The Heroes of Olympus trickster's version

greektrickster posted on Jun 27, 2011 at 02:36PM
I am posting my own heroes of Olympus cause I really want to try it out,if you like it please reply,if you don't like it still reply cause I appreciate criticism for my stories,ENJOY

Disclaimer: I do not own anything by Rick riordan

The Phoenix rider:this book is a sequel of the son of Neptune in my version and they meet a guy named Shawn who dealer with the other remaining titans during
the Titan war and how he is extremely powerful even though he is a mortal and when Gaia goes after his Phoenix,Shawn calls the seven of the prophecy to help him carry the Phoenix egg to Olympus.
This is adventurous,humorous,romantic.............­...­.
last edited on Aug 31, 2011 at 09:46AM

The Heroes of Olympus 165 replies

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over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 1.
Percy' pov
Percy woke up in the middle of a ruined house that looked like it was cursed before he was even born.his whole body hurt and he had a very painful headache coming up.he felt completely empty all he could remember was that his name was Percy jackson other than that nothing,his age nothing except for this blond girl in his mind who he somehow knew was annabeth his girlfriend.Suddenly he heard a howl through the trees and every hair in his body stood up.he instinctively jumped behind a tree and reached into his pockets and pulled out a black ballpoint pen.He thought why why would I have a need of a pen.suddenly a huge shadow passed a feet way from him and he gasped.A giant wolf walked into the clearing at least 10 feet tall it sniffed the air as if wondering where was it's snack.the wolf turned his head towards the tree he was hiding behind and all Percy could think about was "What in the name of HADES" suddenly the wolf with surprising speed for such a big creature pounced on him but all he could think about was why did he just say HADES And the wolf suddenly racked it's paws against his chest but he felt no pain at that but yelped.
He saw a confused look across the wolf's face as if wondering "why not sliced human " and then understanding passed and the wolf opened it's mouth and said what are you doing in my forest and why are you here? Percy thought that he was hallucinating as no way a wolf could talk but the wolf appeared so angry he decided to go with it and ask her some questions somehow he knew the wolf was a she .Percy asked who are you ? But the wolf was muttering to herself something about not to be trusted.....Juno and stuff that made no sense to him but anger gripped him about not knowing who he was and he shouted at the wolf who am I ? And who are you.the wolf considered all these things and answered you are a demigod which means but before she could answer percy replied that I am half god half mortal then thought how do I know that? The wolf looked at him carefully and said yes you are a demigod as for where you are you are in California near San Francisco
Suddenly Percy shouted I cannot be in San Francisco and thought he was in danger for some reason
The wolf looked at him with her dark brown eyes that looked like they were a thousand years old and had seen everything and an image popped up in his head of a man in forties with a tweed jacket in a wheelchair and smelled like coffee and had the exact same eyes.
The wolf looked at him and said that I will let you live for you are not mine to kill and will take you to camp but heed this warning perseus jackson I know you can speak in ancient Greek but you must not do this at the camp is that clear otherwise even I may not be able to protect you.
Percy understood all of it bout he asked who are you?the wolf looked at him and said I am Lupa godess of wolves and mother of Rome and with that Lupa bent down and said now sit I don't have all day
Percy only looked at her with a look that said "I believe you but I am not getting on you" Lupa snarled at him and suddenly Percy was swept of his feet as Lupa bit his arm and ran from the valley they were in so fast that Percy felt his face was peeling of and suddenly they were in a new place where it looked like a bowl of mist was situated and Lupa announced gravely as if she coudn't believe she had brought him here after all welcome to legion camp demigod
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
it was good!!!!
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
i loved it!!!
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
post soon?
over a year ago greektrickster said…
I'll post tomorrow I live In India and it's almost midnight over here and thanks a lot huntress for replying i was thinking nobody would read it thanks a lot
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 2
From dream to a living nightmare
Percy pov
As I entered in the mist I saw dozens of teenagers strolling around and doing various activities.from where I was standing I could almost see the entire valley a forest,an archery range,stables,a bunch of cabins arranged in two lines all of them looking the same from the outside and to my right I saw a beautiful red house which was carved intricately with patterns and forest designs so I guessed it must be a sort of head house or office for this place.Lupa looked at me carefully as if wondering how was I taking all this and said that you will be living here now since you are unclaimed you will be staying in the mercury cabin for now.I immediately asked her don't you mean Hermes.Lupa glared daggers at me and said insolence is not a habit that will be tolerated here boy now you must rest as you are probably tired and tomorrow you will take the test.immediately I was on guard for some reason I hated the 'test' word it
made me think about studies but I did not want to make Lupa think I was crazy so I
just asked her what test?she looked at me as if she knew what I was thinking and
tried to hide her laugh and told me that I would need to take a test to prove I was
worthy of legion camp and can survive my own in monster fights.
Monster and gods what are these people crazy I thought but a little voice in the back of my head knew better and I believed what Lupa told me.While I was thinking all this
Lupa called a girl over called Gwen and asked her to give me a tour of camp and to take me to the hermes sorry MERCURY cabin to stay.the girl that Lupa called looked
at me sideways with a mischievous glint in her eyes.she was around the same height
as me maybe an inch shorter had bright blue eyes that immediately told you that she
had just pulled a prank and brown red hair that was braided down the sides.she was
pretty in a sort of way but didn't seem my type.the girl introduced herself as Gwen
daughter of mercury and praetor of the fourth legion. I had absolutely no idea what a
legion was but I had bigger problems like where was I.Lupa told her to take me to the
mercury cabin immediately and get me settled I was going after Gwen Lupa
spoke in my mind and told me to meet her tomorrow morning before my test.I gave
her a nod to show I understood.

Gwen told me to follow her and she took me towards the cabin all the way she kept
telling me about the archery range and the stables and canoe races etc...etc.I barely paid any attention to her having amnesia really tends to get your priorities clean.we finally got toward the Hermes sorry Mercury cabin Gwen went up the threshold and as soon as she opened the door something exploded and Gwen landed on the ground beside me I looked at her and burst out laughing.Gwen was covered entirely in ketchup her face,hands,clothes everything she shouted in the cabin Henry I'll get you for That.a boy appeared in the doorway so I assumed he was
henry and he looked like an elf with mischievous face and was grinning like a
lunatic.he told Gwen that she should get a shower.I still count stop laughing and
Gwen blushed but said shut up amnesiac boy which immediately wiped the smile of
my face.Gwen appeared sorry but still didn't say anything and I again felt completely she took me In the cabin but as she was passing she told the henry guy that
she will get him later for that.Gwen took me to the living room which was a light blue
with purple.I immediately loved the place there was a fireplace a caduceus was
hanging above the mantel and book shelves covered a part of the wall except they
were filled with rocks ,jewelry,watches everything I Assumed was probably stolen
since Hermes aka mercury was the god of thieves .as we passed the Henry kid gwen
took out a big wad of money from his back pocket along with a keychain and
motioned me not to tell.I could barely control my snickers and as Gwen led me down
the hall she was laughing as well.she stopped in front of a door and said that this was
the guys room and that you better watch out when you wake up I asked her why but
she refused to answer and told me to get some sleep as I was going to take the
test tommorow for my placement into which legion.I was so tired I barely listened and
just entered the room and went straight to sleep.
As soon as I fell asleep I had a dream about the blond girl named annabeth my girlfriend she and I were holding hands while we were on a beach I suddenly in my dream i pulled her closer and gave her a kiss and she kissed me back I told her I love you annabeth she blushed but said i love you too seaweed brain and I kissed her again and I felt so happy I thought nothing could ruin the moment but suddenly the earth started shaking and I fell into a crevice I saw a lady made out of dirt no I was not kidding she was really made of dirt her eyes were closed but she was smiling as if she was in a pleasant dream.she looked at me and spoke join me Perseus Jackson join my side,help me free my sons and I will spare the girl you love I will spare your family I'll return your this I felt white hot rage fill into my body I may not
remember annabeth completely or my friends or family but I will not let this disgusting
Earth lady whoever she was hurt them.I had already sacrificed way too much and I
screamed at the dirt lady I will never join you you disgusting dirtbag women if you hurt
my friends I will tear you apart and dont even think about hurting annabeth.the women
just smiled as if she enjoyed my distress and said that you have sealed your own
demise Perseus Jackson you should have accepted my offer and I felt myself fall
through darkness and I woke up with a jump.sweat covered my entire body I looked at
the clock on the wall and it was only 2:00 am.there was no way I could sleep after that
so I quietly snuck out of the cabin and headed for the beach for some I sat
on the beach all I could think about was annabeth she would know who I was.she
would have the answers I needed.I felt completely isolated.I felt completely
abandoned,separated from the world without my memories.each time a wave would
touch me I felt stronger,my mind sharper and as I was watching the stars I fell asleep
thinking about annabeth.

Chapter 3:
Annabeth' pov
As soon as I figured that Percy was in the other camp for demigods I immediately grabbed Leo and hephaestus cabin and demanded them to start building the ship Leo had been talking about the Argo II.I missed Percy so we headed towards the bunker 9 which now the whole camp knew was the perfect place to build the boat the ceiling was high,there was tons of space it was only a little ways froom the creek and there were already tools there.piper ,Leo and Jason kept asking me about percy and his adventures but i didn't want to talk about it so when Leo picked a
conversation with me about Percy I broke off into tears and ran towards the posiedon
cabin.being in the posiedon cabin always reminded me of Percy And that's what I
need right now.I thought about Percy what if he didn't remember me anymore as I looked over at percy's messy bunk I saw the wall behind him and the photos. in one Percy and Nico were eating dirt it was a dare but Percy cheated he just put some on his chin and claimed to have won and in an other Percy and Grover were standing and Percy was holding two fingers over his horns that made them look bigger and in one Percy was standing arm in arm with me and he looked so happy like absolutely nothing could waver his spirits that one was taken on the last day of summer vacations.beside percy's bed was a night stand and when I opened it I saw something
I hadn't seen before it was a velvet red boxwith a note attached to heart started
beating faster and I picked the note and read annabeth you are the best girl in the
whole world and nothing can change this fact you are smart,strong and independent
and I love you.a tear dropped on the paper and I opened the velvet bow inside was a
beautiful silver bracelet with an owl in the centre and it was so beautiful yet so simple
I kept reading the note it said that: this bracelet is the best gift I could come up with for you just so you always remember me Love Percy.I began to cry why did he have to disappear like this .they were supposed to spend the holidays together I hated Hera for this why did he have to lose his he won't even remember me stupid Hera. suddenly a brilliant flash was in the cabin and it was hera and on her face was an expression that I couldn't believe she was giving me it was a fierce sort of pride and sympathy.why would the queen of gods feel sympathetic towards
Me.Hera told me to sit but I coudnt then she said percy has not forgotten you
annabeth.I felt a little happy but I asked her what do you mean?Hear spoke I do not
know how this happened I took all his memories but for some reason he did not
completely forget you He still remembers that you are his girlfriend and how much he loves you but not all the things you did together.I was so happy at this that I wanted to thank her but she kept on talking so I decided to listen she said now I understand why Aphrodite was so interested in percy.also annabeth you will get to see him again soon but do not worry about his memories they will return to him in due time.she was about to disappear but I wanted to ask her something so i called lady Hera why were you looking so proud earlier towards me?hera looked at me with the same expression even respect and said Percy made a deal with me earlier as you know he bears the curse of Achilles so we cannot interfere in his fate unless he allows us himself but this plan needs to take place so Percy in return asked me to forgive you annabeth and asked me that I will never interfere with the two of you in my sphere of took me a moment to understand and I asked you mean marriage?Hera just smiled at me and vanished in a bright flash of light.I just stood ther rooted Percy had done that for me.he had got his memory wiped just so I could live happily.I wanted to both kiss him and punch him in the face for this he was so sweet.i had to find him now I just had to I will not sleep peacefully until I found I was going out of the posiedon cabin I sweeped my glance towards his bunk and said softly Don't you forget me seaweed brain.and I took of towards bunker 9

So what do you think
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I like it keep going
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 4
Percy's pov
I woke up in the morning.I was still Sleaping on the beach I realized that if the other boys in mercury cabin woke up and didn't find me they will report me to Lupa and I didn't want that so I headed towards the mercury cabin all the people I had seen yesterday were so serious except for a few people in mercury cabin.they all were just serious and even their expressions were blank as if they were emotionless on the inside.I knew that wherever I was from the place would never be like this this serious ,this emotionless.but I also felt familiar im my surroundings like I had seen this kind of place before in a more jovial way.even the people they reminded me of some people but I didn't say any of this to anyone.each person I saw yesterday seemed to give me a headache: Gwen reminded me of a blue eyed boy with a nasty scar down his cheek and two identical twins with the same eyes the mischievous glint and smile that told everybody they had pulled the worlds best prank.some of the buff kids with scars and lot of weaponry had reminded him of a buff looking girl about 18 with a look that said you do not want to cross me.he put his hands in his pocket to keep them warm but not expecting anything he pulled out a wallet,a pen the one he had taken out yesterday,two movie tickets and some chewing gum.he put the movie tickets and gum back in his pockets and opened the wallet inside there were about 100 bucks,a note ,a drivers liscence and a photo.he ignored the cash and took out the liscence it was of manhattan.he thought about this and thought what am I doing in San Francisco if I live in manhattan and why do I feel I am in danger.with every step I took I felt in danger every part of my body felt I shouldn't be here.this was enemies land but I kept on walking and brought out the note it said
hey seaweed brain you coming to camp on tuesday right don't forget to pick me up love you
Percy's felt a dull heartache he remembered annabeth and how much she meant to him other than that he could remember nothing about her or even anything that might look familiar to him.and last he took out the photo it showed him a few months younger with a satyr sorry faun,annabeth,a girl with a silver tiara and death to barbie t-shirt and a boy with olive couloured skin.all of them were caught mid-laugh and looked so happy that they might have been angels but Percy looked at himself and saw the smile he had and well he missed the people in the photo.well could you miss people you don't more thing bugged me everybody here seemed comfortable here saying the roman names but I wasn't it just seemed wrong for me to say the roman names of the gods sort of like it felt wrong to be here and then I remembered that I will meet Lupa before my test.maybe she will answer some questions of mine.I just got to the mercury cabin in the nick of time just as I got to my bunk it was around 5:00 am the guys started waking up and everybody started to get ready.I to brushed my teeth but I only had the clothes I was wearing from yesterday.a guy caught me in the guys took and I remembered him as Henry he was about 14 and said Gwen told me to get you some clean clothes.he handed me a clean purple shirt like everyone was wearing and some clean blue jeans I thanked him and quickly got dressed.the girls was already there and gwen told everybody to get into line for breakfast and took of towards the pavilion.I asked Henry on the way that was this the routine everyday I mean breakfast at 5:00 in the morning.Henry suppressed a smile and said that's the way we roll.I laughed and asked him so are you and Gwen real siblings.he replied yeah we got here when I was 6 about 8 years ago.I asked him why did you guys come so young.he looked at me weird and said Percy most of the people came here even younger Jason got here at two.who's Jason I asked .I never thought I would see Gwen angry but she glared at her brother so hard he shut up which I can't blame him for.I still wanted to know who was Jason so this time I asked Gwen she became quiet for a while and then said Jason was a son of Jupiter and praetor of the first legion and was one of my greatest friends.I asked was what happened to him?he disappeared 5 days ago well 6 now.I thought to myself a son of Jupiter or Zues whatever.but I asked didn't the big three gods make a pact after world war II not to have any demigod children.suddenly all eyes were on me? Gwen asked me how do you know that Percy? I panicked I didn't know so I just went with that I don't know?Gwen said we have to take you to Lupa I told her that Lupa had called me to her cave before my test and Gwen slightly relaxed.I told her you still havnt answered my question so she spoke in slow deliberate tones that the big three gods had swore not to have any children but 15 years ago Jupiter fell of the wagon there was this singer in the 80s with a buzz cut hairdo and he coudnt help himself.when Neptune and Pluto found out they were furious at him but they let him live.I asked Gwen what was jason's full name she replied Jason, Jason grace.suddenly a tiny memory ignited did I know any Jason no but I did know a person whose last name was grace that girl in the picture with the death to barbie t-shirt I had a suspicion who she was but I did not voice it.soon we reached the pavilion and there were 20 tables mercury and apollo were the most filled cabins I could barely sit on the bench.some tables appeared empty and there was a raised section of the pavilion where Lupa appeared and gave a speech she said that we have a new demigod named Perseus Jackson who is currently unclaimed and will take the test right after breakfast so soldiers report to the colosseum after breakfast.also I am sad to inform you that Jason grace praetor of the first legion has not yet been found but lets train harder so that when he returns he will be proud of our enjoy your meal. I was about to dig in to my food but then I thought for a second and went up to a golden brazier and sacrificed part of my food and said to the gods.I got some surprised and weird looks from some people but I ignored them and ate my breakfast.I was so hungry I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday and I gobbled up my food quickly.during breakfast I got a steely look from a girl sitting on a table at the far end.I saw she was surrounded by 4 other kids.she was pretty with chocolate red hair and a beautiful face but her eyes were red from crying.I realized she had been glaring at me all throughout breakfast.I nudged Gwen and asked her who was that girl.Gwen replied she was Reyna Richards daughter of trivia and praetor of the sec on legion.I asked about the legion Thingy she replied that Rome had legions.different soldiers were banded into different legions this way there armies were more organized and each legion could have it's strength and less weaknesses.after breakfast was oversewn introduced me to her friends I met a guy named Bobby Jordan who was a son of mars AKA ares and was really buff.and I met a girl hazel Shawn daughter of Apollo second of legion three then there was Dakota sterling a daughter of Minerva her grey eyes tingled with smartness and looking at her reminded me of annabeth and Dakota was the praetor of the second legion that since now Jason was missing she was the most powerful person at camp after Lupa.I just met all the people and then I remembered I had to meet Lupa before my test so I asked Gwen to come with me and we took of towards the camp office that was the red building I had seen yesterday.but as we got there Gwen veered direction and went behind the house and I saw a cave.Gwen told me to wait here patiently until she called for him and with that she went into the cave to talk to Lupa.a few minutes later lupa's rough voice called enter and I went in her cave she told Gwen to wait outside while she talked to me.Gwen respectfully bowed to her before leaving.then Lupa looked at me with those eyes and said before I could speak and said you must have some questions for me?yes I told her about how I felt over here in constant danger and my dream about Gaia .she took all of this in and said percy I cannot tell you everything yet but you are correct you do not belong here and as for why you are here I consulted the other gods last night and they told me that you must stay here for now.she shuddered and I wondered what did she exactly talk about but then Lupa spoke to me but something had changed in her tone she told me that i am a powerful hero and I answered back what?brilliant response I know but what else could I say I thought. Lupa looked at me and I realized that Lupa's tone hadn't changed it was the language and I had responded immediately in the same language of ancient I thought Lupa said Percy while you are In legion camp do not speak in ancient Greek again and don't ask for translations from Latin to English alright.also you cannot use your own sword so you will get one from the armory.I asked her what weapon she told me to pull the pen I had in my pocket and take of it's cap as soon as I took the cap of it turned into a sword made of bronze about a metre long the sword was completely balanced in my hand and I gasped and asked why not Lupa .she replied that this type of sword would not be accepted here in legion camp.I just told her that if I could use this weapon it will be a great help to him and said as you wish.this test was going to be fun Lupa called Gwen back inside and told her to take me into the colosseum for my test I grinned and Gwen and I ran towards the colosseum.this was gonna be an awesome test.
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
i liked it a lot!!!
over a year ago greektrickster said…
chapter 5
percy's pov
gwen ran off towards the colosseum at lightning speed.i ran to catch up.when i caught up with her i was panting hard.i asked how are you so fast.she said my father mercury put a blessing on me.i mentally corrected it as hermes.i said to her wow were you running at full she replied just you are going to be difficult to beat.she know i think you might be my brother.she said.and then checked her watch and cursed.its time for your match.go she pushed me towards a door.i entered and emerged onto one side of an arena.the other side opened and a girl of about 17 entered.she looked great.she had wavy blond hair,blue eyesand a wide smile.she said i am samantha praetor of the 20th legion .now get ready to lose.she charged at me i uncapped my pen and a small gasp went through the crowd just when i was going to strike she said stop.her voice was so compelling i stopped and saw her sword come at me at the last minute i pictured annabeth and her voice broke and i dodged.after that she kept yelling stop and stuff but i just thought of annabeth and in less than a minute i had her disarmed and at swordpoint.the crowd cheered.after that i went through the next couple of praetors with ease.finally i was fighting gwen praetor of legion.gwen had told me the first 4 praetors were the most difficult to beat.i pulled out my sword.gwen had a spear in her was blue on one end with a spike and made of hardened polished wood on the other.gwen charged clising the gap between us in less than a second.she was so fast my mouth was hanging open at the last minute i put my sword to block her spear.then i tried to do my own moves but it didnt work.she was too fast and kept dodging my attacks also her spear was helping her.i realized it was made in a way that would make the person holding it to be able to block attacks and return their own at the same time.she pressed her own attacks.gwen was seriously a good fighter.i could baely dodge her attacks because of her speed.i had a crazy idea.i let gwen push me back towards the wall.she kept coming as she aimed a strike at me i sidestepped and started pressing her to the wall.the leght of the spear made it difficult for her to attack in that confined space finally i disarmed her but just as fast she took out a knife from her belt and started attacking i had no way.she was super fast with a short weopan.i realized i had to do something to take away her speed.i had another crazy idea i jumped back.threw my sword at her.she dodged it and i ran towards her on the way i picked up her spear and just as she came i drooped to the ground but she was coming too fast and couldnt slow down and she tripped over me.i brought her spear down to the ground to a lose part of her shorts and drove it into te she was pinned.i felt something in my pocket and i brought out my pen again in amazement.uncapped it and pointed it to her unguarde chest.she said i surrender.the entire arena cheered it was gwen went by she whispered that was impressive percy using my own speed against me.i blushed at the compliment.lupa announced next up hazel shawn praetor of legion 3 daughter of apollo.she came out and for a second i was thinking if gwen is the praetor of legion 4 and she is that good i wonder what hazel could do.letthe match begin lupa shouted.hazel aimed her arrows at me.and shot them.i deflected them easily and thought that was tooeasy.but i charged at her and i was just about to knock her out when her eyes started glowing really brightly and i had to avert my eyes just to see what was going on?i instinctively raised my sword and an arrow was defecting.i ran towards the other side of the arena having a headache.i felt i had faced something like this before with some titan who turned into a tree.hazel shot more arrows i kept deflecting them.i thought sooner or later she will run out of arrows just as she was about to use her last arrow.her quiver was again full of arrows.i cursed using some of the words gwen had usen earlier.i had an idea.i thought what is this idea day for me.i threw my sword at hazel.she deflected it.riptide again appeared in my pocket.i pulled it out but this time instead of throwing it.i approached hazel carefully she didnt do anything except smile and with my blade i reflected her light back at her.the double light distracted her and she lost thing i had her disarmed had pinned my hand to her eyes so she couldnt blind me again.and i knocked her out.the crowd kept on i was starting to feel tired.i thought a speedy girl.a blinding girl whats next?dakota entered the arena and i kept thinking now what?as i noticed her she looked so much like annabeth i wanted to laugh.she pulled knife and charged.than gods she didnt have any powers.i started well enough i cut,dodged,slashed etc.she kept on dodging but she seemed to be analyzing me and sudenlly she aimed a strike at the perfect moment towards my left shoulder.i cursed.she was seing when i was the most vulnerable.with a start i realized dakota was more dangerous than hazel or gwen because she analyzed everyone she fought with her brain.i yelped and dodged and i did something so unpridictable she couldnt possibly expect it unless she could read minds.i ran away from her towards a wall she followed thinking i was scared but at the last minute i put a foot on the wall and did a back flip over dakota and landed behind her she turned back but wasnt fast enough and i twisted her wrist and she dropped her knife then i kicked her in the chest and pointed my sword at her.lupa announced percy jackson unclaimed she said it like she was trying to avoid cursing will now be fighting the second of legion 1 reyna richards daughter of trivia as jason grace is missing.i had a headache and suddenly i saw this girl who was wearing a tiara with a death to barbie t-shirt.i also somehow knew her last name was grace.on the other side reyna appeared.she said you might have been lucky coming this far but now you will lose.with this she pulled out a thin blade which shimmered like a illusion and charged.she was good with the sword but i was better.i brought my sword in a small arc and blocked her sword which sent sparks flying.this time she brought the sword i again tried to block it but her blade passed straight through mine like an illusion and the butt of the sword hit me in the chest and there was a bang like a miniature explosion and i was sent flying towards the wall.i crashed but i wasnt hurt just dizzy.i charged at her and kept slashing.i hit the flat of blade against the base of her sword and twisted and focused my full weight for a downward clang.she dropped her sword.i brought my sword to her throat she just clicked her fingers and my sword changed into a snake.i dropped it and it again turned into a sword.reyna summoned a sandstorm in the arena which filled my mouth and clothes with sand.i spit sand out and tried to get my sword.reyna shot a bolt of flames at me which i swatted back at her but they fizzled and died before they touched her.reyna again summoned a storm this time it was a tornado.i yelped what was with this girl and storms.i felt angry at her.suddenly there was a tug in my gut.water erupted around me like geysers.the entire arena was drenched including everybody in it.everybody was whispering a son of neptune he cant be not after jason but i ignored them.reyna seemed stunned but she quickly hid her expression behind a pokerface and summoned the tornado again.i just willed the water to form a protective cover around me and push me towards reyna.i shot towards her like a bullet.a water bullet.the tornado hit me but didnt do anything to me because i was encased in water.i thought of how reyna attacked me.i couldnt damage her with a ball of water around me so i willed the water to form a sphere around reyna.she couldnt breathe in water like i could.reyna gasped in the water sphere.she needed air.she fainted and the water lost its shape and went back into the ground without leaving any trace.the entire arena was stunned.lupa announced.percy jackson fought all the praetors and even the second of legion 1 and has proved he is a fearsome warrior.i give him the position of praetor of the first legion.there were some protests but they were silenced by lupa's look.perseus jackson do you accept this title.i was tempted to say no but i said i accept the title of praetor of the first legion.from the corner of my eyes i saw a tear on reyna's cheek.but she wiped it,bowed to lupa and took of towards the cabins.gwen came down from the stands and i expected her to make a comment about how i was the son of posiedon and all but she said cheerfully lets go have lunch but i could tell it was bothering her.i told her go on i have a stop to make.she said nothing likeshe probably knew what my stop was.i knew reyna wasnt like this usually.she looked quite nice but i knew i had to talk to her.perseus jackson lupa spoke from behind me yes maam i said politely knowing she could kill me if she have proven yorself well in the arena but remember you must not speak in greek or speak the greek name of the gods to anyone.yes maam.i bowed to her and she said you must move into the neptune cabin by tobight and she disappeared.i gathered my courage to do this and ran toward the trivia cabin before my courage could desert me i knocked on the door thinking 'oh styx'.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
chapter 6
reyna's pov
after percy was made praetor of legion 1.i wanted to break down in tears.i could see percy was looking at me and he looked worried but i was so angry i just bowed to lupa and took off towards the trivia cabin.i locked the door to my room and just broke down in could jason be gone.he was here 6 days ago and suddenly he just vanished into thin air.i looked at the pictures behind my bed in one jason had a bloody nose courtesy of the mars cabin of course later some of them had fried one was jason and me.i just wanted to keep asking percy where jason was.but i knew he had lost his memories which i confirmed with a little magic.there was a knock on my door.i opened the door and it was percy.i was mad so i asked him why are you here answer me or i will turn you into a shrub.he just said could i please come in and talk to you.i wanted to say no but he just said atleast hear me out so i figure what the heck and told him to come inside.he entered and said reyna look i know you blame me for jason's disappearance and you dont want me to get his position.i know that he said but i couldnt refuse to lupa she would have probably eaten me.i know you dont like me and i dont expect you to but please try to understand how i feel.i have just lost all my memories.i have to learn everything all over whole life is gone.i cant have people wanting to kill me especially ones who can turn me into shrubs.i almost cracked a smile at this.almost.the words surprised me but i was more surprised about the tone of his was soft and tender.he actually understood how i felt and even though had no memories and more problems of his own he didnt expect me to be easy on him.i looked down as i thought this.i looked up to give my reply but he was already gone.i thought how he fought.he was a amzing fighter could even touch him.i mean not once was he even one could hit him.he was very nice and understanding also he didnt hover.he seemed to blame himself that he had hurt me or because of him i was unhappy.well i said ill forgive him.and walked towards the dining pavillion.

chapter 7
nobody likes prophecies
reyna's pov
i reached the pavillion and everybody was eating thier food but i saw percy standing near a flaming brazier and sacrifice a part of his food in the flame.he just sat on the neptune table when lily came in front of him.i gulped nervously.lily was our oracle.she had the spirit of delphi in her and could give prophecies.whenever she was around it meant there would be something big happening.percy was staring at her when suddenly her mouth opened and a green smoke came out and circled percy then the smoke turned into a faceless warrior and asked aproach seeker and ask?i didnt know what it was talking about but evidently percy did?he asked what is my destiny?the warrior said
son of the sea beware the earth
the giants revenge the seven shall birth
the seven shall finally meet
to defeat a threat no heroes feat
the storm and fast one shall come along
and the rage of the son of sea shall save them all.

everybody was stunned as they stared at percy's credit he held up under everyones gazes and looked at them confidently.lupa appeared and said all praetors please report to the meeting hall.she looked at me and you shall come to the meeting as well.i bowed and everybody took off towards the meeting hall.percy looked confused but still he came and was walking with gwen.

chapter 7
jason's pov
(1st half)
it had been 2 days since i completed my quest and came back to camp half-blood.everyday more and more of my memory returned i remembered my friends-gwen,bobby,dakota,hazel and most importantly of all she looked.our first kiss up in the clouds after we had won the titan soon as annabeth had figured out that percy was in legion camp she had a determined fire burning in her eyes and she was pushing herself so hard.

to be continued
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over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Annabeth had a determined fire burning in her eyes and she was pushing herself so hard to find Percy.I mean everyone could see that she won't rest peacefully till she found him why I had no idea but this morning when she had gone in the Neptune sorry posiedon cabin she looked happier when she came out.I don't know what she saw or found in there but it made me feel a little jealous of Percy.I was also angry that nobody would tell me what he did except for 2 things a) he was invulnerable and b) he defeated saturn sorry Kronos.compared to him everybody treated me like I was nothing despite I was a son of Jupiter which made me even more angry.suddenly there was a bright flash in the room and suddenly Juno was there.lady Juno I bowed.please right now I am in my greek aspect call me lady Hera .I just nodded.I asked what's the matter my lady?in response Hera said there is going to be a second quest soon Jason.the seven of the prophecy are going to be come together in this quest.I said is this the message you wanted to give me milady.she said when you meet Percy trust him.let him lead.I know you are a leader but trust him.and all will be well.I started feeling angry.I asked her lady Hera you expect me to have faith in a person who I have never met nor seen and ask me to follow him.nobody will even tell me about him.what has he done?he is the hero of Olympus well I slew the Titan krios.she said do not take this lightly child.percy has had a hard life but most off all do not cross him.whatever you do with that happy note she vanished.I cursed.I didn't want to ask annabeth about Percy last time I had done that she had broken off into tears and ran off to the posiedon cabin but I couldn't control my selves.I headed out of the Zues cabin towards bunker I expected annabeth was there and I asked her may I talk to you.I tried to control my anger .she nodded.I asked her why is everyone so obsessed over PERCY JACKSON? My anger just spilled out of me and I shouted.every demigod in bunker 9 stopped doing whatever they were doing and glared at me.even the stoll brothers who were always smiling looked downright murderous.even the nature spirits were glaring at sister who had arrived earlier this morning was giving me a look that clearly said 'if you wernt my brother I would have killed you' which just mad me more mad.I saw leo face palm and piper scared.but the look in annabeth's eyes were so murderous I can't blame myself for taking a step back.instead of shouting at me she punched me so fricking hard I wanted to faint.annabeth screamed at me you have no idea what Percy has done you slew krios that is nothing to what Percy did.he returned Zues master bolt when he was twelve while being framed for it.he went to the sea of monsters to save thalia's tree and Grover.he held up the sky ,rescued Artemis,tricked atlas.killed thousands of monsters.he went to bathe in the river Styx for us,so we might have a chance to win the war.he defeated Hyperion and Kronos.he was
offered to become a god but declined it so all the minor gods and demigods could get claimed and get haunt even done a fraction of what he has done and you don't even have any right mentioning him.the entire blood drained out of my face when I heard what Percy had done.compared to what he did I really hadn't done anything I felt ashamed and everyone was still ignoring me but Thalia helped me up and took me to Zues cabin.the whole way Thalia said nothing but when we reached the Zues cabin.she locked the door and said Jason if you wernt my brother I would have killed you myself for asking that.dont ever insult Percy again people won't like him.I am sorry but I was just so frustrated with no one telling me about Percy.I'll apologize to annabeth at the was dark soon

Chapter 8
Annabeth's pov
When Jason insulted percy I almost killed him but I didn't because Thalia was there.afterwards I cried even clarisse looked murderous towards Jason.and I went to the campfire during the campfire Jason apologized to me but I ignored him.during the campfire lady Hera had appeared from thin air.she said another quest has been given and the prophecy is that the seven half bloods must now join together to face the threat. I asked her what's the prophecy my lady.she created a rainbow and suddenly I saw a dining pavilion and Percy was sitting
On the posiedon cabin.nearly everyone in the amphitheater gasped at the sight of Percy.there was a warrior made of green mist and it gave a prophecy
Son of the sea beware the earth
The giants revenge the seven shall birth
The seven shall go west and finally meet
To defeat a threat no heroes feat
The storm and fast one shall come along
And the rage of the son of the sea shall save them all

Then Jason,piper,Leo stepped forward and Jason asked Jason said there are only three of us and three of them then whose the seventh? He asked.he had asked a logical question.Hera said the gods discussed this matter and we decided to chose a person who knows what they have to do and where they have to go.I asked who lady Hera though I already knew and i wanted to dance with joy.the gods have chosen you annabeth Hera said.I felt happy.I was going to meet Percy again.but where shall we meet them lady Hera I asked?she replied you will have to meet them at the rocky mountains.then she frowned and said Zues sensesI am gone I have to go and vanished.Jason frowned and said how will we get there.I asked Leo you think you could make a plane that we could use.he said I m on it and ran towards bunker 9.I went to my cabin and went to sleep and had a dream about Gaia.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 9
Leo's pov
As I ran towards bunker 9 I wasn't too times when I count sleep.I made designs for a small airplane.when I got there I saw all my designs had come to life.all the parts were already there.I just had to join them together.thanks a lot dad I said.a distant thunder rumbled and I got to I worked I thought that what annabeth had said about Percy.I thought that Jason was an amazing fighter but when annabeth had told or more like shouted at him about Percy his victory over krios didn't sound like much.everybody wanted to literally tear Jason apart,even his sis Thalia looked like if he wasn't my brother he would be dead which I considered was true only Thalia had saved him from getting beat about one hour I had finished the looked like it would only fit 4 at the most from the outside but inside there was enough room for 12.
I just admired my even had amazing defences like flamethrowers which threw Greek fire and machine guns wich shooter imperial gold bullets.I fell asleep inside the airplane.

(part 2)
Annabeth's pov
In my dream I was in a was completely made of dirt.I saw Gaia standing over the edge..a voice whispered from the lady it has been done.soon the giants will be able to have done well my servant Gaia whispered.the servant in the shadows bowed.I couldn't make out his face.I tried thinking of every connection of a person with shadows but came up blank.the servant said Mimas is building the machines and a quest has been granted.the foolish demigods will never reach here alive said Gaia.the servant said but my lady the quest will be led by that son of the sea.I realized they were talking about Percy.don't worry Gaia said I will deal with that one soon you wish my lady and the servant disappeared.Gaia said to herself soon all of you my children will be the rulers of the world.I watched with horror as Gaia started chanting in a weird language and a rumbling sound appeared from the pit.I realized it was a pit straight to tartarus.suddenly four bits started sticking out of the ground beside Gaia.they were the giants.Gaia was bringing them back.I shivered and woke up.I looked at the time 6:00 am.I got ready as I stepped out of the cabin I saw a small plane buzz overhead Leo was at the controls.Leo landed the plane in the centre of the arena I came closer I saw it wasn't exactly a looked like a small chariot closed on the top and had wings at it's side and where the end of the wing was there were two propellers which was actually quite ingenious.there was no way Leo could have made this in one day unless he was planning this in his free people admired the plane Leo came out and said we don't have all day people.Jason,Piper and me got on the plane and inside it was bigger than it was outside.there was an heater running was the plane took off I said I am coming for you seaweed brain.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 10
Gwen's pov
As all the consuls sat down around the table.everybody was scared and they were all looking at Percy.Percy looked quiet confident.everybody was talking about the prophecy.Lupa silenced everyone and told Percy to repeat the prophecy.after he did everyone started talking that the great prophecy had started.wait a moment whats the great prophecy Percy asked.Dakota consul of Minerva cabin said the prophecy it was in august it went like
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,Percy jumped like he had a headache and recited
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the doors of death
Every demigod in the room erupted into anger at Percy,some thought he was a spy but Dakota,hazel,I and even reyna who had been glaring at Percy in the morning told them to shut up.Percy was a really nice guy and even reyna knew that after just one conversation with him.dakota said we have to figure out what this prophecy means.well one thing is clear reyna said Percy is the leader of this quest reyna said and I realized that reyna actually didn't blame Percy anymore actually respected him.well we know the fast one is Gwen obviously Percy said.yeah I saw Dakota nod but she said then who is the might be Percy I mean Neptune is the god of storms right.reyna said halfheartedly .no I don't think I am the storm.then Percy had a revelation I could see it in his eyes.wait reyna what type of magic do you specialize in?she replied storms.oh gods yeah i think we found the third member.then who are the other 4half bloods.I could see that Percy and Lupa knew I was good at reading facial expressions.well what matters is that you three are to go west.but where.the rocky mountains.Percy said do you know.shut up Martha reyna said.Percy said I had a dream last night.well get some sleep you have a long day ahead of you and with that Lupa dismissed the meeting.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 11
Percy's pov
I got ready in the morning.I had the worst dream ever.something about Gaia standing beside a pit and some servant who wanted to kill me.I met Gwen and reyna at the boundaries of camp.I said how do we get to the rocky mountains.reyna said easy we take some pegasi.but Gwen said I dont think we should fly with Percy
being a son of Neptune and all.I said it's okay.pegasi are neutral dad created horses so zu I mean
Jupiter won't mind.well okay then.we all went to the stables and as soon as I entered all the horses stood up Gwen said you are popular with horses.Gwen took out her pegasi a beautiful white mare named speedle.reyna took another called blizzard and I took out a pegasi called independence cause he was born on the fourth of July and we took of towards the rocky mountains.

To be continued
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NykM said…
very good
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
It's really good but can u put quotes around the words being spoken and do that so it won't be as confusing...keep going!!
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 11
Just as we were about to take off.Gwen said wait a minute guys.I said now what someone has to do something.Gwen maid a face at me and said it's cold out there.we will freeze out there.I said good point so now we all have to change clothes.I have a better idea reyna said.she flicked her wrists and all of us were covered in flees parkas and warm handy trick.I told more thing this time it was reyna.I said now what I asked a little frustrated.I have to talk to you I got off the pegasi and followed reyna a little distance away.what I asked after I made sure we were alone.she started speaking Percy I would like to know where are you from.I don't know I told her I have lost my memory remember.she said you do know I saw you and Lupa had the same expression that you two know something but are not telling us.what are we in for she asked me.I told her you have to understand I cannot tell you.if I tell you .you might be in danger.I know this is difficult but bear me for a little while and all the answers you want will be explained to you on this quest.she seemed stunned and I went towards the horses and I heard her coming behind me muttering something about how does he do that.we got on the pegasi and went towards the rocky soon as we left was very cold.the wind started picking up.the further we got from camp the more cold it became.soon all of us were shivering.I felt a shudder pass as like the world was turning cold and it started to snow.the pegasi whinied they didn't like the snow.I said let's make camp for now.we went down and landed.reyna took out a tent from her bag and it assembled by was really starting to snow very heavily.I said to reyna can't you do anything about this.I mean a blizzard is type of a storm.she tried she held up her hands and said a spell.nothing happened.I don't know she said it's not working.I said its okay.reyna did the next best thing.she crated a magical fire and I mean magical by it burned 3 feet high and warmed everything around for 10 feet.Gwen pulled some cocoa and we drank hot chocolate and ate marshmallows.we laughed and joked and exchanged stories whenever it was my turn to give my story I just sat there.both reyna and Gwen started talking about something this time I told them about my dreams of the dirt lady except I didn't tell them about Gaia.suddenly the snow stopped.we still hadn't reached the rocky mountains.suddenly I sensed was like the earth was shifting in front of us.suddenly the earth started shaking and a huge fissure appeared in the ground.from the fissure the man from my dreams engulfed in shadows came out and said foolish have been brave accepting this quest but now I shall end you once and for shall never reach your destination.I will start by killing you first son of face my wrath.just one question I asked who are you?he laughed where you are going there is no need for you to know and he disappeared.another earthquake and suddenly thousands of monster came out of the ground.hellhounds,dracaena,wierd ogre like Thingy's with six arms each and even a couple of griffins.reyna, me and Gwen got ready to fight.reyna took out her hawthorn staff as she called it,reyna took out her blade and I took out riptide.the army was roughly 500 against 3 demigods.and we charged as well.

(2 part)
Reyna's pov
We fought the monsters head on.we started good.Gwen was a blur of blue,purple and steel.she charged through the army killing any monsters that came near her.she was so fast that you could barely see her.I summoned a sandstorm to stop a bunch of hellhounds and vaporized them with a nucleur explosion and the monsters joined the sand storm.but Percy was the most impressive.he vaporized dozens of monsters with each strike.he charged into battle.nothing could even touch him.I realized.he was fighting like a maniac.soon all the monsters were destroyed.we stood panting but congratulating each other with our victory.suddenly all the sand started coming back together and started forming monsters.Percy cursed with word I usually thought Gwen used.of course Gwen had given him the tour of camp.I silently laughed at the thought.I said get a grip.Percy looked tired but he raised his arms and water erupted from the ground and carried the sand away.I helped with a couple of magic wind pushes.percy fell to the ground with exhaustion.I wasn't much better.I had never unleashed that much magic before even in the Titan war.Gwen passed some nectar to us and we immediately felt better.whenever I took nectar it tasted like a chocolate latte.everybody looked like they wanted to leave and we quickly cleared camp and got on the pegasi who had helped by kicking monsters during the battle and flew off towards the rocky mountains.we flew for the rest of the day and later in the evening we could see the faint distant smudge of rocky mountains at the horizon.we decided to set up camp for the night and get some sleep but of course sleep always brought nightmares.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Than kyou green art ac pj but I post chapters on iPad so it's difficult for me to put quotes around but I'll try again thanks a lot
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 12
Reyna's pov
In my dream I was in a palace made out of earth like Percy had described in his dream.I saw a huge pit in front of the palace and beside it 4 big clumps of earth but as she saw they grew out of the ground even more.I realized the giants were being reborn .I had figured that terra was back and it scared me .she was the mother of all titans.from the palace I saw terra come down and she was talking to a giant when will the machine be made
Mimas.your brothers need to be revived.yes mother the giant cried.the machine will be made 4 days from today.terra just nodded and and descended the steps.Gaia whispered and from the shadows sprang the man encased in the shadows whose face I could never make out.terra said what happened to the demigods on the quest.especially that son of posiedon.why does everyone call Percy son of posiedon I thought.the shadow man said the demigods survived my lady.I felt the earth shake and terra asked why weren't the other 2 lady the servant flinched the other 2 are strong as well but the son of posiedon protects them.very well what of other matters.yes my lady lord phorphyrion is gathering more storm spirits and Khione shall deal with the demigods .and what about you ? Terra asked.the servant said I will go to retrieve the master of winds for our plan and with that he disappeared in the shadows.very good my child and she smiled. I woke up gasping.terra was planning,planning something big.I went outside to see Percy was already up and and I saw him with his eyes closed and suddenly the earth started shaking then stopped.I asked him what are you doing? He replied and said yesterday before the battle I sensed the earth's because pos I mean Neptune is the god of earthquakes so I am practicing my powers.and we got ready to go to the rocky mountains.

To be continued
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
This is an awesome chapter !!! Your a really good writer !! Can't wait till you post again !! And Percy powers are so cool !!:DDDD
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 12
I looked at Percy and looked at his god his eyes.whenever he spoke his eyes told the real story.they were a gorgeous sea green whith a tingle of humor and a hint of sadness.the sadness in his eyes was so surprised me.I said focus like Jason.but what if he didn't like me anymore.what if he liked someone else.Gwen came out and said morning and Percy and me burst out laughing.what Gwen said.I summoned a mirror for her.while she slept,someone had drawn on her face.a moustache and the words 'slow down girl' on her forehead.Percy was smiling mischievously and I knew he had done it.Percy I heard Gwen shout.what he replied it's a favor to Henry.he told me to do this.Gwen ran straight to Percy but Percy jumped into the creek beside the camp and came out dry and smiling.whenever Gwen would come close to catching him.the water would push Percy up and catch him in a different place.eventually they both got tired and stopped playing around.we had a wonderful breakfast of waffles and chocolate sauce which I summoned from thin air.while eating I told Percy and Gwen about my dream and about terra.both Percy and Gwen were silent as they took this in?then Gwen said I had the same dream last was terrifying.well that explains the whimpering from your tent.said you didn't sleep last he sighed I just sat up and practiced to control my water and earth powers a bit more.I said yeah it happens a lot.during the Titan war many demigods count sleep either because of fear of nightmares.children of apollo and trivia were caught up in trying to make the dreams go away.I didn't even have the power to refuse to anyone then.Percy suddenly asked what do you mean?I thought you were always the second of legion 1.I shook my head and Gwen said up until this summer,children of minor gods and goddesses wernt treated very well.suddenly one night the gods showed up here and said that all the children of minor gods and godesses would get the respect ever Olympian does.when was this Percy asked?august 18. I replied I remembered it was the best day of my life.the kiss with was the day I was made the second of legion 1.I saw Percy bring a hand to his forehead like he had a headache.I think august 18 is my birthday.he said.I dropped my plate of half eaten waffles onto the ground.something happened with old are you Percy?Gwen asked.I think I am sixteen why? He asked.Gwen and I had a silent conversation.I was like
The first great prophecy it must have been him
Gwen was it's impossible.
Percy I asked do you know the first great prophecy?he was literally trembling now and said yeah I know.I think it applied to me.I looked at Gwen and there was a thud beside me.I looked and it was Percy.Percy I jumped up to help him.his entire frame was shaking.he kept moaning.suddenly he screamed.don't kill her Luke.please I beg you.I looked at Gwen and we trickled some nectar into his mouth.nothing happened.Percy screamed so loudly I think everybody could hear him for miles.Gwen was asking me what happened to him.I had read about this.I told her when amnesiacs try to remember something they often have headaches and sometimes they faint.Gwen looked at Percy and said can't we do something?.I said no he will heal but we have to stay here.for the rest of the day Percy kept shouting about something.sometimes it was annabeth,suddenly Percy shouted enchiladas.and I thought he was hallucinating or afternoon Percy stopped screaming and just sat up like nothing happened.Gwen replied you phased out for a while.Percy nodded as if he understood and last night dream came to me.I personally didn't want to ask him after he fainted but I had to.Percy why does everyone call you the son of posiedon.he nodded like he dreaded me asking.he strangely said whats the roman views on Greeks.Gwen said the Greeks were geniuses and good fighters but they wernt very united.Percy nodded do you people hate I said.we are taught to but some actually used to argue that they can't be that bad.Percy nodded looking guys already know that the roman gods we would have never guessed Gwen said sarcastically but the Greek gods still exist.he finished.that's impossible Percy Gwen said like Percy was mental.the gods changed permanently went they went to Rome.really Percy said.he said something to Gwen in a language that Gwen couldn't understand.that was ancient Greek if you are wondering Percy said smugly.why would someone erase a part of themselves,a part of your personality Percy continued.the Greek gods are still alive and well like the roman gods they too have children with mortals.I am Greek and there is another camp out there where children of the Greek gods Gwen asked where were you during the Titan war.were you to lazy?Percy said I was dealing with the attack in manhattan.while you were on month orthys we were in manhattan and stopping the forces of Kronos for three days and three nights.I even defeated Kronos.Gwen asked how do you remember all of this?Percy said the Titan war is so deeply etched in my memory that i got nightmares about I said ready to go?yeah they both said and we looked at Gwen's face again and burst out laughing.she count wipe it off no matter what she did.she washed her face,scrubbed it with soap.I think henry gave you my magic pen.yeah Percy said between fits of laughter he said it won't wear off for 3 days.nice one perce I said.Gwen said yeah way to go fish face.which only made us laugh was afternoon by the time we took off towards the rocky mountains.we got there by evening.we landed in a nice flat area of the rocky mountains with apple trees around us.our water supplies were almost Percy and I went to find some water.while Gwen would set up camp while we waited for the other 4 of the prophecy.we found a creek running through the trees so we filled our water bottles.we were about halfway back to the clearing when suddenly there was a large thumping sound.Percy and me immediately pulled out our swords.we looked back and the minotaur was charging at us.the fricking Minotaur.Percy just sighed like he was used to dealing with such monsters and took a step forward ready to fight.the Minotaur was about to kill Percy but at the last minute he ducked and jumped aside and drove his sword in the minotaurs ribs.the Minotaur crumbled into dust.I asked him how can you be so calm while fiighting such monsters.he said this is the third time I have killed the minotaur.the dust started coming closer again,the Minotaur was coming back to life and we ran back to the clearing.Gwen was fighting some earth borne.Percy slashed through dozens of them.I turned one of them into a puppy.we had defeated the monsters when the air began to get cold,really cold.suddenly the goddess khione appeared.she just smiled like we were naughty children.another wave of earth borne came from the ground.Percy stepped forward and like casual friends said sup khione?want to catch a movie later?khione turned red,then smiled again and said I must say I am impressed,defeating all those monsters so easily but now I am afraid you are going to die.Percy said oh so you are sorry we are going to die.I always thought of you as a cold hearted person.khione Percy mocked.khione turned bright red then said I will kill you myself son of the sea.Gaia wanted to capture you but I am sure she will reward me greatly.Percy turned to look at us and said you take the earth borne I'll take khione.khione shooted ice daggers at us but before they could touch us they melted into water and formed a protective shield in front of us.I realized why at that moment the earthborn threw sharp pointed rocks which were stopped by the shield.the water shield started swirling around us.I realized Percy was protecting us,giving us an advantage over the earthborn.he attacked khione.She shot ice daggers and sheets of ice at him.before they hit him they melted into water and shot back towards khione.she dodged the water and formed ice around Percy.the ice again melted into water and now Percy was encased in a ball of water.he smiled and launched himself at khione with the speed of a bullet.khione froze the water again but that was percy's plan I realized.he slammed the ball of ice into khione and she staggered back.the ice around Percy again melted into he had some cool powers.khione looked at him with hatred and vanished in a bright flash of light.I realized both of us me and Gwen had caught up in percy's fight and were no longer paying attention to the earthborn.Percy looked back and chuckled.he he'd up his hands and a huge wave came out of nowhere and washed away the monsters then the earth started shaking and a huge fissure appeared and swallowed all the earthborn and closed in on itself.both me and Gwen were staring at Percy with awe.a small plane landed beside us and a door opened and some people stepped out.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
LOved it omg the plane landed !!! And Percy powers are so cool and he defeated khione !!! :DDD
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 13
Leo's pov
I flew the plane for the rest of the the plane we talked and annabeth talked about her latest dream.did you see where you were in the dream.Jason asked I didn't she replied the whole room was made of seemed like it was underground.when I got tired annabeth volunteered to drive.I fell into the electric chairs and fell straight my sleep I was standing in a giant forge.there were some amazing dad was sitting beside the dream machine I had seen before.what's up dad?hephaestus scowled or that might just be his face.he said when you meet Percy Jackson do not provoke him too much.why not dad.everybody says he's pretty cool.well he has just lost his memories and he may get mad.what about the last line of the says percy's rage will save us all.Hephaestus looked at me and said you do not know his full strength do you?what do you think of Jason grace.he is the most strongest demigod or person I have ever seen.he called that thunder on mount diablo that cut the mountain in half.Percy can't be more powerful than Jason can he?oh but he is my boy he is.Percy is more I mean he is a son of posiedon and Jason I'd a son of Jupiter the king of the gods.the gods themselves don't know why but Percy Jackson has a determination and fire in him that I haven't seen in hundreds of years.let me show you a fraction of Percy Jackson.he pressed his hands to my forehead and suddenly I was on a ship.I could see a guy with black hair and sea green eyes.he looked good.but at the moment he was surrounded with monsters.a guy of about 21 with a scar down his cheek and glowing gold eyes was saying something to him.suddenly there was a wild fire in his eyes and the whole ship lurched as the sea literally threw the boat up.then another scene I was in a volcano.I saw Percy standing under me and 4 strange monsters with dog faces.they were pouring lava on him.Percy screamed in pain.again the same fire was in his eyes and beautiful green sparkling sea water appeared from him.I am seriously not seemed to be coming from him and washed all the monsters away and blasted the water towards the volcano.and Percy was sent flying up.suddenly was back in my dads forge.he is have only seen a fraction of his strength yet.then I felt somebody shaking me.I woke up to see piper shaking me.she said we reached the rocky mountains.I looked down to see a giant ice ball slam into khione the goddess of ice and then the water melt around a person who I recognized as Percy Jackson.he looked back chuckled and then suddenly a huge wave came out of nowhere and washed the monsters away which were then swallows by the ground.he is powerful.annabeth landed the plane and we saw the small group look at us as we got out of the plane.
over a year ago monarogirl95 said…
big smile
Awsome I loved it hope u post soon
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 13
Jason's pov
As we stepped of the plane,I saw reyna.I liked her of course but I hadn't told piper yet about her.truth was I liked both of them equally.annabeth smiled and ran at Percy and kissed him full on the lips.he suddenly said annabeth and his face changed completely.he twirled her around in a circle and again kissed her.they didn't separate for two minutes.I was tackled into a hug by Reyna.piper was looking at me with a horrified expression.then piper asked who are you?Reyna got up and said I am jason's girlfriend reyna.Jason never said anything about another girlfriend.both piper and reyna looked at me horrified.piper broke off in tears and ran into the forest.I was about to run after her but leo caught my shoulder and said give her a few hours.I was worried
about her.reyna looked like she wanted to cry herself but restrained herself.she went to completely ignoring me and watched Percy and annabeth.I felt so bad.we decide to set up camp.four days well three days from now we would have to fight was freezing.Gwen what happened to your face?she glared at Percy and Leo said nice one seaweed brain.immediately the earth shook and a fissure appeared where Leo was sitting but it wasn't wide enough that Leo would fall into it.Percy said that's not a name for you to call me.that was your first warning.Leo looked white like he was afraid of Percy but he seemed a pretty cool guy.annabeth looked so happy beside him.they were holding hands.I reached to hold hands with piper like we used to camp half blood.but she still hadn't gotten back till now.I asked Percy,did Lupa give you my position.percy who was still smiling replied yeah.I was praetor for less than 4 hours when I got this quest.I suppose you want it back Percy asked?I nodded.Jason Leo was warning when can I get it back.Percy replied how about tomorrow after breakfast.I nodded.piper still hadn't come back.everybody was getting worried,even reyna I could see it in her eyes.I said we have to go find her.Percy caught me and whispered in my ear.don't go after will just make things worse between you both.I speak from experience.I nodded.we all went to sleep.I tried to apologize to reyna about piper.but she woudnt talk to me.finally she said I wish I could have a boyfriend like least he is made my spirits plunge completely.we all went to our tents.I count sleep no matter what I did I feel about piper.she was smart,pretty and had saved my life more than once in the recent quest.but the same thing was with reyna.I decided to go out of the tent and practice a little sword fighting.I went out and saw Percy and annabeth were kissing by the fire.guys get a room I said.they both turned red and went into the same tent to probably make out.I was worried about piper so I decided to look for her.I used the winds to fly and search for her.

(part two)
Pipers pov
Jason,stupid Jason.he had to mess with my feelings.why count he have just told me about least I could have Braced myself but no suddenly Jason had a girlfriend out of made me a little envious of least her boyfriend was loyal to her.I had seen him,he was hot.gods I was starting to become like my sisters.but when I saw annabeth and Percy together.I could literally see an aura around both of them which I knew was love.they both loved each so much.I stopped in front of a giant apple tree and sat down.The earth beside me started rising.I looked with horror as Gaia came in front of me.she was even more gross than Leo had described.she said piper McLean still mourning over something you can't have.what do you want Gaia,I screamed at her.she said nothing,just join me piper McLean,be on my side and I will grant you the boy you like so much.I screamed at her I don't want Jason grace if I can't get himself.leave me ALONE.I slashed through her but my knife just passed through her.and I ran back towards the camp.I sat down crying but Jason came back and put a hand around my shoulders.I cried.he asked what happened?I told him about Gaia and he went white.he said we must tell the others in the morning.I walked away from him to my tent.piper wait he shouted.what I turned around to look at him.he said I seriously do like you but I didn't remember about reyna up until two days ago.I wanted to tell you but I coudnt.then how come Percy remembered Annabeth I asked him?I turned my head and went into my cabin and slept a blissfully dreamless sleep.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 14
Percy is a person of mass destruction
Gwen's pov
We all woke up in the morning,feeling great.none of the others or me had any dreams which we found strange but blissfull.both Percy and annabeth hadn't woken up yet.I went to percy's tent and opened it.they both were sleeping together.annabeth had her head on percy's chest.time for a little revenge I thought.I pulled out my magic pen from the pocket and got to work.I told the others they both are sleeping .but we need them to wake up.piper said.Percy and annabeth solved the problem for us and came out of the tent.everybody looked at Percy and burst out laughing.Gwen he shouted immediately knowing what was up.what I said was revenge.Percy put his hand on the ground and water sprang out and hit his face and immediately washed the ink did you do that I takes three days for it to wash off.he said water has different effects on me than to most people he said smugly.anyway you need to know what happened with piper last night,Jason said and he told us how terra had appeared to her.everybody's faces went white with fright.Percy said we can't worry about that now,we have to stop her.he sounded so confident that everybody looked a little better.after all of us had a wonderful breakfast comprising of eggs and bacon and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches it was time for percy's and jason's fight.I was looking forward to it.I knew Jason was strong but Percy had reached the first legion without using any of his powers.even Jason had to use his powers when he became praetor of the first legion.Percy and Jason stood on two separate sides of the field.Percy gestured to Jason,you have the first attack.Jason swept his hands and thunder blasted on Percy.he dodged it and launched a swipe at Jason with his sword.Jason met his sword with his.he summoned a gust of wind which swept Percy of his feet but water pumped out of the ground and caught him.they both charged and fought like demons.they were blurs of bronze and gold.suddenly Jason disarmed Percy but I realized Percy was planning that.he had somehow disarmed Jason while leading Jason into disarming him.jason's sword flew into percy's hand and riptide landed beside Jason.Jason looked like he was giving it all he had,percy's expression was the same,but I saw his eyes and I realized,Percy was playing with Jason.his sea green eyes twinkled with amusement.Percy then threw jason's sword back at him which Jason caught with a raised eyebrow and Percy again pulled riptide out of this pocket.Jason jumped back and closed his eyes in concentration.suddenly huge storm clouds appeared in the sky cackling with thunder,I didn't know how Percy could dodge this but he seemed unfazed.Percy shouted over the winds,how about I use those clouds against you.Jason opened his eyes in confusion.suddenly it started to rain heavy.all the water started swirling around Percy.Jason pointed his hands at Percy and thunder broke across the sky.Percy held up his hands and the water swirling around Percy went into the sky looking like they were dancing and thunder hit the millions of water droplets and lost it's charge.Jason looked tired at summoning that kind of thunder.but Percy looked the same.water again rose out of the ground and shot towards Jason with the speed of bullets.the water hit Jason square in the chest and he flew back using winds to slow his fall.Percy shouted,overheard of water pressure can even cut through metal like paper.Jason stood up on his feet shakily.let's try this again Percy said and charged at Jason.Jason somehow kept managing to block percy's sword but he was wet and his sword kept slipping in his grip.Percy disarmed Jason and brought his sword to jason's chest.then withdrew the sword.this was the second time,he had given another chance to jason to prove himself.Jason tried one last thunder but water gathered around jason's head.Jason was already tired and the oxygen deprivation proved too much for him and he collapsed.Percy casually brushed off some dirt off himself and said I believe I win.he then helped Jason up and made him sit near the fire.Percy raised his arms and instanstantly the storms cleared and the rain stopped.was Percy this frisking strong.he only looked mildly tired and Jason looked like he had run a marathon with weights.he got up and said I have never met a fighter like gave me two chances to prove myself and you still won,I can see why everybody looks up to you at camp half blood.hey guys I said aren't we forgetting something like terra and the world ending in three days.but where do we go Leo asked the prophecy just said go west.we don't know actually where?.then everybody started discussing this.hold on everyone annabeth said.why don't we just ask one of her supporters like khione.she said.well miss obvious I said how do we find her.she could be anywhere.why not just ask boreas her father.he would know where she is annabeth said in the same tone.damn she was quite smart like the Minerva children.the again she was a daughter of the wisdom godess.oh no I don't want to go there again said Leo and piper together.what do you mean again? Reyna asked.Leo said we went there in a quest there with Jason Leo of his children wanted to turn me into a ice statue said nice guy reyna muttered.isn't there another way I asked.oh don't worry annabeth said we won't be bothered by them this time.why not? Piper asked.annabeth just smirked and said you wil see like she knew something we didn't.Percy nodded like he was used to her theories.we all got on the ship and it was huge and warm I said turning towards made this in one night.he said yeah.Percy hesitated before getting on the plane.I realized why.can't we just take the pegasi he stammered.well Jason said we don't have enough pegasi for one and it will be dangerous if we separate.Percy looked like he wanted to walk on the ground rather than fly.Jason snickered the great Percy Jackson will fight bravely but is afraid to get on a plane.Percy glared at him and then smirked,you don't know how to swim do you he asked Jason looked did you know?he asked.I can just I am afraid to fly in a plane you are afraid of swimming.probably because Zues will blast me and posiedon will blast you.but we don't have all day.Percy steeled himself gave a prayer towards the sky and got on the plane.we took off towards quebec.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 15
Percy becomes even more powerful
Leo's pov
I raised the plane slowly and I was about to accelerate when Gwen said can I drive?I didn't see why not so I taught her the controls and sat in the seat behind her.I didn't realize it was the biggest mistake of my life.Gwen floored the accelerator and the plane shot towards Canada like a missile.everybody reached for their extra seat belts.'LEO' everybody screamed at me.have you not met the stoll brothers.oops big mistake.Gwen kept spinning the joystick so it felt like we were in a roller coster.I peeked at the speedometer and we were going at 2000 miles an this speed we will be there in no time.I looked at the passengers.every bodies faces were turning green.but Percy looked like like he was must be awful for him,firstly flying,then being shakes around like a roller coster.I needed to do something.Gwen looked like she was having the time of her life,she was grinning like crazy.I said 'voice control activate' 'Leo Valdez' 'stop plane'.the plane came to a halt.Percy was the first one out of his seat and headed towards the bathroom,the rest soon followed.I looked at Gwen and she had the same look in her eyes that the stoll brothers had,it was almost scary.let me drive.for the rest of the way I drived which was a relief to the about two hours,I started to see Quebec.I took the plane to the old mideivel castle which was now a hotel where the god of the north wind we came to a stop,two people with purple wings came up to us and scowled.when cal saw me he grunted and when Zethes saw piper he was funny.they said I suppose you want to speak to our father.we nodded.they escorted us to the tower and a giant wall popped aside and the plane landed in a frosty living room.percy was the first one out of the plane,followed by piper,annabeth,reyna and the rest of us.Zethes said to piper,you looked better last time but still you would make a wonderful ice statue so I can check my reflection.he looked at all of us and when he looked at Percy.his eyes opened super was so comical nearly everyone laughed.Perseus Jackson,Percy nodded,son of posiedon,another nod.even cal was staring at Percy like he had dropped from another world.then suddenly they were both shaking his hands like he was a rockstar.what happened Percy asked?cal kept saying hero of Olympus,destroy,Kronos,hockey,pizza.which made no sence but Zethes spoke because of you our father and we got respect from the other gods.Olympus is even currently building thrones for our father and other minor gods.what in the name of hades were they talking about.then I remembered when annabeth had screamed at Jason about Percy she had said.he had refused to become a god so that the other minor gods could get the respect they deserved and that all the demigods would get claimed till the age of thirteen.father will want to see you immediately,pointing in the general direction of Percy.Zethes started leading the way and we were about to follow when cal stopped me with his sword.smell fire,fire bad.Percy,reyna and Gwen looked at me with confusion.what's he talking about Gwen asked?okay I said have you heard of some children of Hephaestus or Vulcan having power over fire.Gwen shook her head but reyna said that that's a myth invented by children of Vulcan to make themselves look stronger.I shook my head and opened my palm and flames leapt across my palm.both reyna and Gwen jumped back.Percy looked at the fire with an intrigued look.Percy looked at Zethes and said we all have to see him,Leo is one of the seventh of the great prophecy and he must be there.Zethes nodded and leaded us to the stairs.we climbed the stairs they were very slippery,suddenly Gwen slipped and fell,she probably would have died but instantly one of the steps melted into water and caught Gwen and then froze back.Percy almost dropped to the ground in did I do that he asked?what do you mean Jason asked,we saw you melt ice into water before during the fight with how did I freeze it back.Zethes had eyes the size of drachmas.he said all children of posiedon have minor ice powers because ice is just another form of that is so cool.Zethes leaded us into the room,this room was freezing cold.two ice statues blocked the way but a voice that sounded like French called and the guards stepped aside.we went through the hall shivering.I could feel the fire in my body trying to breakout and countereact the cold but I only allowed a little just so I could stay warm.we reached the end of the hall and saw a man sitting in a expensive looking white suit with purple wings.his hair seemed to be frosty grey.annabeth and a couple of people shivered.instantly Percy took of his coat and wrapped it around annabeth who accepted it gratefully and Percy concentrated and the ice around us in a three metre radius melted and formed a protctive bubble around us to keep the cold away.boreas looked with amazement at Percy.piper stepped forward and introduced everyone except me and Jason.when she was about to introduce Percy,Percy calmly said bonjour votre majeste,je suis Percy Jackson,fils de posiedon.everybody looked stunned that Percy could speak French.even annabeth who knew Percy beter than anyone was surprised.boreas clapped with delight.where did you learn to speak french,seaweed brain annabeth asked him.Percy said Paul was learning French and he taught me a little before the winter break.boreas looked at Percy and spoke something in French.piper translated lord boreas is honored that the hero of Olympus has come in his court and will try to help him in any way he can.everybody gave encouraging nods to Percy,he stepped forward and said,lord boreas could you please tell us where khione is?
Boreas eyes immediately turned from kind to freezing cold.the temperature in the room droped another 20 degrees.why so you can take her to lord my lord Percy said immediately.lord Zues has not sent us.we actually needed to find khione because she has some information we need.what kind of information boreas asked.we thought that khione would know where gaia's palace is located.and you will give my daughter away to Zues after you have taken this information.she may have gone over to the wrong side but she is still my daughter.Percy said we will not turn khione to Zues,after we have taken the information.'WHAT' all the
demigods roared.swear son of posiedon.Percy said I swear on the river Styx that after we take the information we need from khione we will not turn her in to Zues.boreas eyes lost their anger.son of posidon may I speak to you alone for a minute.everybody gulped but Percy nodded reassuringly.everybody filed out of the hall.we saw the doors close hoping we could somehow listen what was going on?strangely annabeth didn't seem worried about Percy.arent you worried about Percy,reyna asked her.nah she said,Percy can take care of himself.after all if he defeated ares when he was twelve,it shouldn't be to much of a problem for him if it comes to that.all of us were asking her questions.I asked her you are saying Percy defeated ares the god of war when he was twelve in sword fighting.she nodded.everybody was starting to again feel the cold,except for annabeth and me.hey annabeth how come you sent cold anymore.she opened percy's coat and I saw there were water packets lining the sides.that's why Percy wasn't feeling cold.I really wish we could listen to what they are saying.Gwen said never eavesdrop on a conversation of a god.the results won't be you speak from experience I asked,unfortunately yes she replied.till they have a conversation we should play or do something Gwen said.nearly everybody went except annabeth.she said I'll wait here for them.we went down the stairs carefully and towards the living room.

To be continued
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 15
Percy's pov
Yes my lord what did you want to talk about.boreas said why did you refuse the offer to become a god.I sighed and said my lord I refused to become a god because life is worth more than being be able to fall in love,to make mistakes,even to die.I had a headache coming up you believe in second chances Perseus Jackson.yes I said I do believe in second chances my can you say that boreas asked after being betrayed so many times by Luke castellan?I believe in second chances because in the end Luke did sacrifice his life to make things right,he died believing in the headache was really getting really strong now.would you give my daughter another chance as well.without a doubt I will,people can always change,it is the same with gods.boreas smiled then said take my blessing Perseus Jackson you shall need it.I bowed and boreas put his palm on my was so cold,it felt like my brain was freezing.there was a bright flash of light around me and then it died.boreas said you will find khione in Russia.but where in Russia my lord Russia is huge.boreas said you will just know where to find her.merci votre majeste and I walked down the hall and out the door.annabeth was waiting for me outside.what happened,I'll tell you later with everybody else.she said nice trick with the water packets in the coat.I smiled.we were going down the stairs w hen annabeth slipped of the side.I grabbed her hand which pulled me own was at least a fifty feet fall,I was wishing I would never ever touch the ground.Percy,annabeth's voice jarred me back to my sences.we hadn't fallen,we were sitting on a thin slab of rectangular ice.there was a glowing bluish white aura around me.the blessing of boreas annabeth whispered.yeah I said and landed the ice carefully.slowly the aura faded around me.annabeth was staring at me and I figured she was going to say something about the blessing.but she said why didn't you tell me you knew a bit of French.I learned it with Paul before the winter break.I was going to show you and take you to Paris but then I lost my were going to take me to Paris she asked.yeah I said.there were sounds coming from the living room,we went there and saw a full game of dodgeball into play.jason,Leo and Gwen were in one the other team were cal,piper and reyna.but they wernt playing with a regular ball,they were playing with fire.I saw reyna throw the ball at Jason knocking him down,reyna and piper both hi fived and then they saw us.everybody came to me and started asking questions.I couldn't see Gwen anywhere,I knew what she was going to do,I jumped back and just as I saw the fireball was going to hit me.I tried to melt ice and throw it at the fire but there was no time,a bolt of blue and white light erupted from my fingers hitting the fireball which instantly froze and dropped to the ground.again there was a whitish bluish glow around me.that's fathers blessing Zethes stammered.yeah I know where khione is.where everybody asked Russia of after I told them what had happened upstairs we decided to go to Russia.Leo held up the planes keys and said who wants to drive next,gwen's hand shot up in the air and all of us groaned.nope now we are driving reyna and piper said,then they laughed gave a high they were getting along great.I saw from the corner of my eyes the horrified expression Jason had.we all boarded the plane and piper and reyna aimed the plane for Russia and we took of.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chapters I loved them !! they met yayy and I lobe precy new powers they are so cool !! CAnt wait till you post !!!! :DDDDDDDDD you are a great writer !! : DDDDDD
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 16
Reya's pov
I really liked piper,we were both very similar girls.and we were both exceptionally powerful compared to our half siblings.piper was an exceptionally powerful charm speaker.even when she was talking normally you coudnt help but be affected by her talk.but most importantly we both liked Jason grace and both felt like he had betrayed us.we both wanted a person like Percy,you know not always serious,down to earth and loyal.I asked Leo how long will it take to get to Russia if we continued at this speed.he said about five hours.hey guys do we have any food left.annabet checked the storage bay. And shook her head.piper shook her head miserably.hey Leo will we go over France.Leo nodded yeah in about half an hour.make a stop in Paris okay piper said.what are you doing?just don't ask questions she said.hey guys everybody is starting to feel hungry so could we hurry a bit.Leo nodded and floored the accelerator.we are going to reach Paris in about 15 minutes he said.lower the plane behind the Notre dame piper said.Leo did as piper asked.they landed the plane
behind the Notre dame.we all got out and piper trudged across the road.she was
going to a five star restaurant.there is no way we will be able to afford that I said.just
walk piper said.everybody looked confused at this except annabeth,Jason,and Leo.we
entered the restaurant and the place was huge.waiters were bustling around with
dishes.piper found a table for 8 and we sat down.she called one of the waiters and
said could you please call mr.Blake here.tell him piper McLean is here.the waiter went
into the kitchen,then a tall French man came out,piper what are you doing here?
where's Tristan.piper said me and my friends came here for some time off,could you
please give us a free meal.sure but introduce me to your friends later.ok piper.k see
you later mr.Blake..I hissed your dad's Tristan McLean.she just nodded miserably.she
didn't look like a daughter of a movie star.I always thought movie star kids were
messed up.but piper actually was down to for a daughter of Venus or
aphrodite she didn't wear fancy clothes or anything.currently she was wearing run
down jeans,a well worn shirt with a polartec fleece boarding jacket.her hair was
delibrately cut choppy and uneven.I liked her even better for that.why didn't you tell
me your dad is Tristan McLean.she said i don't like to brag about I said.we ate
a grand meal like enough for 12 people even though we were only 7 ourselves.we
were full and we said bye to mr.Blake who was a friend of piper's dad.we went to the
plane.we took off and went towards where exactly in Russia do we have to
find khione.I dont know Percy replied,boreas said when we get there I will
know.suddenly we saw huge storm clouds ahead.I saw weird shapes some looked
like angels,some looked like horses.they are venti storm spirits.but there are so
many.what if we go around them I said.good idea,Leo Percy said.I am trying it's like
the plane won't turn.the winds are too strong.the storm spirits had noticed us now.they
were cackling with electricity.Leo I shouted I am trying.he said.the storm spirits were
circling around our ship.they laughed and sent millions of volts of electricity.where are
we Leo.he said we have just entered Russia.the electricity ripped our entire plane
apart.we fell down all I was thinking what a stupid way to die.

( part 2)
Jason's pov
When we fell through the sky towards the ground i used winds to slow our fall.both me
and Percy were trying to use our powers.Percy shouted let's use both our powers together he shouted.I nodded.both of us immediately concentrated on summoning storm clouds,immediately black storm clouds formed below.Percy willed the water in the clouds to solidify enough so we could use them to soften our fall.I summoned
winds to slow us down.despite all the winds and clouds we were still going too fast.the
winds slowed us all slightly but we had a lot of momentum.the clouds slowed us down
by quite a lot.aim for the river Percy shouted.we are to far to the side.I shouted.use
the winds he shouted oh right.but we will drown and it will be like hitting cement.just
shut up and use the winds.he shouted.I used all the power I had over the wind now
we were aiming for the river.all of us crashed into the river but the impact hadn't hurt
more like it was softened.with my last moments of consciousness I saw Percy
swimming with evident ease,gathering all the people in a kind of air bubble.when he
touched me suddenly my fatigue soon as I entered the air bubble.I could
breathe.and I lost consciousness and went into sleep.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I love your chapters they are awesome !!!! And its amazing how you can post so many chapters in a short amount of time :DD your amazing three cheers for greektrickster!!!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome I love percy's new powers there pretty cool.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 17
Jason's pov
As I fell unconscious,I was in a giant place made of dirt.I saw enceladus beside a huge giant with inhumane ripped giants face was so ugly.his hair was covered in oil and in his jaw jutted out.I assumed he was Mimas.they both Enceladus and Mimas were connecting some wires in a machine.then Enceladus said with this machine mother will wake up more quickly.I looked at the huge pit in the center of the the room.beside there were 4 spires like the one with I stood there the the spire seemed to come a small millimeter out more.I saw terra walk down the stairs of her palace.she was saying Mimas when will the machine be completed.Mimas flinched and said it will take 3 more days.mother.terra sighed and whispered something in the shadows.suddenly a man made of shadows sprang out and bowed.lady terra he said.what of the demigods terra asked.the shadow man said their plane has been broken and they are stranded.very well I shall deal with them terra said.terra suddenly froze and said it seems the son of Jupiter wishes to dream of his quest.suddenly the shadow man seemed uneasy,should I deal with him he need to.I tried to move but I was frozen In place. Terra focused her full attention at me.and said your quest is pointless son of Jupiter behold what awaits you when you get here.she waved her hand to the back of the palace and what I saw made my heart almost jump into my throat.there were thousands of monsters.hellhounds,Scithian dracaena,telkhines,earthborn,dragons and even a few drakons.there were hundreds of storm spirits cackling with energy.terra smiled creepily and I fell to what felt like my death.I woke up in the middle of a snow covered clearing.the river beside was flowing fast which was the only reason it wasn't frozen.but as I saw it was frozen,only a part of the river was unfrozen.I thought Percy must have melted them with his new ice powers which were a blessing of boreas.for some reason I felt a little jealous of Percy.the first reason was that everybody treated him with respect even the and Zethes had looked like they were meeting some kind of rockstar.last time they had wanted to kill us.second was that I was a son of the king of the gods and yet Percy who was a son of posiedon had given me two chances to prove myself in a fight and still won and last of all he had a girlfriend,I still coudnt forget when reyna had told me that she wished she had a boyfriend like Percy.both reyna and piper wernt even talking to me anymore.but still you coudnt help but like being around Percy like Leo but Percy seemed to joke a little less.I looked around for Percy and saw he was lying down in grass breathing heavily.the snow around him had melted.I asked what happened to you.he gave me a small smile and said I have never tried melting that much ice,soften the impact of people with water and form air bubbles around each person long have I been out I asked.he said only about 15 minutes but you were whimpering a lot he said.I turned red and said thanks.Percy stared at annabeth and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.he said for what?you know saving our lives.he shrugged.I wasn't even wet so I asked him,hey how come we arent wet.Percy said I can will people to stay dry in water so even if you wanted to swim in the river and come out,I would just will your clothes to dry and presto.he was still breathing quite heavily.I asked him there is no way you are that tired by just doing all those things.he smiled and said I had to make 6 air bubbles you know how tiring that is.he can I know I have never made an air bubble.we both smiled and I asked him hey Percy why were you offered to become a god and why did you decline it and please tell me the real reason.Percy looked at annabeth again and said I was offered to become a god because I defended olympus in the Titan wars for three days and three nights,I also defeated Kronos in the throne room of the gods.then why did you decline it?he said one reason is to bring respect to mior gods and goddesses and their children but the main reason was that I love annabeth.he continued and said even when I lost all my memories,I still didn't forget annabeth.I have known her since I was twelve and liked her since I was fourteen and everyday I think only if I could have been sooner to ask her to be my girlfriend then we could spend more time together.but enough about me what about you he said?I asked what do you mean?he said oh cummon I know you like piper and reyna both I can see it in your expression.yeah I like both of them equally and they both feel like I have betrayed them,what am I supposed to do?Percy shook his head and said you can't like both equally,there must be one of them whom you like more.I had a feeling he was right.I liked piper a little more than reyna but I didn't want to lose reyna's trust or friendship.I do I like piper more I said but I don't want to lose reyna's faith.then Percy smiled,whenever he smiled his face seemed to change completely.he usually looked rebellious but when he smiled he looked like a male model but his eyes were always mostly sad with a little humour in them.I asked him how do you do that?he said what?you know change your face completely,sometimes it's sad,sometimes it's happy.he Said I don't know never seen myself change my expression.we laughed and Percy said don't worry Jason,whoever you like more at least ask her.that way at least you tried.don't bottle it up in you.emotions are how you yourselves through your emotions.don't always be a pokerface.I smiled realizing he had given the answer of both my questions that how he kept changing his faces.he said if you are going into battle you don't show a terrified face do he said I try to show a face with hope and never giving up.cumon pokerface let's wake the others Percy said.hey I said don't call me that.he looked at me with a humorous twinkle in his eyes and said it's your new nickname.we woke up the others which took almost one hour to do.Gwen started punching me when I tried to wake her so I got Percy to do it as he had the curse of Achilles.I woke piper and Leo.Percy woke up Gwen and annabeth but reyna didn't get up.she kept twitching and said I will never join you ever.Percy looked worried so he called some water from the river and woke her up.she woke up immediately.Percy bent in front of reyna and asked what happened reyna?he tone surprised me,it was soft and tender and sounded worried.that seemed to jar reyna back to reality.and she started crying.reyna was a strong person who never cried so I wondered what had she seen to make her cry like this.what happened Percy asked?reyna broke down in tears into percy's chest.he said what happened reyna.reyna said terra asked me to betray you guys otherwise she will kill my dad.that sounded like what had happened to piper in our quest.reyna kept sobbing into per y's shirt.Percy gave a pleading glance towards Annabeth that said 'please help i don't know how to make her stop' annabeth and piper and Gwen took reyna into one of the tents.we didn't know what to do,but now I saw a anger in percy's eyes.anger I had never seen blazed completely like it would burn and destroy everything in it's path.he said blackmail is the lowest of the low.Leo said you sound like you speak from experience.Percy nodded and said when I was twelve my mom was kidnapped by hades so hades could have power over me.but I did him a service and he returned my mom.what time is it I asked Percy.Percy checked his wrist watch and said close to 9:00 am in newyork.I don't know about Russia.Percy cursed now we only have 2 more days.I corrected three more come Percy asked and I told him about my dream.he nodded hopefully.I think we will leave tomorrow morning.I nodded.I asked Percy what type of watch is that?I don't see any brand name but the watch looked extremely comfy with a soft leather strap and silver head dial.he said my small cyclops brother Tyson made this for after one of my quests.does it have magical properties,Percy shook his head and pressed a button on the watch.suddenly the watch expanded like a camera shutters and transformed into a three feet long shield with beautiful designs made on it.that is so cool Leo said.yeah but I haunt seen you use it.Percy stared at me with an obvious look and I realized that he doesn't need a shield because of the curse of Achilles.Leo came to the same conclusion and asked what does the river Styx fell like Percy.Percy immediately turned red like he had remembered a memory that he didn't want to talk about.Percy said it burns your's like all your worst nightmares and fears are torturing you but will not let you die.the tent of the girls opened up and all the girls were laughing inside and drinking hot chocolate.Percy,me and Leo looked at each other like are we sure we are not imagining things.minutes ago reyna was crying now she was smiling but she still seemed a little sad.hey Percy said we want some hot chocolate too.sorry Gwen said didn't make you guys any.we rolled our eyes and went into the tent.Leo said how about we play a game of cards or something.since nobody wanted to sleep we all agreed.Percy sat behind annabeth and she annabeth leaned back and put her head on his chest.annabeth and Percy were one team.leo and me were in one team and piper,Gwen and reyna were in the third.we played 10 games of cards out of which annabeth and Percy won 5 times.and reyna cheated by turning her cards into aces to win and won three times and Leo and I only won two games.around midnight,which we had confirmed with a little magic.we decide to see who had the best powers or could something entertaining.each of us came up and showed or powers.I called thunder down towards the river which caused a water electric show.Leo came up and summoned flames which somehow curved into words made out of fire around him and caused fireworks.piper came up and charmspoke a squirrel into giving her a berry which we all laughed about.reyna came up and summoned fireworks which looked like a movie.Gwen came up and did an Irish step dance which was so fast she could have given any man a run for his money.annabeth came up and did some standup was actually quite funny.but most impressive were percy's powers.he summoned water around him which morphed into 4 warriors with swords made of ice.and the water morphed into a person that looked like annabeth and had wings of ice.she looked like an angel.some of the water swept above percy's head and spelled the words I love you annabeth.everybody gasped at the words and they froze and then meted again and again.everyone gasped,annabeth had eyes as wide as drachmas and her mouth was halway between a O and a smile.she rushed towards Percy and they both kissed for a long time.she punched him in the shoulder,and said you just coudnt have just told me could you she said smiling.had to make a grand display.Percy looked so happy he could be the god of happiness.I saw piper and reyna look at me pointedly.this was sure going well I gulped.we all took of towards the tents.mine was gold with an embelem of a thunderbolt.all the tents of each person looked different.Percy and annabeth waited until everybody had gone in their tents they were both smiling.I got in my tent and saw the shadows of percy and annabeth walking to percy's tent.gods I thought what would happen to annabeth if Percy died or visca versa.we woke up in the morning at around six was freezing but reyna and Leo summoned some flames to warm the camp but the wind kept howling.Leo said khione is probably messing with us.we need some protection from the cold.should we get Percy piper,Leo,Gwen and reyna asked.why we want to see them,last night they both went into the same we went in percy's tent and both annabeth and Percy were wide awake drinking coffee.they smiled and gave everyone coffee.I realized percy's cabin was warm.I realized that ice coated the tents inner walls which was a poor conductor of heat.uh Percy we need some protection from cold outside so if you don't mind Leo asked.Percy smiled and stepped outside of the tent with the rest of us.I was never tired of watching how he used his father was god of thunder so I pretty much used the same tricks over and over again.but Percy walked out.he laughed and water shot out of the river and formed a protective bubble over our camp.instantly the air warmed a was a relief to be able to go outside without freezing.I made a mental point to never stay in Russia.around 8:00 am we decided to break camp and find the nearest town or city so we could get a car or something.we ate a breakfast of burgers and nachos with hot cheese all thanks to Leo.Gwen looked amazed and Leo and said you can cook.Leo replied I used to run away from a lot of foster homes so I picked up a little cooking.Gwen looked surprised.I realized they both liked each other.Leo didn't flirt around Gwen like he used to do around other girls on our quest.Gwen washed her face and the magical Inc still didn't come off.she said finally ok Percy I give up,just please wash away these drawings of my face.Percy nodded and water flew out of the river and hit Gwen's face.all the ink washed off.then she realized were preventing the water from washing off the ink earlier.Percy nodded with a wolfish grin.I asked Leo where's the nearest town from here.he took out a portable GPS out of his tool belt and said.the nearest town from here is 2 miles away.and we took off towards the town.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
hey guys i might not be posting tommorow but will try to
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
I love your chapters andits okay if you don't post because you already posted so much chappies already :DDD
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
this is class act. keep up the good work.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 18
Annabeth's pov
Last night had been the happiest night of my life when Percy had shown how much he loved me in front of everybody.later Percy had shown me the blessing of boreas inside his tent.he kept making shapes and freezing them.we were both so tired we fell asleep.I love you seaweed brain,he said well there a shocker sarcastically and we fell asleep smiling.I woke up around 5:00 in the morning Russia time and made coffee for everyone.last night it had Ben freezing but now the tent was warm and I realized the tent was covered in ice.ingenious.Percy woke up and we were drinking coffee and I was filling him in about camp when everybody came.they al looked excited but were disappointed and told Percy to help them keep camp warm.we just stepped out of the tent.we got ready to go to the village which was 2 miles from here.we cleared up camp and took off.everybody's teeth were chattering except leo's,mine and Percy because percy's water jacket protected me and Percy had the blessings of boreas.hey Percy could you do something about the cold since you have the blessing
and all Gwen said.Percy shook his head and said i can't do that much but I can make
the wind stop.all of us stopped for a minute.Percy closed his eyes in concentration,a
bluish whitish glow surrounded him,everybody gasped and the wind started slowing
down then stopped.Percy looked a little tired but kept on going.even with the wind
being stopped it was cold.everybody was shivering.finally Leo coudnt take it
anymore.his whole body lit up with flames which warned everybody around.Gwen was
looking at Leo with wonder we are the seven of the prophecy she said.we are
all so powerful.with that we stepped into a village,I seriously hoped we won't get attacked by monsters.the village was very small.there was a grocery store,a couple of
houses with a few shops.we were running out of food supplies so we decided that the
girls would get the groceries and the boys
would find a car to rent or borrow or steal in Gwen's eyes.all the girls went into the grocery store to get foods.we got some food supplies.when we went out the boys
came and said as far as we can see there are no cars in this village large enough for
the seven of us except for this one that belongs to a lady.Gwen had a look in her
eyes like 'sweet I steal a car'so we took off towards the looked newly
was a suv big enough for the seven of us.Gwen was about to do something to the car
but piper said I ll ask for the keys from the lady so we dont have to break the car we went and knocked on the lady's house.a women of about thirty opened
the house and looked at us and said 'yes what's the matter'she looked like she used
to have a beautiful face but not anymore.what are yor names.piper introduced us and
the lady told us to come in.we hesitated because you never know who are
monsters.but we went in.piper charmspoke the lady,ma'am can we please have the
keys to your car in the front.the lady seemed to be in a trance but then snapped out of
it.she said why?she gave us some cookies.I had a feeling who this women was.I
brought the cookie to my nose and smelled toad poison.aha I jumped up on the
lady.what are you doing the others said.I said don't eat the cookies they have poison
in them.they all threw away the cookies and pulled out our weapons.the lady got up
and now she looked a little different.her face looked scarred and her eyes were
horrible green.I know who you are,you are in the devours children lamia
piper asked.I nodded.lamia shrieked and said I will kill all of you starting with you
champion of Juno lamia shrieked at Jason.woah stop shrieking lady Percy,Leo and
Gwen said together and they burst out laughing.lamia shook her head turning red
and drew out two swords.Percy was immediately there in front of me and slashing at
lamia.same with Jason,lamia fought them but both Percy and Jason stabbed her in
the gut and she disintegrated.we took the keys of her car and ran outside.just as we
ran outside a deafening squeal cut through the air and we were again in danger.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 19
Pipers pov
I saw annabeth and Percy and the blood from both their faces had drained can't be,please tell me its not that monster Percy said his nose twiching.annabeth said I think it is.what are you both talking about all of us shouted.suddenly a huge flying pig came out of the sky.that's the clazomonian sow I said.yeah Percy nodded,we had to deal with it last defeat it again.all of us looked the sow phlowed through a dozen trees.we need an aerial advantage Percy said.Jason grinned and rose up but then came's super cold up there he pointed at the sky.yeah tried to warn you Percy said.we pulled our weapons and attacked the sow.the sow phlowed through us.we need a plan annabeth said.she whispered something into percy's ear and he nodded.he said Jason fly up and keep blasting the pig with thunder but stay out of it's reach but it's freezing up there.Percy said take Leo with you and both of you blast it together.piper try to charmspeak the pig into landing and stopping.reyna summon a hail storm over the pig.Gwen keep running and gets it's
attention.annabeth you are with me.,Percy said.she nodded.all of us started doing the
various things we were told to do.Percy concentrated and ice melted and water burst
out of the ground swirling around Percy.he jumped using the water to propel himself
and annabeth up and kept attacking the pig close range.I kept saying 'sleep piggy
piggy'the pig focused on me and swooped down and hit me.I was sent flying crashing
into a house.piper I heard someone scream and suddenly there was a cackling sound
with a bright flash of light and the queel of the pig stopped and I fainted.

(part 2)
Jason's pov
When I saw piper had been sent flying,I screamed piper.rage filled me,I felt a cackling sound and a blast of thunder more powerful than any I had summoned before came
down on the sow,killing it.I was so tired I coudnt control the winds and me and Leo
fell.Leo shouted not cool.suddenly we stopped falling I saw that I was bathed in a
strange blue and Leo were caught in a ball of water but I could breathe.okay
this is super cool.and I fainted.when I woke up I saw everyone looking at me.hi how
long have I been out.Percy said just a couple of minutes,we gave you some nectar.I
nodded,where's piper.they pointed at a wall and I saw it had completely been
smashed and there was a wreckage.piper's in there I said horrified.they nodded.we
need to get her out Percy said but lifting things isn't really one of my powers.could you
help me I asked Percy.he nodded.we both concentrated on lifting the wreckage.I
used winds to lift some things.water pumped out of the ground lifting more things
.more objects flew up in the air so I assumed reyna was doing her magic.suddenly we
saw piper lying on the ground,we were all getting tired of holding the things in the
air.thankfully Gwen dashed to her,picked her up and ran soon as piper was
free of the wreckage I let the winds drop the rubble.I was panting calling that type of
thunder really drains you.annabeth examined piper's wounds,she said it's appears to
be she has a couple of broken ribs.we nodded and fed her ambrosia.her wounds
healed but she was still unconscious.she's probably exhausted annabeth said,but we
need to go in the car.easy Percy said and picked up piper like she was a doll and
Caried her to the car and put her in the back seat.we got in the car,annabeth handed
us some burgers and cokes which they had bought at the store.Percy sat in the
driver's seat as only he and annabeth knew how to drive.Percy started driving the
cars north after a few minutes.where are we going I asked,he said I don't know it's
just a feeling that we will find khione if we go this way.I put my head on the headrest
and went straight to sleep.thinking three days later the world is going to end and I am
drinking coke and eating a burger.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 20
Piper's pov
I was in the middle of nowhere standing in an endless field of white.I saw a beautiful women whose face kept changing to fit my ideal of I asked?hello my sweet aphrodite said.why am I here I asked her?reyna and you both like Jason grace and are starting to develop feelings for Percy Jackson.I blushed hard.Percy is a remarkable person piper but don't fall for him.his heart wil always belong to annabeth,Percy loves annabeth more than anyone realizes.she will always be his didn't tell me about Jason having a girlfriend.Aphrodite smiled and said Jason grace does not love Reyna Richards  he likes her and he likes you as well but Percy loves annabeth.I gave her a nod to show her I you are saying I still have a chance with Jason.Aphrodite nodded and said you have more than just a chance.great so is this why you called me here?no she said,she said do not try to provoke Percy Jackson over the next few days.I smiled and said he doesn't get provoked mom,he's always happy no matter what.I don't think the last line of the prophecy is possible.Aphrodite shook her head gravely and said yes it is havnt you been thinking about the prophecy.truth was all of had,Jason,annabeth,Leo,Gwen,reyna we all had thought about the prophecy.we had tried to get Percy a little mad by playing pranks and all but he always seemed to be happy.Percy was the only person who didn't think about the prophecy or he pretended not to.Aphrodite said no one until today has seen him truly mad,no one until today has seen his true strength only fractions of it.I thought could Percy be even more stronger than he is now.aphrodite said do yo want to know why Percy doesn't get angry.why he restricts himself.yeah mom sure.she waved her hand and I saw Percy and annabeth about fifteen.suddenly annabeth kissed Percy and put on her hat and ran away.Percy dashed towards a main walkaway where dod like creatures started pouring lava on him.Percy had a look of pure wildness in his eyes and sparkling sea water appeared from him,washing away all the monsters and Percy was blasted sky-high.then the vision changed and i saw Percy who looked only a few weeks later but he looked completely exhausted and had lost a lot of weight.I heard Hephaestus saying to him you are the son of the earth shaker son,you don't know your own strength.suddenly I was whisked back to where my mom was.I said what happened,what did he do?did annabeth tell you about typhon piper she asked.I shivered at the thought of typhon.annabeth had told me he had almost destroyed the what about him I asked?that blast you saw caused typhoon to stir in his sleep.and now Percy jackson has become even more powerful.this frightens Zues the most Aphrodite said.I woke up in the backseat of a plush car and my face was inches away from jason's.I jumped back and realized he was sleeping.what time is it I asked stifling a yawn.annabeth checked percy's watch and said 6:00 am newyork time in this part of Russia it's probably 4:00 pm.i asked where are we?Leo looked into his GPS and said 15 miles from Murmansk.suddenly Percy veered the car off road towards a cluster of trees.where are we going I asked him.he said I don't know I can just sence khione.wereached the trees and Percy said we will have to go on foot,I saw why,the trees were to close to navigate between them.Percy woke Jason up.Jason responded by gripping percy's shoulder and reaching for his Percy noded like this happened to him all the jason got out of the car Percy whispered something in jason's ear to which Jason nodded.Percy led the way into the forest,navigating the way perfectly through the trees.we entered a huge clearing the size of a two football fields.the entire field was covered with snow.I saw a village with about 20 houses all made off ice and I saw about 50 ice monsters and facing them was my least favorite goddess khione.we walked towards her,the snow reached till my shins.Percy melted as much ice as he could with Leo but quickly stopped.I asked her what are the ice giants.she replied hyperboreans the giants of the north.I nodded.we approached khione from behind but she probably heard the squirting and turned her head my my how are my seven least favorite demigods.pretty good leo said.could you please tell us the order of the least favorite,I have a feeling I am number one he grinned.khione turned red which was weird because gods have ichor in them which is gold in colour.khione again smiled and said how will you defeat me in my own element.Gwen replied by kicking your frosty butt.khione again turned red and said charge.the hyperboreans charged at us.immediately all of us were fighting we had been expecting this.Jason flew up in the sky and started blasting thunder at them.Leo threw fireballs,reyna turned a bunch of monsters into ice statues and blew a sandstorm which knocked them down.Gwen was running super fast killing any monsters in her way.Percy was at it with his water and ice powers. Khione snuck behind him but annabeth killed a hyperborean and started fighting khione.I started fighting as well.the hyperboreans would come close to me and stare at me and I would kill them.just as I defeated the last monster I heard a cry of pain.I turned to look that annabeth had broken an ankle and was covered in ice.Percy yelled NO,and all the snow in the field melted and formed a massive tidal wave washing away all the monsters away.he held up his hand and water turned into four warriors with swords made of ice and they grabbed khione and pulled her away from annabeth.Leo came to her and summoned fire to melt the ice around annabeth.Percy fed her some ambrosia and nectar.and then said to khione just tell us where gaia's palace is?khione said what's in it for me?Percy said your father believes in you khione,he wanted you to know that.don't even talk about him,khione said turning red.then if you tell us where Gaia's palace is we will let you go.khione tried to vanish but Percy said once trapped a gods power is useless.khione considered this and said gaia's palace is in mount orthys.reyna said you are lying.mount orthys has been checked a thousand times since the titan war there is no palace you dolt khione said it's underground.Percy nodded and the water warriors dropped into plane water into the ground.khione looked surprised that Percy had kept his promise.she said just because I am starting to like you khione said I am going to give you a piece of advice.what Percy asked.don't go there khione said and vanished.w ow thanks for telling us something we already know Leo said.Leo she's already gone  Gwen said.Percy picked up annabeth in his hands and took off towards the car.we followed him.when we got to the car,nearly everybody asked him how are we going to get to California.he said ,I have a plan but I don't like it,let's just set up camp for the night.uh that way we only have one day left Percy,Gwen said.Percy said we have two according to US time.we nodded and set up soon as percy's tent was up he carried annabeth to his tent then came out a few minutes later gathered some water and heated it on the fire and without a word took it to his tent.all of us gazed at the fire.slowly we all felt tired Gwen got up kissed Leo on the cheek much to his surprise and said goodnight and went to her tent.Leo touched his's love season Leo I said.everybody laughed.slowly everybody went to their tent but I stayed out by the fire.I don't know how long I stargazed but I didn't doze off.Percy came out and sat beside's annabeth I asked,he said fine just a mild case of hypothermia.I nodded you know annabeth is lucky to have a boyfriend like you I said to him.he smiled and his eyes lit up,it's just that being around me is dangerous for least you think of her.believe me piper Jason likes you a lot he just can't express it and with that went into his tent.I sat there stunned and I fell asleep.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Loved the chapters !! You make everything so realistic !! Your an amazing writer ! !:DDDD
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
this is an example of how a story should be told. keep up the good work.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 21
Reyna's pov
We woke up in the morning to a loud voice of piper saying 'MOM'.we all ran out of our tents thinking something was wrong.what we saw was piper was wearing a red and blue dress with a normal jacket.the jacket didn't look like much but I could feel magic emitting from it designed to warm whoever wore it.piper was wearing high heeled shoes and leg warmers.she didn't have any makeup on her face but her hair instead of choppy and uneven was lush brown and you got a complete makeover.I said.she looked really good.I am not the only one she said.I realized she was right.Gwen was wearing a long sleeved purple and black shirt with clean blue jeans and her hair flowing across her shoulders.her shirt had a little cut around the neck.Leo was wearing a dark brown shirt and army type pants.I was wearing a normal purple long sleeved shirt with clean jeans.I touched my hair and I realized like Gwen's and pipers my hair was flowing across my shoulders completely and was perfect.all of our clothes were emitting heat magic.piper ditched the heels and wore sneakers which changed into normal knee length boots.she groaned but at least she could fight now.Jason came out of his tent and my eyes had trouble focusing on him.he was looking so cute.he was wearing a black thermal and denim jeans with combat boots.Percy and annabeth still hadn't come out.we decided to see what was taking so long.I know isn't there any privacy but we wanted to drive Percy over the edge.I realized I had mixed feelings between Percy and Jason,piper seemed to have to but we didn't voice it.we went to the tent and heard a conversation you are looking amazing annabeth.we stepped inside and saw Percy and annabeth kissing.we coughed and they broke apart.annabeth was wearing a orange t shirt and a brown jacket and her blond hair was flowing across her she was really looking good not unnatural at all.but I saw Percy was wearing a black thermal and blue jeans with combat boots as well like Jason but he was also wearing a chocolate brown jacket over it.on the thermal I saw the words 'leadership is a quality earned not given'which did make sence.they both came out of the tent.we had a nice breakfast by the fire but I noticed the Greeks sacrificed a part of their meal into the fire and said a god's name.Percy said posiedon and boreas and the smell from the fire came like sea plants with exotic smells and a faint cool breeze.why do you guys sacrifice your food to the gods.Percy shrugged but annabeth said to thank the gods for everything and because they like the smell.everybody looked fence about how will we get back to USA.I asked Percy,last night you said that you have a plan to get us back to USA what is it?he shook his head miserably.II will tell you but you sent going to like it.what is it we asked?he said we catch some storm spirits that take us to USA.nope all of us said or I have another idea Percy continued.just tell us will you Gwen said.Percy said can I talk to you Jason for a minute.Jason looked a little uneasy but he followed Percy.annabeth poked the fire with a know what the plan is don't you I asked?she nodded and said I better let Percy explain.we saw Percy talking to Jason and I saw the blood drain from jason's face.he mumbled something to Percy and Percy nodded though looking slightly crest fallen.they came back to the fire.Jason said Percy has a plan,a dangerous one but it might work.WHat is it all of us roared?Jason said we form some solid clouds and go to USA using the winds.what's so dangerous about this plan Leo asked.firstly Jason replied I don't think I am strong enough to get us all to USA but I will try,second it's super cold up there he pointed toward the sky.and last is that he pointed towards the west sky and giant storm clouds were rolling across the sky's and hundreds of thousands of storm spirits were flying.what we said.the cold won't be a problem we are in magic clothing I said.Percy nodded saying that's one problem solved and if Jason gets tired I can always takeover once we are over the Atlantic ocean.that two problems solved but the third he said.we looked at so many storm are there so many,typhon's death coudnt have raised so many storm spirits I said.annabeth answered the ouestion it's probably Gaia.I had a dream last night that Aeolus was captured,they probably tok all the storm spirits he had locked up in his what's the plan.Percy looked miserable.he said the plan is that Jason and I will go up in the clouds and try to deal with as many storm spirits we can.what you will be killed everybody we won't Percy said you are forgetting our powers.Gwen can't come because she needs to run to use her powers.neither can annabeth.Leo needs space to work his fire powers or he may accidentally hit us.reyna could but again too dangerous that why me and Jason decided that we two are the most powerful demigods present here so we will fight them.I watched with horror as Jason flew up using the winds.Percy prayed towards the sky and then forms some storm clouds stood up on them and went after can Percy fly I asked.annabeth said he can't.he just did I told her.annabeth said since posiedon or Neptune is the god of storms Percy formed some storm clouds willed the water to be solid enough to support him in the cloud and just went up.I looked up and saw flashes of thunder in the clouds and something that looked suspiciously like a hurricane.suddenly something fell out of the sky and landed on the fire and we saw it was a venti frozen in ice.maybe they could pull this off I thought.I saw ice projectiles,wind pushes and many more things.lightning and seemed to go on for hours but it could have only been about 30 minutes the flashes stopped and the storm clouds started clearing.we cheered Jason and Percy had defeated hundreds of storm spirits themselves.they both came down and both were panting hard but they high fived.that was awesome everyone did you defeat all those storm spirits by yourselves and how come either of you isn't injured.that would be Percy Jason said.he formed a protective sheet of water around me,without him I would have been killed in the first few minutes.Percy said ditto coudnt have done it without you pokerface.we all laughed and after we stopped and we had given Percy and Jason some nectar they stood up and said stand back.we all moved back from them.they stood shoulder to shoulder.both of them concentrated hard while holding up their hands.instantly storm clouds appeared in front of us and a cold wind blew through the camp estinguishing the fire.a humming sound was coming with a sort of whistling that was coming from both Percy and Jason.the clouds started getting darker as they absorbed moisture from the air and started becoming solid.both Percy and Jason were chanting now,Percy in ancient greek and Jason in Latin.the hairs on our body stood up and the clouds took shape of a chariot made of clouds and ice.both Percy and Jason looked back and grinned at our spooked expressions.they got on the cloud chariot and gestured us to come on.we rose through the air and started going west.we kept flying for two hours during which Percy and Jason controlled the cloud chariot and the rest of us found something to do.annabeth started reading a book about architecture,Leo started playing around with fireballs and threw them at Gwen who kept on knocking them aside.I produced sparks.around midday when we were halway over the Atlantic ocean Percy offered to control the chariot.we went down on the sea and a couple of fish tailed horses with rainbow coloured manes burst out and started pulling the chariot across the water.this way we will be in California in no time.we were about to take off again when we saw a giant whirpool.we tried to pull out of it but were sucked in and I saw a ugly monster causing the whirlpool.not the sea of monsters again annabeth said and the chariot spun out of control and we slammed into the side and I fell immediately unconscious.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
...........*speechless *(it's that amazing )
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Thanks a lot guys for all the comments and support.especially you blakerose,thanks a lot for all your comments
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 22
Percy's pov
I hate the sea of monsters I groaned.everybody was instantly on guard.a sea that Percy hates and doesn't want to come here,they probably thought I was hallucinating.the sea glittered a brilliant green.Gwen asked me can't we just take off again.we could try but it'll be suicide annabeth said.why is that the skies are clear Gwen asked.annabeth said havnt you overheard of the Bermuda triangle even planes get sucked in she said.the rest of us nodded.suddenly the ship started moving forward on an alarming pace.Percy do something everybody cried.I tried,several thousands of gallons of water pumped out of the SEA lift us and slow us down.but we kept on going.some sea water froze in front of us when we hit them we were slammed against theback wall but we kept going.I can't do anything I said.something was pulling the ship forward,I could fell it.Magic reyna said.I had a realization not her anybody but her.annabeth said I seriously hope not we don't have a jar of Hermes multiple vitamins something.Have you guys gone mad everyone said.I could try to neutralize the magic reyna said.Reyna don't I said.but of course she didn't listen to me.she closed her eyes in concentration,the ship slowed down a little but suddenly it grew even more faster and reyna was literally trembling,she opened her eyes and the ship jerked sending her off the chariot.Reyna everybody screamed.without a hesitation I jumped into the sea after her.I used the current to propel myself toward her.she was sinking her mouth was open and salt water was in her body.I cursed.I grabbed her made an air bubble around us and used the water currents to propel myself.we broke the surface I realized reyna still wasn't breathing.I was alarmed to see that the chariot was about a mile ahead from where I was.I was panicking now.I used the water to propel me as fast as I could.I went faster than a hippocampi.I used the water to jump up and landed on the ship.everybody instantly swarmed to reyna.Jason and I used CPR on her.she still wasn't responding.I willed all the saltwater that had gone into her body and willed it out.suddenly reyna began choking and she started coughing water.all of us were relieved.I looked up and saw the island I didn't want to see.standing on the docks was my least favorite sorcerer Circe.she was smiling.all of us took out our weapons.she smiled and the ship touched the dock.she said well well how are you boys.Jason responded by blasting Circe with thunder.she just swept her hands and the thunder dissipated.Circe looked at reyna with a mixture of interest and said you know she's powerful.she almost broke my hold of magic over the boat.she smiled.why have you brought us here Circe got tired of turning men into genie pigs.Circe was still smiling coldly and said I am doing this as a favor to mother Gaia of course.she will reward me greatly for the deaths of 6 of the prophecy.6 I asked what is there some special treatment for the seventh.she smiled and said mother Gaia said to spare you Perseus Jackson.she said she needed to see your power,I still don't know what she was talking about,you still look weak a little better than the last time but still weak.I burst out laughing at this.everybody looked strangely at me but I coudnt stop are so pathetic I said to her.she was still smiling though the smile dropped by a centimeter.I continued last time it was just annabeth and me,this time if you hadn't noticed it's seven against 1.she again smiled coldly and said I am not alone.she raised her arms and earthborn sprung out of the ground,along with a monster I didn't want to see again.kampe I breathed.she still looked the same the dragons body from the waist down and the body of a women from the waist up.her waist was bubbling with heads of animals.her legs had mini snakes slithering.she pulled out her two scimitars which glowed with a green aura.don't let those scimitars touch you I told the others.or we will die.after you slowly shrivel to death yes I muttered.I had a thought I am sounding like Grover.then who's Grover.I hadn't gotten all my memory back except for the ones concerning annabeth.reyna's eyes fluttered open and she looked around confused.she started to get up but she was still weak and she crumbled to the ground.I turned my attention to the army.I heard annabeth mutter a plan in my ear.I nodded and said,Gwen you run around and destroy as many earthborn you can,Leo melt them into mud,he grinned like he liked this idea,annabeth I whispered yeah.put on your invisibility hat and start stabbing them.piper charmspeak cicrce and the earthborn.Jason,he was looking at kampe.Jason,this time he looked at me and I said we are taking kampe.he nodded and we charged into battle.several of the earthborn threw rocks at us but the sea water formed a wall between them and us which I froze into a transparent block of ice so the projectiles will be stopped and we could see the monsters.the rocks hit the shield,cracks appeared but it held,I put a protective shield of water around everybody except myself.Jason said in my ear I have a plan to killkampe just distract her for a while and don't let anything touch me.I focused the water around him into a sphere.he flew in the air and closed his eyes in concentration.I froze the water around him.I slashed at kampe,she blocked them with her two scimitars.I thought think boy think,find a way to usenet own strength and speed against idea presented itself to me.I jumped up using all the power I had in my legs and kicked her in the face.she roared like'i am going to kill you for that',I slashed at her waist she again blocked using her swords.I moved from under her letting her full height and weight coming down and she crashed taking down a couple of earthborn.kampe barely looked fazed,she jumped up and using her winds attacked me from above.I immediately formed storm clouds and jumped on them and said oh yeah two can play this game.I decided that I will freeze her wings so she will drop,but at this height it won't do much damage.I felt completely scared that I needed to go in the sky again without a pegasi.I willed the clouds to take me up.kampe followed.I thought cummon Jason hurry.I reached up above the clouds breathing the cool air.kampe hovered to my level.I fought her for a while till Jason did whatever he was doing.then I jumped back used my storm cloud to envelop kampe,and froze the water around her wings.she coudnt fly anymore,she fell dropping to the ground.hopefully it won't hurt any of my kampe fell I realized I didn't have a cloud to stand on.oh styx I thought nevertheless I enjoyed as I fell.I saw kampe land with a giant satisfying the last moment I willed the water to catch me.water from the sea came up and caught me.just at that moment Jason finished what he was doing and open thunder broke across the sky,it made every hair on my body stand hit kampe with the force of a bomb.when I looked back at kampe,there was nothing but dust which Jason casually displaced with wind pushes.that was awesome you don't even look tired.he blushed and said I was storing power you know just to get a really powerful shot.well it worked.we looked back and saw the rest of the fight wasn't going as well as ours.even with my water shield more and more earthborn kept rising plus Circe was fighting as well blasting away the demigods.I saw an earthborn die without a cause so I figured annabeth was there,apparently Circe thought the same thing and shot a golden beam from her landed near annabeth and she screamed,hundreds of spiders were crawling up her legs.I felt angry at Circe and water swept annabeth's legs and all the spiders were washed away.she took of her hat muttered a silent thank you and again started fighting.we charged into battle and both Jason and me were fighting and destroying monsters.piper was getting tired,Gwen kept running and slashing with her knife and spear.Leo was fighting monsters and melting them.I summoned wave after wave to keep the monsters away,suddenly one of circe's spells had hit Gwen and she crumbled on the floor.I could see anger in leo's what did I miss yesterday.he swept his hands and a wave of pure fire came from his hands and melted all the earthborn around us.we survived because of my shields of water.Circe tried a spell on leo but another spell hit hers which caused it to backfire.I saw reyna on the chariot grinning feebly.cummon she said we have to go.we got on the chariot but just as we were about to leave Circe got up again.she was smiling coldly which made us mad.all because of her,reyna was almost unconscious,Gwen was knocked out,piper and annabeth were hurt.all of the boys looked at Circe with frustration.after that I don't know what happened.Leo released a blast of white-hot flames at her,Jason unleashed thunder,I launched ice and created a fissure where she was standing.well then it sucked to be Circe,she was hit by the tri attack.she was barbecued,frozen and electrocuted,plus a fissure appeared at her feet causing her to drop in it but she somehow managed to get out of it.we needed to get out of here so I concentrated and I felt a huge tug in my gut which pushed the chariot towards the sky.reyna said I take back what I said of getting to California in no time.we laughed.piper's ankle was broken.annabeth's elbow had a nasty looking cut and Gwen was unconscious.Jason was about to bandaid all the wounds but I said stop.I said take the chariot a little soon as we came down 4 orbs of water came up floating from the sea.I told Leo to heat four short minutes the water was warm.I first dropped some water on annabeth's arm,what good will that do Leo soon as I touched the wound with the water covering it,annabeth's elbow instantly healed.that shut them up.the first orb was out.I used the second orb on piper,then reyna and Gwen.we told them to sleep.I checked my watch it was only 2:00 pm we would make it to mount orthys.and tomorrow the fate of the world would rest upon my shoulders.we took off west towards mount orthys.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
No need to thank I love reading your chapters they are soooooooo super good and amazing loved the chapter and can't wait till you post :DDD :P
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 23
Jason's pov
Percy and I flew the chariot for the rest of the day while the girls kept sleeping.I still hadn't told piper and reyna about how I felt about them.I knew whoever I chose the other would hate me for the rest of my life which might not be that long.Percy had it easy,he had a gorgeous girlfriend,great parents or so I had been told and a brilliant life with no problems at all except for an occasional even the gods respected him.I don't know what happened but as I said this a pond below us erupted,Percy looked down and then looked up as if wondering which water god was angry and why.occasionally monsters and storm spirits would attack us but they were met by a trio of ice,lightning and fire.I started to feel tired so I gave the chariot handling to Percy and lay down and went straight to my dream I was on Olympus the mountain of the gods.I walked to the throne room,I had a vague memory of coming here after my first quest and the gods had argued about killing me.inside the throne room it was empty except for two gods.there was a sounded
like they wanted to kill me and the other looked front of me on their
thrones were Juno and Neptune.Neptune was saying I should blast him into a puddle
of saltwater for saying Percy has had a easy life.Juno was saying,it's not his fault,he
has only been told of percy's exploits not his life.he is jealous of Percy Neptune
said.Juno said he is proud of himself no doubt jupiter's trait Juno said with a small
smile upon her lips.the gods obviously sensed something and looked straight at
me.neptune looked like he wanted to kill me but Juno nodded and said we must
explain to the boy.I asked why does everyone treat Percy Jackson with so much
respect,okay he did some amazing things but I would have done the same things in
his position.Juno was about to say something but Minerva appeared on her throne
and said let me explain.Juno looked relieved and neptune's eyes sofetened.I knelt in
front of Minerva throne.the look on her face was halfway between annoyance and you know why is Perseus respected so.yeah fully knowing the answer I
said.Percy Jackson tries to save everyone around him,he will gladly sacrifice his own
life if possible to save another.would you do the same Minerva asked me.I said of
course.but she said woudnt you let them die because there is honor in death.I bit my
tongue and said yes ma'am..perseus Jackson doesn't care about honor and
glory,then why does he fight I asked.Minerva smiled and continued he fights to protect
others with no regard to himself,he will try to face any enemy no matter who if it leads
into saving his make him sound like he is fearless.he isn't but his
determination overules his fears.let me show you she said.I met eyes with her and I
was on the mountain I instantly recognized as mount orthys.I saw fourteen year old
Percy hesitantly charge the background I saw annabeth was unconscious and
my sister Thalia was fighting a boy with a nasty looking scar on his cheek.I saw Diana
holding the weight of the sky.suddenly Percy was sent flying towards lady Diana.he
said something to her and slashed her chains and took the sky from her.what I
thought,the weight of the sky is to heavy only titans or gods could lift it,but Percy fell
to his knees but kept holding it.I saw Diana fight atlas.for a second I felt what Percy
was felt like thousand of trucks were on my shoulders.then the vision
changed I saw Percy walk into the river styx,his face fell into the river Styx.again I
was in percy's mind.for the first time I understood the panic of drowning.I forgot my
name the pain was too much,I saw faces in the water
Percy I give you my blessing my mom said
Brother be safe Tyson pleaded
I wasn't sure where that came from but it didn't seem to help much,then I was whisked away and I was again in front of minerva's throne.she was looking at me sadly and softly.she said to me,now you know why the gods respect him so,and his life,only
recently since the first great prophecy has finished that percy's life has become
better.even now he doesn't complain even though he has gotten the hard part of the
bargain.what do you mean I asked her?extra sadness crept into her eyes and I
realized Minerva was going to lose something,something she didn't want to.I was
going to ask her about that but I woke up.Percy was steering the chariot,a couple of
storm spirits burst out of the clouds but Percy just sighed and ice shot from his
hands.not the light kind which had frozen the fireball earlier but real ice,freezing the
venti which fell on the ground with a large thud.your powers are getting better I told
him.he said yeah,there was a time when I could barely make a wave,now I can do
things I never could.what time is it I asked him.he checked his watch and said 10:30
newyork In San Francisco it's about 7:30 close are we to San Francisco.he
pulled out leo's GPS and said,somewhere over Houston.I nodded and helped him
bring the chariot down.I still marveled at the chariot's speed and craftmensship.Percy
had an idea that if we defined what we want in our home languages and channel our
powers we might accomplish a whole new power.apparently he had seen nico chant
in ancient Greek before when summoning a ghost so he did the same and I did in
Latin.Percy do you remember everything.he shook his head and said
pieces,whenever I do something like I have felt I have done before it just sparks
something I nodded.we set up camp while the others slept on the chariot.Percy set up
the tents while I made the fire with a swear bit of cursing and blasting lightning.Percy
stepped on the chariot and picked annabeth in his arms and took her to his tent.he
returned a few minutes later and helped me wake up everybody else.we decided to sit
near the fire and just tell each other stories about the camp and stuff.annabeth came
out of the tent,gave Percy a kiss and sat beside him to which he wrapped his arms
around her and pulled her on his lap.annabeth told us stories about camp and we
sang some songs and it was a cheery night.we played cards and did the power
competition again.Leo put his hands in the fire and the fire started changing colours
and formed shapes of pegasi and other things.Percy said something to Leo to which
the latter nodded eagerly and started pulling out bits of metal from his belt and started
tinkering on them.I raised a questioning eyebrow.he said since we are getting close
to mount orthys and from the dream you told us about Jason,we will have to fight at
least a thousand monsters right.I nodded shakily,he continued and said so I told Leo
to work on some imperial gold bombs and stuff so we could deal with the monsters
more easily.people at camp half blood say you are not very smart,piper said.Percy
smiled looking embarrassed and said being around annabeth for years tends to rub
off on you.we laughed,next Percy decided to do some entertaining.he stood up,the
night turned a little cooler but not uncomfortable.water pushed out of the ground and
Percy rose of the ground.the water surrounded Percy and he was standing in the
middle of a hurricane.the water formed shapes around him in ice,then it all seemed to
contract around him and in one major blast he unleashed all of it in big blast.all of us
were immediately throne free of our seats,even the tents went sprawling a couple of
feet away and I heard something crack behind me.when we were clear I saw the
tents were about 15 feet further then we had set them,all of us were sprawled near
the tents,a tree behind us had cracked but amazingly the fire was burning I looked
closely and saw it was encased in a sphere of ice and it seemed luminous.the ice
cracked and saw Percy still standing in the same place looking around wild eyed for
annabeth who was also encased in a protective sheet of water.aall of us were.reyna
smiled and everything rearranged itself like it was before.looks like you are feeling
hyper,want to fight I asked slyly.he grinned straight back and said bring it on jay.I
pulled out my gladus and started attacking him.Percy kept dodging,I thought why
would this guy need the curse of Achilles,no one can even hit him.I tried some Greek
moves mixed along the roman ones.I was giving it all I had yet I coudnt lay a finger
on him.time to do something unpredictable.I jumped up attempting to take a flip over
him but Percy jumped to and he landed behind me,he was about to put his sword to
my back but I dodged and sliced at him,he parried my sword but his sword was wet
and my sword slides across sword hit the hilt of his sword.I thought of
disarming him but I coudnt do it being this close to him,I thought he would try to
disarm me but he did something I had never seen before.he twisted his wrist up
freeing his sword and somehow twisting the tip of his blade upon the tip upon mine
which made his sword slide the shaft down mine causing my own sword's tip to sting
my hand causing me to drop it but it somehow landed in his hand.I was staring at him
open mouthed,it was a move only the quickest and best swordsman could manage to
do without hurting himself.I gulped at him and he smiled,then said round two.I
grinned back.we fought like maniacs and demons.his face seemed to be like mine
that he was giving it all he had but his eyes were a mischievous and cocky.he was
playing with me I it possible Percy isn't even fighting at his true potential.he
gracefully brought his sword swinging gracefully.I tried to block him but he had all the
momentum and my sword hit his and flew across the ground,he still didn't stop.he
kicked the legs beneath me and I fell.he quickly dashed and picked my sword and
before I could get up he came behind me and kept a knee on my legs,preventing me from getting up.he put his sword at my throat and the other on my hands which were behind me.I had a few tricks up my sleeve too.I used the winds to make Percy fly back and blasted some thunder right above him.he smiled quickly pushing my sword through my jeans and into the ground.great I am pinned again.he ran away the thunder was going to hit me.I pulled out the sword and pointed it at the sky and it hit the sword charging it to full power.I looked around to look at Percy but I coudnt see him anywhere.suddenly a fissure appeared in the ground right in front of me and Percy came out laughing and slammed the butt of his sword right into my head but at the last minute he stopped.a centimeter away from my forehead.the others were staring at us and were eating popcorn like we were some movie.I told him,there is no way I can beat you.he laughed and said to our audience,how about all of you against me.believe it or not some people looked scared on fighting Percy at that number but they grinned.great I would finally see percy's full potential.all of us pulled out our weapons and charged at him.he met us head on.when Gwen tried to run to him to take a swipe at him,he kept dodging our attacks.even when it was 6 to 1 even with Gwen he kept dodging.he grinned and said that's all you guys got.cummon use your powers.we all blasted him with whatever we had,reyna and I unleashed magic and thunder on him,Leo unleashed flames,Gwen threw her magic dagger same with annabeth.piper stood there calmly and a pink aura formed around her.she seemed so beautiful that every person in the clearing except Percy stopped and stared at her.Percy grinned and charged us,we came to our seances,all of us started pressing him.he dodged all our attacks like they were stopped in time and he flexed his legs and jumped straight up over us in a spinning flip.he landed behind us.he still looked like he was playing.this got us all mad.I blasted him with thunder so fast that he slammed against a tree.reyna held up her hands and roots grew over his arms and legs.he grinned and water sprung from the ground cutting the roots like they were tissue paper.he held out his hands and the water around him froze into mini water bullets.he unleashed them upon us.the balls of ice went crazy,and kept bouncing off everyone it touched,it hit me and I was sprung like I was on a trampoline.I used the winds to fly.I focused the winds around me and soon I was a twister tornado.I saw Percy fight the others.he jumped back and water again pushed out of the ground forming 5 warriors made out of water and with swords made of ice.apparently the 5 of us coudnt do any damage to the water soldiers,our blades and magic and thunder would pass through them but they knocked everybody slowly out.Percy was there sitting calmly on a log and eating popcorn while watching the fight.big mistake,he had forgotten me.I took the tornado towards him,he jumped up throwing the popcorn at my face and he summoned his own hurricane.when our storms clashed against each other,I was immediately sent flying,I don't know about Percy.I slammed against a tree with so much force that it shook.I saw Percy was at the same place where he was before and he was grinning.he was holding a finger forward.I stepped forward to blast him with thunder but I was weak,he clicked his fingers and water carried me to him to which I collapsed.

(part two) 
Percy's pov
That was awesome,it was so much fun.I placed everybody by the fire and willed their clothes dry and splashed their faces with water.after a few minutes everybody was awake.they were all staring at me,except for annabeth.I grinned at them.their expressions were beyond was complete disbelief that they had lost 6 against 1.annabeth kissed me saying that was amazing Percy.I put my hand around her waist holding her at my side.I told everybody good night and with annabeth took off towards my tents is blue and green from the outside and it's awesome on the inside.I kissed annabeth,she kissed me back and I lay down with my arm around her and her head on my my dream I was in the palace of Gaia.the machine seemed to be complete and there were wires connected to the four spires that were the giants.the storm spirits were charging the machine with electricity.I saw Gaia looking at me with a smile on her lips.I grinned back at her thinking she would be caught off guard.she smiled and the room changed.the room was still made of dirt but the palace and everything had gone.she said,you dare to control the earth Perseus Jackson.yup I said why you don't like it?I asked her mockingly.she turned the colour of beet root.then again smiled and said yes I do not like you controlling the earth boy.all hopes of yourselves will be abandoned when you get here and will find nothing but pain and suffering in Greece.I yawned and said why are you thinking about something so far,think about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow but don't think about something so far away.she again turned red at my lack of worry.she said I see you are rebellious.lady I said you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.she snarled and said you will find nothing but death when you get here and Greece.I thought we were supposed to find pain and suffering I said sarcastically.Gaia screamed at me with rage and said join me Perseus Jackson,how have the gods repaid you by taking away your memories.I will make you a god you will rule the seas and I will even spare that insufferable daughter of Athena.yeah I said I don't really work well with the second in command concept plus I make it a point never to join people who call my girlfriend insufferable.did you think the same about ouranos I asked?she glared at me hatefully.I told her could you please decorate this room you know all dirt and all,plant some trees save nature etc I told her.I think I should introduce you to my friend Grover,he would plant so many trees on you that you won't be able to breathe.she turned bright red and I fell through eternity and woke up with annabeth's head on my chest.I stoked her blond hair and felt content.I pulled out a red box out of my pocket,opened it and saw the ring I wanted to give was a celestial bronze ring with a sea stone emerald that dad had given me and I had got it made into this ring with the help of Jake mason.I wanted to give this to her.she woke up and saw me looking at the ring.her mouth opened in surprise as she looked at the ring.what is that exactly she's a ring I told her.she smiled and said I know that but who are you going to give that to she asked.I want you to have it I told she choked?yeah,for all I know I might die today,I don't want to die thinking you had the ring,you had the perfect girlfriend but still coudnt give it to her.she took the ring admired it and slipped it on her finger.she kissed me a long,sweet kiss that made my heart beet faster.her breath smelled like cinnamon.we went out of the tent and I sat beside the fire while she made a breakfast of eggs,bacon,toast with baked beans and veg sandwiches.I tasted the breakfast and said wow you are a really great cook.she smiled,sat in my lap and kissed me.theres a lot of things you don't know about me seaweed brain she said.we ate breakfast waiting for the others.piper came out first.she looked at us and burst into laughter.she was now dancing around.the rest of the demigods came out thinking why piper was laughing so hard.piper was now literally congratulating me and annabeth.what happened everyone asked,but reyna looked at us and she also burst out laughing and started congratulating me and annabeth.WILL you tel us what has happened?Gwen asked.piper replied apparently Percy and annabeth are engaged.the rest of the demigods were staring at us,both me and annabeth were did you to know I asked piper and reyna.they both said,I can feel the aura of powerful love coming from both of you even more powerful then before and I havnt seen one so powerful before.all the demigods congratulated us.we all sat down and had the break fast.all of them were grinning.Jason was looking at piper and reyna with a look of sadness.he closed his eyes as if preparing to talk to them and said piper and reyna may I talk to you guys for a minute.oh boy finally he got the courage.that was one conversation I didn't want to hear.both piper and reyna followed Jason into the forest a little ways away.Gwen spoke that is one conversation I don't want to eavesdrop on.we all nodded at the attempted joke but we coudnt laugh.suddenly we heard a yelling from where Jason,piper and reyna had went.the rest of us muttered crap which pretty much summed the situation that Jason was in.
last edited over a year ago