Random RP Angels Vs. Demons

vampyrechick posted on Apr 22, 2010 at 03:25AM
backcat (Alex) and i came up with this one together

Demons have been roaming freely around New York City for about two years, bringing destruction and tragedy where ever they go. The Angels have had enough and decide it's time to take action. the Angels' mission: destroy the Demons.. the Demons' mission: to fight back, and win.

Choose your side, light or dark. you can be either an Angel, a Demon, a Demon who used to be and Angel, or and Angel who used to be a Demon.

Name: Elizabeth
Age: 21
Type: Demon
Personality: outgoing, adventerious, gets bored easily.
Powers: has control over fire.
Other: she has only been a Demon for about a year, before that she was an Angel. she was very good friends with Alex when she was an Angel. She regrets leaving Angelhood to be a Demon.
backcat (Alex) and i came up with this one together

Demons have been roaming freely around New Y
last edited on Apr 22, 2010 at 03:40AM

Random RP 187 replies

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over a year ago backcat said…
Name: Alex
Age: 22
Type: Angel
Powers: can control wind
Personality: calm, doesn't like violence, outgoing.
Other: he was always an Angel. he was friends with Elizabeth until she left Angelhood to be a Demon.
Name: Alex
Age: 22
Type: Angel
Powers: can control wind
Personality: calm, doesn't like violence,
over a year ago Jv611 said…
Name: Justin
Age: 23
Personality: Quiet,Shy,Emotionless
Power: Electricity
Other: He's an emotionless killer and an excellent assassin. he's been a demon for five years and could care less about others.
over a year ago Kibarules77 said…
Personality:Nice,Calm,Cares for the enviorment
Power:Fire and Water
Other:He is a angel who has been one for 3 years and he cares for the world and he would do anything to protect it.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Name: Unknown; He calls himself Mephistopheles
Personality: Vicious and spiteful. A sadist. He helps sinners sin and then kills them for their sin. He tries very hard to keep himself emotionally detached from others, but this isn't always the case. He's also very energetic and always seems to be on the move.
Power: Wind, it makes him more agile and fast.
Other: He is basically a demon but because he only attacks sinners he sees himself as inbetween. Then again, it's impossible to not sin. Anyone could be his victim. An aluminum bat is his tool of trade.
((Hi vampyre!))
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
((hey bird! your character sounds awesome by the way ^-^))
over a year ago Shebird said…
((Tanks! This is a pretty cool idea))
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
((welcome :] thanks to you too, me and backcat came up with it together))
over a year ago Shebird said…
((When's it gonna be started?))
over a year ago Liepe said…
Name: Sora
Age: 20
Personality: Kind, can be a bit weird, get's confused easily and speaks her mind.
Powers: Can move objects with her mind (telekinises)
Other: She is an angel. She's been for about four months now, so she's still in training. She knows she's ment to destory the demonds, but they are kind fun to watch, how they see life. She sometimes try see it through their eyes.
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
((i'll start it now))

It was late at night, Elizabeth had just caused a house fire on the outskirts NYC. She sat on a near-by rooftop, wind playing in her long black hair, waiting for the firemen to arrive, repeatedly flicking her fingers as if to light a lighter, making a small flame then blowing it out again. When the firemen finaly got there she waited until they almost had the fire compleatly out, then flicked her hand making the house explode and blowing a few firemen backwards into the firetruck. Elizabeth laughed then stood up and flew to a coffee shop, she ordered a coffee then walked outside and sat on a park bench, Elizabeth let her mind wander through old memories as she drank her coffee, wondering what it would have been like had she not joined the Demons.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
(Can I join?)
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
((of course you can, i was hoping you would [: ))
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
(Yay! =D)

Name: Remy (Thought I could use a name change.)
Age: 20
Type: Demon
Powers: Control over fire, and earth, telepathic in others words she can hear your thoughts and speak to you through your mind
Personality: Nice, Bold, Strong willed, outgoin, even though she's a demon she's pretty bubblly and happy.
Other: She has only been a demon for 6 months. She had gotten tired of always being the nice guy, trying to help others, after a while it bored her. So she turned to the demon side for more excitement.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago backcat said…
Alex was walking into NYC and spotted a burning house, he waved his arm at it making a gust of wind blow it out "Damn Demons" he mumbled to himself as he walked further into the city. Alex saw a bar and decided to go in and get a quick drink before going out 'Demon Hunting' as he called it. He didn't like the idea of killing people, weither they were Demons or not, but he had to do what was for the greater good. Alex sat down at a stool in the bar and ordered a beer, usually he didn't drink but if he was going to kill he'd need the alcohol.
over a year ago backcat said…
((cool we've got 7 people already))
over a year ago Jv611 said…
Justin sat on the Empire state building he playfully shot lightning out arcing it around and electrocuting people. He was begining to frow old and tired of this. He walked and grabed a part of the metal building. He charged electricity sending it flowing through part of the building. In a huge eruption the roof of the building exploded in a giant exposion.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Help me carry this," A shakey voice, and trembling hands. The man carried a small form, wrapped in a bloodsoaked sheet while his accomplice looked on with malevolence. "God!" The weight was too much. He dropped her. Her face now revealed sliced and cold. He stared into her eyes.

"Lust...and murder...I thought you were better than that." Mephistopheles approached the huddled man with his bat raised over his head.

"What?! Wait?! I thought we could-I wohought we were friends?!"

"Heh, Me friend? I don't make friends. I make sinners..." He struck down hearing a horrid crack and a yelp. He did it few more times, watching the pathetic creature gurgle and moan. But then a loud sound of the sky tearing apart followed by a quiver and a rush of sirens had forced him to stop. He pushed his hair back with a look of self-pride mixed with disgust. He knew other demons were at work and this irritated him...With a sigh he smeared the blood across his face and vanished within a gust of wind.

He appeared within veiw of the large building burning and dying before the entire city. "Aww..damn what a waste of perfectly good architecture."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Remy looked about the park at the chaos she had created. Scattered everywhere were holes in the earth and fires blazing out of them, people ran for help, while others were sallowed whole by the non giving flames. "This never gets old." Remy smiled at her work, then turned and walked into the city.
over a year ago Liepe said…
Sora sat on a bench ina park. She was ment to look for demands, but didn't really feel like it today. She closed her eyes and sighed happily.
over a year ago Jv611 said…
Justin warped down to the bottom of the building. Shocks of electricity flew oyut stricking anything electrical causing an explosion.
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
Startled out of her state of thought by the loud noise, Elizabeth jumped then stood up and looked toward the empire state building, "Hmph, i liked that building" she frowned then snapped her fingers at a random taxi, making it blow up and crash into a bar. she threw her coffee cup into a recycling bin and lit that on fire as well, then started walking toward the empire state building.
over a year ago backcat said…
as the taxi flew into the side of the bar Alex jumped up and ran outside to try and help the passengers out of the car, but it was too late. He hit the wall of the bar in frustration and decided it was time ti to look for demons, he saw the explosion and figured that would be a good place to start so he started walking toward the empire state building.
over a year ago Jv611 said…
He looked back at the empire state building leaving the rest of the building destroyed. "Hmph, that still dosent stop the twin towers" he looked back and warped down the street.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Dumb ass demons, they always like wrecking things. Don't they realize chaos is an art?! I really should stop talking to myself.." He pulled from his pocket a small notepad with numbers and names scribbled all over it. He did some figures and worked on some math and concluded that he only needed eighty-nine more sinners and then he can continue on to just fucking with people's heads.
over a year ago backcat said…
Alex saw a demon warp toward the twin towers and, with a gust of wind, he transported in front of the demon and pulled out a sword.
over a year ago Jv611 said…
Justin looked at the boy with the sword. "Well, well, well what do we have here. Listen angel boy get outta my way" his voice was emotionless and his face showed no signs of emotion .
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
walking into the center of the chaos surrounding the building Elizabeth looked around and started setting random police cars, fire trucks, and civillian vehicals stuck in the middle of it all. she laughed to herself as she watchied people run around frantically
over a year ago Shebird said…
Mephistopheles got a little closer, allowing himself to be whisked by the wind. He manifested himself next to an unphased female, amidst wild panic. "Stay around too long and you might get hurt, Little Elizabeth." He smiled and threw his bat over his shoulder.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Remy lept up onto a building and watched the destress of the people as the ran from the Empire state building. "Looks like someone had fun here."
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
"Me? Get hurt?? You obviously don't know me very well" Elizabeth smirked, blowing up a few more cars as she spoke.
over a year ago backcat said…
"not gonna happen demon boy, you've done enough damage for one day" he said sternly, standing his ground.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"I know enough to know what you are."He gave an annoyed look towards the exploding cars."Amateur at best. Silly demon, don't you know how to achieve proper mayhem? The human race is only so weak. Once you kill them, they're gone and the rest move on with their lives. The key thing is to find their mental weakness and toy with it until they go absolutely mad." He puffed up his chest and stroke his chin with an expression of pride. He turned back to the building. "I don't think you were the cause of that."
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
Remy jumped from the building and landed behind Mephistopheles. "If she didn't cause this. Then who did?"
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
"yes but messing with minds takes longer and it's boring.. mass distruction is more fun" she smiled "and no i didn't do that.. i just came when i saw the mayhem"
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Don't know..." He turned his head slightly, eyeing the other demon girl. "It looks like a hit and run, but whoever did it has a lot of power." He turned his head back to the mass panic. He grinned, with evil thoughts. "The things I could do..."
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"Or is just a show off..." She smiled.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Though it sickens me to think about. That could be a possibility. Look at all this mess. This will be remembered...and all the people who died will somehow become heroes to this simple-minded world. This is no way to go about things! If I could, I would wipe out this entire world while all the soiled minds were at their weakest and all of the innocence were lost. The last survivors will think back on how miserable the human race is..." He sighed casting his veiw upon the sky. "There I go talking o myself again."
over a year ago vampyrechick said…
"my guess is showoff.. or just someone who got really, really bored" she looked toward the rubble that was once the empire state building.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She looked about at the mess before her. "Too bad this place was nice. Oh well. The people will most likely build a new one and forget about this one. Thats how it always works."
over a year ago Jv611 said…
Justin stared at him with a look that said 'Move or die' "dont waste my time" electricity flew out of his hand and covered his hands in it. "One punch and 3000 volts of electricity smack the angel right out of you" his eyes were stone cold and lifless.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Yeah...A pity isn't it. It's bad for us, it attracts angels," He said, eyeing them, knowing very well that they may have done things nearly as bad. "These days, it's best to be subtle or we'll all get killed."
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"Ah angels always coming to the rescue. They are really getting on my nerves." She crossed her arms over her chest, and watched the people as they ran around for help.
over a year ago Shebird said…
"Just like overgrown flies, just asking for us to swat them." Getting tired of the extra weight, he let the bat slide of his shoulder and he leaned upon the handle.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
"Yeah, now if only we could swat them all at once." She saw a human running away from the fire that rose from the cumbled building, with a slight movedment of her pointer fing the ground beneath him move and shoved him into the fire. A scream of pain was heard from the man as he was burned alive.
over a year ago Shebird said…
Mephisopheles glared into the burning fire, then his expression went placid. He shook his head and gave a plastic grin. He turned to her. "So you're the one who controls earth. Let me guess...Remy, right?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
(lol shebird i changed my name for this one, Its Remy not Whinny. =D)
over a year ago Shebird said…
((DAMN IT-it's just like the Alex thing._.))
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
(Sorry to confuse you, but I thought I would try out a new name for a character. Didnt mean to screw you up.)

She turn her head to Mephistopheles. "Yeah. Hw'd you know that?"
over a year ago Shebird said…
((No-no no don't be sorry! I do that all the time.. o.o I'm bad at names and I was horribly distracted by really sad movie-Then again when am I not distracted >:} ))

"Let's just say I get around." His grin grew wider, showing theeth and gums.
over a year ago demon_wolf said…
She looked back into the flames of the fire. "So you know my name. Whats yours?"