Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic and the Black Knight Rp

Lancelot8 posted on Jan 06, 2013 at 01:32AM
Obviously I'm into Medieval times. So, you can be any character from Sonic and the Black Knight, as long as the character is not taken. Here are each characters names in Medieval times. Well, at least ones that Silver_1 and I came up with.

You may also use our Fcs that are on there if you wish. Even your own.
last edited on Jan 06, 2013 at 02:58AM

Sonic the Hedgehog 2912 replies

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Showing Replies 1801-1850 of 2912

over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: give me back my kids
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: ..
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie crys
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Voice: You studies...
Shalott: But I have not perfected them.
Voice: So? Would you want to miss your kids?
Shalott: Oh. Hm... *looks down, tears fall* No... because I did... ok. I'll try.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie crys: why you toke our kids shalott why?
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: I don't think Shalott took them Carrie.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: them who did
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: I lost my kids years ago... I wont let that happen to you.
Voice: You have studied magic.
Shalott: Very little though. *sits down and focuses*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: I don't know...
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie crys and thinking there gone forever
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: Hm... *eyes open* Follow... *stands and walks over to a table* Here... *picks up luna and ewine*
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad; Carrie, looked.
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(sorry if I spell names wrong)
Shalott: Just like me and my son... (Aake if you know) always going off somewhere.
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Ewaine: *reaches out for his parents*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: Well here... *hands the kids to Galahad*
Voice: Now leave!
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: *takes them*
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: Lets go...
Voice: Not you... the rest of you leave!
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: ?
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Voice: Go! Shalott... stay here.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: my babies
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
luna coos
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: I think you should go... met Balin by the lake for me. *walks into the darkness*d
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: lets go.
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: Yes?
Balin: *at lake*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: but i wanna know were the other knights are
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: the other knights...
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Voice: Shalott will tell you when she returns... *voice disappears and there no sounds*
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: were are they galahad and were the king
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(i got a ideal for who can be carrie the the king)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(Wait, what?)
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Balin: Hm... where is Shalott?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(its just a ideal that king Arthur should be carrie dad)
carrie: were are they galahad and were the king
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
(voice is gone...)
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
(That actually makes sense)
Galahad: I don't know... If the knights are gone, then fathers missing too.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: lets go back to my mom maybe she knows
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Balin: Shalott... where are you?
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: alright.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie go to her mom and said mom
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Balin: Hello.
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Nimune: yes Carrie?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: there gone the king and the knights are missing
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Nimune: really? They're missing?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: yes right galahad
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: Is that so?
Voice: Yes... I lived here...
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: yup.
Nimune: Hm... Do you think they went off to war?
Galahad: if they did father would've wanted me to come with.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: maybe they did but your father didnt want you to come cuz he want you to stay with me and the twins
over a year ago Shadey_Grey said…
Shalott: What happened here? Why do you need me?
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Galahad: maybe.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: what do you think
over a year ago Lancelot8 said…
Nimune: Hm...