The Heroes of Olympus 6TH SON OF CHAOS demigods and monsters unite!

polosarenice posted on Jun 25, 2011 at 10:10AM
ok ok im not good at story writing i posted 2 others they went baddddddddddddddddddddddddd

this is my post date:

everyweek sat or son or every other week sat or son OR if i get over 5 GOOD comments 1 per person i post sat AND son AND mon

like the title said its about a 6th son of chaos the god of creation erm percy jackson will appear half way through i think and erm well thats it really he tries to do some bad stuff like destroying mankind and stuff and erm 13 demi gods-monsters and one ghost have to stop him

im not good at blurbs XD

Thw thirteen demingods and monsters and the ghost:
Percy Jackson
Max Darkin
Queen Empusa Katastrofi (Max's mum)
Pans ghost
Dryad Theodora (queen Dryad)

last edited on Jun 29, 2011 at 03:00PM

The Heroes of Olympus 21 replies

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over a year ago polosarenice said…
bad stuff as in destroy the world
over a year ago polosarenice said…
i post 1st chapter 2morrow (i think) or next sat or son
over a year ago polosarenice said…
heres a taster on one of an oncoming chapter (in the mddle)

Blood was seeping through my wound. I was dying. My vision was bleary, my chest hurt like hell, I just wanted this to end. When its over I can see Percy again.
my breath was nothing but slow rasps. Death was coming, and it was coming fast.
I grabbed Theseus' shoulder, and whispered
"g-go to t-t-the cave at the far north. There y-y-you will meet the dead god" I gasped. Everything was in slow motion, I could hear my heart faintly pumping the last of my blood.
"no don't go. NO!" Theodora yelled
I took one last shaky breath
" I can finally see Percy again. I'm coming Percy. I'm com-" I broke into a fit of coughing.
"I'll never forget you guys" a tear escaped my eye
"We'll get you back Annabeth, I promise, event if I have to go to the edge of the world, we'll get you back" Perseus promised me squeezing my hand
"you-you said that to Percy too" a gave one last effort to speak
"tell-tell grover I said hi" I took my last breath, my heart slowed down. then...

sorry if i spelt things wrong! this is a taster and I might edit things in and out of it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena305 said…
I love it! That was really good. Really, an excellent start.
over a year ago polosarenice said…
2nite ill post the real thing (not that chapter though, a starting chapter)
over a year ago polosarenice said…
Sorry for the shortness of this chapter but its in two parts, this isn't by best work so don't judge me please

CHAPTER ONE:the hooded figures part one

I was running so fast my sight was a blear. I was breathing heavily, my heart was pounding, surely I've lost them now?
I risked a glance behind me. Six hooded figures were sprinting after me, loosing distance within the second.
I was pushing through crowds, tipping up fruit stands and causing mayhem as usual and simply trying to keep the hooded freaks away from me.
I ran into a dead end "fuck" I swore, looking left and right. I was hoping from one foot to another, getting agitated.
I had the choice of a food shop on my left, or tall international news industry on my right. I chose my right.
From the outside the IND looked old and shabby. from the inside it was like stepping into a completely different building!
Golden columns lined the room in two perfect rows, jazz music played from hidden speakers, the floor was gold with red paving. at the far end of the-lets say lobby-was a red receptionist desk complete with receptionist.
The lobby wasn't busy, just some adults doing there usual boring routine of being boring.
I sprinted to the receptionist desk, rang the bell half a million times before asking
"where the hell is the stairs"
The receptionist turned around. Oh no. Not here too.
I slowly turned around, my worst fear waiting to be confirmed.
All the people in this room were... oh god no. The six hooded figures appeared at the door and walked in, as if they had all the time in the world. An Elvis song played 'Don't be cruel' I ran to the nearest door on my left, barging into the stairs. Yes! I sprinted down. I heard the march of footsteps, about seven coming up the stairs. Change of plan, I ran up slamming doors shut as hooded figures tried to get at me. This place is infested with them!
I finally reached the roof. I charged into the open, a wave of hot air washed over me, and I was greeted by the chirping of birds.
Footsteps could be herd behind me, people chanting in that strange language.
"goõt ac Åton je soe" they chanted over and over. What it meant I haven't a clue, in case you haven't noticed I'm talking English here.
I slammed the door behind me and ran to the edge of the roof, skidding to a halt, not daring to look down.
I turned around and the door was blasted open by a jet of blinding green light. fifteen hooded figures pored out at lest. Each holding golden sword like the masters they are.
The one closest to me, the receptionist properly, took of its hood, revealing a head turned inside out, its eyes on fire, burning holes into my soul. One of the sixth lords failures.
"sit nok a je" It yelled sending a ball of blinding yellow light that hit me square in the chest, the language of creation. I gasped, falling over the edge of the huge roof, looking at it from this angle makes it look humongous. Funny what crosses your mind at the face of death.
"ARGH" my voice echoed around me, bouncing off the windows of the international news industry as I fell to my death
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago polosarenice said…
big smile
let me tell you this i have little time to do this so im rushing it ok its not perfect or nothing ok?
over a year ago athena305 said…
It's pretty good.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
This is really good!! Keep posting!!
over a year ago polosarenice said…
the first chapter has been edited a bit a bit better words and stuff
over a year ago polosarenice said…
OK, to be honest, ill only post if I get over 4 comments because if I don't I'll feel this fan-fic is crap (sorry for bad words) and properly is not but please or I'll loose faith in myself :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
Wow this is good, please keep posting though the cliff-hanger is so big!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
I think it is......TOTALLY AWESOME!!! ooo plzzzzzzz post soon!!! who fell to there death???? plzzzzz post soon plzzzzz!!!
over a year ago polosarenice said…
ok ok ok ok ok ok i will post come back in one or two hours two days at most ;) (im going away 2 morrow 4 2 days)
over a year ago polosarenice said…
ONE MONTH BEFORE THE DEATH OF ******************************************­***­***­***­***­***­***­***­***­*
CHAPTER TWO, PERCY JACKSON VS TIME part one (this one has nothing to do wth time)
(This title was in really cool font on Microsoft word btw)


Sailing at 2900 knots an hour, You should try it. I was riding a blue speed boat Tyson made for me. The sea was spraying everywhere, rushing to make a path for my vessel, It felt great to be over all the-saving-the-world-or-everything-will-fa­ll nonsense. It was just me and the waves.
No girl friend to nag me, no teacher-horse to boss me about and no prophecies that involve me. This is the life for a demigod, a life that lasts 3 seconds that is.
The boat rocked.
"woah" I tried to steady by hooking my arms to the side of my craft when the boat rocked again, this time with more force, making the boat almost flip.
Blue flames started at the hull of the boat, growing rapidly.
"argh" I yelled not meaning to sound pirate-ish. I was basically tap dancing as the blue flames tried to crawl my leg, grasping it every time I put my foot down. the boat rocked one last time and tipped...

this may be my lst eva chappie cous im moving ;(

oh and its rushed and bad cous in about 1 hour im going on a trip bye bye
over a year ago polosarenice said…
big smile
and its short because the other half has most info and stuff, most action
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
WOW calm do percyisawesome and that was AWESOME!!!!!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
well neither am i and u said awesome wroung u have to say it like this AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!
i think that is the right way
over a year ago fadfdgdsed said…
this is my sisters account, whenever i log in to mine my sisters comes up!!! this is why i haven't been posting lately :(
over a year ago fadfdgdsed said…
^ is polos are nice this is my sis account
over a year ago Half-A-Pint said…