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What is Your Opinion on The Most Evil/Worst Person on Our Planet?

I believe the most evil person on Earth is a being named Peter Scully.......the world's worst pedophile...
 Mekashi posted over a year ago
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greyswan618 said:
Anyone that commits violent acts of crime(rape,murder,etc) towards people.The same goes for animal hunters,like the most recent one that killed Cecil,the lion from Africa.Those people are the sickest excuses for human beings in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even consider them human beings,because the acts they commit are inhumane.They should not be allowed to breathe the same air as the rest of us.They deserve any punishments handed to them,but it's still not enough in my eyes.

It disgusts me that these sickos are still alive.They should all be rotting in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
You should say hunters for animals.
Riku114 posted over a year ago
I know that man has killed a lion, but he shouldn't be killed for it. There are tons of people especially on the deep web, who rape animals and young children and they should be killed~
Mekashi posted over a year ago
he's killed other animals before Cecil,and he should be punished to the full extent of the law for what he did,and anyone else who participated in Cecil's death,as should all animal hunters/killers/abusers and anyone that commits rape and murder to women and children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
greyswan618 posted over a year ago
Animal killers should get fined a lot of money, but not a hardcore punishment. Also you are forgetting men who get raped as well.
Mekashi posted over a year ago
candylover246 said:
Honestly, they shouldn't even be breathing the same space we do. -_-'
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posted over a year ago 
boytoy_84 said:
Anyone who's a rapist, murderer and abusers.
Also people who hunts animals for fun like the recent lion killer, Walter Palmer who killed Cecil the lion from Zimbabwe. I hate any of these cold-hearted people who would do these things.

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Anyone who's a rapist, murderer and abusers.
Also people who hunts animals for fun like the recent lion killer, Walter Palmer who killed Cecil the lion from Zimbabwe. I hate any of these cold-hearted people who would do these things.
posted over a year ago 
we agree 100% on that!!!!!!!!
greyswan618 posted over a year ago
did you see my wall post about doing a club for Cecil? Do you wanna make it?
greyswan618 posted over a year ago
No, but that sounds like a great idea. :D
boytoy_84 posted over a year ago
Cyanide7 said:
Benjamin Netanyahu.
Lately Jews burned an 18-month-old Palestinian toddler alive.
While people are seemed to be more concerned about lions and pigs.
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posted over a year ago 
My god, that poor child....people are sick....and yes I do agree~
Mekashi posted over a year ago
^ Thank U.
Cyanide7 posted over a year ago
Very welcome~
Mekashi posted over a year ago
I happen to be concerned for human and animal kind.Any innocent,whether they are human or animal kind,does not deserve to be treated inhuman.No one deserves to be treated like that and it saddens and sickens me that people horrible,dispicable acts of violence towards any of God's creatures.I care about innocent children as well as animals who don't deserve to be treated with anything but love,so please don't say I'm pathetic because I'm not.Those that do these horrible things are the ones that are pathetic,not to mention sick,heartless,disgusting bastards that don't deserve to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
greyswan618 posted over a year ago
tamore said:
Donald trump
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posted over a year ago 
Makeupdiva said:
There are so many evil and horrible people I wish that were whiped from the planet. People who are cruel towards animals, no matter what animal, I mean a person who kills like a cheatah or lion and has a picture taken with the animal they killed holding it and smiling away as if it's something to be proud of. It's sickening, so sickening. I hate people like that, those kind of people are definitely evil, also there's child murderers, abusers, rapists. People who murder in general, like serial killers. Police killing people because they are black. I am read so many news articals on Yahoo News, worst place to read anything cause it just makes me so angry. I mean I read one where a guy who was sitting in his car talking on his cellphone when all of a sudden, a police is standing like 10 feet away and shoots him. The guy is in a coma, fighting for his life and the police officer gets away with it, just like all the other cops who have done this sort of thing. It's sick. Just cause a person is black doesn't make them a bad person. It's just a color. But most of these shootings happen in the US. I live in Canada, so I don't hear much of that happening here. However a guy who was drunk was beaten practically to death by a cop and I think the person who was beaten was white. There have been men murdered by morons because they, the men murdered were gay. People are so awful and stupid towards homosexuality. I am not against homosexuality, I support gay rights all the way. There is just so much evil and hate in the world, it's ridiculous. Sadly, it will never change. There will always be evil and hate.
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posted over a year ago 
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