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Shadow The Hedgehog Question

What Would You Do If People Stop Making Nasty Questions About Shadow?

I'm Tired Of All The Nasty Questions About Shadow.
Are You?
im not mad about it im just cosred about em
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
 tailslover9 posted over a year ago
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Shadow The Hedgehog  best answer

segafan said:
I'd be happy. It's sick that someone could even think of things like that.
Shadow should be repsected, but fangirls just make him a sex toy.
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posted over a year ago 
Best answer so far.....I agree 100%. Shadow is too epic to be treated like this.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
soo r you mad happi or inbetween im inbetween
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
REALLY happy.(I picked yours as a best answer:)
noh posted over a year ago
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DarisaLOL said:
Darisa:Well YEs!! cause like I don't love shadow
Ami:I don't know.....
Bex:No! cause they fangirls will be proud of meh!
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posted over a year ago 
shadowsgirl252 posted over a year ago
i knoo rite!
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
kitmolly123 said:
Yes,I'm tired of them.It's like if I hear another one,I'll leave this spot.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm actually tempted to leave.....but Shadow's so awesome. lol
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
me too its just to many of them.
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
shadowsgirl252 said:
Well, kinda.
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posted over a year ago 
but some of them i still awncer...
shadowsgirl252 posted over a year ago
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
ShadowFan100 said:
I am REALLY tired of's sick and wrong. If your question involves nasty junk like that, then don't bother posting it. Not everyone cares....
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posted over a year ago 
thank you
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
You're welcome!
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
chan-lee15 said:
i don't know, make nasty rumors about dr. eggman
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posted over a year ago 
ewwww nasty!
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
oh come on, it gross but he's a enemy to sonic and shadow
chan-lee15 posted over a year ago
i dont get it
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
you don't have to
chan-lee15 posted over a year ago
ChaosGirl5 said:
I did make up a question, but it has absolutly NOTHING sexual in it (I'm not that sick of a person.) The only reason i answer these questions is to kill time and usually i don't mean what i say. But i do mean this: STOP MAKING SHADOW YOUR SEX PLAYTHING!!! I'M TIRED OF SEEING COMMENTS LIKE "I'd marry him" or "I'd have sex with him the minute he asked me to do it" OR MABYE WORSE I MEAN REALLY!!!! JUST STOP MAKING HIM LOOK BAD!!!!!GOD!!!! *exhales* sorry but i needed to get that off my chest... -_-"
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posted over a year ago 
i dont blame you im sick those things too!its just sicknig!ya now!
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
your totally rigth you both.Shadow is handled as a sex doll and that is no good
ShadamyLuver posted over a year ago
If people love Shadow,that means they love the person that does the voice of Shadow.(I don't agree with your answer.)
noh posted over a year ago
SkyHedgehog said:
I'd be so happeh o3o
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posted over a year ago 
silvershady said:
Id be so f*cking happy... he's an awesome badass hedgehog NOT a fukkin sex toy >.>

But the worse thing is... even if there is a completely innocent question asked, some really F*cktarded rabid fangirls are there to ruin the day... like...
Fangirl: *goes on computer and sees this question: what would you do if u and shadow spent a day on the ARK together?* OOH! *types* We'd have SHMEXX!
Sane person: *reading answers like innocent ones like we'd go explooring!!! stumbles upon this* O.e

Hence that poor person has to suffer and read this shit and its so gay and retarded -.- Kay... *sighs* i had my say.
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posted over a year ago 
yes i agreed
chan-lee15 posted over a year ago
lol i agree
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
jojococo123 posted over a year ago
AwesomeCakes said:
Those fangirl questions have been getting on my nerves for months now. Characters in video games should NEVER be thought of in that way. Shadow is awesome, but should never be thought of in such a disgusting, creepy manner. Fangirls, please keep the questions to yourself. For the good of Fanpop.
-And that puts the icing on the AwesomeCakes!
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posted over a year ago 
ShadamyLuver said:
Shadow is just a cool guy but he is treated by fangirls on a nasty way.Sex dolls of Shadow and names as'the ultimate sexdoll' and 'Sexow the hedgehog'.Much fangirls have pictures of them sexing with Shadow!But they must just respect Shadow as he is!
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posted over a year ago 
IntrepidKeris said:
I don't care, IMHO.

It's kinda fun to answer Shadow in those questions with "GTFO" sometimes. xD
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posted over a year ago 
well ur nasty you dont see them doing that in games the nereve of sum people!
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
Gosh, don't get your pants in a knot.
IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
Is it harmful to anyone else if I don't care?
IntrepidKeris posted over a year ago
animegrl52p said:
They're getting really annoying. Because of them, i've wanted to leave this spot. (But I couldnt leave, Shadows too awesome!!!)

So yes, I'm tired of them and would be really happy if they just stopped.
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posted over a year ago 
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
shadowlover3000 said:
i fuckin h8 it! hes a badass, tough, as head strong as a bull, hedgehog. if ur gonna ask shitty questions lik that put them in a sex club or make 1 of ur own(ex, sexy shadow, shadows virginity) idc! just dnt put them here!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
mollyhedgie said:
thank the lord
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posted over a year ago 
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
Shadowlover2011 said:
I'D BE BOUNCIN' OFF DA WALLZZZ! I HATE those questions. When some deranged Fangirl answers those kind of questions, ANOTHER deranged Fangirl will get in a pitty, childish fight with her(or him XD) over Shadow. And i'm just like " T_________T". Fangirls, please STOP makin' a HEDGEHOG your SEX TOY! T_T
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posted over a year ago 
best answer
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
Shadowlover2011 posted over a year ago
lili11p said:
Those questions make me sick! I would really like to punch those fangirls in the face if i had to. They are SO getting annoying!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Your getting annoying right now!!!!I would punch you in the face if I have to!
noh posted over a year ago
okay stop!!!
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
noh said:
Super happy.
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Super happy.
posted over a year ago 
lordkittygirl said:
i dont pay mutch attention to those questions. but i would be happy if they stop doing those.. pluse.. Y DID I SEE SONIC AND SHADOW SITING ON THE SIDE OF MY STEPBROTHERS BED WHISPERING TO EACHOTHER IN A CONVERSATION THEN THEY VANASHED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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posted over a year ago 
tailslover9 posted over a year ago
its your imagination....probably
shadowfangirl13 posted over a year ago
audrey34-z said:
They need to be more serious than sending thoses Junk...
Wasting place for nothing,pathetic...
Prefer alert them or report them...
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posted over a year ago 
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