The Heroes of Olympus Heroes from Greece and Egypt: The Lost Light

XxDamOnStErxX posted on Jun 16, 2011 at 04:33PM

This story is right after the Giants War.

Annabeth has gone missing after doing a quest to save Morpheus. but something has gone wrong, and new enemy has raise. That enemy captutured them. After three months of searching, no one in Camp can find them. A great accident should have them dead. The survivors from Greece and Egypt to fulfil the prophecy. They need to find the new Uniter, Who will it be???

My Characters: Shane Sekar, Alexander Ramos, Eva Dawson, Zaria Powell, Cleopatra Castillo, and Romeo Encantez.

Disclaimer: I don't own characters from RR stories: Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Leo, Jason, Carter, Clarisse, and etc.

Shane: Indian (British)
Alex: Mexican
Eva: Hawaiian
Cleo: Puerto rican descent of Taino Indian
Zaria: Irish and British
Romeo: Itailan/ Puerto Rican/ Brazilian

Rated: Pg 13 and maybe Rated R for action

Alex p.o.v.

Hi, I'm Alexander Ramos. Well I just turned 14 a

few weeks ago; I lived with my Mother in

Hartford,Ct. My mom is a single parent, I never met my

father in my life. He's probably a homeless guy. Then my

mother sended me away to some boarding school in

New York City. Until all I know had just begun in the last field trip of school.....

Okay let me start off when I was in our Final Field Trip of the year for us 7th graders at the
Statue of Liberty. I was in Mrs.Mann group so she can guide us around. Sometimes students in
our school call her a "Man," but she thinks We're calling her, "Mann." I felt bad for her sometimes
because she the most nicest, wonder, and If i had to say very pretty teacher in My school.She a
women in her 20s. Mrs.Mann wore a lay back clothing today. She wore plain old jeans, that match
well with her blue top. She wore a Yankee's Cap, if she wored a Boston Cap everyone in New
York would have killed her. She wored hiking boots which oddly she wore everyday. She looks
like she is Native American becuase she has caramel skin and fine black hair that flow like waves.
I remember all her classes was very interesting. She'd teach History; Ancient Greece, Rome, and

One time she even brought in ancient swords, artifacts, and food from each culture. But today was very boring, Mrs.Mann is giving on of those lectures of "What to do" and "What not to do inside the Statue of Liberty." I was hardly playing attention because I have dylsexia and ADHD, and If you dont know what that means then I'm not going to explain it. I was kinda get sick becuase our school was on a boat going to Ellis Island, I thought a plane or a jet would be better because my mom is a pilot and I remember when she us to bring me to her job and so me every button who to fly a plane and stuff. Mrs.Mann caught me not paying attention from the back.
"Alexander Ramos!," I just jump and said, "Umm... Yes Mrs.Mann." I said. "Did you heard
what---," she stop as I cut her off, "I explain to the class, no." Some of the students in my group
started to giggle becuase they can tell when Mrs.Mann get mad when I cut her off in her
sentence. I dont mean to but it like I knew what she said before she'd finished her sentence. But
Mrs.Mann put a smile and said, "Sometimes Alexander you could be a psychic." "I'm not.'' I

Mrs.Mann smirked but it wasnt any nice smirk it's one of those evil ones that you could tell
something going to happen. Then my best friend Romeo nudged on my showder, I looked at him
for a moment. Romeo has long, soft, wave brown hair that is push back into a pony tail. He has
the most weirdest eye's, but I can't talk people say I have eagle eyes because there golden and I
have very good vission. But his eyes changed colors; Blue, Gold-ish Hazel, Green, Brown like a
kaleoscope. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt under his blue hollister jacket.He had on blue
short pants and had those new pair of black nikes shoes that never came out in america yet.
Romeo smiled that you can see all his braces, they looked like train tracks. Many girls teased him
and call him, "Ro! Ro! Roller Tracks." But it even more funny when Romeo talk trash about them,
like seriously is very funny. One time I remember This girl name Elisabeth that eats banana's
every day at lunch. So one time she called Romeo, "Ro, Ro, Roller Track.'' And he replied back,
"The one that stores Banana up her ass for hibernation is talking." But other then that Romeo is a
nice guy that likes to make people laugh. "Yo man are you alright, your not going to puke are
you?." Romeo asked in a worry expression. "I'm Fine." I said. Mrs.Mann was done with her
lecture and let us rome the median size boat. They boat had two floors. One floor was for the gift
shop and lunch room. And the second floor was only chair to tourist can see a higher view of Eliss
Island and New york city surrounding it.

"Soo you want to take pictures and put them on facebook, I'll tag you dude." Romeo said. "Mite as well do something, because we got no money for the gift
shop." I replied. "Well come on dude!," Romeo said with excitement and grab my arms. And he dragged me to the bow of the ship. As we got to the front of the ship, it was very winding out like it
was a tornado near by. As we was taking goofy pictures, and some ridiculous poses to look sexy.
Romeo pony tail got lose and his rub band flew into the ocean, "Nooo!!!," Romeo scream as we
ran to the pole. We looked down at the blank ocean. Then Romeo cursed. Then a mysterious
cough came from behind use. We quickly turned around to see Mrs.Mann with a furious look.
"You two never listen to my rule of going near those poles. Do you know what the punishment Mr.
Ramos and Mr.Encantez?'' " No," they both replied. Mrs.Mann crossed her arms, and sighed.
"Well you have to stay with me and the other three morons until we leave this boat." Alex was
surprised what gone over the sweetest teacher in his school, now he knows something is changing and it not pretty. So me and Romeo stay with Mrs.Mann un the lunch room with three
other students; Cleo, Shane, and Zaria. We where all sitting around a blue circle table. On my table

there was a girl name Zaria. She one of those girl you wish you could be. She a cheerleader
and the most popular girl at school, also she very very wealthy. I heard she a descent of Queen
Catherine court. Zaria has auburn hair that was short and pale skin. She also had on her
cheerleader outfit that had our school colors; blue, gold, and white. our school mascot is a
turkey, how embarrassing is that. She has silvery moonlight eyes, some people make rumors that
she turns to a werewolve every full moon. Zaria was filing her perfect nails and humming. She
maybe had a good day because she was smiling, maybe she was looking at herself in her nails
reflection. and there was Cleo rolling her eyes at Zaria with disgusted look. Cleo Castillo is a
tomboy at our school. She got suspended for beating up a boy because he check her out when
she bended down to pick up her pencil in class. She spent most of her time in the school library,
she must be a bookworm. Cleo is wearing a short black leather jacket, with a violet V- neck top.

image below is Alex
This story is right after the Giants War.

Annabeth has gone missing after doing a quest to save Mo
last edited on Sep 22, 2011 at 03:45AM

The Heroes of Olympus 30 replies

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over a year ago labyrinth75 said…
Erm, except for the "and Greece" bit the title sounds a lot like my Forum on the Fan Camp Half-Blood spot called "The Heroes of Egypt"
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
labrynth-chill urself theres a lot of stories like that and this ones different then yours stop being a stick in the er mud.
Great story btw
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
great story you should keep posting!!!
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
big smile
Thanks for the comments it means alot. I'll post the next chapter that is going to be one awesome chapters in my story.
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Cleo had the most beautiful tan skin. Also had Big brown eyes that you could be lost that what Romeo said. She had long brown hair that was in a pony tail braided down. And she had the most perfect cheek bones, she kinda looks like victoria justice (awkwarded). Then I notice she had a Beattles bracelet on. Cleo then took out a book out of her black leather book bag. The book said, "The Heroes of Olympus The lost hero." I think it from that Percy Jackson series, but come on let be real, Greek Gods in New York I mite as well write on the back of my shirt that says, "Lunatic." But I don't judge others beliefs. The only God I know is God, and I'm not sure he exist. Cleo notice me looking at her. "What do you want?," Cleo asked. "um.. I just looking at the book you got there." "oh," Cleo replied and went back into her reading like our conversation was nothing. I look two my side to see Romeo flickering those paper football off the table, what a goof. Until a big spit ball hit the back of my head, I knew who did it........ Shane.

I'm sorry that I replied later, I just notice I could type on my iPod. I'll be back in a Few need to get my keys to my brother. How you like the story so far?

image below is how i imagine Cleo Castillo
last edited over a year ago
 Cleo had the most beautiful tan skin. Also had Big brown eyes that you could be lost that what Romeo
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Let me tell you about Shane. He a waste a time and space. He came from Britain to America like four years ago. He a cocky jock. He bullied Romeo and I since the beginning of six grade, and ever since I had to deal with his crap. I turn around to see Shane Sekar. He was about 5"7 ft. He had on a variety city jacket, that had the same colors as Zaria cheerleading outfit. He had under my plain black shirt that he stole last week (jerk..) he had pale skin and chocolate brown eyes that girls drooled over, im serious I seen it. He had dark wavey hair ( he looks like aladin) and he from Britain even tho he Indian as well. Shane laughed as he saw me felt that digesting spit ball of his that was shuck in my wavey Mexican hair. I pulled it out to see a 1inch spit ball.... Oh my god it mixed with nose hair. My face was turning red, I felt the temperature of my body raising. "dude I got this," Romeo muttered as he pull his sleeves up and showed how well fit he is. I sewer if I never hold back Romeo from fighting Shane, I think Shane would need more then a hospital to heal him. I looked at my best friend, " No bro, it's okay. And besides you don't need a third strike." Romeo tooked a deep breath and said, "Fine." Shane went to sit next to Zaria and he put his arms around her. Like he was trying to make me jealous, as if. "Can I get a kiss?," Shane asked but Zaria pushes him away. "you don't deserve one, lately you been more a jerk then a boyfriend. Now move so I can help Alex clean up." Zaria got up and was asking Mrs.Man. As she was In a buffet line to go to the bathroom and help Me clean this nasty thing out of my head. I seen Mrs.Mann nod in agreement. Zaria ran back and said to me, "Com'on Alex, I'm going to help you clean up." I think I seen Zaria in a different light right now, she more nicer then all the other beautiful snob cheerleaders she hang out wit. So I went to Zaria in the family bathroom. She used hot water to get rid of all the nasty paper ball pieces in my hair. After about five minted she was done. "thanks Zaria," I said shyly. "No it fine I like helping, unlike others," Zaria said as she fixed her pony tail a little. " I'm sorry my boyfriend has to be a jerk to you a lot and I never helped to stop it." I can tell she was speaking from her heart. " No it okay, I have taken way worse beatings then that," I said. Then they both laughed, Until they seen the giant green women which we called her, "the statue of liberty."

Please comment :)

image below is Shane Sekar
last edited over a year ago
Let me tell you about Shane. He a waste a time and space. He came from Britain to America like four y
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
The Statue of Liberty didn't seem as tall as I pictured it. She was like 100ft tall. She was wearing a green dress holding a book on her left arm and one she right she held a golden torch. And I just notice she had a star crown on her straight har. "Doesn't she look pretty?," Zaria asked. "Yeah...Sure," I muttered unsure. Something was telling me that this place was important. Zaria tapped my shoulder."Com'on we have to go back to the lunch room." "Right," I agreed. Zaria and I walked back into the lunch room, where Mrs.
Mann had all the students in our group to board off the boat. Mrs.Mann said "Okay I'm going to count in pairs. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Where missing two." " Where here Mrs.Mann," I had said. Mrs.Mann sigh with relief, " Thank god you guys, I forgot. Well Alexander your partner is....." please say Romeo please say Romeo. I looked to see Romeo is Cleo's partner, NO!!!!. Mrs.Mann then finished by saying, "Eva Ayala Dawson." Great she mite be a little shuck up..... Then a Blonde hair girl walked besides Me. "Okay Mrs.Mann," Eva said. Eva Dawson was drop dead gorgeus. She had long wavy blonde hair like the sea. She had skin that looked like she had been skin by the sun. Her eyes was was sea green with a hint of idago. She was 5'4 ft which was good because I was a little bit taller. She wore a bright white beach dress and sandals And she had a pair of black glasses on. She was beautiful without trying. But I had a feeling that I seen her before, but where. I found myself staring at her hoping I wasn't drooling. Eva waved and said, "hi Alexander." What do I say! I only have to give her a good impression of me. I pulled my hand forward, "I like to be call Alex, but nice to meet you Eva," I said with courge. She smiled, and she shook my hand. "Nice to meet you to."

image below is Romeo that how i imagine him
last edited over a year ago
 The Statue of Liberty didn't seem as tall as I pictured it. She was like 100ft tall. She was wearing
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
After I met Eva Dawson, we got off the boat. It was still kinda windy. Eva was holding her dress down hoping she doesn't have her panny showing like Marilyn Monroe. In the partner System in our school, we still had to hold hands even thou we're in 7th grade. But I didn't mind holding Eva's hand. It was soft, warm, And gental. Eva's hair was flowing with the wind as the little bit of sun hit her face. I look on my right to see Shane having his arms around Zaria. And farther away I See Romeo getting punches on his arm by Cleo. As we walked inside the status of liberty we all had to give them our ticket and go past security. But Zaria had to go threw them like three times because she had to many silver jewel on. After Zaria got out of security, our whole group walked more into the status of liberty, until we saw this giant silver stair case that reach the top of the status liberty crown. Some students let out words of excitement and others like Romeo was afraid of heights.

image below is how i imagine Eva Dawson
last edited over a year ago
After I met Eva Dawson, we got off the boat. It was still kinda windy. Eva was holding her dress down
over a year ago lenorg said…
i like it. when are you postin?
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
plz write more!!!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Hahaha laughed a little how far away is this from the son of Neptune and stuff because blonde hair green eyes sound like one of my fav couples attributes bu prob not because of the Dawson part wow just thought if that
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
I knew what you mean, annabeth and Percy. But don't let looks fool you. :D I will write soon
over a year ago _Leo_Fire_ said…
big smile
nice story dude, post soon
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
- _Aphrodite_ thanks for the comment
- _Leo thanks man
- Percy99 thanks!!!
- Lenorg thanks too!

Alex PoV

We got off the boat, and headed insidde the Statue of Liberty. "So your new here?," Eva nodded head, "Yup. I came from Hawaii just a month ago." "That must have been amazing. That would be a place that I would live, but there too much lava." I was getting more and more interested in Eva. As they whole group went inside, Eva and I was having a good conversation like we met. I can see in a distant across the group to see Romeo with Cleo trying to make her laugh but he was getting more punches on his arms then he burgeon. I learned that she and her mom use to sail on cruise and boats around the world. She told me that she was a had kind of a fear with water. Then I told her about his life back in Hartford and how his mother sended me here so he could get a better future. And how he met his friend Romeo, and that I am very good artist. "Wow you drew the naked picture from titanic?" Eva asked shocked. Alex smiled, "Yes, but my mom threw it out saying it offensive to ladies everywhere." "Not really, back in ancient Greece that how they expression their-----," Eva said. Until Mrs. Mann interrupted, "Okay I want no pushing or neither running nor do skipping stairs will going up to the statue of library. Do I have myself clear?" "Yes Mrs. Mann," the group said unison. Alex looked up to see a giant spiral chair case going maybe 200ft high, and dozens of melt poles holding the structure. Romeo came up to Eva and Alex while rubbing his bruised arm. "Dang, I never knew saying look like a fatty tuna to a chick can be so hurtful," Romeo said as he looked at his bruised arm. Eva giggled for a moment. "What so funny?" Romeo said. "Did you know fanny means the girls...... in England?" Romeo gasped to Eva "You lied to me! You said it means you’re very smart. Now it means something mean? What did the world come to now?" Alex was puzzled, "Since when you guys have met?" Romeo gave Eva a face like 'Is he serious? Eva then said "We have the same math class. I tutor Romeo for a month for the finals." "Oh that great." Alex said. "You can't do Math Eva, it not a person or things that I would like to do." Romeo replied. But Alex notice that his friends never replied, they still had their same facial expression. I waved my hand around Romeo and Eva face, but nothing happened. Then I looked around the room, to see that everyone is like frozen. Shane and three of his jock buddies was playing with paper air planes, but the strangers this is that it was still flowing in the air. Zaria was talking a picture with two hot cheerleaders making duck faces with her pink blackberry phone. And Cleo was putting something in her book bag. And the rest of the group was just hearing there iPods, looking like they was conversations, and just being dead frozen. I looked back at Romeo and touched his cheek, nothing happened. I was getting more worry, my pawns was getting sweating. I paced around grabbing my short wave black hair. "Oh my god," I was repeating like 10times. "Your god won't help you this time," a strange voice said from behind me. I slowly turn to around fear because the voice sounded so evil and strange like mother voice from the Adam's family. Then I notice it was a strange old woman. She had curly black hair that was up to her shoulders. She had bags under her evil black eyes. She had a dress that sparkled like the stars at night. She'd might be in her 60's but I learned to never ask a women age or it'll will bit you in the booty. "Who are you? And what just happen?" I asked nervous. The old women walked towards me, but I went further back. My hand was shaking in fear from this scary woman. I think she'd notice that I was scared. "Young hero don’t be frightened." She said in a sweet voiced that reminded me of my Grandmother Nathalia. I thought why she'd called me a Hero? I know that I never did nothing special then saved a cat from the tree, but nothing else’s said, "You must be---" But she'd cut me off. "Yes I'm 6500 million years old, but I can past as 6 million." I never wanted to get her offended... Wait did she said she was 6500 million years old? I said apologizing, "No I didn’t mean---" The old lady grinned at me, "It okay sweetie. You have spirits Alexander; you'll be perfect person to lead this quest." I got puzzled, "What do you mean quest and this hero business? And who are you?" The lady smirked and said, "I'm Morpheus, the goddess of the galaxy. I came here to warn you that I have been trap by an unknown force. I came to one of the ultimate demi-gods to go on a quest with the others to free me and save the world." The lady summons a little glowing galaxy from her hand which turned to this purple cloak. I was stunned. "Woe," I said, a little surprised. But I was amazed, she must be telling the truth or she just as from the Looney barn. She removed what was under the purple cloak; there were these shining gold coins. I notice some was from Greece and some of the others not that much. "These are one of the most ancient and power coins know in history. These coins belonged to greatest heroes. Sadly there heroic members was lost in the human eyes." Morpheus looked down at the coins with sorrow, like she was a part of something special and it was all gone in a second. I looked at Morpheus for a moment and said, “I don't think I'm your hero. I'm neither a demigod nor a god. I can't fly; I can't even make simple pancake." Morpheus covered her mouth like a Chinese women at a Chinese restaurant and giggled. I looked at her like she was crazy, she was getting me angry. I never liked what people tell me I'm something I'm not, even a Hero. "This is not a game child. The world will end in a matter of days. The evil ones that took my powers are planning something. This 5th world will end in fire, unless demigods from both groups come together to go on a dangerous quest to save me, and-----" But I had to cut her off. "Look..... I'm not a demigod." "Oh yes you are, Do you even know who is your Father? Or why your mother always moves on to a different topic when you ask about your father? Does your mother have any pictures of him?" I couldn’t reply, everything she said was true. '' Do you remember you old life at Camp and your real friends Alexander?" I was puzzled. "What do you mean?" I couldn’t stop my angry from raising, "I lived here all my life. I made an awesome friend!" I notice Morpheus looked like she wanted to smack me right in the face. But she controlled herself, "Look... Do you really remember memorizes with your friend, what his name--- oh yes it Romeo? and do you really remember What school you go to?" It caught me, I never remember memorizes from my school or Romeo, I only remember what happen today. I was starting to believe Morpheus. I wanted to just shot myself; my life was one big lie. "So If I’m a... Demigod, then how am I going to lead this quest, and who are the others in this so called Quest?" I crossed my arms waiting for the answer. Morpheus gave one of those faces that were sweet and innocence which I knew she not, she kind of reminded me of the old lady in that Legend movie. “I can't explain what you and the others will undergo in this quest. Demigods from both group had never did quest together after that horrible war, until now." I notice Morpheus was slowly turning to a mist starting from her lower body. “I don't have much time, my power is draining. Look, you and the others must use these coins. These are very powerful coins, you must use them in the torch, either that or you and everyone here will die. Once you and the others are at the battlefield, which is where you will be leaded to Camp." Morpheus gave the purple cloak to me. The cloth felt warm and felt like a warm blanket from the hospital. “Do my binding and you will get your memory back from your Father..." Then Morpheus body disappeared into a powder of pixie dusty. I looked down at the purple cloak to see the coins just lying down. They seem rare, I never seen this type of coins. There was definitely gold, they kind of weight like a pound. I lifted up one in the middle of all of them. It had a face of a guy with wave hair, and on the other side it showed a kind of bird, an eagle maybe. I felt some kind of connection to this coin, like it going to be important to me in the long run. All of a sudden that coin on my hand started to glow bright red, and I heard a strange echo in my head that screech like a wild bird. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped hoping I haven’t scream. I looked and It was Romeo and Eva unfrozen. “Dude, are you okay?” Romeo asked. I didn’t know what to say back. “What the purple cloak in your hand? I didn’t see you have that when we came in here.” Eva said curious. “Um.. It’s nothing. Sometimes I get really cold.” I slip one of the golden coins in my hand into my front pocket. “Oh, Well come on we have to walk up the stair case.” Eva replied. I saw most of the students started walking up the stair case. Then Cleo walked towards us, “Hey Roman, we have to go like now.” Romeo groaned, “My name is Romeo not Roman. And no thanks, I’ll wait here.” “Oh, well sorry. But your coming with me!” she grab Romeo by the arms dragging in to the stair case. “No!! I don’t like height!! Let go of me. If you let me go I’ll give you a Chuncky Monkey!” She let him go. He smiled, “Haha!! I Win and you” Then Cleo punched Romeo straight in the face. He felled down, looked like he was dead. Cleo muttered “That will shut him up.” Then,dragged him up the stairs. Eva and I was soo shocked that our mouth just dropped open. “Did she just?” Eva asked. “Oh yes she did. That why I never mess with that girl. She could break my bones in 2 pt. 2 seconds with that punch.” Eva and I started to laugh. Then we walked up the spiral stair case.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
awsome story it's really good i can't whait untill you post nex:)
and what about it's a love story are you gonna continue with that story too anyways laters:)
over a year ago lenorg said…
good but work on your grammar.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
It's a very interesting story. Luv that Cleo is a tough girl. Lol chunky monkey he funny. I like your plot, very mysterious. Aleva!! (Alex and Eva) it's a possibility!!
Aphrodite, and what accident?!?! Ps. Cute pictures xD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
cool who is his dad?????
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
btw i think that morpheus is a man
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
I can't say, let just say his dad is powerful. But yeah morpheus is a god, but in my story Morpheus is another is the goddess of space which is the mother of Morpheus the dream god. which has the same name (becuz I think it's a kewl name) plus this will go with my other stories.
And Venus I'm writing Love story this week. And puggy just remember demigods from both sides. And the powerful child all ways lead the group.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ok? Thnx for the hint
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Okay important gods in this story are, just a hint for puggy:

Zeus, Poseidon, Set, Hades, Isis, Hera, Morpheus, Hathor, Aphrodite, Anubis, Horus, Ra, Artemis, Apollo. Other gods that are Non important. (:
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
ok thanks for the heads up i just wanted to know when you were going to post for your other story but this week is good oh and i have a question for you do you speak spanish? anyways laters.
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
thats so awsome that you do spanish buddys haha anyways thx and can't whait till u post laters:)
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Never really thought of that lmao, but thank you. :D
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
oh haha i guess your the only one i know on here who does so it's nice to know you do and your welcome laters:)
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
R u doin Greek and eygptian gods?
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Wait don't even answer that I'm so stupid it says it in the title sry
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Can you add more pictures?