South Park Do you like...

CraigTuckerFan posted on Oct 16, 2009 at 02:38PM
The cute, adorable, cynical, gloomy, loveable, UHMAZIN....

I totally do <3

South Park 11 replies

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over a year ago animepark15 said…
NO WAY!!!!!!!! EW!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago CraigTuckerFan said…
u don't =(
ur meaaannn
he's adorable
he's the best character on that show!
but thus
i respect your opinion =/
over a year ago South-Park-Babe said…
big smile
Yes! He's awesome! I love his constant negativity in the Pandemic episodes. He's so lovable with that middle finger of his! C:

But you can have him. I love Kyle! C=
over a year ago CraigTuckerFan said…
XD yay someone agrees
good cuz he's all mine! other fangirls BACK OFF *jumps on Craig*
I like a Kyle
but not the one from SP...
I like the Kyle from Fanboy and Chum Chum XDDDD
over a year ago happytrailstou5 said…
Yea but i like Jimmy way better
Yea but i like Jimmy way better
over a year ago SP_Tweek_Tweak said…
I DOES But I prefer Tweek.. but my sexeh Tweek can totally match with your Awesome Craig =3!!! Hey Are you into RPing??? Maybe you could play Craig in the RP I'm hosting =3! (Or anyone else that is available ^^!) link
over a year ago -Alohomora- said…
Craig is awesome! He's one of my favourites along with Kyle, Clyde, and of course - Ze Mole. :3
over a year ago aznEikoSP said…
Craig is awesome! He's the reason why I stick the middle finger all the time ^^
over a year ago Stanroxsox said…
Craig's cool but I like Clyde more. ;)
over a year ago Bramblestar said…
Craig is awesome I love how sarcastic he is
over a year ago kittymeow247 said…
yeah hes soooo cute i luv him !!