The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune

nohbody posted on Jun 17, 2011 at 10:10PM
This is my first fanfic I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: This is for the whole story I do not own any of the Percy Jackson characters only mine.

I hope you enjoy.

With great power comes a great need to take a nap!!

Please no spam.

spam to me is...

1) posting to many comments in a row

2) posting chapter's of your own story (i don't mind if you post a link though, but you can only do this once)

3) posting things that don't have anything to do with the chapters i post or questions i may post

4) asking me when i will post

Those are my spam rules.

I have a deal to make the more people who post (not including spam) the faster i will post, but if i see spam i will take an even longer amount of time to post. if no one comments then i wont post. is that a deal?
last edited on Jul 11, 2011 at 02:10AM

The Heroes of Olympus 140 replies

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over a year ago nohbody said…
Son of Neptune
Chapter 1 Percy

I woke up with a painful headache, it seemed like someone had hit me in the head with a door (a really big and heavy door). I looked around and found myself sitting on the back seat of a bus. Then I realized I had no idea where I was or even… who I was. What’s my name? I asked myself. What was it? Pe...Peter no…Per...Percy yes, that’s it. My name is Percy. What else can I remember? I…I have…I have a girlfriend…named…Anny no…Annalynn no…Annabeth yes that’s it! Uhgg…why can’t I remember anything else? This is so frustrating. I only know my first name and my girlfriend’s name, but why is that it? Before I could think about the reason I couldn’t remember anything, the bus flipped on its side and the girl from the seat across from me flew on top of me. “Could you possibly get off me?” I asked the girl that flew on top of me.
She blushed and said “Oh sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fau-” I couldn’t finish because everyone on the bus started to scream. The top of the bus was being ripped off by a bunch of 2 foot long teeth that were trying to rip off the top of the bus. When the teeth successfully ripped off the roof of the bus I could see the creature they were from.
“What is that?” the girl that was on top of me asked scared out of her mind.
The creature was as big as a tank and covered in black fur.
“Hellhound.” I said even though I didn’t know how I knew. That’s when it saw me. It was getting ready to pounce on me. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a pen. What was I going to do write on the hellhound? The next thing I knew the hellhound pounced at me and I let my reflexes take over, I uncapped my pen (I guess I am going to write on it). When instead of the tip of a pen a 3 foot long bronze sword appeared in my hand where the pen should have been. I didn’t have time to examine the sword the hellhounds were already coming at me. I did everything I could to defend myself against this monster dodge, slash, roll, stab, roll, thrust and the hellhound turned into gold dust.
How did I just do that? How did I know that it was a hellhound? Why did it attack me? So many questions that I couldn’t even answer, maybe if I had my memory I would be able to answer those things.
Then the teacher, I guess he was a teacher came up to me and asked “Who are you and why are you here? He asked me.
“What are you talking about Mr. Oak? Percy has been here all year.”The girl from earlier said. This is the first time a got a good look at her, she had blond hair done in a pony tail. She also had sky blue eyes and a splash of freckles under her eyes and on her nose.
“This is the first time I have seen him.” The man told the girl.
“From all I know I woke up on the bus with no memory of my past except my name.” I told the man and the girl, then I asked “Who are you guys?”
“I am Mr. Oak, I am a protector and I should get you 2 to camp.” Mr. Oak told both of us and he turned to the girl and said “Emily I have known for a while now that you are a demigod.”
“I’m a what? And what did you say about a camp?” Emily asked.
Mr. Oak was about to say something, but I beat him to it. “A demigod is a person who is ½ god and ½ human.” I said. How did I know that?
“That’s… correct, how did you know that young man?” Mr. Oak asked me.
“I don’t know, but that term ‘demigod’ seems really familiar.” I replied.
“So you are saying that I am a ‘demigod’? Emily asked.
“Not just you, Percy here is a demigod as well.” He turned to me and asked “You already know that you are a demigod, don’t you?
“Yes, although I have no idea how I know that.” I stated.
“Okay, what about this camp you said you should take us too, what is that?” Emily asked.
“It is the only safe place for demigods, such as yourself and Percy.” Mr. Oak told us. “The extraction crew should be on the way.” Mr. Oak said.
Then I found myself saying “That sounds painful.”
Mr. Oak ignored my comment and said “Ah, they’re here.” He was pointing at the sky and I followed his finger to see what he was pointing at. He was pointing at several objects flying right towards us. The funny thing was that the other kids that were on the bus didn’t even notice. Heck they didn’t even notice we weren’t there.
When I could see what was coming our way I was astonished. I looked at Emily to see her response and she was just staring wide eyed at the objects flying towards us. The objects flying towards us were actually Pegasi.
“They’re beautiful.” I heard Emily say.
When the Pegasi landed I saw a girl on one of them. The girl had dark brown hair and green eyes. She was in full armor and she had a sword strapped to her waist. She unsheathed the sword and it was gold. She jumped off her Pegasus and ran at me yelling “Where is he? What did you do to him?”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
She was getting mad now she put her sword at my neck and asked slowly through her teeth “Where. Is. Jason.?”
“Who’s Jason.?” I asked a little confused.
“She told me that the guy with a gray streak in his hair was the answer to my problem.” She said so faintly I barely heard her. I just pretended that I didn’t hear it. She sheathed her sword and said “Sorry my name is Reyna, I have been going craze because my boyfriend went missing 3 days ago and no one seems to be able to find him.” She looked like she was about to cry, but held back the tears.
“Who’s your boyfriend?” I asked before I could stop myself.
“Jason, Jason Grace.” She said to answer my question.

Chapter 2 Percy

‘Grace’ that sounds familiar. “I think I knew someone with that last name.” I told Reyna.
She lightened up and said “You think?” She seemed a little confused.
“Yeah I woke up on the bus today with no memory of my past except my name.” I told Reyna.
“That’s weird… I hope you get your memory back soon.” Reyna said.
“Thanks” I said.
“You never told me your names.” Reyna stated.
“Oh uh I’m Percy and she is Emily.” I said pointing to Emily when I said her name.
“Should we get moving?” Emily asked.
“Yes we should” Reyna Answered
Reyna gave me and Emily each a Pegasus. Emily’s Pegasus was a dark gray. Mine was black and had a few white spots on his back.
The trip to the camp was filled with silence. No one spoke until Reyna said “We are here. Welcome to Camp Rome”
When we landed there were a bunch of campers waiting for us. They greeted us and welcomed us to camp. One kid took the Pegasi to the stables. Then a kid came out of the crowd and asked “Any news on Jason?” Reyna just shook her head.
I guess this Jason kid is really important to everyone here. I wonder what he was like.
Then I saw the crowd part and a wolf walked into the clearing and said not really talk, but she spoke in our minds ‘Everyone back to your activities.’ All the campers followed her order and left to go back to their activities.
When the wolf spoke in our heads I wasn’t really shocked for some reason, but Emily sure was her mouth was wide open.
She looked at and said ‘I am Lupa nice to meet you two.’
“How is she talking?” Emily asked.
‘I am a goddess, I believe I should be able to speak, but I can’t speak physically just in your mind.’ Lupa said with a grin (I didn’t know wolves could smile).
“You’re a goddess?” Emily asked shocked that she was actually talking to a goddess.
‘Yes, and may you tell me your names?’ Lupa asked us.
“I’m Emily and this is Percy” Emily said and when she said my name pointed to me. I could see she was still shocked.
‘Reyna take them on a tour of the camp and hopefully they will get claimed at the camp fire tonight.’ Lupa said to Reyna.
“Okay Lupa. Percy and Emily follow me. it was nice to see you Lupa.”
‘Good, now go along and do not forget to tell them about proving their worthy. They will have their test tomorrow at noon.’ Lupa said then she started to glow and we turned away from her. When I looked back she was gone.
“What’s this about proving your worthy?” I asked a little confused.
“Yeah and what is claiming?” Emily asked.
“Claiming is when your godly parent sends a sign that you are their child. The sign is usually a hologram that appears above your head. Each god has a symbol, depending on the symbol that appears above your head that is your godly parent. The symbol for Minerva the goddess of wisdom is an owl, the symbol for Neptune the god of the seas is a trident, the symbol for Venus the goddess of love is a dove, and the symbol for Apollo is a lyre-.” But Reyna was cut off, as if on cue an orange symbol of a lyre appeared above Emily’s head. “Hail Emily…what’s your last name?” Reyna asked.
“Smith” Emily had answered
“Hail Emily Smith daughter of Apollo!” Reyna yelled.
“Wait Athena is the goddess of wisdom, Poseidon is the god of the seas, and Aphrodite is the goddess of love.” I told Reyna.
“Those are their Greek gods and they faded a long time ago because they were weak. The Roman gods are still alive though.” Reyna said, she said Greek like they were evil.”
“Oh, ok.” I said not wanting to get into an argument. “Well, what is that thing about proving our worthy?” I asked again.
“It’s a test, if you pass you get to stay here at camp and if you lose Lupa eats you.”
“That’s not good.” I said. I was a little afraid of Lupa at that point.
“Well we should get off that topic, I should show you around the camp.”
“Uhh… okay…” I said stupidly,
When Reyna was done showing us around camp she took Emily to her cabin and me to the Mercury cabin since I haven’t been claimed. This camp had a lava pouring and rock throwing rock climbing wall, an archery range (which I got the feeling like I was not good at, at all), there was an arena, there were stables for the Pegasi, and there was a pavilion where we got to eat. She explained to us about legions and how people are ranked by their skill. If you were in first legion then you were one of the best fighters in the camp and you get the most respect being in the first legion. There were only 12 legions. She told us that we weren’t in a legion until we passed our test and depending on how well you do you get placed in a legion that matches your skills. Being put in twelth legion means that you only barely survived the test.
When she brought me to the Mercury cabin and knocked on the door a guy with shaggy blond hair and elvish features answered it.
“Hi Reyna, is this one the new campers?” The guy that opened the door said,
“Yes James, he hasn’t been claimed yet so he will staying with you until then.”
“Alright bring him in, there is a bunk in the corner\ and I will get him some extra clothes later.” James said, he said the last part with a gleam in his eyes.
“Okay, dinner is in 10 minutes.” Reyna said then left.
“Well get settled and if you need anything just ask.” James told me.
“Okay.” I said. I sat there for a while trying to remember anything from my past, but nothing came. Every time I was close to remembering something I started to get a migraine and forgot what it was I was trying to remember. It was like someone was purposely trying to keep me from remembering my past. Before I knew it a conch shell sounded (don’t ask me how I knew because I don’t know).
I sat at the undetermined table for dinner with a few other kids. I had no clue who they were. I didn’t bother talking to them I was still trying to remember something. Then a plate and a cup appeared in front of me and on the plate was a note that said ‘Just ask the cup what you want to drink and it will fill with whatever you asked’, but to me it looked like ‘Juts ask teh cup wtah ouy want to dinrk and it liwl fill with revwathe you skaed.’
Well after dinner everyone filled out of the pavilion and went to sit around a campfire. Lupa appeared on a rock and said ‘we should all welcome our two new campers Emily Smith and Percy… Percy what is your last name?’
“I don’t know.” I said a little reluctant.
Then someone shouted “How can you not know your last name!” that got a few laughs.
‘That is enough!! Why do you not know your last name?’ Lupa asked a little curious.
“I woke up earlier today on a bus not knowing where or even who I was and I could only remember my first name.”
Then Lupa said ‘I see well then, everyone welcome Emily Smith and Percy to Camp Rome.’
While everyone was laughing and talking around the campfire I was deep in thought trying to figure out why I have this feeling that I don’t belong here. When I saw everyone heading back to their cabins, I followed the Mercury campers back to their cabin and then I noticed how tired I was so I went to bed and before my head even hit the pillow I was asleep.
Then came the nightmares.

Chapter 3 Percy

I was in a cave with a dim light from the torches hanging off the wall. I looked around trying to take the surrounding, but I couldn’t, it was just way to dark to see anything. That’s when I saw two glowing pure white eyes staring straight at me. Then a cold voice boomed “Well if it isn’t Perseus Jackson.”
What did he call Perseus Jackson… wait that’s my full name, maybe this guy with the white eyes is here to help me regain my memories. Boy was I way off. “Who are you? What do you want?” I asked.
“I am Polybotes bane of your father. What I want is to kill anything or anyone that stands in Gaia’s way.” The cold voice threatened.
“I will not allow that to happen.” I yelled at him.
“You really think you stand a chance against me.” Polybotes laughed.
“I will stop you.” I yelled.
“You cannot-” was all I heard because I was being shaken to wake up.
“Percy…Percy…PERCY!! It’s time for breakfast.” James seemed to be getting a little mad that I wouldn’t wake up.
“Okay… Okay” I said still half asleep.
“Get dressed we eat in 5 minutes.”
“Alright.” I said sitting up on my bunk. I got changed into navy blue jeans and a purple shirt. I felt that I shouldn’t wear the purple shirt it just seemed wrong, but I put it on anyways. After I got ready the breakfast horn blew and our cabin headed to the pavilion.
Again I sat at the undetermined table since I still didn’t know my godly parent. I saw Lupa walked into the pavilion and said ‘our two new campers shall take their worthiness test right after breakfast.’
After she said that the whole camp cheered. I guess they like watching people take the test. For one thing I wasn’t actually scared I was actually excited to have a duel with someone from this camp. Then at exactly 7:00 our plates and cups appeared. I asked the cup for orange juice and I asked the plate for blue scrambled eggs (don’t ask me why because again I don’t know. It just seemed right to me). After we finished eating everyone went to the arena and I followed them. Then I heard Reyna’s voice calling my name so I quickly turned around. “I just wanted to say good luck with your test.”
“Thanks.” I said.
“I thought you would be a little afraid of your test because most people are.” She told me.
“Yeah, for some reason I’m actually excited that I get to fight.” I replied.
“Well should get in the bleachers, good luck.” She said then turned around and headed for bleachers to watch the show.
When I got into the arena I looked around and saw Emily so I ran over to where she was standing.
“Hey Emily, how’s it going being a child of Apollo?”
“Hi Percy, it’s been good.” She replied. Then I noticed her hands were shaking.
“I’m guessing that you’re nervous about the test.” I observed then blurted out because on my A.D.H.D.
“Yeah…” she answered.
Then Lupa came in and asked ‘Emily will you come to the center of the circle.’
“Yes Lupa.” She said then walked to the middle of the circle still shaking.
Then Lupa yelled ‘Who will challenge Emily to a duel?”
“I will.” Someone from the crowd yelled.
‘Let it be, Emily you shall be fighting Dakota Williams daughter of Minerva from 5th legion.’ Lupa told her.
The girl named Dakota walked to the center of the circle. She had dirty blond hair and startling gray eyes. She had blue skinny jeans on with her purple camp shirt.
‘Let the fight begin.’ Lupa yelled.
Dakota unsheathed her golden sword and charged at Emily. Emily dodged, she raised her bow and notched at arrow. She shot the arrow with deadly accuracy it hit Dakota in her arm, but luckily for her it wasn’t her sword arm. Dakota raised her sword and brought it down hard towards Emily’s head. Emily backed up, but it wasn’t enough the sword came down and broke her bow into 2 pieces. Emily got really mad at that and then punched Dakota square in the face and probably broke her nose. Dakota fell backwards and onto the ground. She tried to get up, but Emily pulled out her dagger that was hanging around her waist and put it at Dakota’s throat.
‘Emily is the winner and she shall be entering 5th legion.’ Lupa yelled to everyone. The crowd cheered for Emily. Emily bowed and walked over to me.
“That was great Emily!” I told her.
“Thanks Percy. I hope you do well on your test.” She said.
“Thanks.” I said.
‘Percy step into the circle, will you please?’ Lupa asked me.
“Sure Lupa.” I said while leisurely strolling to the center of the circle.
‘Who will challenge Percy to a duel?’ Lupa asked.
“I do, I challenge Percy to a duel.” Said a guy from somewhere in the crowd.
“Lupa you can’t allow him to fight Bobby, he is from first legion, Bobby would kill him.” Said someone else that was somewhere in the crowd.
‘I shall allow Bobby to fight Percy. Bobby will you please come down and into the circle?’ Lupa asked him.
“Yes Lupa.” Said Bobby while walking down the bleachers and into the circle.
‘Percy you shall be facing Bobby Finch son of Mars from 1st legion.’ Lupa told me.
“Yes Lupa.” I said anxiously.
‘Let the fight begin.’ Lupa yelled.
Bobby unsheathed his sword and I took out riptide. Bobby started to laugh and so did the crowd when I pulled out the pen. Then I heard someone from the crowd yell “What are you going to do with that write on him?” With that everyone started to laugh even more. Bobby then charged at me thinking I was distracted, but instinctively I uncapped my pen and my 3 foot long bronze sword formed in my hands. Bobby hesitated so I took his confusion as an advantage. I slashed at him, but he was quick, he jumped out of the way and he charged at me again with his sword raised. I let my instincts take over I raised my sword to block his strike and I locked his sword into the hilt of mine and then I twisted my sword and his sword went flying across the arena. He looked at me shocked and I put my sword at his throat.
The crowd was silent from shock because I had just beaten one of their best fighters in less than a minute. Then Lupa announced ‘Percy has passed his test and shall be entering 1st legion!’
The crowd was still silent, but you could hear murmurs from them. I couldn’t make out a word any of them were saying. I walked over to Emily who looked really appalled at what I just did. Her mouth was hanging open and then she recovered from her shock and asked “How did you do that and where did you learn how to fight?”
“I am getting tired of saying this, but I don’t know.” I said.
Then Reyna came down from the bleachers and walked over to me and Emily. Then Reyna asked my “Where did you learn to fight like that?”
“Like I just told Emily I have no idea.” I said. I swear all these people must have short term memory loss because I keep telling them I don’t remember anything and they keep asking me questions. We started to walk out of the arena and then I remembered my dream. “Uhh Reyna, I had this dream last night and I was wondering if you could help me understand it more?” I asked her.
“Sure.”She said to me.
I told her about my dream and all she could say was “We should talk to Lupa about this.”

Part of Chapter 4 Percy

We ran (well sprinted) to the big house to see what Lupa had to say about my dream because i am still clueless (as usual now a days). When we got there we knocked on the front door. We waited for what semed like forever, but was probably only about 15 secounds because of my A.D.H.D. problem. Finally Lupa opened the door in her human form who had straight tanish hairwith a little red going half way down her back and she had bight silver eyes that looked creepily hungary.
'May i ask why you three are here?' Lupa asked us.
"We needed to speak to you about Percy's dream last night, it gave away his parentage, but i'm not really sure who." Reyna told her.
'Well come on in then, i shall help as much as i can.' Lupa told us.
We went inside and say around an extra extra large table. I told Lupa about my dream.
'Well i see it does give away Percy's parent which is Neptune since Polybotes is the giant of the seas.' Lupa told Reyna. Who looked shocked by this information.
"That can't be, Percy is well over or at least 16, that would mean that Neptune broke his oath as well as Jupiter." Reyna said still shocked.
"What oath?" I asked.
"well there was a profecy about the next child of the big three gods..." Reyna started to say, but i cut her off.
"Zeus, Poseidon, and hadies right?"
"No those are the Greek terms. they faded and the Roman gods took over." Reyna said Greek as if it was the worst possible thing to say.
"Oh..." I wanted to object, but i knew it wouldn't do any good.
"well there was Profecy about how if the next child of the big three gods had a child and if the child made it to age 16, they would have to make a choice that could save or distroy Olympus. The Profect said "a half-blood of the eldest gods, shall reach 16 against all odds, and see the world in endless sleep..." Reyna started.
"The hero's soul, a cursed blade shall reap, a single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raise." I finished.
"How did you know the Profecy Percy?" Reyna asked me.
"I'm getting tired of saying this, but I. Don't. Know." I stated frustrated by the fact i can't remember anything.
'Well now we know that you are a child of Neptune and you shall be moved to the Neptune cabin, but i need you to visit someone.' Lupa told me.
"Uhh okay, who?" I asked.
'The Oracle.' Lupa said a little excited.
over a year ago nohbody said…
Hope everyone likes it.

over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
It's pretty good but you could slow it down a bit

PS the roman oracle is called Sibly:)

post soon
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Yeah it's good, but you need to slow down a bit and focus on the details.
over a year ago nohbody said…
I know I went fast, but I wanted to get to the quest. I will start to slow down from this point on.
over a year ago nohbody said…
i am going to write more tomorrow, but i would like to get some more comments in return.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome I liked it !! Great start can't wait till you post !!:DDDDD
over a year ago wojiangnan said…
Speak with contempt&­nbs­p;o­f&a­mp;­nbs­p;n­one­,fo­rm&­amp­;nb­sp;­sla­ve&­amp­;nb­sp;­to&­amp­;nb­sp;­kin­g,t­he&­amp­;nb­sp;­mea­nes­t&a­mp;­nbs­p;link,and will use,a&nbsp­;st­ing­.&a­mp;­nbs­p;

over a year ago dezzypoo said…
SWEET i LOVE it post soon
over a year ago nohbody said…
just so you know that was only part of chapter 4 the rest i will post tomorrow and hopefully along with chapter 5.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
It's nice like the one on the writing, same one right? It's good! Ju like everyone in less then 5 chapters u reay have them being shaded into a quest.
over a year ago nohbody said…
Rest of chapter 4
When Lupa Said the word Oracle i got a picture of a red headed girl and green smoke. i wonder what that is suppose to mean.
"What!? Lupa why are you giving him a quest? He has only been here for 2 days." Reyna yelled/asked.
'Quiet child, do not speak that was to me. the reason i am giving him this quest is because of his dream and a certain goddess told me to give him one.' Lupa told Reyna.
"What's a Quest?" Emily asked.
Before anyone else could answer i did, not knowing what i was saying. "A quest is a journey outside the camp to reach some sort of goal."
"how did you know that? Did someone tell you?" Reyna asked me. now everyone was giving me a weird look.
"No, no one told me and i don't know how i knew." I told them.
'Well never mind that, Reyna take Percy to see the Oracle.' Lupa said.
"Yes Lupa." Reyna said. I had always thought the master was human and the dog was the one to be doing stuff, who knew? The secound after I thought that Lupa growled. Opps, I quess she can read minds. I silently appologized.
"Well come on Percy." Reyna said at the door to the big house. i didn't even notice see had gotten up.
"Ok." I replied getting up from my seat.
We walked out of the big house. We kept walking and niether of us said a word. Then we reached a Small hut. On the door in Latin was the word Oracle (thats what i was thinking it said). Reyna confirmed it when she said "We're here."

Hope you like it. Please review. Chapter 5 will be up on Saturday, maybe...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chappie post soon
over a year ago nohbody said…
will do
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Liked the chappie !!!:DDDDDD
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
over a year ago nohbody said…
are you trying to call me a goof or say good because either one is fine by me. hehehehehehehehe
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nohbody said…
i have a few questions for everyone. Who is your favorite character in the PJO series and HHO series (only choose one)?
what is your favorite line ever said by any character in any of the books?
Who would your godly parent be (based on your personality)?

for me my favorite character is Nico. My favorite line is, with great power comes a great need to take a nap. I would most likely be a son of Athena.

Please answer questions.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Okay before I answer, I'd say I waz trying to put good. But old goody iPod put goof nd I would sy yes for both an I woulda said more also but I had to leave quickly.
So for questions. Favorite line. Favorite character, my godly parent,
For godly parent I luv swimming so either Poseidon or Athena, or cool it be both hehe
For fav line- urs wood e one and I hav a lot by let's say
"Let's find th Dam snackbar" I bet I have better favs jus can't think
And fav chara is mr Ricky Rioardo no no it's Perceus --------- Jackson
I wonde war his middle name is Orion? Achilles?? Well well find out one dah
over a year ago nohbody said…
yeah that is a mystery... what is his middle name, if he has one.

Maybe i will make one up... just maybe.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Orion Achilles, micah, alot of those are used oh and much more
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
for me it is chiron,
favorite line:"with great power comes a greater need to take a nap"
the line mightnot be acurate but some thing like that.
for some reason i belive he might have a roman middle name(note that greeks don't like romans thats why mr rick didnot put it in before).your story really good.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nohbody said…
Thank you everyone for posting I will post by Saturday or on saturday
over a year ago nohbody said…
i'm, really sorry about this but i wont be able to post until tuesday i have a trip to the beach for a few days and i can't bring my laptop. im the only one posting :(.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nohbody said…
i have somthing called writer's to many ideas of what could happen block (it's a type of writers block when you have to many ideas and you dont know what to go with) for the quest.
over a year ago nohbody said…
chapter 5 Percy, yeah i know i have to stop doing Percy.

"Go on, go inside." Reyna told me. I followed her order and went inside the small hut it was a lot bigger on the inside than on the out. On the inside there was a small fountain in the middle of an indoor garden. The garden had all kinds of flowers and and small fruits like grape vines, blue berries, and strawberries, for some reason i had the feeling that the grapes and strawberries were connected to my past. I guess I really liked them or something. In the hut there was also a giant plasma screen tv with so many things hooked up to it I couldn't even count them all. Then I saw a girl reading a book, she had dark brown hair going half way down her back and her eyes were a very light blue. she had to only be twelve. she looked up and saw me standing there. before i could say anything her eyes lit up and smoke came out of her mouth and spiraled around me. Then I heard a voice, it spoke as if a girl and 30 snakes were all speaking at the same time.

the one with no past
shall be recovered at last
a giant shall be your path
5 shall face the giants wrath
an oath to be torn
and see death reborn.

sorry it's only part of the chapter again I have been really busy lately, but I wanted to post something for you guys. I will try to get the rest of the chapter up this week.

PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nohbody said…
i hope everyone enjoyed the first paragraph of chapter 5. I will try to put up the rest of the chapter tomorrow.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
i don't want to wait for tomorrow.
post today man.
over a year ago nohbody said…
I Will try my best to post today, but if I can't then it will be up tomorrow afternoon. Since I like to sleep until 12 in the afternoon.
over a year ago nohbody said…
can someone help i'm trying to think of a name for the Sybil (Oracle), but i just can't think of a name.
over a year ago nohbody said…
sorry but i wint be able to post today. i did figure out a name for the sybil (if that is how you spell it), but you will have to wait for tomorrow to find out. and why am i the only one posting... i feel like i'm all alone...
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Nice chapie can't wait till you post !!:DDD
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Ditto ^^
over a year ago nohbody said…
i will post tonight (probably really late tonight).
over a year ago elifsila said…
I saw your question 3 minute ago. My favourite charecter is Percy Jackson.My favourite line is , Poseidon said Chiron. Earthshaker ,
strombringer,Father of horses .Hail Persus Jackson ,son of the sea .And I would want to be daughter of Poseidon
over a year ago nohbody said…
sorry i just can't think of what to put in this chapter and i probably wont post for a while i can't stand not having word to type in. i'm going to wait until I get word back to start again. (it will be within a few day). it's strange i can write better when i use word.

I am really sorry for all these delays. i really am.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nohbody said…
i swear on the river styx, that i will have another chapter up as soon as possible (mabey even before i get word back, hopefully)

again i am sorry about all these delays on my chapters...
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
This is really good!
over a year ago nohbody said…
I'm back from a short vacation I will try to give you a chapter tomorrow because it will be the fourth of July!!!!!

How about this I swear on the river styx that I will put up a chapter tomorrow!
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
K! Don't break your oath though
over a year ago nohbody said…
oh i wont break my oath or will i...(Look at Profecy)?

jk, i will post count on it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
over a year ago nohbody said…
rest of Chapter 5 and yes this is a short chapter like Chapter 4

After she had said the last sentence the smoke retreated and her eyes stopped glowing. She stumbled back, but she caught herself. then she sat down and said "Hi, My name is sophia."
"Umm...hi, i'm Percy." It was all I could say.
I quickly left the little house type thing and almost ran into reyna who was still waiting out side. "Whow there, watch where you are going." Reyna said.
"Um... sorry." I said quietly.
"Well did you get a profecy?" she asked.
"Yeah I did." I told her.
"Well spill it!" she ordered me.
I told her the Profecy and she said "Well we should go and tell Lupa."
"Alright." I said.
Reyna started to sprint to the big house and I was close behind her. Reyna and I finally made it back to the big house after 5 minutes of sprinting at full speed. We opened the door and walked in and took our seats at the tabel again. 'Well did you get a profect?' Lupa asked me.
"Yes." I stated.
"Well resite it." she ordered.
"Okay, it went like this... The one with no past, Shall be recovered at last, A giant shall be your path, 5 shall face the giants wrath, An oath to be torn, and see death reborn." I said.
'Well it seems that you shall take four other people on this quest.' Lupa said then she asked me 'Who do you want to take with you?'
"Well I would like to take Emily and Reyna, but for the other two... I don't know anyone else here." I said.
"I know who could come on this quest with us." Reyna said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Hazel and Gwen." She said to everyone.
"I guess that they can come, we do need 2 more people." I said stating the obviouse.
'Alright Reyna go get Gwen, Hazel, and Emily to come here.' Lupa ordered her.
"Yes Lupa." Reyna said who stood up and then ran out the door after bowing to Lupa.

See I did not break my Oath it is 11:02 P.M. (where i live). Hope you enjoyed it. Just so you all know i am a guy (Just putting it out there).

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
wow where do u live. Where I live its only 8:37. Great chapter post soon!
over a year ago nohbody said…
I live in New Jersey

What 2 days of the week should I post on?

oh I will post on every holiday (that I know). i do not know every holiday so if you could alert me if a holiday that is not well known then tell me ahead of time, so i can post that day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
awesome cant wait till you post i think you should post whenever you can :DDD
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Hey !! It's good!! Just somewat rushed...and weird is it's all girls!!Oh 'cept Perce.
over a year ago nohbody said…
i am trying to slow down my writing. i will tell you this it will go a lot slower during the quest. i also have some twists that you probably will never see coming.
over a year ago nohbody said…
can some one tell me a day of the week i should post on other than mondays and wednesdays. i just can't decide, so i want you guy to decide for me.
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
saturday!!! cuz u get time to write it and i get to read it after a soocer/football match or training!!!!!!

love it btw sometimes on other SoN fanfics i just go do sumin else cuz i find it boring but this is really interesting and i wonder what twists will come up in the quest... mabey he'll see one of his old friends that knows him but he doesn't know them... wow.. awkward much!!??