Stefan & Elena Stelena Fangirls Forum!

swimchick posted on Mar 27, 2010 at 11:11PM
I'm new to this spot, but I'd love to start a forum for us Stelena shippers. A place where you can generally talk about anything, even if it's not Vampire Diaries related.

Usually in these forums we keep a list of the active members and we keep track of "wins." You get a "win" if you are the first person to comment on a new page. The first page doesn't count.

So introduce yourself if you'd like to be a part of the forum!

★ Emma - link (29)
★ Kaidi - link (26)
★ Jovana - link (55)
★ Olesya - link (6)
★ Adri - link (34)
★ Tawny - link (1)
★ Alana - link (26)
★ Carrie - link (42)
★ Udu - link (5)
★ Jenn - link (17)
★ Shandi - link (8)
★ Nat - link (20)
★ Celine - link (10)
★ Charlotte - link (1)
★ Blasilvi - link (1)
★ Darya - link (11)
★ Beverly - link (7)
★ Dalma - link
★ Elena - link (1)
★ Leia - link (6)
★ Alyson - link (5)
★ Maryam - link
★ Fatemeh - link

Last Win Count: page 317

Carriebear's all over this thing!



I'm new to this spot, but I'd love to start a forum for us Stelena shippers. A place where you can ge
last edited on Feb 15, 2011 at 03:39PM

Stefan & Elena 9441 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 9441

over a year ago swimchick said…
I'll start!

I'm Emma. I've read the first book of TVD, so I don't know what happens beyond that. But I love the show and I love Stelena, Damon&Bonnie and Matt&Caroline.

I'm also a part of the discussion forums on the Brucas and Puckleberry pages :D
over a year ago Kaidi said…
Great idea, Emma! ;)

I'm Kaidi :)

I've read the first 2 books, but now I also have the 3rd and 4th.
I've watched the show since the very beginning and also in love with the ever since :D

You can also find me on Puckelberry and Jaters forum :)
If you're lucky, then even on Mifits and Supernatural forums ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
Hi,I'm Jovana...=)))))

I read 4 books and now i'm on the fifth one...The show is so awesome and addictive,and I love Stelena so much...I'm so glad somebody started this,I really feel like Stelena fans are not active at all,and that's a shame,cos they are amazing...xD
over a year ago OLE said…
I'm Olesya.
I've read first 5 books, and I'm going to read SS now.
I've started to watch the show because of the books. And now Stelena's my OTP and TVD's my fav tv show :)
I also like Matt/Caroline and Damon/Bonnie :)
over a year ago Kaidi said…
I also like Matt/Caroline and Damon/Bonnie :)
Me too! :D
over a year ago swimchick said…
^I love them as well!
over a year ago Kaidi said…
I know I have already complained about it everywhere, but this is the perfect spot to say everything again.

I was the 3rd top contributor on this spot I think 2 days ago, and now I have suddenly been kicked out. This is not normal! :S
Plus it was supposed to be my next die-hard after 2 spots, but now it's one the bottom of my dedicated list =/
over a year ago swimchick said…
I used to be shown above you on the PR page and I didn't even have a medal there yet, and now it's saying there are two spots ahead of that one for a medal. It's all really strange. I'm thinking maybe they're working out some kinks? Has anyone gotten a new medal since the system changed?
over a year ago Kaidi said…
Actually some people have.
over a year ago swimchick said…
I wasn't sure. I haven't I know that for sure.

So maybe your profile hasn't updated yet to the new system? Changes on FP seem to take forever :(
over a year ago OLE said…
Me too! :D
Actually, I prefer Damon with anyone exсept Elena in tv show (I know, I'm a terrible Donnie fan), but I really like Damon/Bonnie's book's relationship :)

My first thought was that you're not Stelena's fan any more... Sorry :) And I don't know what to think now.
But it's all really strange.
over a year ago Kaidi said…
My first thought was that you're not Stelena's fan any more... Sorry :)
I would never quit Stelena spot :)

Actually, I prefer Damon with anyone exсept Elena in tv show
Haha, again, me too :D
I know that they will get together at some point, and I'm fine with that, but Stelena must be the endgame! ;)
over a year ago swimchick said…
Stelena MUST end up together. Actually I didn't want to read any of the books beyond Awakening and Struggle because I was afraid she wouldn't end up with Stefan. But don't spoil it, because I don't know what happens and I don't want to know!
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
I agree with everything you said about Stelena...They are perfect,solemates...I can't understand the whole Delena obsession and I get upset when ppl call Stelena stupid and boring...:S
over a year ago swimchick said…
I mean for me it's really similar to the debate between Jate and Skate. People often say that Skate are sexier and have better chemistry and I agree that they do have something. But for me I just think Jate makes much more sense and is more lovable as a couple. Damon doesn't even LIKE Elena. I do want them to be friends though.
over a year ago Kaidi said…
You guys are reading my mind :D
over a year ago OLE said…
I know that they will get together at some point
Nooooo! I don't want to hear this!

Awakening and Struggle
My two favorite books :)

This's the worst thing that Delena's fans said about Stelena!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimchick said…
I hope more people join this forum. I think it could be really great. Just no outright bashing of Delena supporters, especially specific ones. We don't want this to turn into a hatefest. There's no need for that ya know?
over a year ago swimchick said…
Love this fanvid!
over a year ago swimchick said…
Anybody there??????????? More people need to join this forum! Where's all the Stelena love???
over a year ago Kaidi said…
I'm here too :D
over a year ago swimchick said…
Haha I'm the queen of multiple FG convos at once. I'm usually on PR and Brucas at the same time!
over a year ago Kaidi said…
I'm usually on PR and Jaters, and now here.
Sometimes I even have a conversation in Twitter at the same time, like I had yesterday xD
over a year ago swimchick said…
This is me:

Glee: 2 games (I'm responsible for) and 3 others that I play in
PR: FGs, FOTW and Multishippers
Brucas: FGs
OTH: Icon contest
Gilmore Girls: Character countdown, icon contest, and 1 other game
Rory and Jess: Icon contest
Stelena: FGs

Lately I've been all over the place. But when Glee comes back I'm putting Dream Cover on hiatus.
over a year ago Kaidi said…
How can you keep up with all this?
You have my respect! ;)
over a year ago Kaidi said…
And very first Stelena WIN! :D
over a year ago swimchick said…
I was wondering if you were going to take it! Congrats girl :D
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
big smile
Okay,so are there really only 4 fans that are active here? :S

Oh and Kaidi,I saw that you put screencaps here,so I was wondering which program do you use?.I mean if that's not a problem....xD
over a year ago OLE said…
Kaidi, congrats! :D

so are there really only 4 fans that are active here? :S
For now... I hope so :)
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
I'm sure more people will join eventually. That's how it happens on most FG forums. I'm surprised though I thought around 1/2 of TVD fans were Stelena shippers!
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
Hi guys!!! Im Adriana but everyone calls me Adri =]
Im a Stelena fan all the way and i also like Bonnie and Damon and Caroline and Matt!!!
I just read the first book and i have to say that i love it =]
Have a great day!!!
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
Yay Adriana!!! I'm glad you're here :D I love Gleeks all over my other fave spots! I'll add you to the fanlist!
over a year ago swimchick said…
Hope putting "Adri" up there works for ya ;)
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
big smile
Yay, I love to see Gleeks in other spots too!!! that means we have similar tastes =] Thank you Emma!!! and putting adri totally works ;)
over a year ago Luv_Rob_4ever said…
Ummm.... Im Tawny

I have read all the books and love Stelena! I also like every thing you guys said that was postive toward stelena! Hope i did this right!
over a year ago edwardsgirlxx said…
okay, i'm not sure exactly what i have to write, but here goes :)
i'm Alana :)
Massive Stelena, fan i think they are utterly gorgeous//perfect & are maaade for eachother :D
i read the first four books quite a few years back, and have re-read them since the show's started :)
In terms of other shippings for the shoow, well, at the moment (the ones involving less major characters do change sometimes) are:
Damon/Bonnie (i'm new to this ship, i've just been convinced they'd be cute together, and since how i dont want Damon with Elena...)
i also like:
Alaric/Jenna :)

Hope thats okay, :D
over a year ago swimchick said…
Welcome girls! I'm going to school now, but I'll see you all later :D
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
Awesome,welcome girls!!! =D
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
Anyone around? It's so hard waiting for more TVD episodes!!! I'm actually really hoping Damon will get closer to finding Katherine. I'm super curious for us to see her in modern times!
over a year ago swimchick said…
Okay I'm back again just to voice one complaint. On TVD show spot I am getting SO tired of everyone saying Delena is meant to be and that he loves her and that he doesn't fall in love easily and blah blah blah blah blah. WTF? On the show he DOESN'T EVEN LIKE HER YET. Seriously, when people are like "he can't be with Bonnie, he only has room in his heart for Elena" I'm like, no. You mean KATHERINE. ARRRrrgggh. I don't want to bash Delena or their fans because I hate to be like that, but seriously. People are really in denial. I can't believe how badly they want that relationship to happen when they've barely even developed their friendship. Geez.
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Emma you're totally right!!! I cant believe they say Elena and Damon belong together because she didnt like him yet!!! and Damon the only think he do is think about Katherine and how to find her, hes not thinking at all about Elena.

Elena and Stefan belong together! they relationship is more deeper and because they are EPIC =]
And Damon and Bonnie belongs together!

And welcome to the new girls!!!!!!!!!! =]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago edwardsgirlxx said…
OMG, i couldn't agree more!
I'm so SICK of all the Delena stuff :(
i was watching the episode with my friend and even SHE started saying.. hmm I wonder what Damon and Elena would be like together, and i was like ARE YOU SERIOUS, hellloo, Stelena anyone? D:

&&, i also REALLY wanna know some more about Katherine, i mean i know she fits in SOMEWHERE with Isobel//Elena.. then of course Damon//Stefan and also Pearl//Anna.. but WHERE??
we really need to know mooooree :DD
and i can't waiit! :D

&btw, thanks for the welcomes :D

over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
OMG!!! I agree,they are totally in denial...They had one hung,and now they are meant to be,it is ridiculous...And all that he cares about her,he LOVES her is just stupid lol...He loves the idea od Elena looking like Katherine,that is it and they see something that isn't there...
I don't go to the TVD spots so often any more because I am so sick about all Delena stuff,and Stelena hate...
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
Anyone here?

Today I was thinking of leaving TVD spot because of all the Delena stuff, but whatever. It's fine, we're all going to like different things and many of the DE fans aren't obnoxious, they're really nice. So disagreeing is fine, but when people try to start fights and be mean it pisses me off!

over a year ago swimchick said…
[Also, just a side note...If people want to stay active in this forum, you should add it to your updates so you know when people respond. Ya know, in case you hadn't already] ;D
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
I'm here...xD

OMG!! I can't wait to met Katherine...She is going to kick some ass lol...That's going to be interesting.
Do you know maybe,in which season she will appear? I was thinking maybe the end of the first,you know that last moment of a season...And then we'll have to wait for few months to see what happens,but I don't know,it's just a guess...xD

So anyway I wanted to ask,is Stelena your OTP? =D
over a year ago ajhalecullen said…
Good that you dont leave the TVD spot !!!

I want to meet Katherine too, its gonna be awesome and i cant wait to see how the Delena fans will react, i think half of the fans will be okay with it and the other half will be like WTF?! Delena forever and also how Stefan will react.

No Stelena is not my OTP but they are my number 2, I love them!!!!!!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimchick said…
They're my number 1 for TVD. It's too soon to decide where they fall in my list of favorite couples. Right now though they are definitely high on my list. Sorry I was gone a minute, just uploading some wallpapers to this spot :D
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
lol,they are probably going to imagine something and say " he cares about elena blah blah blah" like always...

Yeah,they are my second favorite couple,I mean Brucas always comes first,but Stelena is so adorable and meant to be..xD
over a year ago swimchick said…
big smile
I agree that Katherine showing up at the last minute would be a great cliffhanger!