Scorpion from MK Updates

a photo was added: Scorpion over a year ago by Tripod75
an answer was added to this question: So what do you guys think should I write a story about scorpion and ghost-rider being the same person ( ninja by day and motorcyclist by night) or no over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a poll was added: Best picture of scorpion and subzero over a year ago by Amejisuto
a question was added: So what do you guys think should I write a story about scorpion and ghost-rider being the same person ( ninja by day and motorcyclist by night) or no over a year ago by Amejisuto
a pop quiz question was added: What does Scorpion say when he enters the ring in vs. mode on MK9? over a year ago by ricoiswsome
an icon was added: Get over here!! over a year ago by ricoiswsome
a comment was made to the video: real mk:sub-zero's room over a year ago by nidoqueen
fan art was added: scorpion over a year ago by nidoqueen
a video was added: real mk:sub-zero's room over a year ago by nidoqueen
a comment was made to the fan art: scorpion and the oc girlfriend i made for him over a year ago by nidoqueen
a video was added: Mortal Kombat 9 - Scorpion | [HD] OFFICIAL Trailer MK9 (2011) over a year ago by scorpion945
a comment was made to the poll: A better dead ninja? over a year ago by scorpion945
an answer was added to this question: Which game do you like scorpion in the best? Start from MK1 all the way to DCU. And why. over a year ago by Gymnasiast02
a question was added: Which game do you like scorpion in the best? Start from MK1 all the way to DCU. And why. over a year ago by TavenNVM