says the one who bumped into me," Percy shot back.
"Well, move!" Cam said.
Cameron went left...and so did Percy. Cameron rolled his eyes and went right...and so did Percy.
"Move, fool!" Cam yelled. He pushed Percy aside. Then Percy came back and pushed him to the ground.
Cameron got up and tackled Percy. They both rolled around in a punching brawl. Then Percy's hands wrapped aroung Cameron's throat. And Cameron did the same to him.
Cameron felt his last breaths leaking away. But Percy's purple face and lifeless eyes gave Cameron motivation. This was his chance to finish Percy. His chance to complete Heracles' deal.
Cameron summoned a strong gust of wind to launch him and Percy into the air. But Percy held his grip.
Cameron now knew his opponent wasn't going to be taken down that easily. He let out a few sparks of electricity. Percy yelped in pain, let go, and Cameron grinned as Percy fell down...down...down into the bottom of a pool.
There was a giant splash. Ripples circulated the water. Then everything became still. Like death itself.
Cameron grinned. He had sent Percy to his funeral.
Then there was another splash, as if the water had burped. And Percy flew out, holding a six-foot-long trident. Water erected out of the pool like a hand, holding up Percy, and bringing him toward Cameron.
Now that Percy was closer, Cam noticed that his eyes were glowing birght green and his body was blanketed with a sea green aura.
Cameron felt a tang of fear. When had Percy gotten this much power?
But then there was clap of thunder. Gray clouds funneled down and let out a lightning bolt...into Cam's open palm. Cameron almost screamed. In his hand was a lightning bolt, just like his father's, except smaller. It throbbed and emanated power. But there was a fight to finish.
Cameron ordered the wind to fly him toward Percy. But then he saw something. A teenage girl walking toward them. Her hair was as white as snow and so was her skin. She had black eyes filled with sorror and walked as if she were a mannequin. Smoke billowed around her.
And then she spoke:

"Perseus Jackson and Cameron Emerson. I have a prophecy."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
I don't think if Cameron should die. Do you all think he should die? And who should kill him? And please say why he should die, because I still like Cameron. He is one of my hardest characters to relate to. So answer the questions please.
last edited over a year ago