The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune by Athena_girl11

Athena_girl11 posted on Jul 19, 2011 at 01:03AM
Hi! Hope you all enjoy this. You will find out the characters as the story goes on.

Rating: I not sure I guess C
Disclaimer: I own nothing that belongs to Rick Riordan
last edited on Jul 20, 2011 at 12:40AM

The Heroes of Olympus 180 replies

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over a year ago precious211 said…
ah when u posting?
am excited, but am excited 4 everthing!!!!
post i hav a gut feeling it's goanna be awesome.........
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 1

My day can not possibly get any worse. Waking without any memory is bad enough. Now here I am getting attacked by large dogs. Seriously? My head was pounding. My heart was racing. And I was abosultly scared. I was running for my life. They where gaining. I soon ran into a wall. Just what I needed a died end. I had a weird feeling to reach in my pocket. I reached in and pulled out a pen. I uncapped it. In less than three seconds, it was a three foot long sword. I knew it was called Riptide. It fit prefectly in my hand, like it was made for me. The large dogs where almost here. There was only two. They were black and about the size of two buses. Just great. As they were getting closer, I made the first move. Catching them of guard. I slashed my sword in the first ones thigh. Then rolled off to the side as it tried to kick me. I took the chance and stabbed the other one in its leg. It collapsed in pain. I took the advantage and stabbed it in the chest. Turning it into gold dust. The second one came charging toward me. Most likely furious that I killed its buddy. Some how I managed to jump on it back. Getting a little ride. I knew I would not be able to stay on much longer. I put my sword through its head. Causing me to fall into the dust. How did I learn to fight like that? I was really tired. The strange thing was I had no scratches on me. I turned around and there was two people there. One was a girl with brown long hair with light brown eyes. The other one was a boy with short blond hair with the same brown eyes
"How did you manage to kill two hellhounds? Have you had training somewhere?" asked the guy.
"That was very impressive." said the girl
"Um.. I have no idea how I did that. And who are you?"
"We should ask the same thing. I am Bobby Dawn, son of Apollo.
"Hazel Craze,daughter of Ceres. And you?"
"I have no idea. I woke up not to long ago without any mememory.
"Come with us. We will take you somewhere safe. Its a camp for people like us." said Hazel
"People like us?"
"Yep. We are are half-bloods. Haf god half human.'
"Ok I have no where else to go."
" You not freaking out. Most do. Like this one kid went crazy. And he still is."
"Really? That must suck. It feels like I already know that I am a half-blood."
"Odd. Lupa will like to met you. Just don't get her mad. She will bite your head off if you do. And show no weakness." wow, that sure made me feel better. I rather she did not tell me that. Bother. Though for some reason I felt like running away. But I just kepting going father ahead. Feeling like each step I took would be my last.

Please tell me if I should keep going. It will get better as it goes on.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Thank you very much precious211. And hopefully you are not lying to me. I might just keep posting if more people comment.
over a year ago precious211 said…
snd don't worrry i no a few people who read new fanfics every day and comment they jut haven't been online today
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
IO love it and of course you should keep posting, it's an AMAZING story
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chapter great start :DDD
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 2

@precious211 thanxs for being the first person to comment
@AmazingPercy Glad you are reading this too.:)
@blakerose Thanxs for reading this
I think I will keep going. If that is alight.

We walked for what seemed like hours. Though truly it was only fifty minutes. I couldn't help getting nervous as we keeped going. All the way there, no one talked. It was dead silence. Exepct the swaying trees and squirels running along the path. The woods gave me the creeps. As we were aproaching, I saw a massive wall. It was made of brick and was extremely old. People where up at the very top guarding the entrance. I had the feeling that I do not belong here.
"State name and legoin." a guy at the top said. Was this a camp or prison?
"Bobby Dawn, son of Apollo praetor of fourth legoin."
"Hazel Craze, daughter of Ceres praetor of fifth legoin."
"And who is that. A new kid? If so enter. Lupa and the rest our waiting for you." I looked around there was no gate. How are we supposed to get in. Climb? As I was thinking this the wall started to move apart. Creating a small entrance. The three of us walked through. On the other side were buidings that were most likely Roman. I spotted about twenty cabins. As we walked through. There was many people training. And half-hauman half donkey goat people were running all over the place. Girls step at of the trees. Which was strange. This place was awesome.
"Come with us. Lupa are leader, would like to speak to you as well." said Bobby.
"Sure." We made our way to a huge Roman building. I really wanted turn back and run. I felt really uneasy. We walked around for ten minutes. Weaving our way though halls and furniture.
"In here, the rest will be there. Remeber show no weakness. She will not hesitate to kill you, if she wants to. She is a wolf." she did not have to tell me twice. She opened the door and we stepped in. There was about twenty chairs around a well used wooden table. Only three were taken. And a wolf sat at the very front on a chair fit for a queen.
"Lupa" Bobby and Hazel said. Then they bowed. I did the same. They made there way to their sets. Leaving me by myself. Lupa gave me a meancing stare. I stood my ground.
"And who are you,child." she asked
"I not so sure. I woke up without any memory."
"No memory? Hazel Bobby explain how you found him."
"We were coming back after searching all night for Jason. He was being atacked by two hellhounds. He killed both in no time.' explained Hazel.
"Try and remeber your name. It could help."
"My name. It is um.." what is my name? Prince? Yeah no. Pine, Pen, Peace, Percy. Yes it was Percy. Percy what. *Percy Jackson* said a voice in my head.
"Percy Jackson. My name is Percy Jackson."
"Now have you been claimed?"
"I am not sure, Lupa."
"Is it not strange that when Jason disappears. He arrives." said a girl with blond hair and blue eyes.
"Reyna you had no perrimisoin to speak. Hazel find out who his parent is and when that is finished come back.
"Yes,Lupa. Come on Percy." I knew this was going to be a very long day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 3

Hazel tried eveything to find my parents. First she thought I could be a Venus kid. She made me try all this different outfits. Not my thing. Vulcan,no. I couldn't do the most simplest designs. Ceres, not even close. I killed all the flowers. Apollo, I can't even hold a bow right. Then there was a lot more attempt. So far, I got chased by the Mars kids and fauns. I had a pie shoved in my face by some Mecury kids. My shirt caught on fire by some kids in the Trivia cabin. And some Minerva kids though there books at me. It was exhausting.
"Gods,Percy. What is wrong with you; we have tried mostly every god. All that is left is Jupiter,Pluto,Neptune,Juno,Vestia,and Diana. No way your their child. But the sooner we finish this the better. Luckly they have no children at camp. No more beong chased and stuff. I thought those Mars kids were going to get us." Hazel said.
"Never again. Is it always like this?"
"No. They always get claimed. But you haven't. I guess Lupa thinks you already have.So lets see. Juno your mom. Lets skip her. Diana not even possible. She hates men. Vestia. No. Jupiter. Well Jason is the son of Jupiter. But you look nothing like Jason. So no. Um Pluto? No.Your way to nice. Neptune. That would be awesome. I never met a son of Neptune. Follow me." She lead me to a lake on the far end of camp. We stood on the edge. Which was not the smartest thing to do. Hazel pushed me into the lake.Suprising as I was at the bottom,I could breath. I felt stronger. And as I got to the top. I was dry.
"This is amazing. You are the son of Neptune. We have to go tell Lupa. Imagine me being the first to know. Hurry they are probaly still in the metting." we ran back to the room. Though this time all of the chairs were filled.
"I see you are back. Percy who is your parent?"Lupa asked. I stepped forward. Everyone was watching me. I turned back to Hazel. She smiled and nodded.
"I am the son of Neptune." there was gasps all around.
"The son of Neptune very well. Rest hero.
Tomorrow you will fight. We will put you in a legoin if you surive. Today you shall not have any diner.Hazel show him the his cabin." Lupa said. No dinner really. I was starving. And I knew tommorrow will be worse than today.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
No food .. Poor Percy haha can't wat till u pOst again !! Loved it !!:DDD
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
big smile
Great chappters! POST SOON(:
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Love it
I like Hazel &Bobby e okay-same with Reyna but a little meanier but she should be like that cause of he BF
fyi Trivia is the roman counter part for hecate-sorry just kinda like minor thing
PlzpostsoonplzpostsoonPLZPOSTSOONplzposts­oon­PLZ­POS­TSO­ON pretty plz with sugar on top
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 4

@PersusJr- Thnxs
@precious211-Thank you so much
@blakerose12-Thnxs.Glad you like it
@ahotsummerday-Glad your read this
@AmazingPercy-Thank you so much for that information. Kinda forgot.

When I stepped in my cabin,I felt right at home. Where ever that is. It was amazing. There was a main room. There was a dazzling fountain with salt water in the middle. Sofas and an armchair. With a small tables here and there. I stepped into the bedroom. There was five beds. Which no one used. I found some purple shirts and a few pants. I was beat. I jumped onto my bed without taking my shoes off. I started to dream. It seemed so real. There was a women. She looked like she was asleep. Here dress was made of dirt.
"Percy,my young,brave,hero. I know I cannot make you join me. I know that you will refuse." the lady said
"How are you so sure. And who are you?"
"I know many things,hero. And I am Terra. I shall make you a deal."
"What kind of deal,Terra"
"I will not lie to you. I was planning to take away your friends. Make them mine. Though if you let me take away you curse. I will not take them away."
"A curse? What curse?"
"As I said I will not lie to you. The curse that you have makes you invicable. No one can harm you. Will you let me take it? Your friends will want you to agree. Or I shall kill them. Your choice. I shall come for your answer,very soon." I tried to yell but could not find my voice. I woke with a start. I looked out the window to find it was morning. I had to tell Lupa. And also get something to eat. I was starving. I got dressed and ran into Hazel.
"I was about to get you. Is there something wrong?" she asked.
"I need to take to Lupa."
"Well she is busy this time of day. How about we go get some breakfast and talk. You can sit with my friends and me."
"Um..I am hungry. Why not." she lead my to a wide building which was made of stone. It had sybmols all around it. Inside was not impressive though. It just had a about fifteen tables. Made of stone of coarse. There was people already eating. Hazel lead me to a table with a few kids. I remebered Reyna and Bobby from yesterday. The rest I am pretty sure where at the meeting yesterday.
"Percy these are my friends. Guys you all know Percy."Hazel said
"Nice to see you again Percy. Awesome that your the son of Neptune. We hit the jackpot finding you yesterday."Bobby said
"Hi, I am Gwendoyln, daughter of Bacchus." she had strawberry blond her with amber eyes. "Just call me Gwen though."
"I am Dakota Butcher,son of Mars." this guy was riped. he also had blond hair and deep brown eyes.
"I am Reyna Larson,daughter of Mercury. Sorry about thinking that someting was up. It just my boyfriend, Jason disppeared. He was the leader here. We all miss him." Reyna said
"Oh,sorry he is gone. And nice to bet you all. When can I talk to Lupa, Hazel?"
"Later. You can tell us. What is wrong though. We are all friends here."
" guess it won't hurt." I told them what happened. They all listened and some gasped.
"This is serious. We need to tell Lupa." Bobby said. Before we even got the chance the ground started to rumble. And out came the women in my dreams. All I could think of is my choices. Friends or curse. Friends or curse. Friends or curse.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
Love zies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
What will he chose friends or curse!! friends or curse !!!! Can't wait till you post again !!:DDD
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 5

@eveyone who is reading. Thanxs

People were shouting, running around all over the place or preparing to fight. I was panicking. What would I choose. If the people I just met were the friends, she talked about, I did not want her to take them. But what they said was true that I most likely bathed in the river styx then would I want to give it up?
As I was thinking this Lupa stormed in.
"Terra!! Leave you do not belong here. You have no reason to be here. Now begone!!"snarled Lupa
"That is were you are wrong. I do have business here. Is that not right Percy." I figured she was looking at me. Though her eyes where closed. It sent chilles up my spine.
"What is she talking about,Percy. What did you do."
"She has a deal for me.Either take away me friends or my curse of Achilles. And I have chosen. I will not let you take away my friends."
"I knew that would be your choice." she laughed so evilly. I felt my body burn. The pain was do over whelming. It felt as every part of me was on fire. Even my bones seemed to be burning. I could hear people shout and Lupa howling. And then I felt my knees buckle. My vision was leaving me. Then I blacked out.

I woke up and my skin was burning. My head was foggy. I started to get my vision back. There was five faces looking down at me.
"Oh,Gods, Percy. Are you all right. Your skin is red."said Gwen
"We thought you were a goner. You were bathed in red light. When you screamed it sent chilles. It was horrible. Right everyone." Dakota said. Screaming? I do not remeber screaming. I tried to get up,but a hand stopped me.
"Let me up."
"No. You are just like Jason. He always wanted to get up before he got better." said Reyna.
"Fine. I guess my curse is gone." I sighed.
"Most likely. Are you ok?" Bobby said.
"Not really. It feels like I am on fire."
"Oh. Well rest. Tommorow you have to fight. It's the only way to get you in a legion. We tried and talk Lupa out of it. She would not listen." said Bobby. They started to to get up and leave.
"Get better will you." said Hazel as she closed the door to my cabin. I wish they didn't leave. I was alone. Not for long though. Lupa just entered.
"You did a wise choice. Much like a leader. You did not want her to harm your friends.That curse could have been useful." she than told me to sleep. The last thing I though of was,I hope I do not dream.

sorry they are short
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 6


It is so lonely without Percy. And ever time I see Jason. It reminds me he is at the other camp. It is so unfair that Hera took him away. The bright side is that Thalia,Grover,Nico, and Tyson are coming back. There is no point in searching for the camp. Everyone was building Argo 2. The sooner it is finished, the sooner I can see Percy. Gods I miss my Seaweed Brain.
"Hey Hey. How are you?"
"Thalia. I am so happy to see you."
"No hugs for me."
"Grover I am so happy to see you. All of you. Finally some people who miss Percy as much as I do."
"Annabeth!!" Tyson came running at of the woods. Giving me a hug that almost squeezed my soul out.
"When we find brother. We go riding ponies and making things go boom,k. Oh look here comes a pony. Hi pony. Can I pet you?"
"Tyson I am not a pony. How many times have I told this my boy." said Chiron. Even though he seemed in a really good mood.
"Oh sorry." Tyson said very shyly.
"Chiron so is it true that Percy is at a Roman camp.' Nico asked
"Yes. I hope he gets along well. They have different point of views. I will be off now. Stay out of trouble. I need to go stop a fight between the Hermes and Apollo cabins. It seems that the Stolls swithced Apollo's kids arrows with bomb arrows. Very dangerous."
"Bomb arrows really? Haahahahahahah" Thalia laughed so hard she fell to the ground. No one could help but laugh.
"Demigods these days." Chiron trotted away.
"What so funny. And look Annabeth is laughing nice change,Wise Girl." said Leo
"Knock it off Valdez. And Do not call me Wise Girl. Now go take Piper and Jason away. This is a renuion you three aren't invited to." I said.
"And why not? Thalia hi nice to see you again."
"Hi Jason. Now I know your my little bro. But please go."
"Why what are you talking about."
"My big brother, Percy. He is the best there ever was, Right everyone?" Tyson said
'That true. Now can you three leave. Unless you know Pecy you can stay."Grover said
"Fine lets go."Jason stormed of saying he never got to talk to his sister.
"Nice bro Thalia" Nico commented
'Well he's all right. I am glad he's alive though. Well any ways. About Percy."
"What can I say. He's at the Roman camp. The sad part is know how Jason has his memory gone. Most likely Percy has no memory either.' I said. No one looked to happy about it.
"We need to get that boat finished. And soon. What if he has a new best friend." Grover wailed
"Come on. We'll help build it, Anabeth." As we walked down to the boat. It looked like it would take forever to finish. I sighed and thought of Percy. I was going work harder. Knowing we will all see Percy again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
AWESOME ! that's all i can say
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Awsomee story! Post! Soon(:
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 7

@AmazingPercy- Thank you very much
@PersesJr-Thank you for reading this.
@everyone-I am really happy you are all reading this. So this chapter is dedicated to you three.

Good thing I did not have any dreams. The unlucky part was I had to wake up at four in the morning!! This is there usual schedule. Kill me. I went for breakfast which was not very much. It turns out yesterday was a free day. And they rarely have those. And I had to be a sleep the whole day. And today was the day of the fight. Half an hour after breakfast. Was I nervious? No I was not. The bad thing was I had to fight my friends. They were the best. There was only six legoins.Gwen legion six. Hazel legoin five. Bobby four. Dakota three. And Reyna two. Lupa was in charge of first,since Jason gone.
"Ready for this. We are friends,but we won't go easy on you." Dakota said.
"You mean Percy wont't go easy on us. When he took those hellhounds by himself, it was awesome." said Bobby.
"You will fight me first, then Hazel, Bobby, Dakota, and Reyna." explained Gwen
"Can't wait. Hopefully you won't kill me in the process." there have been serious injuries in the past. I was not looking forward to it. We were heading there right now. I hope I make this out alive. But something told me that I could beat them easily. We were fighting in a coliseum. It was not as big as the oringal ones. But it was big. It looked really new. My friends went to get ready. As I peered out the door to the arena. I noticed the whole camp was there. Including the fauns and other creatures. Lupa was there too. A horn rang. It was time to begin. There was weapons laid out arcoss the arena. But I only needed Riptide, hopefully.
"Let the battle begin. Percy Jackson vs. Gwen Marge of six legion." called out Lupa. I watched as Gwen stepped out. She was wearing an amor similiar to mine. A helmet with puple plumes mine had blue. And a breast plate with many symbols in Latin. Mine was just plain. She came charging at me. Her weapon was a bow and arrows. She wouldn't last ten minutes.Arrows were coming towards me. I dodged everyone.
"Not that good of aim,are you Gwen." I mocked. Which only made her angry. Just what I wanted. Her aim become less cordinated. I took that as an advantage. I quickly went up to her and knocked the bow out of her hands. Kicked her in the chest and had my sword pointed at her in no time.
"Wow your good." I helped her up and she walked away.
"Very good. Now Hazel come. Lets begin. She charged at me. Her sword drawn. We fought for no more than one minute before I disarmed her. With the sword at her throat. How easy was this. Bobby was next he charged. Did they all charge? I took him out in two minutes. Before I even took the sword away from him Dakota came out of no where. He slahed his sword at me. But I blocked it. He was down in no time. Was it always this easy? Reyna was next. She was pretty good. But not good enough. It over in five minutes. And I was completly bored. Lupa said she was going to talk to me later. I met up with the rest.
"Is it always this easy. I thought you were not going to go easy on me. Look I have no scrathes on me."
"Going easy on you. No way. Was it really that easy. No one beats all of us." said Reyna
"Really? I was super bored."
"Bored. I wish you had your memory. Then we would know if you had trained somewhere." said Hazel
"Percy I have decided to put you in charge of legoin one." Lupa said.
"Legoin one. Lupa thats Jasons Legoin."Reyna protested.
"Is he here. No. Percy come with me,"
"Thank you Lupa. Of coarse. Bye see you later." She explained how to run the legion how to do some drills. It was hard work. And the legoin did not seem to happy about it. The first day was tiring. The next, most likely worse. At dinner no one talked. They were most likely upset since I took Jason job. I decided to leave early. I quickly went to bed. I could not sleep all night. There was shadows moving all over the room. A voice keeped calling me. It sounded so familiar. Then I realised who it was. Could that really be possible. Then there was a horrible crash. The beds were flying. It was like a mimi tornadoe. I tried to move but I couldn't. I tried to scream for help. My voice was muffled my the noise. Then there was a blinding light.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
KK I will try to post soon. Though totally have writters block. And Persus dude seriously hahaha I do not care. Have fun everyone. (And I am kinda busy)
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
AHMAZING CHAPPTER! I love your SoN (: post soon!
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 8

Terra was standing there. She looked creepier in the dark. The lights were flashing. Objects were still flying across the room. I still could not move. Terra was laughing her head off.
"You thought it was over. That I would just leave. Well you were wrong. No more nice,nice." she shrieked. I tried to speak but my voice was blocked by all the noise. All of sudden my bed was thrown across the room with me still in it. I was flying through objects all the way across. The bed slammed against the wall. Squeezing me. My head felt like it was going to burst. I felt liquid running down my face. The bed dropped causing me to land hard right by Terra. I picked my self up. Still feeling pain from the blow to my head. I looked her in her closed eyes.
"It was nice meeting you. To bad we shall never met again. all thanks to you. Bye Percy."
"What are you......." I heard swoosh swoosh from behind be. Before I could react I felt exereme pain. I looked down to see two arrows in my stomach. My vision was getting foggy,my feet started to sway. I heard pounding on the door and Terra laughing. Then I passed out.


I could still not get over Percy getting Jasons postion. None of us wanted to talk to him at dinner. After a little while he left early. I watched him go. I had a feeling to go after him. I didn't. Finally Reyna broke the silence.
"We shouldn't be mad that Percy got Jasons postion. It's not like he asked for it,right?
"Yeah, I guess that is why he left. He know we were not going to talk to him." I said.
"Well anyways we should be nicer. We are friends. And he just got out of the infamiray today. It still bugs me. It was scary. Watching him get his curse taken. I wonder why she would do that." Gwen asked.
"Who knows. One thing I know is I am still hungry." said Dakota.
"Me too."I said
"Really? How about some pie."Hazel asked. She grabbed a pie and shoved it in Dakota face. It was super funny. I almost choked on my drink.
"I like my pie this way. Mmm. Banana Cream Pie. All for me." he than started eating the pie from his face. It reminded me of the days before Jason disappeard. It has only been a week. A week from today. And before I could say something, I had a pie in my face."
"You did say you were hungry did you not." Hazel laughed.
"Yes. And unlike Dakota I do not like eating off my face."
"Oh come on Bobby. It's still really good." Dakota said.
"Yeah, no thanks." I wiped the pie useing a variety of napkins. After a while we decided to go to sleep. Everyone was probaly thinking the same thing. Soon everyone was getting up. As we got close to the cabins we heard loud noises.
"What going on over there?" Reyna asked. Lupa was right behind us heading toward the cabins."
"Come with me. It's probaly some people throwing a party." she said. As we got closer, the noise seemed to be coming from the Neptune's cabin. What could Percy be doing? Then we heard laughing. It was really creepy. Then all the noise was gone. It was dead quite. People had gathered around the cabin. I had a dreading feeling to go in.Lupa told us to go knock on the door. Gwen went up and knocked. No answer. She knocked even harder. Still no answer. All of us started to knock. No answer. I tried the door. It was locked. Lupa told us to break it down.There was a lot of people whispering. And pointing toward the cabin. It took three of us to open it. It seemed to be blocked by something. We had all undid the hinges and took the door out of it's frame. And what we saw at the other end was not good. It looked like an earthquake happened. And I know I should have stopped him.
"Find him. We might be to late." Lupa said
We headed toward the bedroom. Again we took out the door. If possible it was worse than in the other room. And right in the middle was Percy. He was passed out. He had lost a lot of blood. We ran toward him. We turned him over. He had two arrows right throw his stomach. He might already be died.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
this si sreally good!! u goott a continue!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
Epic chapter dudette post soon
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 9

@precious211-Thanks for the the comments
@green-art-ac-pj-Thanks for reading this
@PersesJr-I guess dudette is ok,hahaah Hope you like this.


When I saw Percy on the ground,I didn't know what to do. I should have followed him. It was my fault. I wacthed as my siblings took him away. I was in to much of a shock to help. He had lost a lot of blood. I looked around. The place was a mess. I looked at my friends. They were in shock as well.
"I..I should have followed him. I had a feeling to go after him. But I didn't."I slammed my fist in the wall. Making a huge hole in it.
"Even if you did. What could you have done? Look at this place. Who ever did this was powerful. If Percy couldn't take them. How could you?"Hazel cried
"This is bad. I have a feeling it was Terra. She took away his curse so she would be able to kill him.She fooled us." I have never seen Gwen this mad before it was scary
"Gwen calm down. He'll be ok. You we see. He will be just fine." I was not to sure I convenced myself
"I hope he makes it. His injuries are serious.Look." Reyna was pointing at the the blood on the floor. Though I could still see tears in her eyes."We were mean to him. And that might have been the last thing we did to him. I feel like a jerk. We should not have ingored him.
"It is ok Reyna. Lets go check on him."Dakota said. We made our way to the infarmiry. Lupa was there. Looking terrifing as usual.
"You may not pass. Bobby you can. You are a son of Apollo. Go help your brothers and sisters. The rest go to bed.
"Yes Lupa"they said. I walked in. There was people running all over the place. Yelling out orders. I went to the bed that Pery was on. He was deathly pale. His breathing was labored. My siblings were trying to get the arrows out. My first thought was,he it's going to make it.
"Bobby don't just stand there. Help do something. Do you want him to die?" said one of my sisters. I put a pair of gloves on and got to work. We managed to get the arrows out. Almost killing him. And we banaged it and the deep gash in his head. Now all we had to do was wait. If he even got a little better by the morning he would make it. But now he had a 10% chance. I needed some sleep. I was way to tired to think straight. When I opened the doors,my friends were there. They clearly disobed Lupa.
"How is he?" Reyna asked
"Not good. Not good at all. We did all we can,but it's not enough. I feel so hopeless."
"Bobby you did all you can." Dakota said." Lets go to sleep. Tomorrow well check up on him. With that we headed toward our cabins. Despite everything I feel asleep wondering if Percy will make it. Hopefully he will.

I will most likely post a longer chapter today
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lenorg said…
its a good story but you have to work on it gramatically its hard to read with so much spelling mistakes.
i dont mean to offend you.
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Not at all. I was rushing through them. Now that I have free time,it will make more sense.
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Awsomee chapters! Sorry I haven't commented thy cut the internet:( but I'm back! Post soon
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 9

This chapter is dedicated to ahotsummerday12


I woke up really early in the morning. Hoping to go check on Percy. I hurried to the infirmary. Everyone else was already there. And to my great suprise they were smiling. I looked at Percy he looked better.
"Glad you decided to join the party." smiled Gwen
"Is he ok. He looks better." I said
"You tell us. Your the son of Apollo." Dakota said. I checked his pressure and temperture. It was fine.
"We can stay for another two hours. Lessons don't start til eight. They all agreed. We sat there talking and giving Percy worried glances. We barely even now him,but I a short time he gained our trust. It was already an hour and a half since we arrived. We decided Percy was more imporant than breakfast. We were so focused on our conversion we did not hear Percy wake.
"Why do I always wake up in the infiramry?" Everyone was super happy he ws awake.

I could here voices. My head was hurting to much. But that was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my stomach. I just wanted to die. I forced my eyes open. And there was my friends. I looked around, I was in the infirmary AGIAN!!!!
"Why do I always woke up in the infirmary." that sure did hurt to talk. All eyes were on me. They were smiling. It made my feel a little better knowing that they were happy I woke up.
"Gods Percy are you ok. What happened."Hazel said."We found you passed out. You had two arrows through you and a deep gash in your head. Everything that happened started to come back.
"Terra came. She tried to kill..." I started to cough and could not stop. Blood started to come out. And I was pancking.
"Percy it's ok calm down here drink this." Bobby handed me some water. I was shaking and couldn't hold it,I ended up dropping it on me. Though it made me stop coughing I felt so much better. Kinda weird if you think about it.
"Well that works to, I guess. Bobby handed my a napkin to clean my mouth."So exactly how do you feel?"
"My head feels like it going to explode and my stomache hurts. And it kinda hurts to talk. Is it me or is it freezing in here. But other than that I'm fine." but seriously all of a sudden it felt like someone made it fifty degrees cooler in here.
"Its just you. And sorry but we have to go." with that Reyna got up and the rest followed. Telling me they would come back after dinner. I felt so alone. I kept reliving what happened yesterday. I could not believe I didn't fight back. Anger started to get the best of me. And without thinking I started to get up. But Lupa came in and growled at me.
"Do not get up. It will just make you feel worse. I have came here because I think it is time for a quest. Once you heal you shall go."Lupa said as she was coming toward me.
"Quest,why?" I croaked
"To try and stop Terra. She has just declared war with the gods. Once you can walk we shall get your prophecy." with that she left me alone. Prophecy that sounded really familiar. Terra had fooled my and she will not again. I was getting really bored. No one came in at all.After five hours the pain rose. It was horrible. I wanted to scream. Instead I passed out. Waking up around seven o' clok. I was now starving. And once again the pain came. And a minute later my friends came in. And for some reason laughing there heads off. I heard something about the Mercury kinds throwing water ballons at the fauns. The pain had risen and if they were just going to laugh, they should go away. They were coming nearer. My vision was going foogy again.
"You should have been there Percy. The Mercury kids..are you ok." Bobby asked. My head felt like it was on fire. I could not speak it was worse than last time. I felt someone put their hand on my forehead.
"Wow, Percy your burning can you here me." his voice sounded worried. Wait why? Was someone sick? Was I? Weird I don't remeber. What was going on. Why am I in so much pain.
"Percy I said can you here me?"Bobby repeated.
Then I managed to say."What's wrong? Is someone like sick or something?" I sounded so weird. That was funny.
"Is he ok. Why he acting like that. And wow he is burning. Is he delirious or something?"I think Gwen asked. Who cares. Wow there are a lot of pretty stars. I tried to reach for them. It was not working.
"He's freaking me out dude. Do something. Why is he doing that?" Was that Dakota. He was here, cool."
"Dakota is that you. Long time no see. Oh hi Bobby when you get here. Reyna,Gwen,Hazel hi. Whatcha doing?" they had really funny faces hahaha.
"Now that is weird." Hazel said. Weird. Then all of a sudden I felt better. What in the world was going on? Then I turned kinda red realizing I made a fool of my self.
"What just happened? Ouch that hurt." I moaned
"You tell us. You went kinda weird in the head. We walked in and you didn't look to good."Bobby explained
"Oh it was just.. Um...I haven't felt to good today. I..I had to serious pain attacks today."I mumbled
"No one has came to check on you or feed you?" Bobby asked
"Are they suppose to?"I asked
"Well yes. They are in so much trouble. Let me get you something to eat." Hazel ended up feeding me. It didn't taste like anything. But I was not complaing. I couldn't move a whole lot. She gave me something to drink. My thrist went away.
"I feel bad for you. No food. Pain. Sounds like fun." said Dakota. "He then gave me something that was called nectar. I was getting really tired.
"He probaly is really tired lets go. See you tomorrow Percy."Reyna said. They all left again. And I quickly fell asleep.Then I started dreaming. It was horrible. Filled with so much screaming. And so much hate. Terra was evil. Torturing everyone. Her sons,her minions.....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
over a year ago lenorg said…
i liked it pretty good.
over a year ago Safree said…
Please post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Chapter 10


I woke up feeling really dizzy. And remebering an awful dream. I won't go into that. It was a nightmare.I heared the door open. A boy and girl where coming toward me. The girl had light brown hair and hazel eyes. The boy had blond hair with brown eyes. They were talking to each other. They both looked really nervios.
"Um..hi. I'm Marge,daughter of Trivia. And this is Craig son of Mercury." Marge said really shyly.
"We just come to say hi and wish you well. Are you all right."Craig said
"Been better."it came out as a whisper. And it sounded nothing like me.
"Oh,ok. Um.. so..your name is Percy?"Craig asked. I nodded yes. It was not the smartest idea. A pain shot throw my head causing me to wince.
"Craig look what you did."
"It was not my fault."
"Oh really. Is that so."
"Yeah.Marge."man they were giving me a headache
"Well it hurt....."
"What's going on in here. We can hear you two from miles away!!!"Hazel and the rest stormed in. Adding to my headache.
Then it got worse. They all started fighting. Saying they were making me feel worse. Nice thing to say beacuse there making me feel even worse. It lasted ten minutes and could not take it any more of it.
"SHUT UP!!!YOUR MAKING IT WORSE!!!!"that was another mistake. I lost my voice.Great. And my head was pounding. At least it got there attention.
"Sorry. We made it worse." Reyna said
"Well we are leaving come on Craig." with that they left.
"Now that that's over with,how are you?"Bobby asked"Lupa wants you to get better as soon as possible. Something about a quest." They all stood there waiting for an answer. But of course I couldn't talk.
"Earth to Percy can you here us?" Gwen asked. I raised my hand pointed to my mouth. Trying to say I can't talk.
"Um..wait. Your voice is gone."Hazel said.I did a thumbs up.
"Great. Why did you have to yell in the first place."said Dakota.Then Lupa come in with a box on her back.
"I know you are far from getting better,but I want to give you your prophecy. Children leave me alone with him." they nodded and left. Lupa came toward me and put the box on my bed. Green mist seeped through. It covered the whole room. Then it started to say a prophecy.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Ahhhh! WONDERFUL CHAPTERS AWW. Thank you (: can't wait till you Post:D I love your Fanfic! PERCY LIVED!
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Tornadoe nice
over a year ago swiftwater said…
A box? why a box?
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
Oh, you will find out.It's not just a box. Enough said.
last edited over a year ago