Random RP All Night cafe otherwise known as Nightmare cafe rp

axemnas posted on Mar 09, 2012 at 06:13AM
Okay, this is one i thought we all could do cause it's not really based anywhere in particular on a given basis, and that also means worlds. I'm new to rps in general i have only done a few so yeah anyways. The cafe is sort of in the twilight zone so to speak it seems normal where ever you live from the outside but it turns out to be quite different. Our hosts Blackie, Frank, and Fay. Blackie runs the place and the three of them tend to stay out of the way with an exception of bringing you your food oh that reminds me you can order whatever you possibly want anything from a chocolate malt to i don't know a lava float. Anyways back to our hosts have you ever heard the term "you commit suicide you become a civil servant in the afterlife" That's what happened to Frank and Fay, so now they are working for Blackie and the cafe. Fay is one of the more social of the three but for the most part everyone's left to chat amongst themselves.
So yeah that's pretty much it any and all types of characters are welcome from a pokemon to a Klingon.
and so everyone can understand each other that's just another mystery of the cafe. For those that need an explanation.
So this rp doesn't die off like i've seen many do some before i even got a chance to join it will go on a remotely in real time. So i'm thinking unless there is a big conversation going on that is very compelling or something like that when you see 24 hrs. i guess its best to assume its the next day. That will start when we get at least one other person on here that is. and i think that's it, oh yeah you can post your characters and bios in the thread that's already set up.
So without anymore delay lets begin

Please try and avoid one-line answers if possible - add in character thoughts, actions or expressions to make it easier for others to respond and interact.
last edited on Mar 18, 2012 at 07:46PM

Random RP 416 replies

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over a year ago axemnas said…
(your entrance to the cafe can be as short or long as you like within reason, i've always been one for a prologue so mines a little lengthy but you can have one that's as simple as <insert name here> entered the cafe)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang cranked up the speed on his bike trying to get as much distance between him and his follower as he possibly could. When suddenly from behind he was rammed nearly flipping him over the handle bars. He turned around to see a all too familiar face grinning at him with his grim fanged toothy smile. Sabretooth, he slashed at Fang ripping the tail of his jacket. Timming it right Fang kicked Sabretooth's bike causing it to turn sending him over a cliff. Fang knew he'd be back. Fang kept on going several miles without stopping hoping to get out of dodge. When he past a cafe he went over his tracks and drove into the parking lot, parking his bike behind the place. He then rapidly changed his clothes and walked in. The cafe seemed empty. Fang walked up to the counter and sat down at one of the bar stools.
"Coke"he said tapping the counter getting his wallet.
His wallet looked like it had been through the tests of time holding on by a single tread.
A man in a tux sat a glass bottle coke in front of him.
"Aren't ya a little young ta be out on your own" The man behind the counter said.
"I'm older than i look" Fang said wittily taking a sip from his coke"i might even be older than you".
The man smirked "names Blackie you running from somethin"
"How'd ya guess" Fang replied somewhat sarcastically.
"I've seen enough guys like you Fang; our customers here;... they're your type crowd" he said gesturing with his cigar in his fingers.
Fang turned his head to look for a second turned back The man was gone.
"Wha..." Fang had a look of surprise on his face for a moment then he shrugged and went back to drinking his soda.
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
(are you still interested in making this rp work? Cause it looks like a great idea to me and I'd be happy to join if you do.)
over a year ago axemnas said…
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
Amaranth had been walking for weeks. Who knew if you disagreed with one little thing the whole demonic counsel would turn against you? The worst part of it was the little twerp who'd been following her, he was amusing the first couple days, talking about how he agreed with her and he couldn't stay there another minute, how he'd help her kill them all if they ever got the chance, but then it just got annoying. He actually listened to her though when she told him to shut up, in fact, he seemed to hang on her every word, it made no sense at all why he would do such a thing, she didn't even know his name was Kaimei until day two of their trek even though they worked together just about every day before that. 
Somehow, Kaimei saw her as a mentor though, someone to look up to. Maybe it was because his parents were dead and she reminded him of his mother, or maybe it was the more likely reason that she was one of the most powerful demon he'd met who wasn't a complete jerk to him because of his being only one forth demon. Whatever his reasoning, it didn't change the fact that the two unlikely comrades were now approaching a café which seemed highly appealing. 

Upon entering, the pair saw that there seemed to be only one other costumer there. They quickly made their way to the counter upon seeing the tender and the two managed to order  the same thing at the same time, rare steak and a cup of coffee, which resulted in Amaranth giving Kaimei a long, cold glare. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
over a year ago axemnas said…
((That's why i made it the Nightmare cafe instead of just the regular coffee house. Who doesn't love Blackie))
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang turned his head to look and see who was there but being the cautious guy he was he didn't say anything and turned his head back around. After the two ordered he decided to say something. "Are you two relatives, siblings perhaps or what?" he said with a somewhat sarcastic tone.
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
Amaranth turned her red eyes on Fang when he spoke, "Quite the opposite actually. He's more like a stray that follows me around for some odd reason."

"I'm not a stray," Kaimei retorted, "And I followed you because you acted like you knew where you were going. I was obviously mistaken." He said before sitting down at one of the bar-stools.
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang smirked "Sorry, my mistake but you two certainly mirror each other in mannerisms a bit"
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
"Correction, He mirrors me," Amaranth clarified before sitting down as well.

Kaimei only rolled his eyes at the statement, "It's not surprising that we'd catch on to each others mannerisms after only having contact with each other for weeks on end."
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang nodded "Oh, i take it yall have somewhat of a unrelated brother sister type relationship then"
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
Kaimei shrugged, "I guess you could say that."

"Or you could say I have a stalker," Amaranth said sharply.
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang smirked, "Well that's always a option"
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
Kaimei simply put his head down on the bar with a yawn as he waited for his coffee and steak.

Amaranth gave Fang a nod, "An option indeed."
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Where ya from anyways?" Fang asked
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
"the underworld," Kaimei answered without a second thought until he was struck in the back of the head by Amaranth, "you cant just go around telling people that you idiot!"
over a year ago axemnas said…
"the underworld, huh, interesting" Fang said
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
"Not when you've been banished. When you've be banished the underworld sucks." Kaimei told him.

Amaranth only put her head down and face in her hands, mumbling something incomprehensible under her breath.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Banished, hmm, the closest thing I've ever gotten to banished is kicked out of a bar for the most part"
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh god, fucking shit! Oh shit! Oh shiiiii-" A sharp cough rattled his ribcage, sending a shiver down his vertabrae with whatever bones were left intact. The man doubled over, puffing wet sickly wheezes into the cold air. He put his hand down his bloodied breast pocket, seeking relief-Bingo! His last cigarette. He placed it betwween his lips, avoiding the gap where two of his teeth used to be, and searched for lighter. No luck. Then that shrill angry sound erupted from behind. Dare he look behind him? He dared. His jaw dropped, sending the cigarette to drown in a puddle on the asphalt below."Oh nnooo....They've got a-Aaaaaahhhh!" He ran even faster now as he was being stared down by headlights. "Holy fucking god! You really fucked up this time!" He could smell the exhaust as the metal monster charged him, it was the smell of his end drawing near. Suddenly he stepped down on a little piece of rope threaded through his shoe, and then he found himself kissing the road. He rolled to his side just in time to hear the roar of the engine as the rattly pickup speed past his head. "Mother of god...."

He pulled his gun from the holster in his belt and kissed it, before rolling to his belly and climbing to his feet. He shot a few times at the truck as it violently u-turned and started to speed back at him. Feeling the truck had made a good distance. He ran back the way he came and ducked into a series of alleyways, stumbling into the walls as he made sharp turns. He found himself... in the middle of nowhere staring down a cafe, that he'd never seen before. Feeling safe about where he was he went to look at himself in a window pane.

A fuckin' mess as always. His hair sticking in every direction. His beard and side burns decorated with bits of dirt and dried blood. A small scar, on his leathery cheek as well as many pin pricked marking all over his neck, and there was still bandage residue on the bridge of his nose. And let's not forget that grusome scar on his shoulder as well as his favorite, the one he got from getting shot in the collar bone. That was fun.

He shrugged it off. This seemed like a shady place, anyhow... what difference did it make. He could use a good drink after that mishap. Wasn't even what he thought it was. He barged in, not even bothering to do anythng about his bloodied shirt.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang turned around and looked when he heard the door open seeing the man walk in he then just turned back around and continued eating.
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
It looked pretty empty to him, he wasn't usre he should count this as a relief. But the people that were there didn't seem normal. Whatever, he was thirsty. He walked over to the bar stool and just dropped down on to it. He put his face into his hands and sighed, making a "Zzzsssssss" through his teeth.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Ruff day?" Fang said
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"Rough life, " He replied in a strong Boston accent, muffled through his hands. He rubbed his eyes and then slapped the counter. " Where's the fuckin' tenda! I need... somethin'!"
over a year ago axemnas said…
"aint that the truth" Fang couldn't help but say.
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"You too, huh?" The man turned his head and gave the boy a crooked grin. "Ya know this place? I never been. Kinda empty but I guess it's tha time. Weird place to put a cafe, too."
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Yeah, kinda, it was in the right place at the right time in my case though" Fang said with a nod
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"Ah... ah...uh-huh. Wait, whattya mean?" ((Aaaaah! I mean Brooklyn accent, not Boston.))
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang shrugs "Well, i was on the run from this guy and it was just the perfect place to hide and considerin i haven't been found out yet i'd say it's better than i originally thought"
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"Yeah, on the lamb? From what? If you don't mind me pressin'."
over a year ago axemnas said…
"You could say that, these guys from this secret government agency called Weapon X has been tryin to catch me since i escaped a while back. The guy i was runnin from works for them and takes pride in beatin me up for the fun of it" Fang said.
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"Woah woah woah! Woah... slow down. Government agency?! Weapon what??" He gave an incredulous glance at him, and searched his eyes for any sign of trickery.
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
"That sounds a lot more interesting than ours... we should have been asking him questions instead," Kaimei spoke with sudden curiosity.
Amaranth seemed much less amused and refused to verify Kaimei's statement with a response.
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
The man was startled to see that there were two others sitting on the other side of the man he was convering with. He leaned forward a little to look at them.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(so um we just go into this cafe and talk and stuff?)
over a year ago axemnas said…

Fang gave him a genuine look of sincerity "Yep, weapon X and they aint guys anyone wants to get mixed up in I assure ya"
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"What the hell is... Wait, no don't even bother. I'll take your advice." He put his hand up.
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Glad you see it my way" Fang said taking a sip of his coke
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
He shook his head and farted. Then he turned back to the counter and asked if they served any kind of alcohal at this "joint".

"If ya do, I'd like a scotch straight up, no ice."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
Once their food and coffee was brought Kaimei began eating rather quickly. Amaranth on the other hand, ate more daintily and sipped her coffee.
over a year ago axemnas said…
"So what's yur story" Fang asked taking another sip of his soda.
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"It's a long one. To cut it short. I'm in tha business of exterminatin' pests," He grinned a broken grin.
over a year ago Nevermore_ said…
"so you like.. kill bugs?" Kaimei asked.
over a year ago axemnas said…
"Sounds like what i do sometimes" Fang said.
over a year ago aNinnyMouse said…
"Pffthaahahahyeah... Yeah, bugs. We'll say they're bugs." He winked towards fang. "Big fuckin' bugs. Hug creepin crawlin-" He immediately consumed some of the scotch and placed it on the bar. "You know I usually don't drink this kinda stuff. But this shit's good."
over a year ago axemnas said…
Fang grins nodding "i bet"
over a year ago Potter-rulez said…
(Ok, so we just come in whenever?)
Quin walked up to the cafe and read the sign, "The Nightmare Cafe" she walked in and saw the two others, "hey, I'm Quinn, Where you guys from? Man my feet hurt motorbike broke down awhile ago, been walking for days with nothin' but the pack on my back." She sits down and orders a large ice-cream soda, she gulps it down and belches, "oh, pardon me."

She took off her backpack, as she did her black wings unfolded, "ahh, that's better been waiting to do that for ages, they were getting cramped. I'll tell ya a bit about myself, I was up there" she points up, "I was and angel till I fell, it's been a few days since I fell can't exactly remember why either. Just know i broke the rules."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…

"It's nice to meet ya, I'm Fang" he said placing his hand out to be shaken
over a year ago Potter-rulez said…
Looking at it for a while she shook it, "right back at ya, so how did you come to find this place? "