Skins Help!!! Survey: Do u think Skins is the real life?

cherry1300nyan posted on Apr 09, 2010 at 11:22PM
Hi, everyone. Here is Cherry.
I'm an international student in UK, and now i'm doing a small research project about media effects. As I'm a big fan of Skins, I choose this drama as my research subject.
Now I have to finish a simply questionnaire about the drama within several days, in order to get enough data, I really really need all of your help!!!
Followings are the questions, if you are interested in this survey and could reply for it, it would be amazingly great!!!

(This questionnaire will mainly focus on S01 and S02, as they used the recurrent characters.)

1.You are:
A. High school student; B. University student; C. At work; D. None of above

2.Your favourite character in Skins(S01&S02) is:
Anwar /Cassie /Chris /Maxxie /Michelle /Sid /Tony /Jal /Sketch or others

3.What makes you like him or her? (or What you like the most inside this character?)

4.Did you cry for a certain scene?
If YES, do you remember what it is?
If NO, what is the most impressive scene or quote for you?

5.To what extent, do you think the teenage life presented in Skins can find itself in the real life?
A. It is totally the reflection of the real teenage life.
B. Most of the narrations are similar to the real teenage life.
C. Only several scenes come from the real teenage life nowadays.
D. It is completely a fictional world.

6.Have you ever found a certain scene similar to your own experience? (or Have you ever feel a certain scene finds an echo in your heart? )

7.What makes you fancy Skins so much? (or What makes you a fan of it? )

Hope everyone could help!!! Great appreciate for your patience!!!

Skins 6 replies

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over a year ago mdigs73 said…
1. High school student
2. Sid
3. His wit and humor
4. Yes, when Maxxie finds Tony outside his house and Tony can't remember where he lives, idk why but it made me cry.
5. B.
6. Yes, more so in s3 and s4 but a few in s1 and s2 as well
7. The reality of it and how it portrays teenage life better than other shows. Also how they include real life issues with drugs, sex, parties, friends and relationships. i can relate to skins characters alot.

Hope this is helpful with your research :) good luck
over a year ago Skinsislife said…
1. At work
2. Cassie
3. Her out there personality, catchy remarks, the struggles she deals with in her storylines (annorexia, Sid, oblivious parents etc).
4. Never cried from a scene. Most impressive scene was probably when Sid calls out Cassie on not being there for him when his Dad died, and it's all very emotional until they start getting it on and Chris walks in - classic Skins :)
5. B
6. Not many that I can recall in series 1 and 2, it's not very fresh in my mind. But the storylines are a lot more close to real life experiences so a lot of it relates to my own experiences (except taking heavy drugs).
7. I think what most people (including myself) watch Skins for is it's close to real life portrayl of teenage life. It's unlike all the glitzy overdone American shows these days. The actors are the actual age they're playing, not 25 year olds playing 17 year olds. For the most part they look like your average person. The storylines are a lot closer to real life troubles of teenagers and the writers go to places and show content no other shows would dare attempt. They actually include drinking, sex and drugs, which are parts of teenage life hardly shown to the same extent on other shows. Overall it's just the best teen drama ever created (in my opinion of course).

Hope this helps! Good luck
over a year ago underthestarsx said…
1. High school student.
2. Ack that's hard I have a few favourites...but Cassie.
3. Everything. I love how she's so carefree and how many people can relate to her disorder. She's heartbroken, she wants to be loved, and she's just plain lovely.
4. Yes, I cried in multiple scenes. But the ones that stood out to me the most is when Chris almost died in the hospital, and when Tony and Sid said their final goodbyes.
5. B.
6. Not really a particular scene...but the way the characters feel whether it's living it up, being broken, feeling like no one really understands you and that you are alone in the world or just feeling like you are a fuck up. Atleast that's what I feel.
7. I fell in love with Skins the minute I first watched it. It's real, rare, and raw. I think so many teenagers can relate to it in one way or another. When I watch it, as corny as it sounds, it makes me feel like I'm not I'm not the only one who feels like a fuck up, or someone who feels broken. I also love that you get deeper into the characters, and that you can relate to them all in one way or another. Yes, there is drugs, sex and rock and roll, but really?...isn't that what you see everywhere? They are not promoting it, they are just showing you what a lot of teenagers do...which is reality. Skins is daring and it's not afraid to take risks like some other shows...and I respect them for that. Skins is both fun, hilarious, but aswell deep and can be dark. Honestly, without Skins I would feel like my life is incomplete.
over a year ago cherry1300nyan said…
Thanks for you all!!!!!!! I really appreciate all the replies! All of them are undoubtedly helpful
over a year ago AnnaK said…

A. B-University student

2.Your favourite character in Skins(S01&S02) is:
freddie, effy and katie (can't decide)

3.What makes you like him or her? (or What you like the most inside this character?)
-how he cares about effy and tries to help her with her disease
-his family background
-his love for cook and jj.

interesting for me because i know someone with a mental disease

4.Did you cry for a certain scene?
If YES, do you remember what it is?

freddies death- still cannot cope with was unneccessary and brutal. plus i can only imagine what it will do to effy.

5.To what extent, do you think the teenage life presented in Skins can find itself in the real life?

B. Most of the narrations are similar to the real teenage life.
B- I'm a university student but i know a lot of younger people who drink,smoke and are teenage mums. and who do drugs. so yeah to some extend its quite real. but just "quite" coz i know a lot more teens who are responsible

6.Have you ever found a certain scene similar to your own experience? (or Have you ever feel a certain scene finds an echo in your heart? )
Yes- effys mental disease in general. but just because i know someone like her who was to fucked up for words. she did a lot of strange things but didn't really think about it and i think it was due to her illness

7.What makes you fancy Skins so much? (or What makes you a fan of it? )

don't know what it was. probably the freddie character and his storyline with his mum being dad and him struggling to get together with a messed up girl.

hope its not too late for the answers
over a year ago Eff_xx said…
1. High school student.
2. Michelle but i like more Effy from 3,4 season.
3. BEc. Effy is cool, at first look she's selfish bitch but in fact her heart is full of love and she can't stand it ..i like her)
4. I didnt cried but i was very sad and confysed when freddie died, when Effy tried to suicide and when Freddie was crying when she was in hospital.
5. B (actually i wasn't in England but i think it is. But in Ukraine or Russia teenage life isn't like this. Onle a few scenes.
6. Yeah.. oly in s3 and s4
7. Firstly i watched s3 and s4. I liked it very much...Love traingular between Effy Cook and was amazing. like in real life...