The Heroes of Olympus Percy Jackson Meets Harry Potter

caira56 posted on Jun 15, 2011 at 11:29PM
this event happens after Lord Voldemort defeated
This also happens after the titan war has ended

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago precious211 said…
hah u actually had the nerve to write this, well i hhope it's goanna be good, and cause u made me, u got a fan, and i'll read it even if it sucks like crap sis.
Hope it's good!
when u goanna post
over a year ago athena305 said…
Good luck. This may take a lot of work, as precious said. I'm excited!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Can't wait
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
sounds good!!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
huh sis. i officially hate fanpop, am dead serious, am really thinking of quiting my account, but am not going to. and i cnt believe u stole my idea sis, i thought of it first, and u steal it. good luck writing sis, u lost me wiwth help.
ps. dont hate my sis if it's bad, she's only ten.
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
big smile
I think it will be great!
over a year ago caira56 said…
Harry' pov!
Ah, this was the best time of my life. Me enjoying myself no Voldemort or Death Eaters just me and the good wizards. Harry wake up! Shouted a voice. My eyes suddenly opened. Who called my name? I asked. It was me your wife Ginny, now get up we have to pick up Albus and James from Hogwarts. From the moment she finished saying those seven words she was smiling. Now get up! She shouted. And so I did, I decided I would just get over with it. So I walked to the bathroom started brushing, then took a shower, and put on my clothes. I am done! I shouted, but I am not! She shouted back, Women I thought, so I went to Lily’s room to wake her up. When I got to Lily’s room she was still sleeping. She looks so cute when she is sleeping I thought. Lily wake up I whispered to her.
Then her eyes started to open. Good morning daddy she whispered back to me. Since she was still kind of sleepy I decided to carry her to the bathroom. When I walked in the bathroom I never realized it was so beautiful. It had red and blue tiles, a pink shower (I did not even now the shower was pink till now), also a orange sink (how did we even get a sink that is orange I thought to myself). Daddy where are we? she asked me. We are in the bathroom I told her. Why? She asked me. So you can take a bath, brush your teeth, and put on your clothes, so we can pick up Albus and James from Hogwarts I told her.
I will not take a shower on less you turn the bathroom hot pink she said while folding her arms. Why would want the bathroom hot pink I asked her. So when I enter the bathroom I will see my favorite color and exactly enjoy it because I see my favorite color while I take a bath, brush my teeth, and put on my clothes she told me. Fine I will make the whole bathroom hot pink I told her just do not tell your mother okay. Deal she said while smiling. So I took out my wand that I always keep with me and turned the whole bathroom hot pink. When I was done Lily asked me how I did that and I told her you have to study really hard. I will she told me while she hopped off, then she started brushing and I decided she is going to be okay on her own. So I went to me and Ginny’s room to see if she was done. When I got there I saw Ginny on our bed watching tv. Where is Lily she asked me? In the bathroom brushing her teeth I told her. Good thing to because I really want to see my two sons again she said. It has only been about two maybe there months I told her.
To you it feels like two maybe three months but to me it feels like two years she told me. She looked she was about to cry so went to the kitchen to make all of us breakfast. When I was finished making breakfast (which was five long waffles on each plate, some bacon and eggs, with tropical fruit punch) my wife and daughter came down, When I looked at Ginny she actually changed. She was wearing a pink and red dress with straps, while wearing dark red shoes with a light pink purse. What is it with pink I thought to myself until I saw that she was also wearing blue and orange earrings rings and bracelets. While Lily was wearing a yellow singlet that had a peace sign on it and she was also dark blue shorts with red sandals. Honey why are you wearing a blue shirt with shorts and brown sandals she asked me. That is so not fair I told her you guys get to wear whatever you want to but I do not?! I told her. Fine wear what you want to wear she told me. Thank you I told her now who wants some breakfast I asked them. Thirty minutes later we were riding towards the train station. When we got there we just waited there for like forever until Albus and James appeared out of platform nine and ten. Here are my boys as I hugged them both. Hi! Mom, dad, and lily they both said. How was your stay at Hogwarts I asked them? It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said. Great I told them now get packed we are going to New York I told them. 3 hours later we were driving towards our hotel when we heard a growl. All of us turned our heads to see what it was and what we saw was so scary. We say a bull that had muscles and a big pudgy head it was coming straight at us. Get out of the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shouted to them and we did. I was so glad I told them to because the beefy guy ran straight at it and throw it far, far away. Then he turned his head towards us and charged. Me and my family throw all of the spells we could think of at it but they just bounced of it. We are died I thought, but then a teenage guy came out of the now where and called it beefy head. Slowly the monster now called beefy head turned towards the teenage guy. The guy is going to die I thought to myself. But he did not so I thought it was a miracle. When the monster charged at him he just side stepped and the monster ran into a tree (which in my case was funny me and my family were cracking up so much) but they monster just stood up and charged again. Was it just me or when the monster became angrier it became clumsier I thought.
This battle would go on forever until the teenage guy rolled to the side of the monster and stab it that it became dust. Are you guys okay he asked us, we all nodded our heads. Good he said while sticking out his hand. So I decided to shake it. My name is Percy Jackson defeater of kronos, savior of Mt. Olympus and son of Poseidon. I thought that guy is crazy, a knot ball, and on crazy gas. What is your name he asked me? Harry Potter I told him defeater of Lord Voldemort. Who is Lord Voldemort he asked me? The most evil of the wizard world. But who is Kronos I asked him. He is the King of the Titans he told me. Wait what you talking about I asked him. I can’t tell you right now, right now I have to get you to safety he told us while walking.

I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago precious211 said…
huh it dosen't suck that much, congratulations
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
big smile
It was awesome!!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago cro0010 said…
big smile
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Keep writing it's really good
over a year ago princessofmagic said…
Please keep writing!!!!! I have wanted someone to start writing this for, like, ever!!!!!!!

Idea( suggestion, you don't have to use it):
Could herminonie be a half blood??? A daughter of hectate, since none of her relatives are wizards or witches............. Just an idea......

Keep posting!!!!!
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
This is absolutely EPIC!! Crazy, but epic!
over a year ago percyrocks247 said…
big smile
over a year ago caira56 said…
big smile
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Can't wait
over a year ago caira56 said…
big smile
over a year ago caira56 said…
big smile
Percy’s Pov
Who the Hades is Voldemort? I asked myself. It must be one of those new foods like nacho cheese. We were finally here yes! I thought. Even though I have traveled more than this my whole life I was still pretty tired. I wonder if those ‘’wizard people’’ will get inside. But for some strange reason they could. Who should I tell about those ‘’wizard people’’ I thought. Of course my girlfriend Annabeth. Come on you guys the big house is this way. I saw the guy who claims to be ‘’Harry Potter’’ have strange look on his face, but I just kept on walking. When I found Annabeth I saw her talking with a frown to Chiron until she saw me. Then she came up to me and hugged me. Percy where have you been? She asked me. Um……. At home until I found those ‘’wizard people’’. Where did you find them? Um… I saw those shouting words with these sticks. Percy! She acclaimed. What?! I asked her. Those ‘’sticks’’ are wands, remember the Hecate cabin uses them she answered. Oh… so the things they use are wands. Good to know. Wait who are you? A boy about eleven asked us. Like I said before I am Percy Jackson, defeater of Kronos, savoir of Mt. Olympus, and Poseidon’s son. But who in Voldemorts name is Kronos he as claimed. He is the king of the titans. But what is all of that mumble jumbo the man asked us. That is not mumble jumbo I told him because I was liking this guy less and less. So what is it then? The man said while folding his arms. It I- but I was stopped by Chiron who finally spoke. Percy and Annabeth it is time for dinner so would you guys take them to with you. Sure we both said. Ok now go! Said Chiron. When we were walking to dinner we got some strange looks because of those wizard people. This is just like my second year I thought. When we got to dinner we told the wizard people to sit next to the Hecate cabin and they did. When dinner started I walked up to the fireplace I asked my dad for a sign. When I sat down I saw a shadow coming closer to me. But I did not panic because I knew it was Nico son of Hades coming back from the underworld. When Nico sat down everybody started eating but stopped when a green light came from the guy named Harry Potter and my mouth hanged open because right on top of his head was a symbol of Poseidon. His trident. I could not believe this when I asked for a sign I did not mean a sign of getting claimed. But the Harry Potter guy kept swatting it like it was a bug. But I just kept on eating. When dinner was down I came next to the Hecate cabin and asked for Harry Potter. But he just stared at me. Come on I have to get you to mine I mean our cabin. So like a servant he rose and followed me to mine I mean our cabin. I still can’t believe I have a brother. Under most circumstances I would have been happy because I finally had a brother to share with but I was angry at my dad. When we got there the guy I mean my brother stared at it with a surprised look on his face. Come on we have to go to bed so we can train tomorrow. He just stared at me but in the end came inside. Soooooooo if you are a real son of Poseidon let me see you make a mini hurricane. So the guy I mean my brother (man I am never going to get used to this guy being my brother) just stared at his hands as in accepting a mini hurricane to appear (man this guy is a idiot ) but out of nowhere a mini hurricane came and started dancing around my brother’s hands. Fine maybe you could do that but you can’t do any other tricks. He was about to show me until I told him it is time to go to sleep. So me and him climbed onto our beds and went to sleep. Do you guys remember when Kronos rose and I had bad dreams I got them. But in my dream there was this guy had two red eyes like snakes, a snake like nose, a snake like face, (man this guy might even be a snake) and long finger nails. Man I thought this guy was just plain oh creepy. Then a two Cyclops came and bowed down. Omg that is Agrius and Oreius from my second year. What do you want the guy (did I just say guy I meant looks like a snake and creepy thing) um… we bring you great news Lord Kronos (what that thing was Kronos I must be not be seeing and listening right) the drakon is ready said the two Cyclops’s. Good the thing who claims to be Lord Kronos said release it sooooooon yes they will not know what hit them, and then the thing laughed a laugh that sent chills down my back. And I woke up with a start I was sweating like crazy. But when I looked around I only saw my brother sleeping and my good old cabin. One thing was sure Lord Kronos is back again. So I went back to sleep and could not remember the dream any more.

hope you guys like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
Percy’s Pov
Who the Hades is Voldemort? I asked myself. It must be one of those new foods like nac
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome. Did Kronos take the form of voldermort.
over a year ago cro0010 said…
It's really good!
over a year ago caira56 said…
big smile