Sean Penn Dear Fellow Citizen - Opportunity Available

Dcpt1Dcpt1 posted on May 15, 2010 at 06:03AM
Dear Mr. Penn,

First and foremost, I am writing this because you are a citizen whom I believe in. I understand that this blog will probably never reach you, but thought I would send it on the notion of pure optimism. I am currently looking for a partner(s) to travel the country and help citizens one on one with no federal funiding. Provide emotional interests in American citizens that have simply lost hope. I assure you that this is not a business proposal, but simply an approach that you would express some interest. I do not have resources, time, nor money to track a man of your celebrity status down, but I thought that this might reach you in some way.

I would also like to thank you for your patriotism. I hope that this reaches you and thank you for your time. Have a good one and keep up the good work,


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