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Severus Snape Question

What was the most interesting dream you ever had about Prof. Snape?

Mine's not interesting, just memorable b/c of it's randomness. He confiscated my lunch. No Happy Meals in Potions class, I guess.
 jester616 posted over a year ago
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Severus Snape Answers

bri-marie said:
I actually just had one last night. And it is one of the strangest dreams I've had in a long time:

We were somehow both turned into mermaids (he was a merman, obviously) by Cho Chang because Severus failed her out of the class and, apparently, she ended up getting kicked out of Hogwarts because of it. She'd been aiming for Neville because he was the reason she failed the last test but she hit me instead.

The only way we could break the curse was to win a basketball game against the characters Ben, Brian, Hunter, and Vic from Queer as Folk (who really didn't seem surprised that they were asked to play basketball with a mermaid and merman...) Mushu (from Mulan) was the referee and he let us win by default because we didn't have legs, so we couldn't play on the court.
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posted over a year ago 
THAT is weird.....
annabeth24 posted over a year ago
really weird!!
annabeth24 posted over a year ago
Haha thank you!
bri-marie posted over a year ago
SnapeSoulmate said:
Oh my god I've had so so many XDDDDDD

I love this question! Its so great someone asked x'D

I'll share a really weird anf funny one first.
Ok... it was a bit after I saw DH part 1... I was at my (muggle)school and it was in the back area of the school where all the portables are; and there was this GIANT fortress gate in the middle of it that would remind you of something out of world of warcraft. some kids from my class and I went through it and we went through this vortex then brought us flying nonstop through Malfoy Manor(like some stunt on a commercial I saw once on MadTV... idk reminds me of it) and then we just appeared there in the room with the long table. everyone was sitting except there was no voldemort and I saw severus and I got stuck between 2 people and I asked him to pull me out O.o he did and I pulled a shy teenage highschooler and hugged him around his neck... I could still feel what his skin felt like right against mine there to this day <333 I can always remember how he feels from my dreams...anyway... when I was hugging him, it was like the camera switched scene like a movie and it cornered on voldemort sitting(who magically was there again I think) and he was making a HRRRRRRRRRRM noise xD he then made us do these... paper craft things. paper. crafts. and it sounded like my classroom in the room xD all the death eaters were cutting and folding paper and talking while draco was looking at his paper with a frightened expression and I got mad at severus cause he didnt wanna show me how to make a bird-boat thing xD

it was so funny
the best dreams I've ever had are ones where he becomes the "lucid dream walker" as I call it.... 2 or 3 years ago, I had this lucid dream about fields of gold; and I was seeing it through my eyes instead of my whole body walking around(kind of like 1st and 2nd person... dont know if that makes any sense?); and I saw him under a tree... the sky was beautiful and it was a calming warmth and all the sorrow ran out of me; and it smelled of him... everything around was him... he got up from next to the tree and looked on all directions... I heard faint whispering in my ears from him even if I wasnt close enough next to him for him to whisper. it was the beautifulest dream I ever had and I live by it... I've even drawn pictures of me and him there if anyone wanna see... its special...<3... I got this quote I also made from it; "I saw rapid skies so gold so blue... air intoxicated by the scent of you"

there was that and I remember some others; one where he came to me in my dream and told me my dad was still cheating on my mom. it turned out to be true in real life when I didnt even know the answer... but he sure did answer it for me. another one; I've had ear problems my whole life and there was this one time where my left ear could not hear anything and was in pain... I had to keep putting drops in and prescription and everything but it only caused more pain afterward and did nothing but
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posted over a year ago 
...*but relieve the pain for the time being it was in; and one night I dreamed severus kissed my ear... the next morning before school I realized my ear just....healed so in dreams I love, in dreams I can see him... "for in dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own"... P.S I recently had a dream that my mum found out me and severus had a ranch; and she came barging into our chicken house getting mad at us for "harvesting penguin eggs in the yard".....O.o... during the time I could hear this STUPID zelda song in the dream that would play when you entered the hen house at lon-lon ranch...if anyone knows what that it... oh my god it was so weird xD
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
and I've only had ONE slight wet dream about him before. ONE. and that was around the time HBP came out lol; it was...nice <3 XD well I guess I had 2; except the second one was just like.... kissing
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
Wow. Those are some pretty intense and detailed dreams. Lucky! The only other memorable one I had was that my sister and I were having a Dynasty-caliber fight over him--totally complete w/hair-pulling and bitch-slapping! Funny thing is, we've never fought like that over anyone or anything ever!
jester616 posted over a year ago
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
LiptonGold said:
This wasn't about him but he was in it:
I walked up to my classroom with my friend and then I walked into my class and sat down in my seat, but I was next to Hermione and Ginny. Then Fred & George came in and sat on both sides of her and started singing a song and tapping out the beat on these papers and George's was labled "Spanish Music Beat" but actually it was a song from my iPod and wasn't Spanish, I think I was by the Black Eyed Peas and Ginny was looking amused and Hermione leaned over and was like "I like this Spanish Music Beat" and then Snape walked in and started organizing books and they stopped singing but were finishing the taps and when they finished I heard like clapping like the kind that plays on TV after the people finish doing something clap-worthy. Then my alarm clock woke me up. Sorry for the really long sentence.
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posted over a year ago 
Poseidon3 said:
I've never really had one, sorry.
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posted over a year ago 
pohzhu said:
Well ,i dreamt about snape teaching me chemistry..
(*^__^*)kinda weird,but it is great!
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posted over a year ago 
wotcher-tonks said:
Me, Harry, and Ron were in my living room. Prof. Snape popped in and he turned my coffee table into a park bench (idk) and he tied us to it...I think he was trying to kill us...Then he left for some reason and I pulled a wand out of no where and got us untied. Then, he came back and I stupefied him...It was pretty cool :D

Thats the only one I ever had...
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posted over a year ago 
Persephone713 said:
Im Siriusly serious...YOU DONT WANT TO GO THERE!


I was the 4th Black Sister and kind of the odd one, but a Death Eater beside Bella. I always had a crush on Severus. He tutored me at hogwarts being a few years older. Then we Got married, and had two kids and both became double agents. A Daughter Selena Snape( She is Selena Gomez) and a son-the pale, black haired boy from The Omen movie. Thats the basis of it. Voldemort never found out I was a double agent. So in memory of my husband I became Headmistress after his death.
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posted over a year ago 
SevSnapeForev said:
He survived the battle in the Wizarding World (Nagini didn't bite him) and he righted his wrongs with all witches and wizards. He then went on to... wait for it... adopt Harry...

Oh! and in another dream, I was Lily Evans' sister... and after she died Severus totally became obsessed with me ;)
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posted over a year ago 
BlackHound said:
The only Wizarding-World dream that I can clearly recall wasn't about solely him.

It was a very strange dream, with a very Monty Python feeling to it (which I don't find surprising). I played frizbee with Sirius (he wasn't Padfoot at the time, but seemed to enjoy it just as much as if he had been), I had fish and chips with Remus and Sev ate all the cole slaw, Sirius got into a fistfight with someone who *looked* like Igor Karkarov, after which Sev had to Obliviate the guy's memory. He told Sirius if he didn't behave he'd have him put to sleep, to which Sirius replied, "well, I am rather tired." I threatened to turn Draco into a piñata, but Sev and Remus both said "no one would want to eat that candy." Somebody, I don't remember who, went skinny-dipping in the fountain (NO it WASN'T Sev :p), and then...

...I kissed Tonks.

Was a nice dream.

Glad I wrote it down. Now, if only I could do my own videos. I could call it, "Harry Potter and the Flying Circus" or somesuch. :-))
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posted over a year ago 
lol!! I love the part about Draco! I would so watch that video!
jester616 posted over a year ago
I reposted this post on my LJ and decided then that I would have to call it "Harry Potter and the Flying Circus Band", because it totally had a "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club" feel to it. If you could just see the suit that Sirius was wearing in my dream...
BlackHound posted over a year ago
kkbb97876 said:
Ok so i had one where Me and my two best friend lupin and tonks (both girls T and L are just nicknames) were in Hogwarts and sunddenly tonks says she's pregnant but she cant remember who the father is. So start looking for him. then Pro. Snape comes into the room and tonks remembers that its him and Lupin gets really mad cuz she was dating snape.
It was really werid i know but oh well.
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posted over a year ago 
Last night I had another dream and Snape was my dad, and i was in potions class and i kept talking so he kept hiting me over the head with a book. lol
kkbb97876 posted over a year ago
xSeverusxSnapex said:
Omg I had a dream of him last night and it was well *blushes* I um had sex with him. xD lmao and I thought it was real until I sadly woke up haha and I swear I felt it too. :P Yeah, just had to share that lol
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posted over a year ago 
artemis_prince said:
I luv the hp series and its partly due to snape aka alan rickman. I recently had a dream I had found the elder wand broken in two halves I got olivander to fix it for me and next thing I noe I some how summoned snape. He was pissed to. He was yelling at me on how I could alter reality. But I didnt hear much of the rest because I was too busy trying to find out weather it was a dream or not. Any way he grabbed my arm, and ill nevr forget tha moment, and dissaperated, I think it is, us to hogwarts and told me ive been vry naughty for skipping potions class. That dumbledore wanted to c me right away. Then out of now where he smiled (idk y) and laughed like he was joking about wat he recently said. And said welcome back artemis. And ill never forget the way he said me name "artemis". He hugged me and I hugged him back. But I new this waz a dream. I woke up in da middle ov the hug. This was bc ma mom slammed the dryer door too hard. Then I went back to sleep and all ov a sudden I waz older and snape was just starring at me like he wanted to kiss me so I kissed in in fear I would wake up and b cheated out ov my kiss. I remember he had his hands on my waist and my arms were around his neck and I was playin w his hair while we kissed. And ill tell ya it felt soooo real. Then out ov nowhere bellatrix came and I guess she was jelouse bc she put a spell on severus and he let go of me and sarted kissing her I got soo jealouse I was about to use the killing curse on her wen I woke up. It was my dad tellin me 2 go study. Im like wow. One question im 13 should I b worried im havin a dream about him like this?
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posted over a year ago 
Nice dream! I'd tentatively say no, you're not too young--the activities you described are PG! And you're at the point where you're becoming an adult. I had a dream about Snape last week in which I was a student again, and a friend and I suddenly were in his class. He told us we forgot to do one essay for his exam, and he quickly gave us papers to complete. While my friend labored over the potions formulas, I chose to write about bedbugs. How topical is that?! Needless to say, I failed. And Snape was wearing the ugliest sweater!! I don't know what to make of that!!
jester616 posted over a year ago
thx and wat a relief and lol
artemis_prince posted over a year ago
thx and wat a relief and lol
artemis_prince posted over a year ago
MrsEmmaPeel said:
I had a dream where he was one of my professors at school one time. I was his favorite student in our class. His hair was really a wig that fell off and he was bald underneath. But I caught his wig and gave it back to him quickly before the other students saw it. lol.
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posted over a year ago 
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