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What do you make of Toddlers and Tiaras?

I personally think it's an epic failure of a show, but I want to know your opinions.
What do you make of Toddlers and Tiaras?
dnt watch it but it looks stupid and i think their just total spoiled brats and first off no girl lke that shud be exposed to that kind of atmosphere all in all its frickin retarded
Wobblesmm3 posted over a year ago
i really agree
kaityp303 posted over a year ago
 Renarimae posted over a year ago
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r-pattz said:
It's disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

It's teaching children - impressionable, previously innocent children - to wear makeup, and look pretty. It teaches them the incorrect train of thought that good looks get you far. That's the wrong thing to be teaching kids. They need to learn good morals, logic, how to tie your shoes. Not how to apply blush and how to keep your eyeliner from smudging. It's quite possible that these kids are gonna grow up wrong because of this show.

And that's not even to mention the parents. There's something wrong with these people, these parents, that allow their kids to do this, that help their kids grow up wrong. It's disgusting, the emphasis they place on money and beauty. They're the very definition of bad parents.
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posted over a year ago 
true.. very true
iamagagamonster posted over a year ago
r-pattz: I definitely agree.
Renarimae posted over a year ago
totally u said it
sassikassi posted over a year ago
caralina100 said:
It's horrible what the parents do. They teach their kids that they need to be beautiful and everything, which they only do need that on the inside. And the parents make the girls do things they don't even want to do. All those little girls will most likely turn into spoiled little girls. I mean seriously, who buys a dress for their 6-year-old that costs over 2,000 dollars. Although I don't always think it's the little girls' fault, the parents seem like the sick ones on the show
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posted over a year ago 
I couldn't agree more, goes to prove that those parents are living vicariously through their daughters.
Renarimae posted over a year ago
softballqueen said:
itz ok but i think TLC could put a different show on that doesnt waste an hour
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posted over a year ago 
Jeffersonian said:
It makes those kids grow up way too fast. Child beauty paegants are absolutely disgusting.
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posted over a year ago 
sassikassi posted over a year ago
kaityp303 said:
though i've never watched the show but i think it sounds too ridiculous including the mothers who would force their own toddler child to be in a beauty pageant that's just plain stupid.
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posted over a year ago 
EXACTLY!! ive never watched it though either
sassikassi posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said:
vomit-worthy. The way those girls exploit themselves for a fricken award. Or tans, hair, make up, dresses, crowns. WTF? I think its more their mothers insecurities. Bunch a whackjobs
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posted over a year ago 
Couldn't agree more.
Renarimae posted over a year ago
CourtneyFan17 said:
Never heard of it but judging by the other comments I'm guessing it's a fail. Maybe that's why my Mom signed me up for beauty pageants!
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posted over a year ago 
alexthedog said:
It's terrible that these Kate Gosselin-resembling mothers would expose their kids to false beauty and serious competition like this. I was flipping through channels, and I saw a mother giving her two-year-old a spray tan. The worst part is their mothers reaction to them not winning. They scream at their poor little kids. I always think that if their kid is being a little brat, it's the parent's fault.
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
I don't really like it. I personally see those children as kids who are missing out on their childhoods and spending their days dressing up to do the same old boring ritual. :/

Not my type of thing or show.
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posted over a year ago 
sassikassi said:
innocent little kids whos parents train to be spoiled bratz. those kids get whatever they want now and i bet their parents wish tey wouldnt have spoiled them. a few are cute and not spoiled completely but the show is a MAJOR epic failure
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posted over a year ago 
lois4 said:
i find it quite entertaining but my Dad has band me from watching it cos he says that it's not right to treat kids that way!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
x-menobsessed26 said:
It's horrible that kids are like that! When they reach high school and start getting pimples, they may actually start killing themselves for not being beautiful anymore. This is while they tear other children's self-esteem down so they can feel good about themselves. I also think that the parents are sick for using their children like this. It should be illegal, or at least has an age limit of mature.
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posted over a year ago 
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