Supernatural Why do the majorty of the female population think that Dean is HOTTER than Sam ?

BloodyGaara posted on Feb 08, 2009 at 12:40AM
I hate DEAN ! He is a man whore as far as I am consurned ! Sam is my one and true love . Since I first watched supernatual I was in love with Sam ! Why do most women think that dean is hotter ? Why can't poor Sammy get more fans out there ?

Supernatural 29 replies

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over a year ago Kaity15 said…
Sammy has many fans, it's just that Dean is hotter :)
over a year ago ginger_ninja said…
definatly agree with you BloodyGaara i think hes getting yummier every season and has more depth compared to dean
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
cause' he is! =D ♥

haha :] no .. I think it's just a matter of personal opinion.
over a year ago Ace25 said…
I think that Sam is the better brother.He is kinder.
Dean is Hot as well. I like them both the same.
over a year ago salemslot said…
Although Sammy doesn't do it for me,I have to say that in this season he's extremely hot.I can't speak for others but I prefer Dean because I've always had it for bad boys.Sammy is too clean-cut for my taste.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SG1-090 said…
Sammy is hot - both Jensen and Jared are - but Dean's personality - which i LOVE - makes him look SOOO much hotter!
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
*nods* I agree with SG1-090 .. plus i'm not a fan of crazy huge muscles like Jared has [especially in the newest seasons!]
over a year ago Natalie88 said…
I couldn't agree more BloodyGaara! I've been Sam's fan since the first episode of Supernatural and I think that he is far too hotter than Dean!(especially now)OMG have you seen his body? his lips? his charming eyes? his strong hands? have you heard his voice that makes you shiver inside? he makes me crazy... Sam's more faithful than Dean, I can just speak for myself, but I like faithful and sensitive guys, they're much hotter than womanizers. So besides his body and puppy face (dogs are my favourite animals:D ), he's got great personality and I don't care about that demon blood! we all have demons inside :) I love him with all his negative and dark sides, which make him really sexy, by the way :)
over a year ago marglo said…
i really just dont think that jensen is attractive at all especially standing next to jared and i agree with natalie88
over a year ago Dean-girlx said…
=OOOOOO! you don't think Jensen is attractive?!?! *gapes*

ah well :] more for me! ;] lol j/k.

I think both boys are incredibly gorgeous.
over a year ago ABBY81 said…
dean is so hot
over a year ago fifthbitten said…
hey now dean-girlx i want some dean 2 so we have to share :)

i think that sam is attractive and to be honest i know more people personally not over the internet that think that sam is very hot....but for me it's both dean's looks and personality :) i love him bunches :)
over a year ago 67impala said…
ooo...I've got goosebumps, Natalie88! It's funny, it always seems to be about a 70/30 split between Dean and Sam - I don't get it either sometimes, lol! Dean is hot, there's no question about that. He's got classic good looks, gorgeous eyes and body - I'd take him out in public! Sam is totally hot - rugged good looks, gorgeous eyes, the longer dark hair, the BODY - YOWWW!!

So yeah, it's a matter of personal taste. Dean is the type of guy that if I saw him on the street, I'd do a triple take! Sam, however, would stop me dead in my tracks and I'd have to pick my jaw up from the pavement! And I think it's safe to say they both have far more fans than they could ever handle, ;)
over a year ago linalin said…
It's like the classic question: Coke or Pepsi, Dean being Coke, and Sam being Pepsi.

Dean is easier to like, it's more popular, it's catchier, tastes sweeter and doesn't use as many props to make itself attractive, he appeals mostly to girls from 4pm; comes in a gorgeous classical packaging and doesn't give his secret away easy! One taste and you're hooked, you can mix him with almost anything, but he goes better straight and cool! He's also cheap!


Sam is more like Pepsi, similar to Coke, but not quite there, mostly thought of as the "Love it or Hate it, Little Brother of Coke", it's usually an acquired taste, and if mixed with impure substances tends to taste nasty and leave you with a bad memory! He's got a secret, too, and you keep drinking him, in hope he'll tell you what it is; or you start drinking him out of a sense of curiosity, and in the end find yourself liking him more than you expected! Sam used to be hard to get, but seems to become cheaper every season, I like!

That's why I think chicks prefer Dean to Sam, it's easier to like Coke.
over a year ago Mcc1 said…
i love both dean and sam but i just find deans looks and personality more attractive hes sooo charming and funny and come on he went to hell for sam you dont see many people doing that for their brothers and to be honest i dont think sam would do that for dean if he had the choice but i love sam nearly just as much as dean and i agree with wat linalin said it is like coke and pepsi i love both but i just love coke better
over a year ago 67impala said…
Naturally, I'm a Pepsi girl - always have been! Mcc1, I have to argue one teensy thing - Sam would have gone to Hell for Dean in a heartbeat. He begged the crossroads demon to let him trade places with Dean, but it was no deal.

* linalin, I'll never look at Coke and Pepsi the same way I used to, ever again! Your answer rocks!! :D
over a year ago linalin said…
hahah, thanks! I am a Coke girl myself, Pepsi tastes nasty, but I still am more lenient towards Sam than Dean, I've always liked what most people tend to dislike. And Dean, boy, he's made of something else, love him to bits! Sam is more my dirty little midnight hookup, good boy gone bad, kinda thing
over a year ago 67impala said…
Lol! You're hilarious!!

Sam's been my favourite right from the start, and about mid-way thru Season 2, I totally fell in love with Dean too. Hot doesn't begin to describe him! But Sam is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome - my total dream guy personified! So when I joined this spot about a month ago, I was really amazed at that fairly consistent 70/30 split - I didn't realize Sam was an underdog! Ah, well...I'd say it makes me love him even more, but I don't think that's possible, ;)
over a year ago linalin said…
I know what you mean, the body and voice is what draws me to Sam, also, his tight ass ways. Still, Dean is the sexy one, don't care what anyone says!
I just decided not to pick and become a total skank-slut and have both!
Bi-Bro all the way!
over a year ago lilgothic13 said…
personally i like sam but they both r cute and have their moments
over a year ago estercarvalho said…
Both of them are hot !
But Jensen plays the Bad boy and sometimes , or the most of times , the bad boys are most '' sexy '' , you know what I mean ?
I love them , thats no reason to hate them , they are soo cute :D
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
See...I'm with you...I just don't see how everyone is in love with Dean...I just don't get it...yeah he's ok but Sammy is much taller and hotter and I think he's deeper too. Dean's kinda shallow. AS much as I do love Dean I like him as the big brother...I've been a Jared fan since the moment I saw him...:)
over a year ago hovergirl258 said…
are you serious sam just seems annoying and stuff. and dean is well i mean he's dean.
over a year ago boggrat said…
Thata ridiculous! Dean is fit as and sam is evil. the show would beboring without dean and jensen just brings dean to life! dean is my one true love... sam is a tagalong...
over a year ago pizzapi said…
i love dean but sam is sooo hottttt
over a year ago lisanddave said…
Oh god please DEAN is just the ultimate speciman of man!! sam is lovely but dean wins handsdown!
over a year ago castielfm22 said…
From the first time i saw the show in 2005 i just thought omg jensen ackles is so effin hott and i think it is just because he is older and i mean in real life he isnt a man whore only on the show and the whole role basically turned around because after dean got pulled out of hell by castiel sam was the one who was being the man whore because he was the one who started drinking demon blood and it kind of went from dean being a man whore then sam becoming it after dean came back from hell since all he has been through.
over a year ago boggrat said…
woah castielfm22! slow down! lol u just described the entire plot of season 4! dean is da bomb and sam is sweet but makes the wrong choices! i reckon i like dean cos he is typical (as typical as spn can be!) and he ses wat he thinkz. i asked all my mates which one they would rather go out with and they always say sam exept my one mate who said john winchester!
over a year ago shomill said…
Ah... okay? Yeah, Dean's a man whore (plays that role all too well, BTW, but anyway...), but he's still really hot.

But yeah, I gotta agree with you about Sam. He's so adorable, and hot. I guess most women just go for wise-cracking, egotistical bad boys. I don't know... I like the cutie/sweeties, myself.