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Severus Snape Question

Who is going to cry when Severus dies

Because I am going to ball my eyes out toally so badly
Who is going to cry when Severus dies
"Cry" does not even come close to describing the break down I will have.
MissaMister posted over a year ago
 NessieCarrow posted over a year ago
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Severus Snape  best answer

lovebaltor said:
I am! And I'm proud! I luv the man to death so of course I'm going to cry a river!

But during that scene, I'll scream as loudly as I can through my tears, "I LOVE YOU SEVERUS!" and feel great as people in the movie theater give me awkward glaces.
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posted over a year ago 
You'd probably not be the only one shouting that... I could imagine the whole theatre sniffling away during the scene.
jbduenweg07 posted over a year ago
god... Im so doing that too; while hugging my severus snape pillow desperately D: I am so with you man <3333
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
I wonder are there still people out there who will go to see the movie with no idea of what's gonna happen... Imagine their suprise when the wonderous Snape dies, and the theatre as one bursts into tears...
SiriusSeverus posted over a year ago
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bri-marie said:
Not me. Because he's not really dead. *stoutly refuses to hear anything different*

Although it his going to be painful to watch him fake being dead.
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posted over a year ago 
Snape the possum. heehee
jbduenweg07 posted over a year ago
Didn't I have a question like this one time and you ansered the exact same way?
LoveforSeverus posted over a year ago
Haha thank you :D
bri-marie posted over a year ago
ShadowQueen013 said:
*raises hand*
ME! I might also cry for Lupin,Fred(especially Fred)and maybe Bellatrix(it depends with her)
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posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X posted over a year ago
Im going to be sobbing when Lupin dies.He's one of my fav characters.And of course Snape is too .
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
I cry for all of them :(
Lord-Voldemort posted over a year ago
imagine the real voldy crying for all of them! XD
SnapesGirl posted over a year ago
PotionsMistress said:
I'll do my best to control myself. But I'm afraid that I will fail in my attempts and make a fool of myself in the cinema. And then, probably, deep inside my head I shall hear a sarcastic remark "You call this control?" Well, it will be some sort of consolation after all ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Me too.I don't like showing my feelings in public.Will have to sob quietly into hankie!
midnightrose posted over a year ago
You know, I presume Severus would prefer it this way... He was rather introvertic himself, and always in control...
PotionsMistress posted over a year ago
The same here. I'll go the theater, on morning (sessions are cheaper then) and on a day I'm sure there won't be too many folks around, so that I could cry (silently as usual) on my own.
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
YamiStar said:
Yeah... i cryed when he killed Albous
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posted over a year ago 
Kraucik83 said:
Ask better who's not going to cry :'/
I will cry waterfalls :''/ Did it already when I read HPDH & will do it again... sob, sob...
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posted over a year ago 
NessieCarrow posted over a year ago
oh my god this video made me so sad DX
MaliriMassacre posted over a year ago
Simza said:
I am going to cry so hard. I will need boxes of tissues.
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posted over a year ago 
lilith84 said:
I'm with bri-marie, in denial ;) But it will be heartbreaking watching THE scene and not seeing that he did cure himself and survived ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Vixie79 said:
I cried in the book. He was the only one I actually cried over. So, yeah I probably will yes.
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posted over a year ago 
greengirl8 said:
I am going to cry soooooooooooooo much! My parents are going to think I'm a crybaby but I am not going to care at that point. I'm gonna hate it when he does die!!!! ='(
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posted over a year ago 
SnarkySnape said:
i'll cry like a baby!!! There are tear stains on my book from it! I cant help it its so wrong! Movie my fiance is gonna be all WTF when this comes oh i dread it!
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posted over a year ago 
Simply_Indigo said:
Oh my gosh, I know I'm gonna cry so hard... I cried so much in the book when he died that I barely managed to finish it. I'll just go to the theater armed with several boxes of tissue and hope for the best... :'(
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posted over a year ago 
HouseMindFreak said:
ME!! But I'm going to try my best not to, I'll keep my lips tight and do alot of eye blinking to keep back the was even harder to do that when reading the death of Sev.

Perhaps I should go into denial...
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posted over a year ago 
Taylah_Jade said:
OMG yes, his death will hit hard but not as much as Freds :(
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posted over a year ago 
WerewolfCas said:
Hell yeah.....I always liked him even if he was the "bad guy"
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posted over a year ago 
snapeislove said:
Not really sure... haven't when I read it (thanks to the effing SPOILERS...)

Maybe . . .

I get sad by the thought of it, though...
That's why I'm not seeing it in 3D. x(
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posted over a year ago 
...GAH! I just remembered that! it be too overwhelming to see that 3D... oh my god! x_x
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
but I heard it wont be in 3D . . . oh i dont know... grrr
snapeislove posted over a year ago
yeah... part two would be great to all SNAPE fans *SARCASM*
snapeislove posted over a year ago
jbduenweg07 said:
Yep. I'll cry. If I keep myself from watching it, then I'll just suffer more from not being able to see the scene and suffer the consequences! Snape survives off-screen. That's something everyone must know. HE SURVIVES!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
MrsWormtongue said:
That is pretty much why I've decided not to go to the cinema when the last movie comes out. I want to get some time alone and just cry by myself.
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posted over a year ago 
yermam said:
I'll be crying throughout both movies with all the deaths that occur but Snape's will probably upset me the most. I hope they do the death scene justice!
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posted over a year ago 
me too
NessieCarrow posted over a year ago
JAlanaE said:
I hope so! If not that would mean they've messed it up...
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posted over a year ago 
severusgirlx said:
in these lessons i can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses....
and even PUT A STOPPER IN DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I hear you...<33333 thats what I say... ^^...
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
snowwhite2 said:
It will be heartbreaking to watch. I just have to keep putting it into my head that Snape is not really dead. It's just an act to fool Volty- Severus is sooooo great that he can "put a stopper in death". The man's a genius and wizard (pun intended) at potions. JK can't even remember that line she wrote in the 1st book. *hissing at jk*.
Snape Lives. <3
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posted over a year ago 
so, so true my friend <3333
SnapeSoulmate posted over a year ago
i agree too!! *wags finger at jk*
SnapesGirl posted over a year ago
herminone said:
i am sooo going to cry like crazy!!!!WHAAAAAAAAAAA!
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posted over a year ago 
Mrs-X said:
OMG TOTALLY ME!!! In the movie preview we see Snape for less than a second and it doesn't take more than that to make me think (Omg he dies!!! I feel so sad suddenly)!!!
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posted over a year ago 
SnapeSoulmate said:
its gonna be the most horrible time of my life... I cant even express the deep pain inside when I see it- ugh I dont think I'll be able to look... wont be surprised if I run outta the theatre -____-....
it'll be the most depressing thing ever but I forever stay with my opinion of him to be alive
...I say after we see the movie(the premiere. I hope we all make it to the premiere!) we come back, build up a thread and sob together T_T
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posted over a year ago 
we will hide behind the 3dglasses so noone can see us...
severusgirlx posted over a year ago
ghstgrl said:
I am
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posted over a year ago 
SiriusSeverus said:
Snape dies? Pfft, maybe in your world...
For me, Snape lives for ever. Oh, and Lupin doesn't die either, before anyone else tries saying he does.

Oh boy, is this gonna hurt... July 2011 SUCKS!
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posted over a year ago 
Oh sweet mother of mercy... all these people who (will NOT!) die... do so in 3D!!!
SiriusSeverus posted over a year ago
LoopyLuna96 said:
I'm going to cry so much! I get teary thinking about it.
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posted over a year ago 
MarMar_XigLux said:
YES! sure, it's not a shame!!! a great character that I love died, it's like loosing a friendDX I'll cry an ocean, like I did when I read the book *sob*
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posted over a year ago 
TheSilverDoe said:
I won't cry......I will 'howl' and drench my popcorn with tears
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posted over a year ago 
...and when I raise my head again, my face will have popcorn stuck to it
TheSilverDoe posted over a year ago
TheSeaCucumber said:
I'm not just gonna cry! I'm gonna die with him!
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posted over a year ago 
TaladarkieJJ said:
Just thinking about it makes me sad so it's probably going to be difficult not to start crying.. :(
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posted over a year ago 
frostydragon said:
I balled like a baby for all of it. From the moment he died to The Princes Tale. All he lost, he never had to how used and abused he was from his home life to Volitmort to Albus. In my eyes even Dumbolbore used his guilt and mistakes to use him for his own means with no regard to Severus feelings. To me it was no better than Voltimort.
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posted over a year ago 
popo6 said:
An ocean will take form because of my tears that will come from my eyes
Because Snape is the only reseon of my life ;(.
I will bring a whole bunch of Clinex to hold my tears but even that wouldn't be enough. Words cannot describe the sadness i
will feel when i will see his death before my eyes on a screen.

*sniff and cry*

ps: Why did you have to make me remember that :(
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posted over a year ago 
yes....i totally agree with what you and everyone here says...*sob* The supermarkets and toilets are all going to run out of tissue paper because of us Snape fans
SnapesGirl posted over a year ago
ViciousVendetta said:
I beliebe the term you're looking for is "bawl". Yeah, sorry, couldn't resist. :))
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posted over a year ago 
sugarbabes said:
Not me, cause he is the one that killed Professor Dumbledour
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posted over a year ago 
Um, but that was part of their plan, right? And Dumbledore would've died anyway.
ViciousVendetta posted over a year ago
Dumblebore was dieing anyway cause he put on the hexed ring. He asked Snape to do it so he would die with diginity. Not rot away from the curse.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
LadyNottingham said:
Me ! OMG, I'll go to the theater with some tissues. I'm happy that we watch movies in a dark room - nobody will see me crying.

Yesterday, I went to see the HP 7-1 movie. I began to shed a tear at the beginning when Hermione Obliviates her parents. Incredible. Emma Watson was very intense and it lasted a few seconds. So I don't dare imagine Severus, played with perfection by Alan Rickman... Yes, I'm gonna cry. He can be so intense, so moving, so... *sigh*

Yet, strangely enough, if Yates & Kloves do not give us a proper end to Severus (i.e. let Alan do his job), I'll feel frustrated. I feel confident that Alan will do a smashing job in that scene. His death scenes in some of his previous movies had been great.

I will cry but to honor Severus, I will try to keep my cries in the theater to a minimum. Besides, crying gives me a running nose... And I can't let my vision be blurred for the rest of the movies because think of it : after he died, there should be the whole series of his memories.
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posted over a year ago 
ACTIONmovieGIRL said:
I am literally going to be balling my eyes out, screaming, and shaking in the theatre when that dreaded part comes! I just wish my friends that I will be seeing it with could feel my pain, none of my friends or family like Severus so I will be crying alone with no comfort! AHHHH! I dont even want to think about how horrible it will be :((
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posted over a year ago 
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