Sherlock on BBC One Sherlock Vs Elementary

MsMarchHare posted on May 18, 2012 at 04:54AM
Elementary CBS. Are you going to watch it? I'm not and here are 3 good reasons why.

Elementary will be ANOTHER CBS turd with the SAME THEME.


CBS made a pilot movie The Return of Sherlock Holmes in 1987 featuring a thawed out Holmes with JANE Watson. BOMB! They came back the well in 1994 with Sherlock Holmes Returns, with nearly the same premise of a cryogenically frozen Holmes and Dr Amy WINSLOW (Watson). CRASH & BURN! So why come back to the well for a third time with the lady Watson, stateside Holmes, crime show premise in 2012? Simple. Laziness. BBC Sherlock's wild popularity and the (inexplicable) popularity of the Downey Jr. Holmes made CBS want a piece of the action, so first they approached the BBC with the idea of doing a US version of Sherlock which the Beeb shot down. So they dust off their EXCITING Holmes concept from decades and 2 attempts before and promise us and the BBC that they will make their own, all new, totally ORIGINAL concept of The Great Detective. Don't bank on it lasting more then 3 episodes.



Sherlock on BBC One 1 reply

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over a year ago ColIndyJones said…


Greetings from Canada!! I hope this finds you and yours well.

My name is Indy, and I'm sorry that everyone is ignoring you. Benedict said it best: "There's room for everybody." Man, why didn't they sign this guy up for the diplomatic corps?

They've copied everything that makes Cumberbatch's Sherlock Sherlock--everything from the dark curly hair all the way down to the great coat and scarf. This show has been a sore topic with me every since I first heard tell of it. I've always said it's a slap in the face to the likes of Benedict, Martin and the rest of the cast and crew of OUR show and the hard hard work they do to make that show work.

For openers, they don't all that much about the detective named Holmes. If you've ever read any of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle books, you'll notice that not once has Sherlock ever said, "Elementary" or "Elementary, my dear Watson." That's sheer stupidity.

Secondly, I feel that the back story for Freeman's Watson holds up a far sight better than the one for the American Watson. Dr. John Hamish Watson was never a disgraced surgeon who had his licence taken from him. There is also the fact that Sir Arthur has written John Watson as a MAN, not a woman, given the fact that all his Holmes stories were set in the Victorian Era--not a great time for women back then.

It also been suggested to me that the only reason for the existence of this travesty is that Johnny Lee Miller (the American Sherlock) is in this this thing is because he and Benedict were both in the West End production of Frankenstein, with each actor trading off between Victor Frankenstein and the Creature.

Let's face, March Hare, the last good idea CBS had was updating Hawaii Five-0 which, I hope, goes into a third season and wipes out this mess.

I'm telling ya, it's a sorry state of affairs in television when CBS and other TV networks have to steal ideas and not come up with something of their own.

Besides, we KNOW who the "real" Sherlock and Watson are!

Sincerely yours always,
