The Heroes of Olympus Jason, Leo, and Piper read PJO SCENES ~ formerly J, L, and P read TLO

luvseaweedbrain posted on Aug 17, 2011 at 05:08PM
Rating: T i guess..

Synopsis: J,L, and P,read scenes from PJO!

Characters: Jason, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico... etc.

Note: Thankfully, I am NOT RICK RIORDAN, as if I were, I would procrastinate and MoA qould never be published. So yeah. Also... im a girl... awkward

OKAY, so heres the list of scenes that are in the, i don't know, line-up? that sounds weird... but anyways heres the list, they are NOT in order ;) and if you think of one you want me to write thats not on heree just say so:D

1. TLO: kiss scene/Lake
2. BoTL: Crashes Funeral
3. BoTL: Percy on Calypso's island
5. TLO: Fight on Williamsburg Bridge
6. BoTL: Chris and CLarisse <3
7. TTC: Dam Snackbar
8. TLT: Fight Against Ares
9. TLO: Fight against Luke
10. BoTL: exploding the volcano! *whoosh*
11. TTC: Thalia/Percy fight/capture the flag
12. TLO: gods offer Percy immortality
13. TLO: Percy bathing in Styx
14. TTC: Percy and Annabeth dance at Westwood (?)
15. BoTL: I Scoop Poop Chapter
16. BoTL: Rachel's epic hairbrush :D
17. TLO: Percy dividing people up where to go.. and stuff...
18. SoM: Percy and Annabeth in Siren Bay
19. TLT: Percy at the St. Louis Arch
20. SoM: guinehh pigss
21. TTC: fight against Talos
22. TTC: When Nico leaves camp/Percy finds out about Hades
23. TTC: Bianca killing the spartus
24. TTC: Percy and "Santa's Evil Twin"
25. BoTL: Percy's B-day Party
26. TTC: Thalia driving the sun chariot
27. TLO: flying pig
28. TTC: Dance on Mt. Olympus
29. TTC: Percy findig out Thalia is afriad of heights
30. BoTL: Rachel and Annabeth meet
31. TTC: Zoe's death/stars
21. SoM: fighting Luke
Rating: T i guess.. 

Synopsis: J,L, and P,read scenes from PJO!

Characters: Jason, Leo, Piper,
last edited on Jan 02, 2012 at 06:20PM

The Heroes of Olympus 684 replies

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over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
Chapter One
"I mean, Iknow what happened on Mt. Othrys, I got that memory back from Hera, but no one will tell me what happened here, in New York." Jason complained. Him, Leo, and Piper were walking down the center green between the origial twelve cabins, just after breakfast.
"Same. Well exccept for the Mt. Octopus thing or whatever." Leo said.
Jason fixed him with that patented Zeus'-kid-im-gonna-fry-your-eyebrows-off death glare he and Thalia had perfected. Piper stepped in before a fight could break out, secretly tring to hide herr laughter at Leo's fail at names.
"Guys, not the time. but I know what you mean."
Ever since they had returned from their quest and it was determined werre Percy was, they had been asking anyone they could to find out what had happenedd with him in the 2nd Titan War. afirst they had asked Chiron, but he got a sad, faraway look in his eyes said something helpful like, It is not my story to tell, and that they should go ask one of the ampers. They had asked Annabeth but she just choked up and said that it didnt matter because Kronos, (here her voice caught) was dead and it was all over. Then she turned and walked away before they could ask anything else. The had tried Thalia but her explanation was a little short... and biased.
"Oh.. ummm... well, the campers fought Kronos' army, Seaweed brain fought Kronos, the hunters saved the day, and Hera (note death glare) knocked a statue on top of me." She turned around and walked away muttering what Jason supposed to be curses in Ancient Greek.They got desperate once and had asked Clarisse, which basically had 'bad idea' written all over it. After giveing them a murdeous glare and glancing (sadly?) at the Aphrodite cabin (???) she told them to get lost before she, ahem, 'pounded them' . The three of them had scurried away pretty quick.
"I have a question" Leo said. Piper and Jason groaned. "Why do they keep calling him 'seaweed brain'?" Piper and Jason looked at him with strange expressions.
"Cause hes the son of nep- poseidon, derr!!" Jason replied.
" 'der'? you cant say 'duh' like a normal person? piper asked, choking back laughter. Jason made a face at her.
Suddenly they all looked around. They were standing on the beach, green-gray waves pounding the beach. Jason shuddered.
"How are we- "
"werent we just-"
suddenly they heard another voice.
"Jason! Leo! Piper! I was about to come find you! Come here quick!"
It was Annabeth and she was holding a package of some kind.
"Is that a book?" Jason asked.
"This better not be some book about the quantum leaps of robor frogs or something." Leo grumbled.
Jason and Piper stared at him for a second before bursting out in laughter.
"...Quantum leaps of frogs?!Where d'you come up with that one?" PIper asked between laughter.
"Seriously man you need to get out of the forges more I think the smokes getting to your head" Jason said.
When they finally stopped laughing they walkedd over to where Annabeth was. In her hands she held a brown package tied with string wit a note tucked under the sttring. It had the names Jason Grace, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez written on it.
"Ifound it on this rock as I was walking on the beach, and I thought it was odd because thats exactly where, thats where Percy would go whenever he wanted to think or be alone or... " Tears rose in her eyes again.
"Here, read the note." she said.
Jason picked up the peice of paper and unfolded it.
--Dear Jason, Leo, Piper, and anyone else who might be interested,
----I have become aware off the fact that you have been wanting toknow what happened in New York during the second Titan War, so I have included a book which tells of the war and Percy's part in it. This was not the beginning of his adventures, and it will not be the last.
-A friend

The group stood speechless.
"We have to get this to Chiron." Annabeth said in a daze.

Ill post later today prob...
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
I can't wait til you post. I would love to see how Leo,Jason,and Piper react to this. Oh,please keep going!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
!:D Posttt Itss Awsome can't wait!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
please post soon
over a year ago afailname said…
post soon :) soounds coolio(i just had to put that -_-
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
Awww you guys are so nice! That just made my day :)
feel free to post suggestions, criticism etc...anddd

Chapter 2
Annabeth,Jason,Leo,and Piper raced towards the Big House, not really paying attention to the fact that they were running into people, e.g. Will Solace by the basketball courts, Thalia (hey Thalia's here!) coming out of cabin 8, the Stoll brothers, who werre leaving the Aphrodite cabin snickering something about a glittery llama... They didnt want to know, Nico diAngelo on his way to the Hades cabn, and (unfortunately) Clarisse on her way back from the arena(they couldnt really knock her over but she was still angry..). When Annabeth, Jason, Leo and Piper finally got to the porch, out of breath and panting, they realised they had a crowd following them of the previously mentioned campers. They were each fixing the group with their individual death glares. (connor and travis's 'I'll need duct tape, fish, and a hair brush' ,Clarisse's original 'cream the punk',Nico's 'call in the skeletons', etc... ) The only person who looked happy to see any of them was Thalia.
"Hey little brother! hows it going?"
but before they could answer Clarisse interrupted.
"alright punks. whats going on?"
Wow, jason thought, she asked before pounding, step in the right direction.
Then he realisedd they were looking at HIM for the explanation.
"Oh, ermm- "well we, well annabeth actually, found this book, so we were bringing it to Chiron."
"so youre saying i got knocked over because of a book?! " Nico asked incredulously "i mean if it was just annabeth i would understand but..."
nico shrugged "'s true."
"So whats the book about?" Will asked.
"Well, on the cover was a note saying it was about percy and the 2nd titan war in new york" piper explained.
"and why would you want to hear about that?" will asked, a strange expression on his face.
"Well, we just, we wanted to, we were just- curious..." Leo managed.
"Hmm" Will said before waalking off.
Just theen Chiron walked out.
"So what is all the fuss about now?"
They explained to him what had happened.
"Oh, well then, Would you all like to go read it then?" Jason, Leo, and Piper agreed readily, Annabeth looked a little hesitant but did the same, and so did Thalia,Nico, the stolls, and Clarisse. Grover was walking by and when they explained to him what was going on he agreed.
" I was asleep for 3 months and still nobody would tell me what happened." he muttered. Leo gave him a strange look but Grover waved it off.
When they all got settled into the rec room around the Ping Pong tables and go settled in, Chiron began to read.
“Of course you did” muttered Annabeth.
Clarisse had a strangely, sad? Look on her face
“Come on Percy, you can only explode something if you’re not actually there! You should know that! “,
Travis commented
“You’re talking to a book.” Nico pointed out.
The end of the world started when a Pegasus landed on the hood of my car.
“Well you don’t see that every day” Leo commented.
“Unless you’re name is Percy Jackson. Then it’s pretty common.” Thalia said
“What?” asked Annabeth, “He never told me about that!”
“Uh-oh” Connor and Travis said at the same time, snickering.
Annabeth fixed them with her piercing grey eyes and they shut up.
Technically I wasn’t supposed to be driving because I wouldn’t turn sixteen for a week,
“Honestly, I don’t think Seaweed Brain should be allowed to drive at all.” Thalia mused.
“Couldn’t agree more” Clarisse said. Everyone looked a little shocked that they agreed on anything.
“Well that’s- weird” Nico said
“Look who’s talking skull boy” Clarisse said. There was the glaring contest to end all glaring contests for a few seconds until Chiron cleared his throat and kept reading.
But my mom and my stepdad, Paul, took my friend Rachel and me to this private stretch of beach on the South Shore, and Paul let us borrow his Prius for a short spin.
“Well that’s – not smart.” Nico muttered. “Obviously Percy hasn’t explained the whole ‘monsters want to eat me’ thing to him.”
Connor and Travis had looks that clearly said that if, given the chance, Paul was never seeing that Prius again.
“Am I the only one who thinks that’s a little irresponsible?” Annabeth asked.
“It’s Percy. It’s a Lot irresponsible.
Chiron smiled as he read the next line.
Now I know you’re thinking, Wow, that was really irresponsible of him, blah, blah, blah, but Paul knows me pretty well.
Annabeth blushed at the similarities in the words
“Well he obviously doesn’t know him well enough.” Thalia snorted.
“Wow, you guys are great friends.” Piper said.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “He’s had it coming. He lost Annabeth, nearly threw the creek on top of me, and his hobbies include ticking off the gods and nearly getting killed by demon cheerleaders.”
Annabeth made a face. “He didn’t lose me and you missed the part about getting turned into a guinea pig and eating Medusa’s cheeseburgers.”
Thalia busted out laughing. “A guinea pig? Wow the things he doesn’t say...”
“Well if I got turned into a guinea pig I probably wouldn’t go around blabbing it either.” Jason said.
Annabeth turned to the Stolls “Don’t get any ideas. I’m not sure what ideas you may be getting, but FORGET THEM.”
“Can we keep reading now?” Leo asked
He’s seen me slice up demons and leap out of exploding school buildings,
Here Annabeth rolled her eyes.
So he probably figured taking the car a few hundred yards wasn’t the most dangerous thing I’d ever done.
*Cue eye rolls*
Anyway, Rachel and I were driving along.
“WHAT?!” Annabeth yelled so loud Nico cringed.
Jason raised his eyebrows but said nothing. This must have happened a while ago.
Chiron wisely decided to keep reading.
It was a hot August day. Rachel’s red hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore a white blouse over her swimsuit.
Thalia groaned and put her face in her hands.
“Peeeerrcyy!” Grover bleated in- embarrassment?
I’d never seen her in anything but ratty T-shirts and paint-splattered jeans before, and she looked like a million golden drachma.
Annabeth looked like she was about to choke Percy with his million golden drachma.
“This better have been a one-time thing or I swear when he gets back I’m gonna … “
The rest of the sentence was lost as Annabeth continued to mutter.
Piper couldn’t help feeling sorry for her. Stupid Aphrodite brain!
“Oh, pull up right there! She told me.”
“Uh-oh...” the Stolls said in unison.
“Shut up” Thalia hissed.
Nico looked confused, but decided it was better not to ask after seeing Annabeth’s murderous grey eyes.
We parked on a ridge overlooking the Atlantic. The sea is always one of my favorite places,
“No duh.” Clarisse said.
But today it was especially nice—glittery green and smooth as glass, like my dad was keeping it calm just for us. My dad, by the way, is Poseidon. He can do stuff like that.
“Well someone has a big head.” Clarisse said her feet propped up on the table. No one else dared to say anything.
“So.” Rachel smiled at me. “About that invitation.”
Suddenly they heard the sound of the Big House front door opening and then slamming shut, and the sound of someone shuffling through the hallways. A girl with bright red hair poked her head through the door. The Stolls burst out laughing, Annabeth was just staring, and everyone else looked around awkwardly.
“Umm hi, Rachel.” Said Thalia.
Rachel stared back at them all strangely.
“Umm is something wrong? I didn’t think we were having a meeting… is that a book?” she asked.
No one said anything.
“What? I know I haven’t been here long enough for someone to draw on my face." she glared at the Stolls, who high- fived each other
Rachel huffed and walked over to pick up the book and started reading.
“Ah- I wouldn’t- “Chiron started to protest.
Rachel read the page they were on and looked up with a strange mix of understanding and confusion on her face.
“Guys, what is this?”
Chiron sighed and answered. “It’s a book, supposedly about Percy’s perspective on the 2nd Titan War.
And, umm you’re in it”
“Is that why Annabeth is giving me the death glare,” she turned and stared pointedly at Annabeth, “again?”
“Ermmm… yeah.” Piper replied.
Rachel rolled her eyes.
“Guys that was like, forever ago. I can’t even date anymore since I became the oracle, so seriously lighten up!” She flopped down in a chair.
“Sorry,” Annabeth said, “Besides it wasn’t really you it was-“
“Percy.” She finished. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Guys can we please quit the commentary and just read it?” Leo begged. He had no idea what was going on and he figured the book would help.
“Oh…right.” I tried to sound excited. I mean, she’d asked me to her family’s vacation hose on St. Thomas for 3 days.
Everyone looked at Rachel.
“He didn’t go if it makes you feel better.”
I didn’t get a lot of offers like that. My family’s idea of a fancy vacation was a weekend in a rundown cabin on Long Island with some movie rentals and a couple of frozen pizzas,
Grover rolled his eyes. “And not telling his mother his math teacher was a fury after ditching his best friend in a bus station.”
Nico looked interested. “Was it Alecto? She does lawyers and teachers very well.”
Grover shrugged.
And here Rachel’s folks were willing to let me tag along to the Caribbean.
“And he didn’t go??” Connor looked shocked.
Annabeth glared at him.
“Never mind...” he muttered.
Besides, I seriously needed a vacation. This summer had been the hardest of my life.
“So far,” said Chiron.
Everyone nodded sadly except for Jason Leo and Piper who (still) didn’t know what had happened.
The idea of taking a break for even a few days was really tempting.
“As it should be! I still don’t see why he didn’t go.” Said Travis
Chiron quickly started reading again.
Still, something big was supposed to go down any day now. I was “on call” for a mission.
Thalia looked confused and whispered to Annabeth “Which one was that?”
Leo rolled his eyes. Did they ALL have to be secretive?
Annabeth’s eyes saddened. “Beckendorf.” She said.
“Oh” Thalia’s eyes turned stormy.
Even worse next week was my birthday.
“See when normal people have birthdays it’s a good occasion.” Leo said, hoping for an explanation.
“Yeah but its Percy” Nico said. Apparently that cleared things up. Grrr...
“Umm why is having a birthday a bad thing?” Piper asked.
Chiron smiled at the next line and kept reading.
There was this prophecy that said that when I turned 16, bad things would happen.
“Well that really clears it up.” Leo grumbled.
“Percy,” she said, “I know the timing is bad. But it’s always bad for you, right?” She had a point.
“Yeah, you bet I did.” Rachel said.
“I really want to go,” I promised. “It’s just-“ “The war.” I nodded. I didn’t like talking about it, but Rachel knew. Unlike most mortals,
“Wait you’re not a demigod?!” Leo asked.
“Umm Leo, even I knew that.” Piper said, holding back a laugh.
Rachel rolled her eyes.
She could see through the Mist—
Rachel smirked at Leo.
The magic veil that distorts human vision. She’d seen monsters.
“Yep.” Rachel said, grimacing.
She’d met some of the demigods who were fighting the Titans and their allies.
“Pretty much all of them by now...” she said thoughtfully.
She’d even been there last summer when the chopped-up Lord Kronos rose out of his coffin in a terrible new form,
Annabeth and Thalia looked down at the ground.
And she’d earned my permanent respect by nailing him in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush.
Nearly every eye in the room turned to Rachel. “What? He was so asking for it.”
“Do you have any more of those?” Connor asked.
“Ummm why on earth would you need a girl’s hairbrush?
“Well… you see,-“
“Never mind- I don’t want to know.”
She put her hand on my arm.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow and Rachel shrugged.
“Just think about it, okay? We don’t leave for a couple of days. My dad…” Her voice faltered.
“Is he giving you a hard time?” I asked. Rachel shook her head in disgust. “He’s trying to be nice to me, which is almost worse. He wants me to go Clarion Ladies Academy in the fall.”

Annabeth gave her a look. “Isn’t that where you go now?”
Rachel made a face. “Just as bad as I thought it would be.”
“The school where your mom went?”
“It’s a stupid finishing school for society girls, all the way in New Hampshire. Can you see me in finishing school?”

Rachel groaned. “I still can’t see me in finishing school, and I go to it.”
I admitted the idea sounded pretty dumb. Rachel was into urban art project s and feeding the homeless and going to protest rallies to “Save the Endangered Yellow Bellied Sapsucker”.
Rachel ignored the weird stares and said, “I’ve got flyers, if you want some. She pulled out a yellow flyer with a picture of a bird on it and the words ‘SAVE THE SAPSUCKER’.
Grover picked up the stack and announced that later he was going to post them around camp. Everyone groaned, except for Rachel who actually looked pretty excited.
I’d never even seen her wear a dress. It was hard to imagine her learning to be a socialite.
Rachel snickered. “I am the bane of my teachers’ existences”
Thalia hi-fived her while Annabeth rolled her eyes and Nico looked an approvingly
She sighed. He thinks if he does a bunch of nice stuff for me I’ll feel guilty and give in.”
“Which is why he agreed to let me go with you guys on vacation?”
“Yes… but Percy you’d be doing me a huge favor. It would be so much better if you were with us.

The Stolls snickered
Besides, there’s something I want to talk – she stopped abruptly.
“Something you want to talk about?” I asked. “You mean… so serious we’d have to go to St. Thomas to talk about it?”

“Oh, he so wants to” Connor said
Cue Annabeth-death-glare
She pursed her lips. “Look just forget it for now. Let’s pretend we’re a couple of normal people.
Laughter came from around the room.
“Hey I said pretend…” Rachel grumbled.
We’re out for a drive, and we’re watching the ocean, and it’s nice to be together.” I could tell something was bothering her, but she put on a brave smile. The sunlight made her hair look like fire.
We’d spent a lot of time together this summer. I hadn’t exactly planned it that way, but the more serious things got at camp, the more I found myself needing to call up Rachel and get away, just for some breathing room.

“Oh, so now I’m just breathing room? Gosh thanks Percy.” Rachel scoffed.
I needed to remind myself that the mortal world was still out there, away from all the monsters using me as their personal punching bag.
Annabeth was still glowering, but some of the other campers looked sympathetic.
“Okay,” I said. “Just a normal afternoon and two normal people.”
Before Chiron could read any more Rachel’s eyes shot wide open like she had just remembered something. “Umm I think I umm … forgot something! In the cave- I’ll be, I’ll be right back…”
And she dashed out of the room. Chiron looked puzzled but as he read the next few lines in the book his eyes widened.
She nodded. “And so… hypothetically, if these two people liked each other, what would it take to get the stupid guy to kiss the girl, huh?”
The room fell silent.
“Well that explains the hasty exit.” Said the ever-tactless Nico.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “Guys are idiots. Except of course for my lil bro here… “
Connor and Travis gasped in fake hurt. Nico rolled his eyes. Leo yelled out, “Hey!!”
“Do I count?” asked Grover.
“Nah goat boy you don’t count,”
Annabeth looked about ready to go find Rachel and strangle the Oracle with her bare hands.
“Oh…” I felt like one of Apollo’s sacred cows- slow, dumb, and bright red.
Annabeth momentarily snapped out of her anger and smiled as if remembering something. Then the glare made its reappearance.
I can’t pretend I hadn’t thought about Rachel.
The Stolls looked horrified.
“Yes! Yes you can what are you thinking??” Connor exclaimed
“Never admit to anything!!” Travis said
She was so much easier to be around than… well than some other girls I knew.
No one dared look at the still-fuming Annabeth.
I didn’t have to work hard, or watch what I said, or rack my brain trying to figure out what she was thinking. Rachel didn’t hide much. She let you know how she was feeling.
“Wow. Seaweed Brain used to be really lazy.” Thalia mused.
I’m not sure what I would’ve done, but I was so distracted, I didn’t notice the huge black form swooping down from the sky until four hooves landed on the hood of the Prius with a WUMP-WUMP-CRUNCH!
Thank heavens for Blackjack, thought Thalia.
Annabeth too looked slightly relieved.
Hey, boss, a voice said in my head. Nice car!
“Wait did the horse just talk to Percy?” Jason asked.
“Poseidon created horses so his children can talk to them, and normally get along very well with them.” Annabeth said, seeming happy to be giving a mythology lesson.
“Wait- normally?” Leo asked
Nico made a face.
“Well, you see last summer, well it’s a long story but Percy had to clean out these stables, right? Where they kept the flesh eating horses- and instead of being all “Hey look it’s the son of Poseidon!” they were like “Hey look seafood!” or that’s how Percy would tell it.” Grover explained.
Jason busted out laughing. “Seafood? Woow...”
“They wanted to eat Poseidon too.” Annabeth said, a smile on her face. “Flesh eating horses aren’t exactly geniuses if you know what I mean…”
Chiron cleared his throat and the room settled down.
Blackjack the Pegasus was an old friend of mine, so I tried not to get too annoyed by the craters he’d just put in the hood; but I didn’t think my stepdad would be real stoked.
“Told you it was a bad idea to lend seaweed brain a car.” Annabeth said, smirking
“Blackjack,” I sighed. “What are you-“Then I saw who was riding on his back, and I knew my day was about to get a lot more complicated.
“I didn’t think that was possible.” Thalia said with an eye roll.
Suddenly everyone heard a tinny beeping sound.
“Oh dear, I do believe it is time for my masters archery class. Would someone else like to read while I’m gone?”
“I will!” Piper said reaching out for the book.

hope you guys like it!! :) i know its not the whole chapter but it took FOREVER to write... more soon!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
It is really really great!!! Can't wait for more :)
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Great chapter! Hahaa it would be funny if annabeth started to fight reachel when she finds out bout the kisss xD posst sooon
over a year ago cro0010 said…
big smile
It's great! But did you nthink you could put the book in bold because sometimes it's really confusing.
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
yeah sorry about that i thought i did... ill figure something out...
kay i fixed it :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
omg this is to cool to be true
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Awesome post soon.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
post post post!!! and read this, pleaselink
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
common post
over a year ago afailname said…
I would say cliffhanger but we all know what happends next :'( Please post soon!
over a year ago symsym4561 said…
this is awesome an is seriously funny post as much as you can as fast as you can
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
im going to cry if you dont post soon
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Me too
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
to late im crying POSSSSSSTTTTT
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
HEY!! Ch 3, still not all of ch 1, oh well... took forever to write (agaain) and it was like 7 pages on word.. sooo here it is!
@artemis037: thanks :) that made my day (again hahaha)
@ahotsummerday: hehe I dont know who would win... but im bettin on Annabeth
@cro0010: kaykay got that prob fixed- thanks for pointing it out :)
@thunderwolf: sorry i made you cry.. hope this makes you feel better XD
@Athena_girl: thankss :)
@mythfreak214: aww so nice! glad you like it!!
@afailname: haha yupp... more of that to come lol
@symsym4561: Thanks! That means a lot!!
@unknown question: hope u had sone kleenexs this took forever to write XD
Ch 3
As Chiron walked out of the room, Piper scanned the page until she found where Chiron had left off.
“Okay now guys, NO COMMENTS! We want to finish this sometime in the foreseeable future, mmkay?” Piper told them.
Nico shrugged. “No promises.”
Piper looked like she was about to say something but thought better of it.
“Sup, Percy” Charles Beckendorf, senior counselor for the Hephaestus cabin,
The mood in the room seemed to darken. Even the Stoll’s looked down at the floor sadly.
would make most monsters cry for their mommies. He was this huge African American guy with ripped muscles from working in the forges every summer. He was two years older than me, and was one of the camp’s best armorsmiths.
Annabeth smiled sadly. “He really was…”
Leo leaned forward to sit on the edge of his seat. So this was Charles Beckendorf.
He made some pretty ingenious mechanical stuff. A month before, he’d rigged a Greek firebomb in the bathroom of a tour bus that was carrying a bunch of monsters across country. The explosion took out a whole legion of Kronos’s evil meanies as soon as the first harpy went flush.
“Harpies use the bathroom? I never really thought about that..” Connor said.
“Hmmm” Travis replied. They exchanged meaningful looks.
Thalia raised an eyebrow at them and they put on their deluxe “innocence” faces.
Greeks are crazy, Jason concluded.
Beckendorf was dressed for combat. He wore a bronze breastplate and war helm with black camo pants and a sword at his side. His explosives bag was slung over his shoulder.
“Was this the las-“ Nico asked but cut himself short when he noticed the pain and sadness that covered the campers faces.
Rachel popped her head back in before sneaking into the room. Apparently she was hoping Annabeth was too preoccupied to notice.
“Time?” I asked. He nodded grimly. A clump rose in my throat. I’d known this was coming. We’d been planning it for weeks, but I’d half hoped it would never happen.
Annabeth rolled her eyes.
Jason couldn’t help being a little shocked that this guy was supposedly ‘super-powerful’ or whatever would think that. He tried to remember how he had felt before he and his friends had felt before they had stormed Mt. Othrys, but he just got an even bigger headache.
Rachel looked up at beckendorf. “Hi”
Annabeth looked up suddenly and locked eyes with Rachel, who was silently cursing her lack of invisibility. “Oh, helloo, Rachel! What a nice surprise!”she said, her voice dripping with sickeningly sweet sarcasm. [A/N alliteration!! Haha totally a coincidence  ] “You have anything to say for yourself? Hmm?”
“This isn’t an interrogation…” Rachel muttered, giving Piper a look that clearly said KEEP READING!!
“Oh, hey. I’m Beckendorf. You must be Rachel. Percy’s told me… uh I mean he mentioned you.”
“ Oh did he?” Annabeth grumbled. Thalia looked at her sympathetically and opened her mouth to say something when Annabeth stopped her. “Don’t even think about mentioning the hunters now Thalia.”
Rachel raised an eyebrow. “Really? Good.”
Rachel developed a sudden interest in picking at the fraying holes in her drawn-on jeans.
She glanced at Blackjack, who was clopping his hooves against the hood of the Prius. “So I guess you guys have to go save the world now.”
Nico chuckled. “Rachel did you hear how not surprised you were there? See this is what Percy does to people.” he rolled his eyes.
“Pretty much.” Beckendorf agreed. I looked at Rachel helplessly. “Would you tell my mom-“
“I’ll tell her. I’m sure she’s used to it. And I’ll explain to Paul about the hood.”

“That’s the last time Percy’s ever getting to borrow that car.” Connor muttered.
Grover nodded in agreement.
I nodded my thanks. I figured this might be the last time Paul ever loaned me his car.
Might be the last time Kelp for brains?” Thalia asked.
“Good luck.” Rachel kissed me before I could react. “Now, get going half-blood. Go kill some monsters for me.”
“ermmm..” Rachel said intelligently.
“use your own father, gosh.” Nico muttered, but no one heard him because they were waiting impatiently for Rachel’s response.
“Sorry, gosh!! I was worried he was going to die and so I thought- I thought, well its now or never, and, well, that’s it. So yeah. Sorry” Rachel said.
“Guys complicate everything” Thalia muttered.
Piper, who couldn’t help sympathizing with Rachel, Annabeth, and Thalia, (cough cough Jason cough cough) deciding the best thing to do was keep reading. Wrong.
My last view of her was sitting in the shotgun seat of the Prius, her arms crossed, watching as Blackjack circled higher and higher, carrying Beckendorf and me into the sky. I wondered what Rachel had wanted to talk to me about, and whether I’d live long enough to find out. “So,” Beckendorf said, “I’m guessing you don’t want me to mention that little scene to Annabeth.”
“Oh, gods,” I muttered. “Don’t even think about it.”

Annabeth fumed, but she, and everyone else realized why Annabeth had never heard of that ride on the beach.
Suddenly there was a sound like an alarm going off. Connor glanced at something in his pocket before turning to Travis. “Hey it’s time.” Travis nodded . “Let’s go. Hey guys we’ll be right back we just have to go, umm… take care of something.”
They looked at each other and snickered. They both stood up and something dropped out of one of their pockets and rolled to Piper’s feet and she picked it up. It was a tube of bright pink eyeliner.
“Is this Drew’s?” she asked, a slightly amused look on her face.
“Ummm…. Yeeeeah…”
“Nice.” Piper said and picked up the book as the twins rushed out of the room.
Beckendorf chuckled, and together we soared out over the Atlantic. It was almost dark by the time we spotted our target. The Princess Andromeda glowed on the horizon- a huge cruise ship lit up yellow and white.
“A cruise ship? I thought it was, like, the Titan Lord’s battleship or something. What’s he doing on a cruise ship?” Leo asked, confused.
Piper glared at him. “Alright Beauty Queen, have it your way.” He snickered. “”Burger King”
From the distance, you’d think it was a party ship, not the headquarters for the Titan Lord.
Jason had to laugh at Leo’s look of annoyance.
Then as you got closer, you might notice the giant masthead- a dark haired maiden in a Greek chiton, wrapped in chains with a look of horror on her face,
“What the hades? Doom-and-gloom much?” Thalia scoffed. Nico glared.
as if she could smell the stench of the monsters she was being forced to carry.
“Seaweed Brain always did have a strange imagination...” Annabeth mused.
Seeing the ship again twisted my stomach in knots. I’d almost died twice on the Princess Andromeda. Noww it was headed straight for New York.
Leo shuddered. This was one guy he did not want to life-switch with. He snickered at his random thought, and Piper gave him a strange look.
“You know what to do?” Beckendorf yelled over the wind. I nodded. We’d done dry runs at the dockyards in New Jersey, using abandoned ships as our targets.
Nico snorted. “ Now that was something to watch. There were some hobos on the dock, and all they could see through the mist was two guys in a glider holding M-16s and cans of peaches.”
Thalia started laughing. “Seriously? The things mortals think of as normal, “ she said.
“It was worse because they all had real thick New Jersey accents. “ Annabeth said, smiling.
Leo couldn’t resist. “Is it a boid? Is it a plane?”
The room erupted in laughter.
I knew how little time we would have. But I also knew this was our best chance to end Kronos’ invasion before it ever started.
“Wouldn’t that have been nice…” Annabeth said, fingering a bead on her necklace.
“Blackjack,” I said, “ set us down on the lowest stern deck.”
Gotcha boss, he said, Man I hate seeing that boat.

Leo snickered. “Boss? Why boss?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Don’t ask me.” She said.
Three years ago Blackjack had been enslaved on the Princess Andromeda until he’d escaped with a little help from my friends and me. I figured he’d rather have his mane braided like My Little Pony than be back here again.
“it’s a good thing the Stolls aren’t here” Thalia said between laughter.
“don’t wait for us,” I told him.
But, boss-
“Trust me, “ I said we’ll get out by ourselves.”

The room went silent because most everyone knew that one of them wasn’t getting out.
Blackjack folded his wings and plummeted towards the boat like a black comet. The wind whistled in my ears. I saw monsters patrolling the upper decks of the ship- dracaenae snake women, hellhounds, giants, and the humanoid seal demons known as telkhines-
“Hate those things…” Annabeth muttered.
but we zipped by so fast, none of them raisd the alarm. We shot down the stern of he boat, and Blackjack spread his wings, lightly coming to a landing on the lowest deck. I climbed off, feeling queasy.
“wimp.” Clarisse muttered.
Annabeth glared at her.
Good Luck boss, don’t let ‘em turn you into horsemeat!
“How encouraging,” Leo muttered.
With that, my old friend flew off into the night. I took my pen out of my pocket, uncapped it,
“Whoa, whoa, wait. pen? what in hades is he going to do with a pen?”
Everyone who knew Percy smirked evilly at him.
and Riptide sprang to full size- three feet of deadly Celestial bronze glowing in the dusk.
Jaon tried to ignore the smirks. Leo looked like he was trying to figure out how that worked, but gave up.
Beckendorf pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. I thought it was a map or something. Then I realized it was a photograph. He stared at it in the dim light- the smiling face of Selena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite.
Clarisse looked down. “Poor Selena.” She whispered. Everyone else nodded sadly.
They’d started going out last summer, after years of the rest of us saying, “Duh, you guys like each other!” Even with all the dangerous missions, Beckendorf had been happier this summer than I’d ever seen him. “We’ll make it back to camp,” I promised.
Everyone’s eyes were dark, some misty.
For a second I saw worry in his eyes. Then he put on a confident smile. “You bet,” he said. “Let’s go blow Kronos back into a million pieces.”
Jason was still a little bit in shock that all of this had been going on without his or his friends ever knowing.
Beckendorf led the way, We followed a narrow corridor to the service stairwell, just like we’d practiced, when we heard voices above us.
“I don’t care what your nose says!” snarled a half human, half dog voice- a telekhine. The last time you smelled a half-blood It turned out to be a meatloaf sandwich!”

Thalia turned to Grover. “Do half-bloods really smell like meat loaf sand wiches?” She asked, only semi seriously.
Grover made a face. “Not really. Well, not all of you. Children of Ares, yeah I can see how he could make the mistake.”
Clarisse’s face burned red. “What in Hades is that supposed to mean?!”
Piper decided to keep reading before a fight could break out.
Meat loaf sandwiches are good!” a second voice snarled. “But this is half-blood scent, I swear. They are on board!”
The whole room seemed to be holding its breath.
“Bah your brain isn’t on board!” They continued to argue, and Beckendorf pointed downstairs. We descended as quietly as we could. Two floors down, the voices of the telekhines started to fade.
“Telekhines talk loudly.” Nico said.
“You have no idea.” Annabeth muttered in reply.
Finally we came to a metal hatch. Beckendorf mouthed the words engine room .
Leo couldn’t help wondering what they were doing in the engine room.
It was locked, but Beckendorf pulled some chain cutters out of his bag and split the bolt like it was made of butter. Inside, a row of yellow turbines the size of grain silos churned and hummed. Pressure gauges and computer terminals lined the opposite wall. A telekhine was hunched over a console, but he was so involved in his work he didn’t notice us.
Nico snickered. “I didn’t think that was possible.”
“Nico?” Thalia said
“Shut up.”
He was about five feet tall, with slick black seal fur and stubby little feet. He had the head of a Doberman, but his clawed hands were almost human.
Piperr stopped reading. “Seriously? That’s disgusting!” Then she shook her head as if to make the thought leave her brain.
Leo tried unsuccessfully to hold back his laughter.
Piper ignored him and kept reading.
He growled and muttered as he tapped on his keyboard. Maybe he was messaging his friends on
“Or” Nico snickered.
“Or instead of Twitter, Growling or something” Grover said with a smile.
“Yeah, he’d be one of those losers with like, 4 ½ friends because one is imaginary.” Thalia retorted. Even Annabeth laughed at that one.
I stepped forward, and he tensed, probably smelling something was wromg. He leaped sideways toward a big red alarm button, but I blocked his path. He hissed and lunged at me, but one slice of Riptide, and he exploded into dust.
“One down, 5 thousand to go” Leo muttered,
“one down, “ Beckendorf said. “About 5 thousand to go.”
Leo shrugged. “what ? he was cool.”
He tossed me a jar of thick green liquid- Greek fire, one of the mot dangerous magical substances in the world.
“Why have I never heard of that before?” Jason asked.
“Because it’s Greek, duh.” Clarisse told him with a scowl on her face.
Then he threw me another essential tool of demigod heroes-duct tape.
“So true!” Leo said. Everyone looked at him like he was insane so he motioned for Piper to keep reading.
“Slap that one on the console,” he said, “I’ll start working on the turbines.”
We went to work. The room was hot and humid, and in no time we were drenched in sweat. The boat kept chugging along. Being the son of Poseidon and all, I have perfect bearings at sea.

“Really?” Thalia and Jason asked at the same time.
Annabeth chuckled. “Yeah, it was pretty funny the first time, he had no idea where the information came from, but if you asked he would automatically tell you.”
Don’t ask me how, but I could tell we were at 40.19⁰ North and 71.90⁰ West, making eighteen knots, which meant that the ship would arrive in New York Harbor by dawn. This was our only chance to stop it. I had just attatched the 2nd jar of Greek fire to the control panels when I heard the pounding of feet on metal steps-so many creatures coming down the stairwell I could hear them over the engines. Not a good sign
“No styx, Sherlock!” Thalia said.
“He is a seaweed brain.” Annabeth replied.
I locked eyes with Beckendorf. “How much longer?”
“Too long.” He tapped his watch, which was our remote control detonator. “I still have to wire the receiver and prime the charges.

“Should take at least 10 minutes.” Leo said, a worried look on is face.
Ten more minutes at least.”
Thalia raised an eyebrow. Leo shrugged.
Judging from the sound of the footsteps, we had ten seconds. “ I’ll distract them,” I said. “Meet you at the rendezvous point.”
“And that’s when it went downhill” Annabeth sighed.
“Wish me luck.”
He looked like he wanted to argue, the whole idea had been to get in and get out with out being spotted. But we were going to have to improvise.
“Good Luck,” he said. I charged out the door.

No one dared to say anything, just looked at Piper in anticipation and horror, for they had all figured out which of Beckendorf’s missions this was. The last.
A half dozen telkhines were tromping down the stairs. I cut through them faster than they could yelp. I kept climbing- past another telkhine, who was so startled he dropped his Lil’ Demons lunchbox. I left him alive-
“WHY?!” Clarisse yelled
partly because his lunchbox was cool, partly so he could raise the alarm and hopefully get his friends to follow me rather than head to the engine room
Piper paused. “That should have worked…” she whispered
I burst through a door onto deck six and kept running. I’m sure the carpeted hall had once been very plush, but over the last three years of monster occupation the wallpaper, carpet, and stateroom doors had been clawed up and slimed so it looked like the inside of a dragon’s throat.
Leo raised an eyebrow. “Please tell me he doesn’t speak from experience. Piper reead the next line before anyone could answer.
(and yes, unfortunately I speak from experience.)
Jason shuddered. “Uch that sounds disgusting.”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious” Clarisse said.
Back on my first visit to the Princess Andromeda, my old enemy Luke had kept some dazed tourists around for show, shrouded in Mist so they didn’t realize they were on a monster infested ship.
Thalia looked at Annabeth. “I’m guessing you were there?”
Annabeth nodded. “Yeah, it was him, me, and Tyson. We kinda ran away.”
“You ran away?” Jason asked incredulously.
“Yeah, long story but for a short time Chiron was replaced by Tantalus, who was worse than Mr. D, Grover got kidnapped by Polyphemus, We needed to get the Golden Fleece because Thalia’s tree was dying, and we hitched a ride. On the Princess Andromeda.” She laughed lightly. “We woke up to the broadspeaker announcing there would be ‘disemboweling practice’ later that day. We jumped ship pretty fast.”
“Okay, I’m even more confused now. Who is Tantalus, and What the heck was that about Thalia as a tree?” Piper asked.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “Does everyone have to keep bringing up the tree? Seriously…”
Clarisse’s eyes got a mischievous tint to them. “Remember the ‘Pinecone Face’ incident?”
Even Annabeth glared at her.
Now I didn’t see any sign of tourists. I hated to think what had happened to them, but I kind of doubted they’d been allowed to go home with their bingo winnings. I reached the promenade, a big shopping mall that took up the whole middle of the ship, and I stopped cold. In the middle of the courtyard stood a fountain. And in that fountain squatted a giant crab.
“Seriously, How many monsters does this guy see on a daily basis? Cause this is kinda ridiculous…” Leo said.
Nico shrugged. “It’s Percy, I mean, the guy has a pet hellhound.”
What? ” Piper asked.
“Mrs. O’Leary.” Annabeth told her.
Now I’m not talking giant like $7.99 all-you-can-eat Alaskan King crab. I’m talking giant like bigger than the fountain. The monster rose ten feet out of the water. Its shell was mottled blue and green, its pincers longer than my body. If you’ve ever seen a crab’s mouth, all foamy and gross with whiskers and snapping bits, you can imagine this one didn’t look any better blown up to billboard size.
Piper stopped reading. “Okay, that is seriously disgusting.”
“Keep reading.” Nico said. Piper made a face at him.
Its beady black eyes glared at me, and I could see intelligence in them- and hate.
“Shouldn’t the crab like him or whatever? I mean he’s the son of nep- I mean Poseidon.”
“Apparently giant crabs are anti-nepotism, now can we lease keep reading?” Leo said.
The fact that I was the son of the sea god was not going to win me any points with Mr. Crabby.
Laughter surfaced from around the room.
Mr.Crabby?” Rachel asked, “Could he not come up with a better name for it?”
“FFFFfffff,” it hissed
“What? Nico asked, confused
“It’s in the book.” Piper stated.
sea foam dripping from its mouth. The smell coming off it was like a garbage can full of fish sticks that had been sitting in the sun all week. Alarms blared. Soon I was going to have lots of company and I had to keep moving. “Hey, crabby.” I inched around the edge of the courtyard. “I’m just gonna scoot around you so –“
“Wimp, like that’ll work for him.” Clarisse said.
The room was silent in anticipation of the fight.
[b] The crab moved with amazing speed. It scuttled out of the fountainand came straight at me, pincers snapping. I dove into a gift shop, plowing through a rack of T-shirts. A crab pincer smashed the glass walls to pieces and raked across the room. I dashed back outside, breathing heavily, but Mr. Crabby turned and followed.

“You’d think he’d give up the Mr. Crabby thing by now…” Nico muttered.
“There!” a voice said from a balcony above. “Intruder!”
If I’d wanted to create a distraction, I’d succeeded,

“No styx, Sherlock.”
but this was not where I wanted to fight. If I got pinned down in the center of the ship, I was crab chow. The demonic crustacean lunged at me. I sliced with Riptide, taking off the tip of its claw. It hissed and foamed, but didn’t seem very hurt.
“I hate it when that happens” Leo grumbled. Piper gave him a strange look.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve never been attacked by a giant crab.”
“I meant when you hit a monster and nothing happens. Its aggravating.” He retorted.
“Oh, really” Thalia said sarcastically.
I tried to remember anything from the old stories that might help with this thing. Annabeth had told me about a monster crab-
“Carcinus! Its name, was CARCINUS!” Annabeth nearly yelled.
something about Hercules crushing it under his foot? That wasn’t going to work here. This crab was slightly bigger than my Reeboks.
“Oh, really?” Annabeth asked sarcastically.
Then a weird thought came to me. Last Christmas, my mom and I had brought Paul Blofis to our old cabin at Montauk, where we’d been going forever.
“Really? You’re going to start reminiscing now?” Clarisse scoffed
Paul had taken me crabbing, and when he’d brought up a net full of the things, he’d shown me how crabs have a chink in their armor, right in the middle of their ugly bellies.
“Percy needs to stop talking about crabs. I’m getting seriously hungry.” Nico said.
He got a few strange looks.
“Well, you see I was in Maryland this one time, by the bay, and they had the best crabs.” He seemed lost in reverie so Piper kept reading.
The only problem was getting to the ugly belly. I glanced at the fountain, then at the marble floor, already slick with scuttling crab tracks. I held out my hand, concentrating on the water, and the fountain exploded. Water sprayed every where, stories high, dousing the balconies and thee elevators and the windows of the shops.
Leo’s eyes widened. “That. Is. Awesome.”
Annabeth’s eyes glittered in a, make fun of the guy who doesn’t know anything way.
“He can breathe underwater too.”
Jason couldn’t help wondering how water was going to stop a crab.
The crab didn’t care. He loved water. He came at me sideways, snapping and hissing, and I ran straight at him screaming, “AHHHHHHHHH!”
“Why screaming?” Thalia asked. No one had an answer.
“Why is he running straight at him?!” Nico asked.
Just before we collided, I hit the ground baseball style and slid on the wet marble floor straight under him. It was like sliding under a seven ton armed vehicle. All the crab had to do was sit and squash me, but before he realized what was going on, I jabbed Riptide into the chink in his armor, let go of the hilt, and pushed myself out the backside.
“what about the sword?” Leo asked.
No one bothered to answer.
The monster shuddered and hissed. His eyes dissolved. His shell turned bright red as his insides evaporated. The empty shell clattered to the floor in a massive heap. I didn’t have time to admire my handiwork.
“Oh, you think?” Clarisse asked.
I ran for the nearest stairs while all around me monsters and demigods shouted orders and strapped on their weapons.
“Demigods?” Piper asked, “did some of them turn-“She could see the answer on the rest of the camper’s faces.
“They were deceived.” Annabeth said firmly.
I was empty-handed. Riptide, being magic, would appear in my pocket sooner or later,
Leo had to fight the urge to ask where to get one of these magic sword pens.
but for now it was stuck under the wreckage of the crab, and I had no time to retrieve it. In the elevator foyer on deck eight, a couple of dracaenae slithered across my path. From the waist up, they were women with green scaly skin, yellow eyes, and forked tongues. From the waist down, they had double snake trunks instead of legs. They held spears and weighted nets, and I knew from experience they could use them.
Jason shook his head in disbelief. “Is there anything this guy doesn’t know from experience?”
No one answered. Leo had a look of awe on his face.
“What isss thiss?” one said. “A prize for Kronosss!”
“Um, Piper, is your voice okay?” Grover asked.
Piper glared at him. “No that’s what it said, see!” She showed him the book.
I wasn’t in the mood to play break-the-snake, but in front of me was a stand with a model of a ship, like a YOU ARE HERE display. I ripped the model off the pedestal and hurled it at thee first dracaenae. The boat smacked her in the face and she went down with the ship.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “Bad pun alert.”
Rachel snickered, but as quiet as possible. She had been trying to get Annabeth to forget she was in the room. It seemed to be working.
I jumped over her, grabbed her friend’s spear, and swung her around. She slammed into the elevator, and I kept running towards the front of the ship. “Get him!” she screamed.
“No duh.” Clarisse muttered.
Hellhounds bayed. An arrow from somewhere whizzed past my face and impaled itself in the mahogany-paneled wall of the stairwell.
“Honestly, how did he stay alive without the curse?” Grover asked.
Annabeth shot him a death glare.
I didn’t care- as long as I got the monsters away from the engine room and gave Beckendorf more time.
No one felt like saying anything, because they all knew how this was going to end.
As I was running up the stairwell, a kid charged down. He looked like he’d just woken up from a nap. His armor was half on. He drew his sword and yelled, “Kronos!”, but he sounded more scared than angry. He couldn’t have been more than about twelve- about the age I was when I first came to Camp Half-Blood.
Piper stopped reading. “That’s so sad” she murmured.
Everyone murmured their agreement.
That thought depressed me. This kid was getting brain washed- train to hate the gods and lash out because he’d been born half Olumpian. Kronos was using him, and yet the kid thought I was his enemy.
“Not everyone has to like you, fish brain.” Clarisse muttered
Annabeth was glaring again like she was going to start yelling at Clarisse, and her hand was suspiciously close to her knife. Piper didn’t feel like charmspeaking right then so she kept rading.
No way was I going to hurt him. I didn’t need a weapon for this. I stepped inside his strike and grabbed his wrist, slamming it against the wall . His sword clattered out of his hand. Then I did something I hadn’t planned on. It was probably stupid.
“Probably.” Annabeth said.
“You don’t know what he did yet.” Jason pointed out. She shrugged.
It definitely jeopardized our mission, but I couldn’t help it.
Thalia groaned. “What’s Kelp Face going to do this time?”
“If you want to live,” I said, “ Get off this ship now. Tell the other demigods.” Then I shoved him downstairs and sent him tumbling to the next floor.
Leo raised an eyebrow. “That’s his definition of not hurting someone? Falling down stairs definitely does hurt.”
Nico shrugged. “Its not like he was seriously injured or anything.”
Leo decided to let it go.
I kept climbing. Bad memories: a hallway ran past the cafeteria. Annabeth, my half-brother Tyson, and I had sneaked through here three years ago on my first visit.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “ADD much?”
Grover gave her a look. “Umm, yeah…”
“Oh, be quiet goat boy.”
I burst outside onto the main deck. Off the port bow, the sky was darkening from purple to black. A swimming pool glowed between two glass towers with more balconies and restaurant decks. The whole upper ship seemed eerily deserted.
“Bad sign.” Said Nico.
“Gee, you think so?” Annabeth asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
All I had to do was cross to the other side. Then I could take the staircase down to the helipad- our emergency rendezvous point. With any luck, Beckendorf would meet me there.
“But Percy you have no luck.” Nico said quietly.
We’d jump into the sea. My water powers would protect us both, and we’d detonate the charges from a quarter mile away. I was halfway across the deck when the sound of a voice made me freeze.
“You’re late Percy.”

Annabeth’s eyes filled with hatred and a little sadness. “Stupid Luke.”
Thalia nodded grimly. Before they could say anything else the Stoll’s popped their heads back in the room. They looked like they had just come in from a mud explosion. But what was strange was that their trademark smirks were missing.
“What the Hades did you two do this time?” Annabeth asked.
Connor started to explain, “Umm, you see, we were going to use Drew’s make up to draw on Peleus, but when we got up to the top of the hill-“
“we saw this weird storm, only on the outside of camp border’s, and we saw a monster through it, and he was catching up to this girl, who had slipped and fallen, so we went and killed the monster and everything, but then when we got up to the top of the hill where the satyr had brought the girl, well, here she is…”
A girl, about 16, popped her head through the doorway and then came and stood inside the room.
She had pale skin, dotted with freckles, and jet black hair held up in a ponytail. But that wasn’t what everyone was staring at. They were all staring at her eyes. Her sea green eyes.

Haha okay so im a little evil but.. th girl's not gonna show up again in this story you'll have to read my other fanfic :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cro0010 said…
Thanks for putting it in bols so much easier to read. It was really good I like and the twist with the girl and everything great!
over a year ago symsym4561 said…
this story is great i like how they react to like every other line its exactly how yo think they would react
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
NO WAY. A sister? That is a really good twist to the story.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
hahaha, amazing!!! I was laughing through the whole thing! The react just like I think they would! The twist-very nice :) I might have to read your fanfic now...
Keep posting!
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
That was AWSOMEEE!! Great twist!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
you know i always imagined posiedon only having 1 child but keep the story goin
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
great post soon .
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
post please
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
can anyone of you read my SoN heres the link if it works link

plz read it thanx

and great story btw
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
Please post
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
big smile
Cool! Keep posting!
over a year ago HecateA said…
I laughed so much! Keep writing!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon ive read both of your fanfics
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
please post. please
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
POST !!!!!!!!!
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
Plzzz post!!!!!!!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
post post and ummmmwhat was I going to say... oh yeah post
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post soon...
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Awesome! Post soon...............
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
yay! this made the popular content list!! aand im finishing up the chappie ill post soon:) sorry these take forever to write :)glad you guys like it!!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
big smile
its cool just live these things that some peeps do with the books and there friends reading it.
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Sorry it takes forever but it's awesome.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
When will you post
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Post please dont want you disappearing like the other guy
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
I agree with unknownquestin
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
me 3
over a year ago afailname said…
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Guys he hasn't abandoned it just takes a while to right those so just be patient.
Great story btw