Television what's you favorite show?

amazondebs posted on Aug 19, 2008 at 11:04AM
pretty much what the title said, what's your favorite show ever and precisley why?

Television 35 replies

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over a year ago amazondebs said…
my favorite show is as some of you know buffy

just because i think it is one of the wittiest shows ever to be made, the humor in it brilliant, the action/fights/effects are amazing and the plot lines are famous for having continuity which actually in my opinion makes it even better when you re watch it. Not only that but the characters are all brilliant with their own quirks and have such chemistry with one another
over a year ago kandyluv said…
Friends!i like it cuz it makes me laugh cry and u get so in to it sometimes:)i have almost all the seasons and watch it every time it on tv.even though its over and there only reruns its a show that will not be forgoten!i luv friends i really do belive its one of the greatest shows well....2 me it is:D
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i love friends too i also think it is one of the greastest simply because this idea is so simple but genius

a group of friends...

over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
1 show damn you debs its so hard to pick....
a few would be Buffy for all the reasons you said Debs..
Lost because its so addictive and im always dying to know whats happening next..
Friends cause its just brilliant and
HIMYM funniest show currently on TV.

A few more would be Weeds, Veronica Mars, Scrubs, King of Queens etc
over a year ago SpanksU said…
Hmm it's a toss up between Buffy and Scrubs they are both brilliant shows. Great writing, and extremely clever.
over a year ago rose2 said…
i love to many shows to pick!!!!!
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
charmed very closely followed by buffy and greys! i cant really explain what it is that i love about them all, i personally think its starts with the couples, then the story lines and writing!! also in all three the acting is amazing! thats why i cant watch hardly any British things because the writing and acting and directing is that bad!!!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
how could you miss mkena?

go on, get out, get out of britain :P
over a year ago SG1-090 said…
Stargate SG1! It's witty, exciting and full of adventure! But i just love the humour - most of it sarcastic <3 Plus the characters are all amazing - they are all so different yet they become really close like a little planet saving family =]
But i definitly watch mostly for the humour and characters! And i love how there is little or no drama about relationships - which you get enough of in every other show on tv!
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ohhhhhh i finally get your user name!
over a year ago SG1-090 said…
lol - well the first part, the second part i just threw in because i was feeling creative that day ;)
over a year ago HannaK said…
This is hard! (that's what she said)

I have to say Lost, it's just an amazing show, after a new episode I can think about it almost a whole week, I just like the mysteries and characters.

House and the Office are great too, House is just brilliant, how can you not love Hugh Laurie and the Office is very funny (I know, pretty obvious 'cause it's a comedy)

I've just begun to watch Pushing Daisies, which I really like too it's just so...happy.

I also watch NCIS, Bones, Numb3rs, CSI, CSINY, Criminal Minds, Scrubs and a lot more, what can I say, I just really enjoy watching tv.
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
24!! I have been a fan since it started, and I love everything about it. No other show will ever replace my love for it.

My other favorite shows include Nip/Tuck, Ghost Whisperer, Friday Night Lights, The OC, Gossip Girl, Mad Men, Popular, Skins, The Girls Next Door...generally in that order.

And I'm incredibly excited for 90210!! It's going to be one of my favorites.
over a year ago nataliejade said…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer && Sex and the City
I can't pick between them lol :]

I don't know why i love these two shows, i just do. I think buffy has great storylines and character's && Sex and the City is just so funny to watch, its always makes me laugh. I could watch them both forever and never get bored.

I also adore Dawson's Creek, that also has great storylines.
They would be my top three.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GA-19 said…
Oh, Love Grey's Just love that so much!!! its just so awesome, like all the characters and everything. Everything about it is just so interesting to watch.

Charmed comes in very close though, That show is just so interesting to watch too. LOL

Yeah i so agree with missmckena, British shows are really really really really bad thats why i don't watch any. I prefer the american ones.
over a year ago similzy said…
Well it`s hard, but i choose lost.i love it because of the great way of telling the character`s lifes and all the connections and mysteries that surround the island!

i also like Friends,Grey`s,CSI,Charmed.
over a year ago CHOCOLATTE said…
over a year ago EnjoyHuddy said…
I LOVE House... I don't know why!!!Maybe I use to wath it more often( ok,ok, let's say ALWAYSsince when the Huddy arc started !!!And well, even for the icy blue Hugh Laurie's eyes!!lol!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I LOVE Lost but I'm not sure why this show spicefecly , but sence episode one I bacame Lost adict~!!!
over a year ago KathyHalliwell said…
Greys.Bacuse just...I don't really know,why,I just love it.

Then Friends,DH,PrP,Charmed
over a year ago xrockstarx said…
It used to be OTH, but I've gone off it recently. So now it might be Bones or House, but it changes when I see a really good episode of a certain show.
over a year ago 6643 said…
7th heaven is my fav show ecer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
i have to add onto mine when i say british shows im tlaking about most of the oness like from thsi decade really there is no way i can insult only fools and horses father ted blackadder etc and then there are some good more recetny ones like no angels and green wing but british tv back years before i was born was so much better, now its really all about american tv i reckon!
over a year ago salemslot said…
Supernatural and House MD are my true obsession!My sisters have forbidden me to talk about these shows around them!

Twin Peaks,Lost,30 Rock and Desperate Housewives have a special spot in my heart.
over a year ago tinkymel said…
big smile
That is a hard thing to answer. I love Supernatural, and wait to watch it all week. I did the same with Kyle XY.But Buffy amd Angel I have been a fan of like forever. I guess I will go with Buffy. I like this show because it is quick witted, touching, and fast paced. Many times there were two plots going on at once. They always had the over all arc of the show for the season, but then they would have monsters of the week that would end in an episode. I also like the fact that the women in the show were very stong and didn't need a sig. other to make them better. I also liked that they showed different types of relationships that young adults would have. They managed to cover very important topics without making it feel like they were preaching at you. I really liked this show and could go on and on and on. But if you like shows like these I started a spot for just these types of TV shows. A spot dedicated to only Horror and Sci-Fi Television shows. link
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was my first show, my favorite show, always will be. My obsession over it almost cannot be explained. I love the characters, I love the relationships, I love the story line, I love the writing, I love the action, I love the humor, I LOVE Spike, as you can tell...I have each season on DVD, I can't count how many times I've watched my favorite episodes...Touched, Doppelgangland, Once More With Feeling...

Honorary Mentions to my Other Favorite Shows

Gilmore Girls
Veronica Mars
Freaks and Geeks
over a year ago melandjim4eva said…
My all time favourite tv show is probably One Tree Hill. I just loved it because i love drama, and the characters were brilliant in it.

But i also love; Supernatural, Charmed, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 90210, Ghost Whisperer, Friends and Greys Anatomy!
over a year ago cicino1 said…
my all-time favourite show has to be the xfiles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i also love house , friends , big bang theory etc
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
NCIS, without a doubt ;)
over a year ago Wolfdreamer9 said…
big smile
My all time favorite TV show is "Frasier."

In fact i'd say i'm practily obsessed with it because I have made 12 fan videos, I have every season on DVD, and I have 21 transcripts of the episodes printed out and I read them a lot. If I met anyone from the cast I would faint.

Other then Frasier my favorite show is Grey's Anatomy.
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
One Tree Hill and Charmed

One Tree Hill because it's fun and love and drama and the quotes they use are like a message to the audience. I really love that.

Charmed because it's about things that make no sense at all and it's so hilaric and Drew Fuller's on it :)
over a year ago friendsfan101 said…
NCIS, definitely. My favorite show has an awesome cast who have great chemistry together, and it gets better as the show goes on.
Second would be Friends. = )
over a year ago joose32 said…
Supernatural. Awesome (not to mention hot) Cast, interesting plot (Angels & Demons!!), it's scary, funny can be really emotional it's just the best show. I'm lovin season 5 and am so HAPPY there's going to be another after that :D

Love Dark Angel as well
over a year ago Mcc1 said…
big smile
its a tie between 24 and Supernatural love both shows to bits just cant decide thats it im putting them both as number 1
over a year ago NCISaddicted said…
I Love NCIS!!! and GREY'S ANATOMY!!! and SUPERNATURAL!!! ♥♥♥