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Answer: Yo mama
Answer: what's there to explain?
Answer: hannah :)
Answer: I ran naked with a homosexual because I smoke crack...
Answer: Alvin From Alvin & the Chipmunks!
304 fans answered this question
248 fans answered this question
Answer: Linkin Park doi XD
209 fans answered this question
Answer: Well it's either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,...
Answer: I hate 30. The smell of Ketchup 29. People who pr...
177 fans answered this question
173 fans answered this question
167 fans answered this question
Answer: I'm deeply in love with my husband ♥ I love all ...
Answer: 999999999999999999 times ...
Answer: I have NO fucking idea XD
Answer: I did a blow job to a Jew Because I'm ugly DX
146 fans answered this question
145 fans answered this question
Answer: at first i thought 10 cause 4daughters each have on...
132 fans answered this question
Answer: We say "Go to hell".
Answer: I commend you on this insightful question, as it ca...
125 fans answered this question
123 fans answered this question
Answer: I said ''Thank You'' and Bowed.
122 fans answered this question
Answer: make orange juice and leave the world wondering how...
120 fans answered this question
118 fans answered this question
118 fans answered this question
Answer: I guess everyone is single here because they are al...
117 fans answered this question
116 fans answered this question
Answer: I'm faster then 80% of all snakes. I am fast. To...
Answer: I hate the person who invented THIS show and all th...
Answer: Nothing,we were born same day,same year....And no,w...
Answer: I think it was this user link...
114 fans answered this question
Answer: YAY!!!
Answer: Myself. :P
113 fans answered this question
113 fans answered this question
112 fans answered this question
112 fans answered this question
112 fans answered this question
112 fans answered this question
Answer: being normal
111 fans answered this question
111 fans answered this question
111 fans answered this question
Answer: most liky pushed u, and as u fall i yell 'thats wha...
109 fans answered this question
108 fans answered this question
108 fans answered this question
Answer: bikini bottom with my bffs spongebob patrick sandy ...
105 fans answered this question
Answer: KIRBY!!!!
103 fans answered this question
103 fans answered this question
103 fans answered this question
102 fans answered this question
101 fans answered this question
Answer: Actually, it may be best to buy something personal ...
Answer: "Thank you for building me a closet!" I don't h...
98 fans answered this question
97 fans answered this question
97 fans answered this question
97 fans answered this question
97 fans answered this question
Answer: Jacob from Vampires Suck
Answer: It depends on what you mean by tall... Compared to...
Answer: Yes,I remember,why do you ask?
95 fans answered this question
95 fans answered this question
95 fans answered this question
95 fans answered this question
94 fans answered this question
94 fans answered this question
Answer: Say hi?
93 fans answered this question
93 fans answered this question
Answer: No. Maybe I should move to Neverland to be a kid fo...
Answer: To...have a user icon?
92 fans answered this question
92 fans answered this question
92 fans answered this question
91 fans answered this question
90 fans answered this question
90 fans answered this question
90 fans answered this question
89 fans answered this question
Answer: [b]The Game[/b]
88 fans answered this question
87 fans answered this question
87 fans answered this question
86 fans answered this question
Answer: Sssssoooomem, some, some, ttthhhing, thing, somethi...