Severus Snape The dreams of Snape fans... magik in over life

LadyAzkaban posted on May 01, 2008 at 08:20AM
If you someday appeared in the dreams VWVappear in the dreams on motive GP, are divided. I know one person (probably, this the going on to professor зелий person, who I ever met), so this человечек culls the inspiration on фики from their own снов. Here is везучая! I personally full-length dream on GP, yes else and with Sneypom, appeared in the dreams once, but but then како-о-ой хэх do not think nothing such But this was so is devastated!.. And so offensively was awake But ежели снов to you such never appeared in the dreams, then are divided by their own presentations, what place you worthy in the world GP (the current, чур, honestly and without glam fanfiction! Little more virtual reality and изобретательности :)))). But in the same way, either as under what circumstance you wanted be crossed with Sneypom?

Severus Snape 1 reply

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over a year ago LadyAzkaban said…
As to me, that, not review on that that dream I for quite a long time appeared in the dreams, I and presently can his(its) reproduce before trivialities. If take any raid out of else pair(vapour)s book (well, such uzh was a dream!), that here is his(its) contents in brief:
With owl I прилетает the invitation (? ) but here is and нетушки! Not to learn, but work in Hogvartse. In as! And not simply work, but teach protection from TS. First, I so and sowed;sown, after all beside me was not nor sticks, and practice withcraft I did not know how. Though stick-that was quickly sewn on, but, most прикол, practice withcraft I before the end VWVappear in the dreams as well as did not know how! But do was an нечего, has flown I in England. Further all as on note: holey caldron, sidelong lane, platform 9 and ?, but there and Hogvarts. Merrily, there was! The Whole does not перескажешь. Somehow managed to lead ZOTS (probably, not better Lokonsa:))), however, Dambldor to I pertained very valid, but I why-that on all was constantly pinned and poked fun at. Sneyp frankly I considered the person mad and screwy (well although not дурой though, who his(its) knows? ) so they with Makgonagall pertained to me more condescending. Once we with he in private talked in teacher's (if this possible name the talk). I carried some nonsense about anatomy (learn in honey), but he with ugly grin listened me and sometimes noded. I on this cause was recalled that with nut it is necessary always to agree. Here is such plausible in my VWVappear in the dreams turned out to be Sneyp.
Pottera and SNAPE in the dreams was not.