Sonic Rush Updates

a video was added: Sonic Rush - Last Story Cutscenes over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a video was added: Sonic Rush - Blaze Story Cutscenes over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a video was added: Sonic Rush - Sonic Story Cutscenes over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
fan art was added: Coastal Friendship Cluster over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you prefer to use in the Sonic Rush games? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a photo was added: Sonic Rush Adventure over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
an article was added: Sonic Colors: Sequel to Sonic Rush Adventure? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a poll was added: Do you consider Sonic Colors (DS) to be a sequel to Sonic Rush Adventure. over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
an answer was added to this question: Should they make more Sonic Rush games? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a comment was made to the poll: What order do you like out of Sonic, Blaze, Eggman, and Nega? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a pop quiz question was added: The Sonic Rush games were developed by Sonic Team with the help of what company? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Sonic and Blaze should hook up? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a comment was made to the poll: Which Sonic Rush game do you like better? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think Blaze needs to be looser? over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
a comment was made to the photo: Silvaze ftw over a year ago by Uncle-Chairman
an answer was added to this question: Should they make more Sonic Rush games? over a year ago by LlawlietVemo
a question was added: Should they make more Sonic Rush games? over a year ago by sMCCarthyTV
a poll was added: Do you think Sonic and Blaze should hook up? over a year ago by Sonicgurl5
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you like better? over a year ago by silverstream101
a poll was added: Who do you like better? over a year ago by KyleightheCat
a poll was added: What order do you like out of Sonic, Blaze, Eggman, and Nega? over a year ago by Dawnmist
a comment was made to the poll: who's better over a year ago by Dawnmist
a comment was made to the poll: do u think marine should lissten to sonic blaze and tails over a year ago by Dawnmist
an icon was added: sonic over a year ago by blaze54
a poll was added: who's better over a year ago by blaze54
a poll was added: do u think marine should lissten to sonic blaze and tails over a year ago by stockton11