Shugo Chara season 4 PETITION!!!

dna5 posted on Jul 06, 2010 at 08:24PM
do you want a season 4 of shugo chara if you do then sign the petition some people are sending it in!!!


Shugo Chara 46 replies

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over a year ago ana_tai_tadase said…
big smile
I already sign! we all want a 4 season! more more more! <3
I already sign! we all want a 4 season! more more more! <3
over a year ago dna5 said…
the season 3 ending was blah anyway >.<
over a year ago Rainbow24 said…
How many seasons does it have? I just started watching it cause my sister said it was pretty good.
over a year ago dna5 said…
big smile
only 3 season 1 and 2 were good but the last was really bad thats why we are trying to get a season 4
over a year ago XDia said…
Ahh I would love a season 4! *A* But I'm just hoping that it's more good than the season 3. >w< I didn't like season 3 so much as the others it lacked something.
over a year ago miofromk-on said…
i signed it and i can't wait
over a year ago shugolover1477 said…
im just waiting for the day season 4 come , i though shugo chara party was not the best of all the seasons only because the actual show was lke for 10 minutes or less, but season 4 should be better.
over a year ago fun123fun said…
over a year ago Yurie-Chan said…
If there's going to be a season 4,IT HAS TO FOLLOW THE MANGA!
over a year ago AmuChanLuv said…
I really Wanna watch Season 4!!!!~im waiting ><
I really Wanna watch Season 4!!!!~im waiting ><
over a year ago AmuChanLuv said…
I really hate season 3 because all i hate to do is sleep when the four cosplayers came out.......
over a year ago Sugar-N-Spice said…
Shugo Chara Party scared me off from asking for another season.
over a year ago anime_loveshugo said…
dokki dokki desu!! i just have to wait for the next season!!!4
i hope that could happen soon .i saw a part of manga but i dont like it well..blahh
over a year ago anime-lover211 said…
i would love a next season if it waznt as bad as season 3. and if they changed it to AMUTO. yayaya
over a year ago amuchifangirl said…
I loved every season that why I want there to be more. I want to see them continue the story of Ikuto, Amu, Tadase, Nagehiko/nadesuko, and kukai. As well as having some side stories about Yaya, Rikka and Hikaru at Seiyo. I absolutely love every moment watching. It brought warm feelings of happiness and laughter into my life. I really enjoyed this anime and want to see it continue.
over a year ago Ikuyomi_T said…
over a year ago TwiChara said…
I hated season 3... F---ing Tadagay... Amuto!
over a year ago SSMoonSS said…
How many signs will need, that there is enough names? I just cant wait to see Shugo Chara season 4 :DDD
over a year ago girlybella said…

As long as they don't do more cosplay crap distracting from the story line. You know what they should do? Make Amu and Ikuto have a talk show. I'd like to see that...

Ikuto: My mood changes with my tail.

Amu: You said that already!

Ikuto: Oh look we're on...

Amu: Hello, and today Tadese-kun (however you spell his name) will guest star. Isn't he sparkley!

Ikuto: Why do you like the little prince?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katzneko said…
I really want SEASON 4!!
over a year ago orcalover10 said…
I would LOVE for there to be a season 4 for shugo chara!!
Maybe even have more Amuto scenes (sorry to the Tadamu fans but I like Ikuto more) and maybe even have it end with the destined to be couples!
over a year ago kewpybee said…
you know what?! shugo chara party(season 3) is soooo LAME!
damn those cosplayers the aren't even the least bit of cute..and another thing it should be ikuto and amu..~______________~..i just wish there will be a season 4!!! >___________<..
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago katzneko said…
I agree with you, kewpybee. shugo chara party is not very great.
Well a little. And I really hope there gonna be a season 4..
over a year ago love_amu said…
i finally sign on shugo chara petition i wish that it would be a success i real love shugo chara im so exited
i finally sign on shugo chara petition i wish that it would be a success i real love shugo chara im s
over a year ago Kirakirayay said…
We still wanted season 4!
We still wanted season 4!
over a year ago mcrkilljoygirl said…
I want season 4!!!
over a year ago A123321123456 said…
i lov season 1 and 2 but 3 was blah

we want season 4
over a year ago katzneko said…
big smile
I have sign in already! And Cant wait to hear if they gonna make the 4th season!
over a year ago shadamyluvluv said…
*sigh* what kind of question is this? HELL TO THE YEAH WE WANT SEASON 4!!!! ARE YOU FLIPPIN KIDDING ME!?! WHEN I GROW UP, IM GONNA EARN ALOT OF MONEY, GIVE TO THE JAPANESE CREATORS OF SHUGO CHARA, AND WHOOOO ( O_O omg caps...) :DDDD I <3 shugo chara!!! I'm signing!!! BEST.ANIME.EVER!!!! also at least shugo party had SOME anime in it.... I mean you can always skip the anime, so I don't see why people are complaining. Yeah I don't like them either... but just skip it if you don't like it!! okay if I hadn't made this clear then: WE WANT SHUGO CHARA SEASON 4!!!!! WE WANT SHUGO CHARA SEASON 4!!! WE WANT SHUGO CHARA SEASON 4!!!!! And also I'l wait my life on season 4 xD
over a year ago BlackNeko1 said…
I cant wait to see if the petition got it or not. :3 I really really hope that there will be a freckin epic season 4 XD
over a year ago shugocharasuu said…
I wish there was a season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish there was a season 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago shugocharasuu said…
I guess season 1&2 are better than 3 but I still sort of like party.
over a year ago shugocharasuu said…
(3rd season)is party!.
over a year ago Amu-chii44 said…
En France aussi ont est fan de Shugo Chara!!Ce mangas est le seul à m'avoir autant amusée alors moi aussi je signe pour une 4ème saison!!(Au nom de nombreux fan français!!)>x<.
=>I want a season 4!!<=
over a year ago preetylone said…
I also want s4!!
over a year ago AnimrFanGirl18 said…
I really want season 4 cuz they ended it on a huge cliffy here are my reasons why they sould continue
1. What about Hikarus egg!!!!
2. Will Amu end up with Ikuto or stay with Tadase
3. What will happen to the guardians will there be a new Jacks chair (Guessing Hikaru will be the Kings Chair)
4. Will Nagi tell Amu he's Nadeshko
5. How will Ikuto and Utau's life go on. (Like their jobs stuff like that
6. How will it turn out for the graduating Guardians
(Will they go to the same school? Where there be a new Guardians?)

I could go one forever and these are just SOME
over a year ago Ikutoamutadase said…
EEEEEEEEK! i WANT ONE NOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!! ;; -cries- :c im so bored PLEASE MAKE ONE~!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago AmuXIkuto1 said…

I agree, they should let the characters do the intro instead of the charas.

Yaya: Hi everyone and welcome to Shugo Chara Season 4!! Were all super doki doki excited for it!

Amu: *sweatdrop*

Tadase: *sweatdrop*

Nagi: Sweatdrop*

Rima: *sweatdrop*

Ikuto: I see my little kitten is here looking pretty nice today, isn't she.

Amu: I-Ikuto! Were on the air! *blushes* You perverted cat!

Tadase: Tsukiyomi Ikuto!

Rima&Nagi: Well, while they are fighting back there, lets start the new season of Shugo Chara! Episode 1; Middle School? The truth about Nadeshiko?!?

Rima: *sly look towards Nagi* So you're finally gonna tell her, huh.

Amu: Tell me what?

Ikuto: *bites Amu's ear*

Amu: IKUTO!!


Yaya: Rima and Nagi harmonized! Well, anyway, while the cast get's all lovey-dovey, let's go to the new theme song! Yay!

Rest Of Cast (except Ikuto) : We're not lovey-dovey!

Yaya: Giggles*

(theme song)
over a year ago AmuXIkuto1 said…
( my guess up there. They DID NOT MAKE THE FIRST EPISODE YET!!) ^^
over a year ago hannah1124 said…
big smile
I really hope season 4 comes out because they never found the embryo!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago vklover said…
There should so be a season 4 sooooo waiting i started the series last month and i have finished all of rhe episodes that are already on the internet I cANTWAIT
over a year ago LucyGolden123 said…
when will season 4 come out? i wan to see Season 4!!!!!!!
over a year ago LucyGolden123 said…
Umm how do i write? can anyone tell me how to do it? thx :)
over a year ago princess989898 said…
I want season 4 I want to know who Amu ends up to and not in manga I want in anime please make season 4
over a year ago karen23471 said…
i love shugo chara its one of my favorite THERE SHOULD BE MORE
over a year ago lovegrace24 said…
SEASON 4!!!! SEASON 4!!!! SEASON 4!!!! xD