Random 500 Arguments Why Gummy Bears Are Better than Justin Bieber

cute20k posted on May 09, 2010 at 08:33PM
C'mon, we all know the truth:
Gummy bears are frikin awesome!
Justin Bieber is frikin gay!
So here. This is the place to post your arguments of why gummy bears are far better.
This is how it works:

JustinBzBiggestFan: (the fan of him) Well justin's awesomer. Besides, gummy bears are for eatin' not for bein' a fan of.

GummyBearsRock: Well a canable would find him quite delectable.

KissMeJb: He's frikin rich!

GummyBears-GoHard!: Canables like to feed on the rich ones the most.

Random 18 replies

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over a year ago MrssBieber320 said…
No.Im not Luaghing one bit. Justin Biebers amazing.Annduhm Ltic...there arent many canabals arouund here so...Bleh.
over a year ago alucard768 said…
gummy bears are yummy and amazing he's not
over a year ago LUV_4_BIEBER said…
may i inform u that justin is VERY yummy indeed. *thinking thoughts not ment 4 the mind of a 13 year-old* >: )
over a year ago la-la-la-45 said…
big smile
Out of a group of famous,rich people,Justin would be the first one eaten.
over a year ago alucard768 said…
justin beaver is the evil son of the devil gummy bears are the children of god
over a year ago salamence42 said…
Yeah, gummy bears ROCK
over a year ago VioletSunset said…
Gummy-bears don't rape you *shudders*
over a year ago alucard768 said…
gummy bears come in all sorts of flavors(lol VioletSunset did that other guy rape you)
over a year ago aboobaisdabomb said…
bc gummy bears have gone thru puberty. havent u every seen their little boobs??? ahaha. justin beaver on the other hand, prolly has some hormone disoder and he's too insecure to admit it.
over a year ago Twilight_Dream said…
because gummy bears can't sing annoying songs.
over a year ago salamence42 said…
Lolz untrue, but don't get me wrong....I hate the beaver.
over a year ago Twilight_Dream said…
oh wait! scratch that. gummy bears CAN sing annoying songs. that stupid gummy bear song. hmmm.
over a year ago cute20k said…
Most cant. I'd rather all the music in the world be sung by gummy bears than jb..
over a year ago salamence42 said…
Lolz agreed.
over a year ago K5-HOWL said…
I have nothing against JB, I mean like come on have u seen the vids?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alucard768 said…
wow that was nice of him but still have to defend the gummies =(
over a year ago egyptprincess7 said…
That Was Nice but Gummy Bears Are Better
over a year ago luvmurtagh33 said…
gummy bears are nice to look at
he is not!!