Sonic the Hedgehog A knight's way by shadey_grey

misshedgehog posted on Jan 27, 2013 at 05:36PM
A knight's way is by my friend rp its really fun my friend made it enjoy

Sonic the Hedgehog 4231 replies

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Showing Replies 301-350 of 4231

over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: I don't know... for now I teleport to places I don't know.
Shadz: I see... because of a different place I think.
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Denis: .....
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: Hm... could be. *starts walking around*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: can i see the lake
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadz: Sigh... can you stop... I'm staring to get dizzy...
Shadey: I guess moving with me counts too huh. *stops and sits down*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot; huh? Sure
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: cool lead the way
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: *heads to the lake*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie follow him
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadz: *appears* Yeah... *muzzle is a little white*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
*they get there*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: You feel ok?
Shadz; Yeah... *whiteness goes down*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: pretty
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: Sigh... I wish for things...
Shadz: Like what?
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: ....
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie smiles
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: *blushes a bit*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadz: Like what?
Shadey: To go home...
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie look at him
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: Hm... *lays back, closes eyes*
Shadz: Alright... you can sleep. *disappears*
Shadey: *falls asleep*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: um... *rubs the back of his neck*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(AHHH!!!! Fanpop is trying to sell me crush soda now!! Last week it was KFC!!!!)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(For months it was telling me about a girl problem... *shudders*)
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(Ugh... hate that... why do ads live? My screen is orange.)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(really i just got the crush soda ad)
carrie blushes
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(you too?! What is this world coming to?!?!)
Shadey: *sleeping*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: *still kind of blushing*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadz: *thinking: Why am I with her?*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Denis: *walks past them*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie looks away and think is he going to kiss me
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: *thinking: should I kiss her?*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: *sleeping... still* Zzz... Zzz...
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie thinking will it muss up time if i kiss him
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(He went to bed...)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shadey: *still sleeping... I get bored so I repeat things*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Lancelot: *tries to muster up the courage*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(What's up Lancelot?)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(Nothing really)
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(Reading edge... read "Hope was here")
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(Ah. The only book I'm reading is "The Ascension")
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(Stupid Crush ads...)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(Another girl problem ad for me. *shudders*)
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(Just wait... it will hit so... if not already... like me and it hurts tbe a girl)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(I think I figured that out by these ads...)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie thinking wait i read in a book the lancelot have a son
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(Um... yeah... life sucks. But... my friends... guess who they are)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(I've got no clue.)
Lancelot: .....