Step Up 2 The Streets And the verdict is.... (SPOILERS)

tisha posted on Feb 19, 2008 at 04:30PM
Ok. So it's been 5 days since the movie has been out, and I'm sure many people have seen it once already, if not more. What do you guys think?
Personally, the movie lived upto my expectations. The soundtrack was awesome, and the dance moves were hot. Looking back on it now, the first movie seems to pale in comparison.
My favorite part of the movie was the last dance in the rain (which I imagine is a lot of other people's favorite part too).

Step Up 2 The Streets 10 replies

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over a year ago samsgirl84 said…
I totally agree...the Music and Dance moves were Amazing & It had a better cast too...I loved the Rain scene..I saw this movie twice & I cant wait to buy it on DVD!!
over a year ago dollbaby1985 said…
I was really excited to see the first movie then in the end I felt let down. However; when I saw the 2nd one I was amazed because sequals usually end up bombing but this was way better then the first movie & I felt there was more chemistry between the two actors & the acting in general was better (I am not a fan of the Nora character at all sorry)
over a year ago Krevetka16 said…
I agree as well! The first one focused on the plot way too much and also there was too much complaining from Nora. The second one was way better, because the dance moves were hotter, the love story was present without the movie having to focus strongly on it. The second one was better because it has less of the academy and more of the street dancing, which showed the peoples' awesome dance skills better. The music was awesome, the actors rocked, and just overall the movie seemed so short. Like I was watching it and then when it ended I was like "What?! That's it? Noo! I want more!" which can't be said with the first one. I can't wait till it comes out on dvd and i'm definitly buying the soundtrack!
Ps: Chase was hotter than Tyler in my opinion :D
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
the music and the dance were way better in this movie than the first. I think that even the storyline in this movie was better. I absolutely loved that last rain scene. it was amazing, and when i watched it i was like HELL YEA I WANNA DANCE LIKE DAT!
over a year ago redsox34 said…
I love the 2 it was awesome the sound track it awesome I like the part when they do the dance behide Tuckers back it was awesome
over a year ago xx-l4ur3n said…
the soundtrack, dancing, characters, plot...EVERYTHING about the second was better than the first.


have you heard stuff about the 3rd movie?
its apparently gonna be called Step Up 3-D (yea, its in 3D... :/ ) and it has hilary duff and miley cyrus (or whatever her name is) in it, competing to be the best dancer and win this guys heart...or something...not sure im feeling that.
over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
One word...AWESOME! Step Up 2 is got to win an award for like best sequel!
over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
I'm sorry, making Step Up 3 go Disney! No...
over a year ago Niux said…
I tell you this. After the first movie I wasn't very all excited. I watched it and forgot about it. But the second one, man, that was crazy. Awesome dancing, awesome music, less pathetic than 1st one. I wish the plot would be a little better, but that's fine.
About 3d. I wonder what's Chase going to do there. I mean, Robert Hoffman is already mentioned in the cast.
P.S. go and vote for Robert and Briana for best kiss at mtv movie awards ;o :D
over a year ago nadjaaa said…
When I watched it first time I was so excited. I thought that it is the best movie ever. But when I saw the movie 2 more times I saw that it wasn't so good. I don't find acting good at all, especially hate Tuck. And movie is predictable. But dancing is amazing. Rain dance is my favorite dance ever. So I think that movie is great, better then first one but it could be better...