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Did u ever get bullied at school??

the only thing ilike about my school and city is thnx for god not buling !!! there might be some but not alot and again who dare to do that to me
shiraz97 posted over a year ago
 animeisbest posted over a year ago
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wakana said:
Once, when i'm at 4th grade
That was the darkest time of my life.......
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posted over a year ago 
SeeUV3 said:
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posted over a year ago 
haha dont be sad be mad lol
shiraz97 posted over a year ago
alexisn10 said:
Yup. Being tall as hell (5'-10-5'11) and thicker than most of my classmates, stupid rude bitches used to pick on me all the fucking time. One of my biggest regrets was letting them continue and being too shy and insecure to stand up for myself. I always took whatever they were saying to me for granted. It got so bad to the point that I actually started to see myself as the fat and ugly girl they made me out to be. It started when I was in the eighth grade and ended around my junior year.

Now I'm a senior and literally, all those stupid people are gone. Even if they were here, I'd have to confidence to stick up for myself. As you get older, you realize that bitches will always bitch and you always have to do you. You have to stay confident and believe that YOU are beautiful everyday :) ♥

If you're being bullied, here's some advice.
1. Know that YOU are more than what they're saying.
2. STAND UP FOR YOURSELFFF!!! (even if it's "OMG shut up!")
3. Tell a teacher (yes, lame, I know but PLEASE get your faculty involved. They can really help before anything gets out of hand).
4. Know that it'll all be over soon.
5. If they swing at you BREAK THAT BITCHE'S FUCKING NOSE!!
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posted over a year ago 
adultswimperson said:

But those days are gone now considering I'm on my last year of high school and I stand up for myself always if it ever happens by using insults which works.
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posted over a year ago 
Sylvia_Puffin said:
Yep. People actually forced me to sit at a different lunch table, threw bits of eraser at me, made me the subject of their jokes, and then there was one time that really bugged me (I support gay rights, so it was really annoying) when they called me a lesbian. What's that all about? What's wrong with lesbians? I'm so sick of these stupid homophobes!

I ignored them or stood up for myself, and I'm homeschooled now, so I don't have to worry about them.
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posted over a year ago 
TheDirector said:
I've had rocks thrown at me, I've been called a bitch for just sitting in the hallway, I've been threatened by a violent freshman boy, I've had my backpack opened from behind me, I've been tricked by two boys that decided it would be funny to pretend to ask for my number and then run away, I've been threatened, and I've been made fun of because I'm shorter than the average 11th grader.

Yes. I've been bullied.
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posted over a year ago 
Ciara-the-Gecko said:
Throughout my entire school life I was emotionally tortured by people who thought were my friends.

I was harassed every day.

On top of that I was bullied by my teachers as well.

In highschool (Whilst that was a fairly brief adventure) I was the disabled kid in the fun-for-all-ages game "Let's make the disabled kid fall over by throwing balls at them".

So yeah.

Guess I was.

At the time, obviously, I thought it was just kids being kids and that's how people should act. Well, at least that's what I was told.

I'm not one to complain a lot, I don't enjoy talking about these things because time after time I'm met with "no one cares faggot". But, since this is a question I answered it. TuT
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posted over a year ago 
SkyDekeres700 said:
well I always fought no, kick their asses
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posted over a year ago 
boytoy_84 said:
I only got teased in 7th & 8th, by a couple dumb boys.
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posted over a year ago 
Teamjacob27 said:
No I'm lucky i've never been bullied xxx
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posted over a year ago 
egyptprincess7 said:
Yep. All through 7 and 8th grade.
I've been called a raccoon,a terriost and Osama Bin Laden a lot of times and I have been called Osama Bin Laden's "daughter."
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posted over a year ago 
I find the Osama Bin Laden thing racist even though he wasn't black and neither are you. But I bet you were offended by being called that.
adultswimperson posted over a year ago
^ I was very offended. Just because I am also a muslim like him,it doesn't mean I am as bad as he is. It gets really frustrating at times.
egyptprincess7 posted over a year ago
I agree with u egyptprincess7....................not all Muslims are bad.......
animeisbest posted over a year ago
Draculaura10 said:
*cough* stupid homeschool *cough cough*
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
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posted over a year ago 
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
I'm home schooled, but my parents and siblings constantly make fun of me.
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posted over a year ago 
MusicIsMyDrug13 said:
Yes but mostly in middle school and elementary school but i was never bullied in high school.
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posted over a year ago 
snakemanfan said:
Most of the time and still going...
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posted over a year ago 
Apparently I'm a gimp/emo
snakemanfan posted over a year ago
tinkerbell66799 said:
Only once. It was when I was in 2nd grade. The bully would pull my hair and "accidentally" kick me and hit me. It was not pleasant.
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posted over a year ago 
brileyforever77 said:
Yes, a lot actually.
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posted over a year ago 
blackpanther666 said:
On occasion. I had stuff stolen from me at high school and I was too much of a wimp to stand up for myself... I was even made of by a former friend... I let him hit me a few times, then walked away... I got made fun of for not hitting back, but I'm glad I didn't because I would have been suspended or expelled. Basically, I was nerdy and smart enough not to react them - I just ignored it... I get my own back, because I know that all those people are idiots that probably ended up in jail, or mediocre lives and, let's face it, if they tried it now, I'd break them.
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posted over a year ago 
oboe_player said:
I'm actually lucky enough to live in a place where bullying doesn't happen that often, I've never really been bullied by other people. I do have a problem with bullying myself though. I have self-esteem issues like everyone else on the planet so yeah.
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posted over a year ago 
8theGreat said:
I was relentlessly back in elementary school, especially by teachers. I never really had many friends, whenever I had them, and they usually abandoned me anyway. People used the fact that I was always alone and the teachers picked on me as justification for joining in. My extended family has been pretty horrid through the years also.

I'm pretty much free from it now, though, except for by my extended family which probably won't stop. The only way I've been able to avoid it otherwise is by keeping severly to myself and avoid people at every cost. I can't really communicate very well now because of it...

So I suppose that even though I'm not being bullied now, I'm still being affected by it.
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posted over a year ago 
Clutch13 said:
From 1st grade up yep.
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posted over a year ago 
Shadowmarioking said:
i've been both bullied and become the bully
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posted over a year ago 
8xchristellax8 said:
yeah. a lot of people teased me from elementary school up to 7th grade. i guess i was picked on cuz i was really shy and well not very pretty (...and maybe cuz ppl used to think im chinese? racist bitches....) >_> and during 7th grade, it was actually MY fault i got bullied by some older girls cuz i had a big mouth and talked shit...i really dont know why i did that :/ but now im a freshman and i never get picked on. im a lot more open to people and confident in a melancholy way, and im more likely to snap back anyways....which is totally different from how i used to be as a little kid
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posted over a year ago 
kakukun said:
Weirdly, this was the topic of a speech I had to deliver at school. XD

Yup, I have been. For three years. By the same obnoxious jerks who finds pleasure in seeing me suffer, when I haven't done anything to them. I've been criticized on practically everything: my grades, my appearance, my stuff . . . and because of that my personality suffered. I became a total pessimist, and I isolated myself from the class for a period of time. Luckily, I met my 2 closest friends at that time, and they helped me get through it all. Thanks to their encouragement, I gathered enough courage to tell the school councilor. The result? Both of them don't study at my school anymore.
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posted over a year ago 
sha123shay said:
yes, i have been bullied mostly all of my life!!!!!
i sometimes tell myself it is not me. but i have learned how to handle all of my pressure. and learned to love myself as god has made me now cant nobody tell me nothing about how i look or nothing!!!!!!!

and remember cant no one tell you,you are ugly or not you can make your own choose.
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posted over a year ago 
Pattie77 said:
Yes I did get bullied when I was in high school. Back then the rules were not so strict. My father told me, since I was a girl, that if I came home crying and bloody, that he would also kick my ass. SO...I decided that I was not going to be anyone's door mat or punching bag. I did what I had to do to protect myself, and I gained confidence. I am not one for violence, but I am all for sticking up for yourself. Never back down, laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.
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posted over a year ago 
cyrus498 said:
Meh i used to till i standed up for myself Began giveing people black eyes
Born albino people enjoy dumping coffee in white hair it seems.....well then as i dyed my hair black so did their eyes

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posted over a year ago 
JenniferxD said:
Yes. I used to get beat up and pushed in hallways and stuff. I always got tripped. I always got pushed down the stairs and people would video tape it and laugh at me afterwards. -.- I always got papers thrown at my head. Always got blamed for other people's mistakes. Got called ugly and a whore and a pussy and a loser and that I should go die.

Which was kinda weird. Considering that all happened when I was in 6th to 8th grade. You'd expect those years to be more pleasant then high school years. But actually, it's the other way around. People are more pleasant in high school then middle school. :| I am sure glad I don't have to re live those horrible moments as a 6th to 8th grader again. :|
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posted over a year ago 
Jeliame said:
Yes, in elementary school.
and I'll never forgive that bully.
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posted over a year ago 
KJBiggestFan said:
Everyone gets bullied. o3o
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posted over a year ago 
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