The Heroes of Olympus A MAGICAL SON OF NEPTUNE!!!

Musa57 posted on Jul 12, 2011 at 01:50AM
hello you guys, am a fan of the pjo/hoo series, almost as much as am a fan of the winx club, so i though i would make my own fanfic, is that's okay.
i'll continue to write if i gt six responses (six cause there are six people in the winx club!)if i don't by friday, i know this is a total buzz, and i'll stop right away
last edited on Jul 12, 2011 at 03:10AM

The Heroes of Olympus 6 replies

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over a year ago Musa57 said…
Chapter 1 Percy Pov
How the Hades did I get here?
Even before the monster attacked, I knew something was wrong.
For starters, I woke up, with my arms around some girl, and her head resting on my shoulders. That wasn’t necessarily the wrong or bad part, the bad part was I didn’t know why she was around me, or even who she was.
Hades, I didn’t even know who I was, now to think of it!
I looked around my surroundings, hoping something would jog my memory, or at least help me remember who I was, and with a start, realized I was in the middle of a camp fire, that was happening during the middle of the night.
There were three people, including that girl, surrounding the camp fire, and for some reason they were singing “countdown lady sing this song doodah, doodah,” you know, those dorkey songs that you usually sing when you’re having a camp fire. The weirder thing was that they looked like they were actually enjoying themselves.
I smelled something cooking and looked down, and I saw in my hand, a stick with a marshmallow on the end. I looked around and saw that they all had marshmallow sticks too, except theirs wasn’t burning, like mine.
I got up suddenly hoping to extinguish the small flame, with my shirt, and the girl I that was resting on my shoulders, fell down on the log, that apparently we were sitting on.
“OUCH, PERCY? WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?” She asked me, rubbing her behind in the process.
“OH AM SO SORRY, CAN I HELP YOU UP?” I asked her, bending over her body.
That’s when I first got a good look at her, and let me just say, WOW, was she HOT.
She had silky flowing blond hair, that reached past her shoulders, her eyes were a deep, beautiful brown, she had tanned skin, and she had an athletic looking body. Basically she looked like one of those stereotypical California girls, you see on TV. She was wearing rainbow jeans, and a purple t-shirt that said, “Peace, love, joy, and all that crap,” basically she looked like a hippie.
I guess I went goggle eyed over her, because she suddenly looked at me weirdly, and asked, “AH PERCY, WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?” So Percy, was my name, to me it sounded pretty dorkey, but heh it could have been worse, my name could have been Xavier.
“He’s probably busy still staring at you Natalie, probably still wondering how he got you as his girlfriend in the first place,” said one of the other camper people, while snickering.
The girl named, Natalie, blushed, “shut up, Owen.” The guy named Owen shut himself up, instantly.

Huh so this girl, was named Natalie, and apparently she was my girlfriend. Immediately when I thought that, my heart filled with guilt, for some strange reason, I didn’t know.
I turned toward the guy apparently named Owen, and not until then did I take notice of the other campers other than the girl named Natalie, I mean I knew they were there, and all, but like I didn’t actually realize they were actually there, am I being confusing, cause am confusing myself.
The other two camper’s appearances weren’t as breath taking, or should I say it, as well beautiful as Natalie’s, to be honest.
One of them, the guy named Owen, had dark brown skin, matching eyes, and a lot of laugh lines on his fore head, which showed that he laughed and smiled a lot, that didn’t fool me though, because the guy had serious muscles, like honestly, he was ripped. He was wearing denim jeans, a cub’s jacket, and a shirt that said, “it wasn’t me, it was my sis.”
That just left one last person, the other girl, and not trying to be rude or anything but she was by far, the creepiest one out of the two. From her head, down to her shoes, was just one basic color, black, well except her skin, which was a pale, olive, skin color, and her hair, which had red highlights running through it, all together she looked like night. I wondered what her name was; I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something like “danger.”
“Uhh Percy, you’re doing that thing again,” said the girl named Natalie.
I didn’t realize it, but he had once again zoned out, like he had done, when he was staring at the girl named Natalie.
“I don’t know you people,” I automatically said.
Awkward silence followed my words, everyone staring at me in disbelief, obviously thinking I was lying, and trying to detect any lie give a ways, from my face.
Then simultaneously, all three of them burst out laughing, there sounds echoing through the chilly, July, night.
“Yeah right PERCE,” said the girl wearing all black, while wiping her eyes.
“Ikr? He’s just trying to pull a prank on us, after we put snakes in his desk, during science class.” The guy named Owen said, while snickering.
“Yeah I remember that, Mrs. Smith was like, “Percy what is the rate that gravity accelerates?
And Percy answered by trying to get his science book from under his desk, but instead ended up with a bunch of killer snakes biting his fingernails, and eventually wrist.” He continued.
“Yeah I remembered that, we almost got expelled, if it wasn’t for Percy covering up for us.” Added Natalie, then she looked at him fondly, got up from the floor (Percy never helped her up) and moved closer toward me, obviously going to kiss me, but before she even got her chance, I backed away.
“Hey ,wait a minute, am sorry, but I don’t know who you are, and am not going to kiss someone, I don’t know, cause that would be weird, and ah creepy.”I stated.
Natalie looked hurt, and sat back down.
“You really aren’t kidding, you honestly don’t remember who we are.” She said looking glum.
I sighed yes, I really don’t, but it’s worse than that, I honestly don’t remember who I am.”
Finally these people looked like they believed me, took them long enough.
“Okay obviously Percy has amnesia, so it’s our job to try and help him,” the girl in black said.
“Yeah, we could take him to a doctor; my dad would pay for it, like he always pays for everything for me.” Natalie added with a little bit of spite in her voice.
“I totally agree with you Natalie,” stated the girl wearing all black, but first I say we should at least introduce ourselves so he’s not totally clue less.”
She then proceeded to walk in front of him, and put her hand out, and said, ”um hi, ah Percy, you probably don’t remember me, so I’m just goanna say it, my name is Tory Pectin, and am one of your best friends.”
“Nice to meet you, ah Tory,” I shook her hand, not really sure what to do next, awkward silence followed, none of us sure what to do next.
Then that’s when all of us heard it, an earsplitting growl, coming from the woods, making all the birds fly away quick in retreat. Instinctively we all turned around, and honestly I was kind of scared/terrified, at what was coming out of the forest. I can’t really tell you what it is, because I didn’t know myself, but I’ll just describe it for you.
This thing was about six feet tall, and ah beefy and hairy, literally this thing was hairy all the way around his body, that wasn’t the freaky thing though, the freaky thing was its face, at the top of its head, were two horns that was sticking out, and it had beady eyes, hatred filled in them. The funny thing was it was wearing a baby diaper, which made it look kind of stupid, but it didn’t diminish the amount of terror I felt toward it.
“Ah what the heck is that?” the boy named Owen stated, by now we were all standing up.
“Idk, but judging by the looks of it, I don’t think it wants to play with us,” I said, to lighten the mood, but unfortunately it really didn’t.
“What are we going to do?” Yelled the girl named Natalie.
That’s when I got a plan, a ridiculous, stupid plan, but still a plan.
Do we have any nets? I asked them.
“Yeah one in the tents,” answered Natalie. Perfect I thought then I told them the plan, and they agreed.
While they ran towards the tent area, to get the net and set the trap, It was my job to keep the thing busy. And to be honest, I felt like I was doing a pretty good job too, for a mediocre.
I punched it, and kicked it, to get its attention away from them, and towards me, and it worked. Unfortunately now its attention was on me, totally and utterly on me. I had nothing to help me, so I used my body, and I think it worked, but I was going to end up getting beaten to a pup soon, if they didn’t hurry up with the track.
And just right on cue, I heard Natalie shout ready! Alright, now for some action, I thought.
“Hey beef head, am over here,” and just like the idiot the thing was, it started chasing me, falling right in to the trap. I jumped over it, but unfortunately he didn’t, and the next thing you know, the beef brain is cut in the net, suspended over air.
We started congratulating ourselves for the success that we had made, when we heard a strange rustle in the bushes, and all of our thoughts filled with dread. Oh no another monster we thought simultaneously.
huh italics dosen't work here, niether does underling, that sucks.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
It's good...ita just that everyone has stuff about girls and how theycant remember... What's my name? Heck I don't know my age?? It's like that...though it's good
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Yeah I like it it's different
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago Softdog said…
It's really good! Can't wait till u post!
over a year ago Zobar said…
big smile
Post post!!!<3