The Dark Knight Was It On Purpose?

MrAlex posted on Dec 05, 2008 at 05:20PM
When The Joker tells Batman the locations of Harvey and Rachel and Batman went to Harvey's location, did he go there purposefully or was he tricked by The Joker?
By that i mean did The Joker tell him that they were at the opposite location to where they were actually at?

The Dark Knight 3 replies

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over a year ago hm94991 said…
Yes, I think so. I noticed this the second time I saw the movie.
over a year ago Ashley-Green said…
The first time I watched it, that’s immediately what I thought had happened (evil joker), because I was all like “Oh, well Batman would go for Rachel” and he seemed really shocked when he got nasty Harvey, but then my sister insisted that it was on purpose ‘cos Harvey was “what Gotham needed most” (even though Batman said this after having time to think and without impulse-acting, after Rachel was deady-bones) but then I watched it again with her and pointed out everything I thought … and she agreed with me, and was kinda surprised. I guess that’s just one of the many subtleties of The Dark Knight, one of the things which keep you thinking about it and puzzling over it long after the credits have rolled.
over a year ago MCRmygirl50 said…
I think in my opinion, that Joker was maybe forced into telling him where they are (I mean I've never actually seen the movie, but I've seen the rest, I need to watch this one), and they just never showed it in the movie. But yeah, the Joker could've tricked him, and The Joker could've just planned the whole thing my kidnapping them and putting them in the same spot Joker told Batman and planned it to trick Batman to falling right into his trap. But I mean, that was just my oponion. I mean, you may have different thoughts, but that was just mine.