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Severus Snape Question

Concerning Severus: What scene are you most looking forward to in part 2? In all the previous 7 movies, what scenes have been your favorite?

I'm not looking forward to his "death" scene (In denial land! Join me?) But I am interested to see how they play it out.
Im really just physced for the whole movie!

My favorite scenes so far are:
Spinner's End
Study Session (In Goblet Of Fire)
Potion's Class (Sorcerer's Stone)
Occlumency (Order of the Pheonix)
Dueling Club (Chamber of Secrets)

Ok really its all Severus Snape related scenes, but still....
 Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
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Severus Snape Answers

BlackHound said:
Just two things.

1) Everything he says
2) Everything he does

That's all.
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posted over a year ago 
Simple, concise and to the point :)
nene72 posted over a year ago
BlackHound posted over a year ago
Agreed. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
best answer...I would have said the same... indeed.
SeverusHBPSnape posted over a year ago
gloriassainteye said:
I am so with you on not wanting to see him die, but curious as to how it will happen. The boathouse set is beautiful, so I'm sure it will be everything I want it to be (you know, if it has to happen).

"Prince's Tale" is what I'm most excited about in part 2 and "Spinners End" is definitely my all-time favorite scene. I also love the "Occlumency" scene from OotP and Severus confronting Sirius in the Shrieking Shack in PoA. If Snape's on camera, I'm a happy girl!
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posted over a year ago 
yeah definately the princes tale
stevie_fan98 posted over a year ago
Same here, I've read Alan managed to make the big boys on the set cry with that scene, even without the special effects and the music (well, that's preproduction). If he could do that, I don't dare imagine how it's going to be in the movie ! For sure, I'll go to the theater with tissues.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
:D Agreed
Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
nene72 said:
Hmm let me see...

Past movies:

Sorceror's Stone: The class room Scene. His entrance, 1st speech, the way he stood while doing his speech: that arm folding thing he did with his cloak. And finally the look he gave Harry when he took points off him for his cheek...gasp! That scene was just brilliant!!!

Chamber of secrets: The duelling scene. I loved the way he mounted the duelling platform - how he seemed to almost float up into sight, his purposeful walk towards Lockhart and his posture, his...who am I kidding, I loved every single thing about that scene!

Prisoner of Azkaban: His DADA class. Again, I loved his entrance and of course there's that wonderfully famous line “Turn to page 394”. Enough said!

Goblet of Fire: The Yule Ball scene with Karkaroff. I got to see him do a little run :). Plus he was in in the whole classic professor Snape mode – hunting wayward students and taking points off of them.

Order of the Phoenix: It would have to be the occulmency lesson with Harry. “In these lessons I will attempt to penetrate your mind...” That line and the way he delivered it alone makes this his best scene in the movie.

Half Blood Prince: The deleted In Noctem scene :(

Deathly Hallow 1: There was only 1 scene, but I loved his arrival at Malfoy manor, the way he walked through those gates!...

On the upcoming movie:

Deathly Hallows 2: I can honestly say that I'm looking forward to every single scene of his...yes even his purported demise.
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posted over a year ago 
'purported demise'...well well...another one who also guess that he only pretend his death... I can't imagine that he dies like a dumbass although he is a brillant and intelligent man/ rowling always mentioned it...and we all knew it.
SeverusHBPSnape posted over a year ago
Dies "like a dumbass"?
BlackHound posted over a year ago
@nene72: Regrettably yes...I guess... a phoenix sounds good anyway :D
SeverusHBPSnape posted over a year ago
LadyNottingham said:
All his scenes actually. Alan is so brilliant.

Even when he doesn't speak a word, like in the Study scene in GoF - he cracked me up. Priceless !

I like the Spinner's End scene, when he says to Bellatrix "We mustn't touch what isn't ours". OMG !!!

From what I read here, every scene he was in was a great moment. Like you, Misguided_Angel, these are the scenes I enjoy most. But you forgot to mention the DADA class in PoA, with his infamous "Page 394"...

Last night, it popped up into my mind his voice saying something to the like of "What, you insolent little...", something to that effect. Couldn't remember from which movie it was, despite racking my brain. Any idea, anyone ?
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posted over a year ago 
That was I think on Prizoner of Azkaban after having been insulted by the Marauder's map just before professor Lupin turns up
nene72 posted over a year ago
Oh thank you, thank you so much, nene ! Funnily enough, I was totally unable to link the words to the scene. Yes, now I can play again the scene in my mind. I think my mind is too full of Severus hype. LOL
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
No problem, MA.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
lilith84 said:
I am 'dying' to see Prince's Tale. I was mostly looking forward to seeing him cry while holding Lily's letter, but that's not happening, so just the whole memory scene in general.

As for previous movies:

Philosopher's Stone - The first Potions lesson :))

Chamber of Secrets - Duel

Prisoner of Azkaban - Shrieking Shack

Goblet of Fire - Potions Storeroom

Order of the Phoenix - First Occlumency lesson

Half-Blood Prince - Spinner's End

Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Malfoy Manor (not that there's any other choice of course :P)
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posted over a year ago 
AaronHaley4ever said:
Well, the scene I was looking forward to most in DH2 was edited out :(, so I suppose my second choice would probably be the conversation with Dumbledore in The Prince's Tale.

My other favorites are:
DH1: Malfoy Manor (of course :) )
HBP: the Unbreakable Vow/Slughorn's Party (tie)
OOTP: the interview with Umbridge (does that qualify as a scene?)
GOF: the Study Hall scene
POA: the Shreiking Shack
COS: the Duelling Club
SS: the 1st Potions class
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posted over a year ago 
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