Tails Updates

a photo was added: tails the fox by erosmilestailsprower d7hkh3n over a year ago by Tomy1207
an icon was added: 69502FBE89BAA906EAE9CAE2A7EE5D26301EBD22A3235FDE89 pimgpsh thumbnail win distr over a year ago by Tomy1207
a comment was made to the poll: Should Tails have his own game? over a year ago by Spongefan511
a comment was made to the poll: Will you help me with my club? over a year ago by ArtistDetective
a comment was made to the poll: Is Tails a hero? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a comment was made to the photo: tails sonic boom over a year ago by Dynofox15
a comment was made to the photo: tails tired over a year ago by bunnytears
fan art was added: killer tails over a year ago by FoxMccloud331
an answer was added to this question: What are your thoughts on Tailsream? over a year ago by experiment221
a video was added: Mile 'Tails' Prower Tribute over a year ago by kag1999
a comment was made to the answer: Personally, I'm fine with either Taiream or Taismo. I don't like one more than the other. Really, I think Tails is too young too date... Don't kill... over a year ago by Dynofox15
an answer was added to this question: What are your thoughts on Tailsream? over a year ago by number1tailsfan
a comment was made to the poll: Who's smarter: Tails or Wave? over a year ago by number1tailsfan
a poll was added: Should Sega reunite Tails and Cosmo? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a question was added: What are your thoughts on Tailsream? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Was Sega right for taking away Tails's love interest, Cosmo the Seedrian? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Do you think Tails deserved to be in the original Sonic the Hedgehog? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Is Tails a hero? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Who's smarter: Tails or Wave? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Will you help me with my club? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tailsmo tribute over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tailsmo tribute over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tails Tribute over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tails tribute over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tails tribite over a year ago by Dynofox15
a video was added: Tails tribute over a year ago by Dynofox15
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: True or False: Tails is a squirrel that happens to have two tails. over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Should Tails have his own game? over a year ago by The_Mistake
a comment was made to the answer: *Ahem* He's smart, adorable, cute, helpful, kind, caring, sweet, nice... over a year ago by number1tailsfan
a comment was made to the answer: Is he adorable or what? :3 over a year ago by number1tailsfan
a comment was made to the answer: *Ahem* He's smart, adorable, cute, helpful, kind, caring, sweet, nice... over a year ago by Dynofox15
a comment was made to the answer: Is he adorable or what? :3 over a year ago by Dynofox15
a comment was made to the answer: Is he adorable or what? :3 over a year ago by Dynofox15
an answer was added to this question: Post a picture of Tails!! over a year ago by number1tailsfan
a comment was made to the answer: :) Cuteness. over a year ago by Dynofox15
an answer was added to this question: How would you describe Tails? over a year ago by number1tailsfan
an answer was added to this question: Post a picture of Tails with Cosmo!! over a year ago by number1tailsfan
a comment was made to the poll: What's your favorite Tails picture?? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a comment was made to the poll: Is Tails your favorite character? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: Is Tails your favorite character? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a poll was added: What's your favorite Tails picture?? over a year ago by Dynofox15
a question was added: Post a picture of Tails with Cosmo!! over a year ago by Dynofox15
a question was added: Post a picture of Tails!! over a year ago by Dynofox15
a question was added: How would you describe Tails? over a year ago by Dynofox15