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Help at work- how to deal with this old guy who keeps pestering me?

for almost as long as I've had this job in retail (three years, more or less) this old guy keeps trying to give me candy out of a bag. the first few times I just took it to make him leave me alone- I dislike being interrupted while I work like that, unless of course you actually need help or you're an old person joking around with me or whatever, then I'm happy to stop.

but he's done this several times a year for three years. I just got tired of it, especially since I don't even like the candy. I've said no (he keeps asking "Why? Why?" even though I said "Cuz I don't want any" every time), tried walking away, tried avoiding him. He's at least 70 and shorter than I am so I'm not scared or anything. but the second to last time I tried going the long way to an aisle I needed to stock in to avoid him and he found me there! and blocked my way out! If he hadn't been old I would have shoved right past him with my shoulder hard.

today I met him again in my new department and he kept standing in my way, though not directly blocking me like last time. I walked around to three different spots trying to work near my cart and he kept following me. I should have brought my manager up but I was not quite awake yet.

should I tell him off? is it worth it? It sounds silly- "Help, this old man keeps trying to give me candy!" but my aunt and grandma insist it's harassment. I used to think he's senile and must forget that I don't want any but he seems to remember me pretty well and can always find me. I also get the idea he knows I can't be rude with him as a customer and an elderly person, which I hate, especially because it will make me look terrible in front of other customers if I snap at him.
shaneoohmac13 posted over a year ago
^ No! Ignore him!
Eleni4ever posted over a year ago
 AudreyFreak posted over a year ago
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Zeppie said:
It is possible he has dementia.

That fact that he's always remembering you doesn't rule that out, if anything it cements it.

The thing with dementia is that they can remember very odd things and be extremely persistent about it, even if they forget almost everything else in their life.
My oma has dementia and has similar behaviour. She is very persistent on such random topics and never fails to talk about it over and over whenever you see her. They also have an attitude that nothing else matters except for the moment they are currently in, which is why the man would keep asking "why" even though you've already declined. Because he is focused on it and that's all that matters to him in that moment.
All you can do is smile and say thank you and move on. Even though it is horribly repetitive and annoying, that's just how you deal with a person who has dementia. He's not hurting you. Yeah it's annoying, I know, but there is little you can do in that situation.
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posted over a year ago 
Riku114 said:
I agree with what Zeppie says.

If its REALLY getting out of hand and its really an issue, calmly and kindly explain the scenario to your manager and get their opinion and instructions on it.
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posted over a year ago 
Souls_of_Demons said:
Since he's old and may not be all 'there', I would suggest either accepting the candy and tossing it later, or talk it out with your manager and find a solution to the problem. Or directly confront the man, and talk it out in a manner that would help loosen the knot he caused in your life. Anything but harsh, because that would be like trying to put a fire out with gasoline.
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posted over a year ago 
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