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Dream boy/girl

Who's your dream girl/boy?
Like their personality and appearance (if you want)

Mine would be funny, caring, reliable, not afraid to hold my hand, wants hugs and kisses quite often and act like a best friend to me. Some one I can be immature with and take pictures with. Hang out all the time.
I love blue eyes and blonde hair, not so skinny not so fat.
I sound really picky, aha!
Oh & some one I can just lay in bed all day and share our secrets. Okay, that's all, shall stop now.
X-Squirt-X posted over a year ago
Yeah yeah!!
fangirl404 posted over a year ago
good choice!
Blue_Sapphire posted over a year ago
 X-Squirt-X posted over a year ago
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Random Answers

rorovipz said:
fun , outgoing , cute , tall , well not too fat or too skiny , must be from korea , caring , tells the truth , i like browen or blond hair
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fun , outgoing , cute , tall , well not too fat or too skiny , must be from korea , caring , tells the truth , i like browen or blond hair
posted over a year ago 
oh and likes to hug alot
rorovipz posted over a year ago
fangirl404 posted over a year ago
me too that my fav hair color for him
rorovipz posted over a year ago
beepboop said:
My bf Justin <3

He can make me laugh all day,and he will listen to my problems,doesnt mind to confess his feelings,likes to hug,and hes smart and cute :P

Looks:brown hair,blue eyes, and tall :)

Now look at this Ampharos picture!
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My bf Justin <3

He can make me laugh all day,and he will listen to my problems,doesnt mind to confess his feelings,likes to hug,and hes smart and cute :P

Looks:brown hair,blue eyes, and tall :)

Now look at this Ampharos picture!
posted over a year ago 
frankie_fan said:
Great sense of humor, ambitious, reliable, interested in music and artistic with black hair,a British accent, a slender body shape and blue or dark brown eyes.
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Great sense of humor, ambitious, reliable, interested in music and artistic with black hair,a British accent, a slender body shape and blue or dark brown eyes.
posted over a year ago 
dylin1 said:
my dream boy:

Personality; funny, caring, HAS to make me laugh, immature, yet intelligent. hopefully has an accent such as german, austrain, croatian, or russian. athletic, but not in the sporty sense, more the martial arts sense. The kind of guy you date and dump a couple times but you'll ALWAYS be best friends.

Appearance; Maybe kinda like Jered Leto or Andy Six. dark hair, pronounced jaw line and cheekbones would be a bonus. Deep, pale blue eyes or dark creamy brown. The kind I'd just gaze into forever <3 tall, muscular but not too muscular. Not too skinny. Needs to be huggable. Maybe a bit beefier than Justin bieber's body (i dont like jb, but you need to admit he is visually appealing). I'm also cool with chocolate brown hair, or dirty blonde/platinum blonde hair. I'd love if he'd care about his appearance. NOTHING hotter than that.


EXCEPTION: If you're kind, funny and will love me forever, i'll love you too, even if you dont meet any of the descriptions above <3
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posted over a year ago 
Love it!
X-Squirt-X posted over a year ago
ha thnx :)
dylin1 posted over a year ago
swiddlewiddle said:
My Dream guy:
He should make me laugh all day long, he'd care for me, he'd be in love with me but not obsessed, he'd be nice with my friends, he would be normal, not macho or really ugly and it would be awesome if him would have green eyes! Like lime green or grass green!:X:X:X
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posted over a year ago 
and he has to be smart too :)
swiddlewiddle posted over a year ago
dylin1 posted over a year ago
MarMar_XigLux said:
Someone who is intelligent, serious and quiet, but can be a total dork when the moment shows itself. Must have a sick sense of humor and HAS to be at least slightly interested in Horror-Movies and Psychology. Someone who can listen and give me an advice when needed.

Has to love dogs or cats (preferably dogs, 'cause I hate cats). Won't laugh at me and love me for who I am. Has to be completely against smoking, drinking and drugs, and won't ever consider doing any of them.

Must appreciate art and music. If he'll also love video-games (especially survival-horror and RPG), poetry and writing it'll be a huge plus.

Other traits; protective, sarcastic, optimistic (...opposites attract? <---pessimistic), creative, lazy (not too much though; I already have my lazy ass), mature, down-to-earth, systematic, trusting and forgiving.
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posted over a year ago 
Pink_Love said:
My Dream Guy: My Boyfriend Jeremy~!

Adventurous, && every other thing he is.

Looks: Tan,Muscles,Brown Hair,Blue&&Gold eyes,Sexy

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posted over a year ago 
boopbeep said:
My gf Melody

Shes fun,smart,nice,doesnt mind to confess her feelings,pretty,and adventurous

long brown hair,blue eyes,about as tall as me,and as I said shes beautiful :D
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posted over a year ago 
Animeloverm said:
my bf Derrick :P

Personality:He sticks up for me,he doesnt mind acting like himself,hes smart,and he loves to have fun :)

Looks:Blond hair,green eyes,and hes tall :)
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posted over a year ago 
Kadaj said:
Actually, I don't have a dream girl or boy. I want just to find that person that loves me for who I am. It doesn't matter what their personality or appearance is.
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posted over a year ago 
But what if they were aggressive towards you if you go with other guys because he's over-protective? ^^
X-Squirt-X posted over a year ago
That would be rather annoying. =/ I wouldn't want to date anyone like that.
Kadaj posted over a year ago
someone_save_me said:
15. Skinny. Blond. Flippy, long-ish hair. Green eyes. Extremely ticklish. Fuckin' SEXY. Acts like a gentleman sort of and totally NOT a douchebag. Stonerrr. Not afraid to quit he's doing at any moment just to kiss me/spend time with me. Likes to hang out with the chick-fil-a cow though I'm not sure why. Yess I'm describing my current boyfriend and yess I should be shot for that...<3
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posted over a year ago 
TruBerries said:
One that has common sense and intelligence
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posted over a year ago 
lolibarbie said:
Personality - He has to make me laugh. That's one of the big ticket items. He also has to be able to calm me down when I'm angry, which I've only met one guy in my life who has been able to do that and he and I didn't make it past the two month mark XD. He has to be able to hug me and just make all my cares go away and make me feel safe. He has to be actually smart, he has to be artistic, he can't be afraid to just make a move and stuff. Shyness is also totalllly cute to me too :)

Appearance - I mostly prefer brunettes. He has to be at least 5' 10" so that way when we hug my head is at his chest and it's like adorable :) uhhh, I also prefer gorgeous blue eyes or green or grey. I don't like brown eyes much, no offence to you brown-eyed peepz :P I really don't care about looks as one day I can think someone is totally ugly, and the next day I can think he's flipping gorgeous for the rest of my life.

(Wow. I totally described my ex -_- 'cept my ex is 6' 2" :P)
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posted over a year ago 
larrah111 said:
Someone nice and kind that likes me for me. Someone that's generous and caring. Someone that's funny and can always make me laugh on my worst days. Someone that's comforting when I'm upset. Someone I can trust to open up to and know that they won't judge me for things. Someone who I can just be myself around no matter what. :) And for appearance tall not skinny I like guys with meat on their bones brown/black hair and green eyes.
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posted over a year ago 
NomyCake said:

Hilarious, intelligent, witty, and next to carefree, yet someone that I can relate to and understand. Maybe not exactly, but on a personal level. And a bit insane. And not the kind of insane that people use these days to say they're different, I mean has to take pills insane. The real kind. Someone who can cheer me up when I'm down (Which is... a lot..) and someone who can put up with my own little quirks and can relate to them a bit. Someone who is gorgeous, inside and out.
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posted over a year ago 
16falloutboy said:
Someone like this...<3
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Someone like this...<3
posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
Okay personality: seems tough but can be gentle, likes kids, animals etc., treats me well, not too vain but actually cares about his appearance, smart enough that he doesn't constantly describe/laugh about bodily functions
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Okay personality: seems tough but can be gentle, likes kids, animals etc., treats me well, not too vain but actually cares about his appearance, smart enough that he doesn't constantly describe/laugh about bodily functions 
posted over a year ago 
bakuargirl729 said:
Yami Bakura-chan! <3

hot, skinny, evil but will do anything to save you- but dont think he'll help you all the damn time, alot older then me, brown eyes, and pale, pale, pale skin.
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Yami Bakura-chan! <3

hot, skinny, evil but will do anything to save you- but dont think he'll help you all the damn time, alot older then me, brown eyes, and pale, pale, pale skin.
posted over a year ago 
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