The Heroes of Olympus Hades trys to kill me

Grrrrr posted on Jul 20, 2011 at 06:18AM
I do not own:

Percy Jackson and Grover Under wood

Mah story, thanks for reading :)

The Heroes of Olympus 17 replies

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over a year ago cro0010 said…
I' haven't read it yet! He He. Sounds Interesting.

(First One to Post Yes!)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Grrrrr said…

The first thing I did when I woke up was look to see if my stuff was still with me in the Hermes cabin, that's what Trevor told me to do. My brain slowly registered what Trevor had told me the day before, that I was, what was the term, demi-god? Anyway, he told me I was half god and half human, right after I died. I should explain. Yesterday morning I woke up to go to school, I attended a normal middle school, but I was in special-ed for being dumb, and having ADHD and dyslexia. So I was walking to school when a car hit me. Or at least I thought it was a car, Trevor told me later that it was a minotaur. Anyway, this thing rammed into me and I was lying defensless on the ground when I died. The next thin I knew I was in a strange room being fed something from a spoon by my friend who was my neighbor, Trevor.
"What the...." I said, and Trevor explained it all, that I was half-god half human and I was at camp, what was it, half-blood, a camp for demi-gods. I grogily dragged my feet out of bed and out the door. I walked down near the cafeteria, like TRevor told me too, he said he had something to show me. As I walked I heard a noise. I turned my head around. Nothing there. I turned my head forward and was face to face with somebody.
"WHAT THE-" I screamed. The girl was thick and tall, with back legth, straight black hair, and black eyes, and lots of black make-up. She sneered at me.
"What do you want?" she stretched out the word "you".
"What do you mean what do I want, you're the one in my face!"
"You're pathetic"
"I'm pathetic, I'm not the one in people's faces, you're pathetic" I sneered back. The girl's eyes glowed dangerously. She raised her arms. Water came from her hands. The water came in a big wave, and then knocked me on my butt. I stood up and positioned my fingers out towards the water, I closed my eyes and put out my hands, I opened my eyes and saw the heap of black o nthe ground. What did I do?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Chpater 2:

I was in somewhat a jog to the cafeteria. It was more of a limp because the water had hurt my tail-bone. I gingerly walked the rest of the way to the cafeteria. I looked to where I had just fought with that girl. I wondered what else I could do with the hands that used to farm. I pulled my hands back to see what I could do, when I felt something solid hit my elbow, and I heard
"OW" I turned my head.
"Trevor?" I asked, and then, I realized, my only friend, was wearing a shag carpet. Trevor must have noticed I saw his legs because he quickly started explaining.
"Before you say goat, I have to tell you, I'm a satyr, half -goat, half-man,"
"Just like I'm half-god, right?"I teased, I wondered how long TRevor I would go with this story.
"You still think I'm lying?"
"I would say so,"
"Just you wait Pierce, just you wait" Trevor said with a nod of his head. I mumbled under my breath, but followed Trevor into the cafeteria. Trevor led me too a long table that was so tightly packed that kids were sitting on the floor.
"Here you go Pierce, enjoy brekfast" Trevor said, clearly taunting me.
"I have to eat here?"
"Yep, that is, until you're claime-" Trevor stared at me like I turned into a giant bug.
"What?" I turned panicked.
"Chiron!" Trevor yelled. A guy, or should I say horse-guy ran, or should I say galloped, next to Trevor.
"What are you?" I asked the one called Chiron.
"Centaur, half-horse, half-human, but more importantly, you've just been claimed Pierce,"
"What is claimed, and how do you know my name?" Things were starting to freak me out.
"I know every demi-god or god that enters Camp Half-Blood, and you have just been accepted by your god parent" Chiron said, still looking at the top of my head.
"God like....myth?"
"Yes,'' Trevir chimed in.
"So, who's my god, I mean parent?" I was feeling resentful to this god, whoever he/she was. It really could be either a man or a woman because I lived with both of my parents, so I knew this was either a dream or I was a Punk'd.
"Well, this is going to sound odd but-" Trevor started.
"But, but what?" I asked.
"Well, this goes against everything but...."
"Cut to the chase!" I was getting anxious. Trevor gave Chiron a glance, Chiron nodded.
"Your dad is Hades" Trevor blurted.
"Great, now I can go to hell," I sighed. This charade was getting boring.
"You still don't beleive us?" Chiron asked. I shook my head.
"Well then, Trevor, come wtih us" Chiron said as he um....galloped away from the cafeteria. I follwed Trevor and Chiron.
"What am I supposed to see?" I asked when we got to the entrance and exit of Camp Half-Blood.
"Step outside, Pierce" Chiron said.
"Okay?" I said as I left Camp. I heard something in the distance, and then I saw it. It had a body of a stag, a lion's neck, and a bony ridge where teeth should be. Even creepier, it was saying my name.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
big smile
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
:):):):):):):):): THANKS YOU ATHENAS_GIRL111 and osnapitz jj and Cro0010
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
I will post tommorow
over a year ago cro0010 said…
That's so good. You should so keep writing.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
big smile
Thank you :)))
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Chapter 3:

"WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE, CRAZY?!" I screamed to Chiron and Tyler.
"No," Chiron said, not saying anything else.
"What am I supposed to do, be malled alive?!"
"No," Chiron said again.
"What do I-" I just gave up. I faced the creature thing. 'WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I DO, WHAT DO I-' Suddenly it came to me, I had to do what I did to the one girl. "Okay" I though thought aloud. I put my arms straight foward and pointed my hands to the creature.
I waited desperatley for something to happen, something to move, at least. The only thing that moved was the creature, to me.
"Come on, come on, come on" I said desperatley. I tried again, nothing. This time, it lunged for my head. I managed to move my neck, just enough to avoid a certain death. Anger boiled inside of me, anger at Chiron and Trevor letting me die, angry at Hades for having me, angry at my mom for never telling me, angry at d- I heard a crack. The ground opened into a hole that was so deep I couldn't see the bottom. It had uneven sides that looked as sharp as knives. I subconsiously managed to grab onto the ledge, before I fell to my death, with one hand. I would have spit down the hole onto that creature, if my hand wouldn't have been slipping. I threw up my other hand and tried to pull up. If only I had tried harder at pull-ups in gym, because I was weak and couldn't do it. My hands were bloody and sweaty, causing me to slip by the minute. I managed enough leg strength, and less nerves, and kicked my right leg onto the ground above me. I rolled onto the ground, and the hole closed up. I crawled on my hands and knees into Camp Half-Blood and looked up at Trevor.
"If I had enough strength and wasn't bleeding, I would hit you," Trevor turned a lighter shade of brown. "thank you for sentencing me to death,"
"Pierce, we weren't sentincing you to death, we had to see you fight, we summoned a Leukrokottas, an animal identical to a hyena, that lures men in by calling their name," Chiron said.
"Next time, I'm not going to be some experiment," I felt dangerously angry at being some experiment for people I hardly knew.
"Pier-" Trevor began.
"I'll show him to his cabin, Trevor go talk to Grover about you know...the task," Chiron whispered. Trevor looked uncertainly, but he turned and galloped to the cafetateria. I unsteadily tried to get to mmy feet. I much rather perfered the view from 5 feet and 7 inches. Chiron slowly galloped and I walked, more like stumbled, until we came to a cabin that looked deadly, no pun intended.
"Cabin number 13, Hades" Chiron said. I opened the door and found myself gaping. The walls were made of solid obsidian, there were torchs with green fire, two bunk-beads with black pillows and blankets,and a skull ,that I only hoped was cow's, above the door.
"There was a boy named Nico who lived here for a while, but he outgrew it and now works part-time at a Wal-mart down south," Chiron said from outside.
"This place is...gloomy" I said, somewhat in a daze.
"I'll let you settle down here Pierce," Chiron chirped, and he slowly shut the door. The room was pure black, with green dancing on the walls. Immidiatley I grabbed the skull and threw it outside, it was creeping me out. Even creepier was the mirror in the corner of the room, it was chipped some and grimy. I looked at the unfamiliar person in the mirror. His blonde hair was matted and brown, and he was covered in dirt and ash. His blue eyes showed threw the grime on his face, in an intimidating way. He looked absoloutley wild. I turned away, disgusted with the image, and walked into the bathroom. It had obsidian walls as well, but now it had an obsisian bathtub, sink, and toilet. I turned on the shower, leaving my clothes on. The water felt good being as cold as it was, and I enjoyed watching dirt go down the drain. I stepped out of the shower, and back to the mirror. My eyes were less intimidating, and my hair looked blonde again. My skin was no longer black, it was back to it's shade of white. I sat on the bottom bunk, deathly tired. On the bed were clothes, an orange shirt, and a pair of jeans. I changed clothes and put on my run down tennis shoes. The bed was so cushioned, and felt so good, that I climbed to the top bunk and lay down, my feet hanging over the edge. I fell asleep.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
big smile
Loved it. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
thank you!
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
I apprectiate the comments :)
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
big smile
Hope you post soon. Love this story. You are a great writter.

Your friend
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Awesome start :)
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
big smile
you peoples are so AMAZING :))))
over a year ago cro0010 said…
It's so good!