The Heroes of Olympus Leonardo the Retardo (*MORE*)

MisterPerfect1 posted on Sep 20, 2011 at 11:32PM
Hi, I am new here! I have written a few forums before--so please feel free to check those out.

Do you like my stories? Well, here's a link to my other story: PERFECT's Son of Neptune.


Characters: Leonardo, Cleopatra, Matthew, Patricia, Jessica, and many more to come...

Sypnosis: Leonardo diMorena hated his life. Especially when his parents have sent him and his twin sister Cleopatra to the DaVinci Academy (a boarding school for children with supernatural gifts, which he definitely did not have). Or so he thought....And, now, it's too late. The world is in the brink of chaos, and Leo and his friends are the only ones who can stop the one who had started it all--a psychopathic lunatic who cared about nobody but himself. So, reader, join Leo on his quest to harness his powers, find true love, and save the world from its deadliest war yet.

Disclaimer: None of these characters are from the Heroes of Olympus, except for Leo. This forum has not been rated. Copyright © 2006-2011 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. If any part of this book is copied, the plagirist will be....(*FORGOT ALL THAT! JUST STAY POSTED TO MY PROFILE OF WHEN THIS FANFICTION WILL BE POSTED. THANKS!*)

A/N: I hope you all love the fanfiction when I finally post it! Thanks!


last edited on Sep 26, 2011 at 12:56PM

The Heroes of Olympus 42 replies

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over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
ONE|Prince Charming|Leo

Leonardo loved sitting at the back. The teachers never noticed him and Jessica--the hottest girl in school--sat right beside him. Jessica had beautiful curly, blonde hair that shined like gold. Her eyes were like the most valuable of emeralds. And her face--oh, her face--was tan and glowed like the morning sun. Who couldn't like her? One glance at her, and you would be immediately entranced in her beauty.

"Uhh...?" Jessica said. "Why do you keep staring at me?"

"Huh?" Leo said. He was leaning so far on his seat that he fell over. It was like fireworks--the fall was like fireworks being launched, and the whole class laughing their heads off was like the explosion. Leo's face turned as red as a rose. Not because of his classmates laughing at him, but because Jessica was laughing at him. Leo stood up and took a bow. At least, he had finally gotten Jessica's attention. He bowed a little too low and...BAM!, his head banged on Jessica's desk.

More laughter. Except this time it was louder. Leo was dazed for a bit. But one thing was for sure, despite all the laughter in the room, Jessica's stood out, and her voice was like music to his ears.

"Leo, please get up, and stay after class." And that was not. Mrs. Barkney's voice sounded like a frog's croak. Nobody liked her. Especially not Leo. And she didn't seem to like anybody either.

But one thing was for sure: Leo was having the best first day of school ever.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Please, I need three comments then I will post more.
over a year ago lenorg said…
its cool but make the ch longer and dont ask for comment just post and theyll come by themselfes.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Hahaha cool is this like Leonardo davinci or is it after Percy Jackson books?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Both~! I guess.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ok so how Is Jessica special and are they demigods?
over a year ago percy359 said…
leo the retard its true
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Puggy, yeah that will come later. So yeah they are a little like demigods.

TWO|Stupid Brothers|Cleo

Cleo hated having a twin brother who was nothing like you. Yeah, he was a boy. But ever since time began, the diMorenas were one of the smartest families. That is, until Leo was born. And now that new girl Jessica had come, and Leo had gone to the extreme.

"You'll never get a girl!" Cleo had said one day.

Leo puffed out his chest with pride. "You'll see!"

And then he would come back looking all glum, Cleo would ask (trying to stifle her laughter), "What happened."

And she would receive the same answer again and again, "The girl rejected me!"

"It's okay, Leo," Cleopatra said, patting her brother on the back. "One day, your dream girl would come."

Leo looks at her. "When?"

"NEVER!" Cleo walks away laughing her butt off.

But sadly Leo was persistent. And he had a bad case of not listening. So when Jessica had come, Leo had gone all over her, screaming, "She's the one! She's my dream girl!"

Cleo rolls her eyes and ignores him. But, whoever she was, Cleo knew that Jessica would lead Leo into a lot of trouble.

But Jessica wasn't the only new person who came. There was the new teacher, Ms. Barkney, and she seemed to be following Cleo right now! Cleo ducks behind a water fountain. Then, carefully, she peeks from behind it. Ms. Barkney was still stalking her, except now she had on a different look on her face. Now she looked like a wolf hunting for prey.

And, sadly, Cleo was the prey.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Sorry, that my chapters are short. I will make them longer. So stay posted.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
good liked it
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
This is Part-Two

TWO|Stupid Brothers|Cleo

Leo hated Mrs. Barkney, but even as she talked, Leo's mind was somewhere else. His mind was on Jessica. He knew that she was the one. He knew that when the time was right, and he asks her out, she will say "yes."

Then Ms. Barkney stopped talking. Her eyes were fixed on the door. Leo followed her gaze and saw Cleopatra striding by. She look awfully anger--obviously at him. But Leo couldn't help. Everything comes to an end. Leo was the only dumb diMorena, so what. It didn't mean the end of the world. But still, Ms. Barkney's expression gave something away.

"I have to go," she says. "Stay here." She begins to stand up, but Leo stops her.

"But why?"

Ms. Barkney's eyes strucks Leo with venom. She gives Leo such a deadly stare that Leo sits down apologetically. "Thank you," she says, and walks out the door.

As you can tell, Leo never listens. It's in his blood. If you say GO, he'll come. If you say SHUT UP, he'll keep talking. And if you say STAY, he definitely won't. Leo had a bad case of ADHD, which also added to the problem. But he still had a lingering thought that whatever Ms. Barkney was about to do, it wasn't going to be good. Leo had always thought of Ms. Barkney as suspicious, but this was too far. He needed to find his sister--and fast!


Cleo had to keep running. But she couldn't hide forever. Ms. Barkney held up her nose, as if she were sniffing the air, tracking Cleo's scent. Then she walked behind a group of kids, and disappeared. Gret, now Cleo didn't know where she was. Ms. Barkney was an expert at finding people. And the Art of Surprise was a very outstanding technique. Too bad, Cleo hadn't learned it.

Before Cleo had come to her brother's school, she had attended a boarding school. But this one was greater than none other, because each student had a certain gift. And not the kind that you find under your Christmas Tree. Every student who attended the boarding school had a supernatural gift. And right now, that was Cleo's only hope.

"Hey, Cleo!"

Cleo almost screamed.

"Sorry. Did I startle you? I'm Jessica, by the way."

Cleo put an index finger to her lips, and dragged Jessica beside her. "Someone's following me?"


"Ms. Barkney."

Jessica snapped her fingers. "I knew it!"

"Shhh...! She might hear us."

"Okay," Jessica whispered. "Anyway I can help."

Cleo looked at her suspiciously. For an average person, Jessica was taken this a little too easily. Strange. "Yeah...if you could just get an expensive plastic surgery, and make yourself look like me, and walk up to Ms. Barkney, and say, 'Yoohoo! Hey, Ms. Barkney! I'm ready to be eaten!"

Jessica nodded. "Sure...okay!"

Cleopatra rolled her eyes. "It was a joke. Now be quiet!" Cleo closed her eyes and focused. At the boarding school, Cleo had mastered the Eye of the Beast technique. That had geen her gift. She could control animals. But there was three stages in the Eye of the Beast technique. One) You could see through ONLY the animal's line of vision. Two) You could see through you and the animal's line of vision. Three) You could bend the animal to your will. Cleo had so far mastered Stage One and Two. But right now, she take a step up the ladder, and master Stage Three.

Cleo kept her eyes closed, searching for the energy of any nearby animal. Then she felt it. A faint buzzzzz.

"Stop it! AHHH! Go away!" Jessica stood up, and started swatting at the bee that was buzzing around her head. Cleo was in Stage One, so even with her eyes closed, she could still see through the bee. Stage Two. Another layer appeared below the bee's line of vision. Cleo had opened her eyes, but with the Second Stage, it was still a little blurry. Stage Three. Cleo focused all her energy on the last stage. She saw Jessica swatting blindingly at the bumblebee...and she saw shoes?

Oh yeah. Cleo was now controlling the bumblebee, but she had forgotten to keep it airborne. Fly! The bee buzzed up slowing like an elevator. Cleo couldn't help but smile. It had worked. But there was no time to celebrate. Ms. Barkney could be anywhere.

Cleo made the bee to fly in the direction that Ms. Barkney had gone through. Momentarily, she caught up with Ms. Barkney, but each second was exhausting, and the more energy she lost, the lower the bee flew. Ms. Barkney was taking long strides and was moving quickly. Cleo looked around, but the place seemed so familiar, but yet she couldn't quite figure out where it was. Then she saw an unsettling scene.

The back of Jessica and her head. Ms. Barkney was right behind them!

"Hello, children," Ms. Barkney said.

And then the bee fell. Cleo had lost all her energy. Ms. Barkney must've noticed the bee, because she stepped on it, saying, "What a pitiful creature."

The line went dead...and Cleopatra blacked-out.

Hope you liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
I like your writing dude. Lol I have a character name Cleo, and she acts like your character it's soo funny. I like Leonardo Retardo it's a funny title. Jessica reminds me of Chloe king. Lol but great story.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nice nice nice
clumsy LEO!
PLease read my fanfic
"When Worlds Collide"
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Lol it's nice funny
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Thanks, everyone! New chapter coming up, so stay posted.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
K thnx
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
THREE|Peter Griffin|Leo

Leo was behind Ms. Barkney's trail. Each time she turned, Leo would duck behind--or into--something. And right now, Leo had found himself into a garbage can. He didn't know what he was doing. Ms. Barkney turned, he jumped to the side, and fell into a trash can. Now that he stunk, Leo's chance of impressing Jessica--or any girl, in fact--was down to zero. Who knew who had seen him do that. But there was no time to impress a girl. No. Leo had to save his sister.

Leo tried getting out of the trash can. Alley...OOF! Leo tipped over, knocking the garbage out of garbage can. All the trash littered across the floor. Leo didn't smell so good. Neither did he look good. Leo tried to get up, and came face-to-face with Jessica, his lips a few inches from hers.

"Uhh..." Leo didn't know what to do, or say. Jessica, was right in front of him. Jessica! Jessica! Look cool, Leo. Show off your charming good looks. Leo tried his best macho smile. He had watched so many romantic movies--which had almost made him barf--and all the men could do that macho smile, making the girls faint. No matter how many times Leo had practiced, he still couldn't do it.

"Hello, llladies," Leo said flirtatiously. He gave Jessica his best impression of a macho smile.

Jessica flinched with disgust, plugging her nose. "Uhh...? We have to go somewhere quick."

"Sure, I'll go out with you, babe," Leo said.

Jessica gave him a weird look, but grabbed his hand, and pulled him after her.

Jessica is holding my hand! Are they sweaty. Is my grip too tight?

They walked for a few, long minutes. But Leo didn't care. Right now, he was in LaLa Land. He imagined himself and Jessica holding hands as they skipped across a romantic garden of flowers.

Then Leo exited LaLa Land, and back into reality. The so-boring reality. Jessica had let go of his hand, and was now wiping it on the wall.

"Yuck!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, what happened to the date?" Leo asked.

Jessica turned and gave him a ferocious look. "There was never a date. And I don't think with your nasty attitude, young man, that you will ever get a date. So you better step up your game, little boy, and help me find her."

Leo went mute. But then he summed the courage, and asked, "Find who?"

Jessica didn't even look at him. She was busy hustling around the place, looking under water fountains, inside bathrooms, and other place a human could hide. "Your sister, of course."

Oh, yeah! Cleo! Leo had totally forgotten about her. He slapped himself. Okay. Maybe that was a little too hard, Leo thought, rubbing his cheek.

"Get over here and help!" Jessica ordered.

Leo ran over and started looking. SCREEECH! Leo and Jessica's heads perked up. And, right above their heads, was a lion...with feathers? And talons...and wings?! Leo knew full well that that wasn't a lion. And in the lion/chicken/eagle thingie's talons was...Cleo! She seemed to be unconscious.

"Unbelievable," Jessica said. "Ms. Barkney is a griffin!"

Leo's eyes went wide. That was Ms. Barkney? Then Leo burst into laughter. Griffin. Peter Griffin! Leo were rolling down Leo's cheeks. Leo was so hard now.

"Griffin! Peter Griffin!" Leo screamed. "OW!" Jessica had slapped him.

"Are you crazy!?" she shrieked. "Your sister has just gotten kidnapped and you're laughing!?"

Leo made a serious face. This was beautiful, had a short temper, and sure packed a punch. Now that was Leo's kind of girl. "I'm sorry. Didn't know what got into me."

Ms. Barkney was now a penny in the sky. "So long, suckers!" she yelled.

Leo tried to spit at her, but his saliva flew vertically, and fell all over his face. "Drat!" he said, wiping it off.

"Hey. Leo." Jessica looked at him with an affectionate smile that made Leo's stomach do somersaults. "Let's make a deal. If you can bring back your sister alive, then...I'll go out with you."

If Leo was a dog, his ears would've perked up. She would go out with me? Jessica would really go out with me?! Leo pumped his fists in the air. Then he later regained his position. "Sure, anything for you, babe."

"But, Leo. We have to find her in fourteen days. That's two weeks. Okay?"

"Sure, darling. Anything for a damsel in distress. But why two weeks?"

"I'll tell you soon enough. And, by the way, take this." Jessica walked to him, and placed something in his hand. She leaned in to kiss him, but stopped, her nose wrinkled. "And while you're at it, take a shower."

Leo watched her leave. So far, this had definitely been the best First Day of School yet. Leo looked down at the letter that Jessica had given him. He unfolded it, and read:

Dear fellow person,
You have been given this letter to inform you that you are needed. This school that we have assigned to you will change your life forever. You must get permission from your parent or guardian to join the boarding school. And please, we will love it dearly if you came.
Sincerely, the DaVinci Academy.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Please, I need some feedback. And remember to add this story to your updates. Thanks!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
When I type in (*MORE*) that means that I have added another chapter.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
So will camp half blood be in this, or another demigod place?
please read my fanfic!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Thanks for the support. Even if you post a comment or just read it. Thanks! And stay posted. And yes, DaVinci Academy is almost like Camp Half-BLood, except with a certain twist.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
FOUR|DaVinci Academy|Leo

"How could you let this happen!?"

Leo was in his family's livingroom discussing about an important topic--sisters. His parents were hovering around him, asking him questions as if he had killed someone. And, to his parents, he had.

"Do you know how life would be with out a sister!?" Leo's mom asked.

Leo had tried to seem casual when he had walked into the house. But his mom was quick to finding out. It had happened a little like this:

"'Hello, son. How was school?'"


"'Leo, where's Cleopatra?'"

Leo shrugged. "'I don't know? She said she was staying afterschool to finish an assignment.'"

"'Uh-huh....Why are you lying, Leo?'"

"What? I am not lying.'"

"Yes you are. One, your sister would have called us. Two, your sister has always finished her tests on time. And, three, you said you didn't know where she was, and then you told us. That proves that you were lying.'"

Leo bowed his head in defeat. "'Yes, mom. I was lying.'"

And then it had come to this:

"Do you know what would happen if you didn't have a sister? And now this!" Mrs. diMorena held up the letter that Jessica had given Leo. "I knew this would happen! Well, we better get you packing."

"Wait, you know where this The Stinky Academy is?"

"It's the DaVinci Academy. And, yes, Cleopatra attended it before she went to your school."


The next day, Leonardo was still feeling weird and anxious about this The Stinky Academy. If his sister had attended it, then it was obviously for brilliantly smart children. So why was Leo going?

Leonardo grabbed all his supplies. It was more like traveling gear. It wasn't as if Leonardo was traveling overseas. Or was he? Leo walked out the front door. And there stood Jessica. Her hair shined like gold in the morning sun. She waved to him as he walked to her.

"Hey, Leo! Need some help?"

Leo puffed out his chest with pride. "No, madame. A man has to do what a man has to do."

Jessica ignored him and took ahold of some of his other supplies. Surprisingly, she carried with little effort. "Yeah, until you are a man, I'll help you carry these."

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Leo couldn't help but stare at Jessica. She was one of those girls that looked so pretty without make-up. As if she had been made by the gods themselves.

"So....How are we going to get to this academy place?" Leo asked.

"Here, hold my hand," Jessica answered, thrusting out her hand. Her hand was as soft as ivory. In all his life, Leo wouldn't be able to find a pillow that was more comfy than Jessica's hand. Jessica looked at him. "Are you ready?" she asked. Leo nodded. There wasn't any cars, trucks, or other transportation around. How where they going to get to the academy?

And then Leo found out in the most unexpected way.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Sorry, everyone, for not posting yesterday. I had to go to a football game.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
that was really good!
Keep posting!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Wow cool teleporting?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Dang. You're actually write! Puggy, I'll give you five props for getting that right. And now a new chapter!


Leo didn't know what happened next. One second, he was standing beside Jessica in his neighborhood bus stop. The next, he is still standing beside Jessica but now he seemed to be in front of a mansion.

"This is the DaVinci Academy!" Jessica waved her hand in slow motion as if she had been trained to do that. "Okay, let me show you around."

Jessica dropped the other supplies on top of the others that Leo was carrying. Leo almost fell over. "Uhh....A little help here."

Jessica turned. "Oh...sorry!" She grabbed back the supplies. "Okay, let's get moving!"


The DaVinci Academy was more than just a mansion. In fact, it seemed bigger inside. There were hundreds of grand chandeliers that were hung up on the ceiling. Leo kept walking until he realized that he was twenty feet in the air. The DaVinci Academy wsa also built underground! There was an ocean of students moving around like a swarm of bees. Even with its large size, the DaVinci Academy couldn't fit them all.

The students all seemed to be going to a large auditorium. There was a long table that led from one wall to the other. It seemed like it could stretch across a football field. "That's the banquet hall," Jessica informed. "Come on, let's go eat something before we go on."

Jessica took Leo's supplies and teleported away. Then she reappeared before Leo without holding any of the supplies. "There. I will show you where I put your supplies later. Now LET'S GO EAT!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
And for the new readers, when I write (*MORE*) that means that I have added another chapter.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
And sorry for making this chapter so short. I will add a part-two later, because I have to go to school. xC
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ok calm down some peeps might be at school but it was good. Btw is this story evn bout demigods?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Thanks for commenting, Puggy! And, sorry for overreacting. But, yes, it sort of has to do with demigods. (Like Cleopatra's father is Pan, the god of the wild.)
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Oooo when is the time period because if u didn't know he faded in the labryninth
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
hey you speak spanish or at leat as far as i know post!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
wow i'm getting good at that............
post soon, that was epic!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
and i have to askkkk.,............
are you the authour of SENOR'S Son of Neptune, cuz the guy reminds me of you
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
This Part-Two. So please enjoy! AND WHO'S THIS SENOR GUY!? I think he has commented to some of my stories. But who is he?


The banquet hall was on the bottom floor. It was extremely grand, especially since it wasn't called cafeteria. The banquet hall served every food that you could think of and different nationalities. And did I mention that the girls were pretty too. If you were me, you couldn't help but stare.

"Leo, what are you staring at?" Jessica asked. "Are you staring at those tenth-graders? You big pervert!" Jessica slapped him, and then dragged him away from the girls.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked. "I wasn't staring at those girls!"

"Oh, really. Then why were you just standing there, with your mouth open, your eyes facing those girls, and saying, 'Purrrrtty.'?"

"What!? A guy can't compliment some fruits?"

"Ugh! I was wrong about you! You're not a big perv, you're a MEGA PERV!" So saying, Jessica stormed away angrily. Even the boys stepped aside when she walked by. This is a lesson to all boys: NEVER MESS WITH AN ANGRY BLONDE! They bite.

"I didn't mean those kind of fruits!" Leo called back. But she was already too far away. Leo shrugged. Might as well dig into some of those fruits. (And he means "Oranges, Apples...Watermelons." You get the picture. And, if you ever see Jessica, tell her that.)
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
I love this story already. You write just like Riordan! Keep up the good work! And could you read my story: SENOR's Son of Neptune.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
that was....
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
hahaha funny one weird but funny POST