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Severus Snape Question

His Zodiac sign is Capricorn (B-day Jan.9) Do you see how this effects his character?

Usually star signs are dead on when it comes to the personality it represents. Is his close?
Hmmm. My email says I've gotten 3 answers, yet I only see one. Curiouser and Curioser...
Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
It means that the person that answered modified her message twice. Most likely.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
:D yea. I like BH's answers
Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
 Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
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Severus Snape Answers

nene72 said:
If he's anything like my son who shares the same birthday, then he would have been a very sweet loving boy with lots of empathy. And very very smart with a wicked sense of humor
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posted over a year ago 
I vote this "best answer". <3
BlackHound posted over a year ago
MsEsmeBlack said:
Yes. Capricorns are resourcful, determined, stubborn, and very strict disciplinarians.
They also tend to have mood swings. They are quiet and subtle individuals who tend to have a sarcasttic sense of humor.
This is our lovely potions professor.
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posted over a year ago 
Totally Severus' old charming self indeed !
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
Yes. :D lol
MsEsmeBlack posted over a year ago
BlackHound said:
Astrology is an imperfect science, so to speak, and it is impossible to get a truly accurate picture of a person from just their Sun Sign. There is also their Moon Sign and their Ascendant (Rising Sign) that must be taken into account, as well as where the planets are set in their House Chart. Unfortuantely, to create an accurate Natal Chart & House Chart, the individual's exact time of birth and location must be known. Spinner's End is said to be located in Manchester, so we have the location, but we do not, unfortunately, have his time of birth.

Astrology is an almost life-long passion of mine and I've done a lot of charting. It's astounding how accurate a description it can give of a person when all the necessary information is provided. I would love to do his.
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posted over a year ago 
Imperfect or not, its still fairly close. but whatever, thanks for answering
Misguided_Angel posted over a year ago
I wasn't arguing, Misguided_Angel, I was pointing out that we would have an even better image of him if we could do a full chart. I should have been more clear in my post.
BlackHound posted over a year ago
BlackHound posted over a year ago
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