Random Role Playing Boundry of the Apocalypse

BanetteGhosneir posted on Oct 29, 2017 at 09:01PM
The year is 2420
Human space faring technology is still quite limited. space elevators are only just being realised, whilst spaceships are still limited to not going further than Saturn. no Warp-drives, no fast space sailing (it takes many years just to get to Jupiter). however
12 years ago, 2408, an ancient Alien vessel, titled 'The Boundary Apocalypse' had been discovered on one of Jupiter's moons, Io.

the Boundary Apocalypse was found severely damaged, yet its technology was something unseen before by anyone, and though we would've loved to tear it apart to research it's technology. nothing on Earth was powerful enough to even cause a scratch. even more peculiar, the ship was repairing itself... slowley.

in 2410, the HAOS (Human Association Over Space) begun a multi-billion dollar project to move the Boundary Apocalypse from Io to Earth, and once it had fully repaired itself, for humans to board and discover whatever they could. however due to the ship's massive size. it could not be dropped on any continent without causing large-scale damage, the Boundary Apocalypse was dropped on Antarctica. the shockwave and impact of it's landing caused global tidal waves and earthquakes, however recovery was easy.

fast forward to 2420, 2 weeks ago a milestone had been reached. the ship had finally fully repaired itself. and a team was designated to be put together to board it, and discover whatever they could.

the Minor Roles is over 300 scientists, 300 engineers and 350 soldiers for protection. now we will focus on the main roles. The Commander (Pilot), the Head Researcher, the Head Engineer and the Head of Militarial Action.

the Commander (Pilot) was chosen by the HAOS to take notes about the ship, it's navigational ability and how it flies. essentially they're supposed to report on how it flies.

The Head of Research and the Head Engineer were chosen by the global Government, they are to find out anything about the Boundary Apocalypse's technology and to try and reverse engineer it. if they can get it to function, bonus points.

the Head of Militarial Action was designated by the Military to board the Boundary Apocalypse with the crew, in case the ship had any dangerous alien life forms aboard. also able to

2 weeks later. the roles had been decided. and now we stand in the freezing cold, on a platform. waiting for the all green to begin the mission.

the ship... has a strange feeling to it.

[====][Character Creation][====]

[Role]=[Type Here]

[Name]=[Type Here]

[Age]=[Type Here]

[Biography]=[Type Here]

[Extra]=[Type Here]


[=][Human Crew][=]

Commander/Pilot - [Tolm Almurnack ] - [Banette]
Head of Research - [Unity] - [666demon]
Engineering Lead - [Abigail Collins] - [Dreamwriter]
Head of Military - [Robin Sheppard] - [666demon]
Soldier - [Dandiel Wismen] - [666demon]
Soldier - [Noctom Pyris] - [666demon]
Engineer - [Boom Boom] - [666demon]


????????????? - [????] - [Banette]
надсмотрщик - [RE-класс] - [Banette]
The year is 2420
Human space faring technology is still quite limited. space elevators are only just
last edited on Nov 16, 2017 at 11:26AM

Random Role Playing 31 replies

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over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((This character has a major role, but has not been found yet.))

[Role]=[?? ?? ??? ???????? ??????????]



[Biography]=[???? ??????? ???? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ??????]

[Extra]=[???? ????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ??????]
last edited over a year ago
((This character has a major role, but has not been found yet.))

[[b]Role[/b]]=[?? ?? ??? ????????
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
[Role]= Head Engineer

[Name]= Abigail Collins

[Age]= 24

[Biography]= Abby comes from a long line of engineers in a small town. For as long as she could remember, she was always tinkering and fixing things that no one else could fix. She used to work at her grandfather's well known mechanic shop and became someone who people would travel the world to see. But one day, when she heard about the Boundary Apocolypse, she couldn't sit still knowing that that ship held many secrets and new technology that has never been seen before. She left the shop and joined the HAOS as their head engineer.

[Extra]= She carries around a handmade body size wrench and has a thirst for knowledge and tinkering. She finds great pleasure at taking things apart and seeing how they work. Though sometimes it tends to be a bit obsessive to the point where she won't eat or sleep for days till she figures it out. Her right leg, from the knee down, was lost in an accident and she made herself a new one with a few extra parts. How she lost it is something she refuses to talk about.
[Role]= Head Engineer

[Name]= Abigail Collins

[Age]= 24

[Biography]= Abby comes from a long
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Welcome... I doubt more will come though))
over a year ago 666demon said…
[Role]=[Head of Military]

[Name]=[Robin Sheppard]



[Extra]=[Will leave people behind for the safety of others, will publicly humiliate you or give corporal punishments in front of the entire god damn team if you back-stab her and depending where we are she might just drop kick your ass out of the ship]
[Role]=[Head of Military] 

[Name]=[Robin Sheppard] 


over a year ago 666demon said…

[Name]=[Dandiel Wismen]


[Biography]=[ Dandiel comes from a long line of soldiers who served in the military. At a young age, Dandiel was wandering around his parents ship when he climbed on board without them knowing, He would go play pretend until someone had caught him. Parents were outraged and enlisted him for training, to be a soldier. The training was successful, although it turned him cold. Then he saw what it was doing when he had stumbled upon records, the training of his personality and mindset to be a soldier broke. ]

[Extra]=[Think of telling him what to do and he'll tell you to go do it yourself, has a habit of pissing his commanding officers off]

[Name]=[Dandiel Wismen] 


[Biography]=[ Dandiel comes from a lo
over a year ago 666demon said…

[Name]=[Noctom Pyris]



[Extra]=[ The thing about Noc is that she was taken by the government and experimented on her. They slowed her heart down, broke her will, suppressed her personality and reprogrammed her entire way of thinking. She think's everyone is to kill her. She sticks to Wismen, he's good in her book]

[Name]=[Noctom Pyris] 



[Extra]=[ T
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…



[Biography]=[Oversee... run experiments... repair equipment... study lifeforms... always more work to be done... my ship is damaged... it will repair... sleep while wait... sleep... sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...]

[Extra]=[???? ????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ?????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ????????? ???????? ??????]



over a year ago 666demon said…

[Role]=[Engineer...Explosives expert]

[Name]=[Boom Boom]


[Biography]=[Boom Boom doesn't remember much, if you ask her what had happened to her she'll just say her name. When she was 19, bombs were dropped in Australia. they didn't hurt her but she did get her head knocked around]

[Extra]=[Despite only speaking two words, Boom Boom is highly intelligent, guys she makes her own fucking explosives for Christ's sake and she's alive]
over a year ago 666demon said…
[Role]=[Head of Research]




[Extra]=[Even though there are three bodies, there is one mind, one brain. One body is never seen without the other two bodies close behind. Boom Boom is terrified of them, Noncom is aggressive as fuck around them and does not trust them, Dandiel doesn't trust them]
[Role]=[Head of Research] 



over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Once the final major role is filled we can start. and Demon, you cannot fill it. you've already got 2 major roles.))
over a year ago 666demon said…
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
((Fine, I'll fill in the final spot))


[Name]=[Tolm Almurnack "The Survivor"]



Tolm Almurnack.
Survivor and service of over 13 wars, 2 major wars and 7 civil wars

Tolm has an extremely good knack at surviving in any situation, from bunker duty to even the great deserts. he went missing 2 years before the discovery of the Boundary Apocalypse and only 2 months before the roles were going to be decided he popped back up again. due to his massive knowledge on almost every ship model (including hidden military prototypes not released to the public) he was assigned to overlook this project and figure out the alien vessel...

but Tolm knows what the military is hiding... and he knows what they've done.]


he knows far too much than he lets off]
((Fine, I'll fill in the final spot))


[[b]Name[/b]]=[Tolm Almur
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
a thin mist of heated breath plumed out of the mask over his face, the commander of the project stood at the bottom of the man-made ramp, staring at the 2km door of the alien vessel.

the sheer size of the machine was unthinkable, the inside layout and how long it would take to travel all over this massive hunk of metal could only be estimated, and not just for it's width and length, no city nor mountain on earth was as high as this breath-taking marvel...

and yet, the 2km wide door felt... ominous, as if whatever was inside was simply waiting and biding it's time...
it wasn't right... but it was their job.

Tolm pressed on his radio.
"We move at oh-six-hundred. (0600 or 6am) Station 1 is for emergencies. Station 2 is for Militarial affairs. Station 3 is for the Engineers. Station 4 is for the lab coats. Station 5 is for other affairs. stick to the right radio channel."
he commanded over the radio.

he sat back down in the Jeep he had assigned to him. a Soldier and an Engineer in the jeep with him...

it was bloody freezing out here...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago 666demon said…
"Boom Boom?" A small girl with braided hair asks quietly to the male sitting beside her. He's partly asleep but he wakes when she talks. She's twitching but not from the cold. Her fingers flex and contract, move like she's constructing some kind of imaginary thing. They wouldn't let her bring anything. Saying they didn't want her to blow the ship apart before they even took off. "Boom Boom?" She asks again, only a little bit louder and rushed, like she was going to upset the older male in the truck. The ginger smiles at her some, pulling her closer to share warmth. "Don't worry Boom Boom. It'll be alright. Almurnack just means we leave at six in the morning." He pulls his jacket over the melaninated girl, grunting a little when she elbows him in the ribs some. He knows she doesn't mean it, it's part of her and she can't help it.

"Wismen, you will call him by his title." A female came over the radio, she was stuck in another jeep with The Three Musketeers and Zombie as Dandiel likes to call them. God they haven't even gotten on the ship and he already hates the sound of this girl's voice. "Yeah yeah sweetheart and my name's Colonel Sanders. I'm finger lickin' good." He can hear Zombie try and suppress a laugh and Hear one of the Musketeers make a displeased noise and another one call him childish. When he looks down Boom Boom is grinning.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
an hour till 6am. Tolm flipped through a manifest of all the resources available to him.

6 months worth of food and water. 16 tanks, and enough Jeeps and Trucks to carry all the equipment and people. the government was really prepared for this expedition... except...

whatever this ship is made out of, nothing humans can make can affect it... not a single scratch... yet it was damaged when it was found 12 years ago... the idea that there is already something Humans can't even dent is scary enough, but that there IS something that can dent it, let alone destroy a large amount of it is even more frightening.

50 minutes till 6am...
time ticks on...


meanwhile, deep inside the alien vessel, something announced aloud.

"Судоремонт на девяносто восемь процентов. сдерживающие нарушения на всем протяжении судна. пробуждение надзирателя."

smoke and mist came pouring out of a sort of cryo-chamber... and someone stepped out...
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
The passenger door swung open and Abigail popped her head in with her usual smile. "Hey there, Tolm! Hope you don't mind if I come in here with you guys." She sat down and closed the door. She held the top part of her wrench as the handle part folded itself inside it. She took a deep breath to calm herself but everything about her radiated with excitement. There was nothing more she ever wanted than to take that ship apart and find out what makes it tink. Abigail looked over her shoulder at Boom Boom and noticed her hands. "Looks like I'm not the only one ready start." Her attention went back to Tolm and she grinned
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Tolm jumped at the sudden appearance of Abigail... spry little thing...
"still ecstatic as always... as for you two"
Tolm looked over his shoulder, to Boom and 'colonel poultry'

"you'll get to blow stuff up if we come across any dead ends..."
Tolm doubted it would effect anything though.

((I'm gunna speed things up a little.))

5 minutes till 6... 5 minutes till rollout.
Tolm's voice came over the radio again.
"Final checks, make sure all your equipment is prepared, 5 minutes till we roll."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail gripped her wrench tightly as her right foot tapped repeatedly anxiously. So close...so close! She stayed up all night checking everything. Making sure the specs on her devices were good to go. She even did some modification on her wrench. How anyone could sleep last night was beyond her. "I wonder what we will find? What kind of material is the ship made of? What does it use for fuel? The maintenance for this ship." Her eyes sparkled with wonder and anticipation. "What secrets will we discover in there? Maybe we will even learn enough to make our own version of it!" She squealed as she put her hands on her cheeks. "The wait is too much!"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Tolm shook his head.
"you're dreaming too big there, kid."

the ship was larger than a continent. just bringing it to earth had caused global earthquakes, the sheer size of this thing is the whole reason they had 6 months worth of food... though Tolm thinks they'll need tonnes more.

"Maintenance... we already know the ship is self repairing... hell, we've been waiting 12 years for the damned thing to repair itself."

Tolm started the engine of the Jeep they were in... the sounds of more engines could be heard starting behind them.

Tolm took the radio.
"Convoy, move out."

he started to move his Jeep forward, the vehicles behind them beginning to follow.

into the mouth of the ship they went... and what will come out?


the figure from the cryochamber pressed buttons after buttons... messing with a console... a holographic display popped up... an alert?...
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail giggled as they began to move out. "I think you don't dream big enough, Mr. Pilot. With the infomation we get from this ship, we could extend our horizon. And that self repair...I wonder how they managed that? A special programming? If I could copy that and place it on vehicles and maybe even weapons...!" The simple thought was making her swoon and drool slightly. She quickly wiped it away as they got closer. "Got to dream big or go home!"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
once the front of the Convoy had entered into the ship, they were met with tunnels. one to the left, another to the right.

the tunnels themselves were overwhelmingly large, the entire convoy could fit from wall to wall in a single line... the temperature inside felt around 27°c, and the walls were covered in a new, unique plant, the tunnels seemingly endless in their length... Tolm had to decide which direction to move.

the right tunnels led to the assumed back of the ship, since they wanted to find out how to work this magnificent vessel, he decided left.

"Convoy, we're taking the Left tunnel."

Tolm put the radio down, driving the jeep down the selected tunnel.

"It's fine to dream big Kid. but dream realistic too. we can't make a ship of this size... hell, we can't even scratch the paint job on this thing..."

Tolm picked up the Radio again, switching to station 4.
"Science team, take some quick samples of the plants on the walls if you can, then continue with the Convoy."
once the front of the Convoy had entered into the ship, they were met with tunnels. one to the left,
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail took in the site before her in awe and astonishment. "Wow...amazing..." She wanted so badly to rip down the walls and see what lies underneath but she held back, clenching her wrench head tightly. She glanced at Tolm. "I didn't say it had to be this big. Maybe we could make a miniature version of this or use some of it's parts to enhance the ships we have now." She looked out the window again. "I'll find a way to get the parts that I need. I'm pretty stubborn like that after all!"
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Tolm didn't give a response to her, he kept driving the Jeep along.

after four hours of driving, instructions, various stops for research purposes, Tolm ordered the Convoy to come to a halt...
"Commander? sir? what's wr-"

"Radio silence... kill the engines..."



in just 2 seconds, all vehicles were shut down, the radio remained quiet... nothing could be heard except wind rushing through the immense tunnels...
Slowly, a noise could be heard coming down from the tunnel. what sounded at first like light pittering, over a few short minutes turned into the scurry of thousands of metal needles...
the sound drew ever closer and closer.

"Hold positions, ready weapons but do NOT fire until instructed."
Tolm commanded over the radio...
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail tensed up as she listened the noise coming towards them. The sound was enough to make skin crawl as she clenched her wrench head tighter. It sounded like a bunch of tiny robot spiders coming towards them. Did the ship have a defense mechanism that they triggered somehow? Or did someone activated it from within?
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
The sound grew closer and closer, Tolm readied out a pistol...
Suddenly, like being hit with a sudden wave at the beach, millions apon billions of tiny critters, each about the size of a cat, whizzed through the convoy. the tiny creatures didn't dare touch nor go underneath the vehicles, instead she seemingly clomped together inbetween them to go around.

a swarm of these metallic things burst past, the sound of their feed pinging the ground like needles.

"HOLD FIRE, only fire if you are attacked."
Tolm commanded over the radio.

Tolm lowered the window of his Jeep, poking his head out to look at what was down below... the critters were moving far too fast to see.

Tolm picked up the radio, switching to the 4th station again.
"Lab coats, if you can, try to catch and contain some of these things."
"We've got one sir. we're sending a picture of it now to your Pad."

Tolm picked up his command pad... what a strange creature.

a mix of organic and metal, truly an Alien.
this tiny critter alone was an amazing discovery. Alien life had been discovered.

"Good work... we'll have to wait out this 'wave'...Hold tight."

Tolm sat back in his jeep chair. sighing heavily. the noise of the critters outside didn't seem like it was subsiding soon.
The sound grew closer and closer, Tolm readied out a pistol...
Suddenly, like being h
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail let out a cute squeak of shock when she saw the 'wave' of some kind critters. They moved so fast her eyes failed to keep up. She slid her steam-punk looking googles on and pressed a view buttons on the side of them. Then took out her own iPad, typing on it quickly before staring in awe. "Outstanding...aliens...this ship has aliens!" She pushed her googles back to the top of her head and grinned at Tolm. "The Reaserch team is going to have a field day about this. Though, personally, I would have preferred robotic critters. Then me and Boom Boom here would have a field day of our own." She looked back the critters. "Maybe I can make a model of them..." Sliding her googles back on and, without looking away from the critters, she typed furiously on her iPad.
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
The swarm of critters continued for a few minutes... the sheer amount of these things was beginning to become worrisome, after 14 minutes the last bit of the wave passed the Convoy. Tolm looked back at the critters, skittering on.
"Keep lively everyone... if there are Aliens on this ship like those things, there's bound to be more... Convoy move out"

he put the radio down and began to drive the Jeep again.
"I desperately hope we've got something strong enough to fight the aliens at least... we can't even scratch the ship... just careful kid"
Tolm directed to Abigail

"best case scenario we don't have to fight them... but should it come to that, I'm hoping the Tank's will be enough"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail turned to look at him, goggles still on. "You be careful as well." She looked down at her notes and sighed. She ecstatic about all the info she managed to collect from the critters and was already drawing blueprints on her own version of it but the thought of fighting those things, or worse, made her uneasy. The ship itself is tougher than any metal they had here. She couldn't even imagine what type of shell the aliens had on them. She slowly pushed her goggles back to the top of her head as she looked out the window. "...What if this ship isn't just for transportation? What if it was also design to keep something in? If it were me, I would use this kind of metal for the perfect jail cell...or the perfect weapon..."
over a year ago BanetteGhosneir said…
Tolm scratched his head.
"Don't try to apply human morality and understanding to these things... make your theories but don't stick to it... for all we know this is the weakest metal available to these Aliens...."

Tolm hard braked his Jeep.

he yelled into the Radio.
Tolm put his hand under his chin, scratching his beard.

ahead of them lay a casm... somehow...
the critters from before did come from this way... meaning there was someway across...
Tolm picked up a pistol from the cabinet in the Jeep, pulling out it's ammo clip... he removed a single bullet, and flung the bullet into the chasm...

the bullet bounced off of..........

over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Abigail was about to say something when Tolm suddenly hit the brakes hard, causing her to jerk forward. Thankfully, she had her seatbelt on but that didn't make the straps hurt any less. She stared up ahead and at chasm. She saw Tolm throw a bullet and it bounce off what looked like a...bridge. "No way...all those critters crossed that?" Her curiousity was sparked and she quickly undid her seatbelt before hopping out the jeep and approaching it. She got down on her knees and slid her goggles back on. Her goggles began to scan the bridge for its mechanics and specks. All the info strolled through her goggles and all she could do is read in amazement. "Wow...this is...something else..." She muttered.