Rosario Vampire What would you like to see for season 3?

deluxe posted on Jun 20, 2009 at 07:48PM
Yeah, so we know season three isn't coming out, I don't think. But, what would you *like* to see, if you were in charge?

I'd like to see Ruby and Gin hook up. I'd like to see Kurumu find someone new, just as good as Tsukune. And I want Tsukune and Moka to finally get together before the end of season 3.

Rosario Vampire 10 replies

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over a year ago Krumich said…
big smile
It is comming out.. It was released a while back.

RELEASE DATE - 1st of October 2009
over a year ago Wobez said…
Krumich are you shore about this. Bucause i am a big fan.
over a year ago tokyo_joe said…
What would I *like* to see, if I was in charge?
Hmph. I should publish the following as an article...

I would like to see Inner Moka progress to acting more like Outer Moka. That is, smile, laugh, and be cheerful, all things she is not capable of unless under the spell of the Rosario. The two Mokas should eventually become one, with all the strengths of both.

This seems to me Moka's personal journey.

Anyone notice that the only way that Outer Moka can express anger is by becoming Inner Moka? In other words, Outer Moka cannot get angry - she just becomes saddened in those situations which call for anger. A whole person would get angry when the situation called for it, and cheerful when the situation called for it.

Moka's schism is marked by: Inner Moka cannot be cheerful, and Outer Moka cannot get angry.

The only time Inner Moka actually laughed was during episode 21 (Capu2 ep. 8), enjoying Mizore's triumph over her personal demons! That's great! More episodes like this, please.

I would like to echo deluxe's post in saying I'd like Kurumu, Mizore, and Yukari to be "married off", that is, find a hot, cool guy (or gal!) other than Tsukune.

I think everybody wants to see Tsukune manifest his Ghoul powers more.

More Deshi Deshiko!

Less emphasis on the panties. I know it's what most of us watch the show for, but Capu2 was overkill for panties, I think.

Kurumu should show some redeeming traits. Not necessarily becoming a nicer person, though. If she became just like Moka, then that limits the kinds of stories that can be told in the series, in my honest opinion.

More Yukari being the wacky kid that she is.

I'll stop now...

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ginei_werewolf said…
more eps
over a year ago Lord_Darkclaw said…
I'm not even sure if the manga series has ended, I got up to the "Eldest Sister" chapter and now I can only wait to see more! I hope it's still ongoing.

Things I want to see happen:

Lillith of the mirror seems rather vicious but nothing about her past has been revealed; we know she may have killed humans in the past but I'd like to think they were the bad guys!

The Lillith Mirror is supposed to be kept in the human World so I want Lillith to live with Kyoko; that would be interesting relationship and I'm sure there could be some comedy moments.

I really want to see the youkai get "nerfed" because at the moment they are far, far too powerful. Something needs to be done to tone down their super-power status.

What I find so irritating - and I know this is common in manga but it still irritates the hell out of me - is how injuries are just shrugged-off like they are nothing. I mean think about; a youkai girl trips and fall on her butt and says "owwie!" but she is barely even slowed down after being stabbed. Whoever writes/draws this stuff has not the faintest idea how shockingly painful an injury like that really is in real life.

The worst example of an overpowered monster (so far) has got to be the "Doppleganger" who is able to copy the shape and ALL the abilities of other youkai. His ability to change sex was rather disconcerting in itself but what was really absurd was that he could instantly become as powerful as Moka just by touching her! Plus being highly skilled in martial arts he gets an added power-bonus. If he touched one of the "god" level monsters he would also become that powerful. Stupid, stupid idea and very lazy.

I want to see Tsukune start opening up a bit to the other girls; it's just so depressing that he doesn't show any real affection for them besides friendship. Personally I think Kurumu is the best match for Tsukune and she's the most passionate.

(note* I started this message as another thread before I saw this one - hopefully a mod will delete it)

over a year ago R_and_V said…
I hope more ep, tsukune turn in ghoul and MOST importantly I wanna see how Tsukune and Moka turn out to be because of Issa (moka's father and the head of the Shuzen household) because they are vampires they will definitely not accept Tsukune and will probably kill him.. I wanna see wat happens
over a year ago Mr_Fanfic said…
Unless there are ANY signs of Tsukune's love for Moka coming into question, I'd like to see the other girls find different guys, although this is mainly out of pity for the girls in Tsukune's harem besides Moka, and would most likely happen at the end of the series as it would wreck the plot, but unless this series is ending soon I don't see why the plot can't change after a few seasons.

P.S. I've actually composed a small fan-fiction segment based on a "companion character" for Mizore.
over a year ago cool1308 said…
i would really want to see moka and tsukune together and see tsukune turn into a ghoul
over a year ago Jojo7200 said…
I would really like to see MOKA AND TSUKUNE end up together. He already said he loves her in the manga so they are meant for eachother. I hope to see the other girls find really good guys too.
over a year ago Azur_Fenix said…
LOTS AND LOTS MORE Kurumu Kurono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just cant get enough!!!!!! lol