Random Role Playing Life above the Tank (Steampunk/Dieselpunk RP OPEN)

catos971 posted on Nov 14, 2016 at 10:49AM
In the near future, humans have developed a synthetic fuel that replicates itself each time it is hit with an electrical charge. The world, in its greed, produced this fuel in such mass that the earth could not store all of it and still support human life. So they created the Tank, a huge machine the size of a planet. It stored this fuel and was given an artificial atmosphere for people to manage it and maintain its functionality. These workers lived in cities miles above the surface of the Tank (imagine Cloud city from Starwars only more steampunk) and traveled from city to city in massive ships (look at the image, I can't think of a good description). As the Earth grew it overpopulated and eventually became a wasteland and devoid of all life. The only survivors of the human race existed on the Tank, some went mad, others attempted to make due, either on their ships or in the cities that were quickly becoming cesspools of crime and filth. So now we make due, either pirates or protectors. Living our life, above the Tank.

-Rules and things I couldn't be bothered putting in the description-

No controlling other characters (Duh).

No killing other characters without permission (Duh… again).

If someone has already made a ship (which I will named the Deucalion if you wanna join) wait till there's at least three people on that ship before you make your own.

Cursing is fine but don’t go to excessive.

This isn't a romance RP find another one if your looking for something like that, this ain't your RP.

Sexual references are fine for jokes but try not to offend anyone.

Try not to make your posts to short.

After the destruction of earth, Pirates became a serious problem and medical supplies ran out quickly. Some more sane people decided to cannibalize parts from the cities and create different new bionic limbs or sometimes exo-suits or limbs to assist with heavy lifting or combat. So feel free to put a character with exo/bionic limbs in!

-Character sheet-




Rank: (Rank on ships like captain, engineer, gunner, etc)


Abilities: (Bionic limbs that sorta thing)

Weapons: (sword, Pistol, ship weapons (if you own a ship) and others)

Eye color:

Hair color:

Hair length and style:

Skin color:








In the near future, humans have developed a synthetic fuel that replicates itself each time it is hit

Random Role Playing 42 replies

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over a year ago samurinerd said…
-Character sheet-

Name: Absinthe, Just absinthe

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Rank: (Rank on ships like captain, engineer, gunner, etc): gunner, works on the Duecalion

Bio: At the age of three Absinthe was kidnapped off the streets in one of the cities. She was put in a room and isolated from the rest of the world. Her kidnappers were not brutal or abusive, in some sense. They were bandits, theifs, criminals in all sense of the word. They took her because she was young and she had potential to be the best goddamn criminal out there, they trained her to do their biddings while they get the gold and she gets the bruises. They taught her different styles of fighting, knife throwing, shooting, stealth, up to the point where she was like a robot to them even doing surgery to make her perfect for the job. She wasnt allowed to smile, to laugh, to have fun. But every once in a while she would sneak out and enjoy the night and laugh away, playing with the animals and getting the life she couldnt for at least 2 hours. On one of her missions she was to steal some cargo from a ship.....and it didnt go as planned. As she was trying to do her job she realized that the ship started to move, it was a split second decision, go back to her old life or start a new, and well, the answer wasnt hard to come by, she stayed. She hid in the shadows waiting for the next landing, it wasnt until three days that she realized she die of thirst or hunger if she didnt do something, so at night she'd sneak around the ship to get supplies until one day she got caught, by the ol merrily captain. At first he was on guard, cruel, mean just like any captain would be when an untruder is found on the ship, but Absinthe only bowed and apologiesed profusely for her actions and there she was taken to his chambers where she told him her story, he listened and nodded and listened some more. What came to a shock was that he accepted his in as part of her crew, she started as a cleaner, to a cook until one night when she was practicing her aim the captain was watching and offered her a new job which she had gladly taken. This is what happiness is like is what she told herself, because for once she was genuinley happy and comfortable and could be herself with the liked of a few changed here and there.The only problem was the worry that some day her past would come back to drown her again.

Abilities: (Bionic limbs that sorta thing) Bionic eye, helps with aim, precision, can be a zoom in device if necessary, can scope out things out of the ordinary. An added bonus is that the eye can take pictures and videos and stores them in her mind in s special area where the wires go and inside is a box like object, she doesnt know whats in the box and she doesnt want to find out. The images and videos can be projected from the eye itself.

Weapons: (sword, Pistol, ship weapons (if you own a ship) and others) Two muskets (attatched to her back in an x formation), 2 flintlocks (at her hips), and a dagger (attatched to her lower back, hidden by the poof of her skirt). and a mini knife up her sleeve.

Eye color: left grey right glowing blue light source thing.

Hair color: brown

Hair length and style: medium and curly

Skin color: fair and pale

Build: slim but athletic

Height: 5'5

Weight: 54kg

Clothes: in pic

Personality: can come of creepy at first but she is childish and immature with a dirty and dark sense of humour. She is usually cheerful and bubbly but kind and modest. When in a serious situation she becomes the adult when need be. She is caring for others more than for herself.

Sexuality: well if she likes you she likes you

Extras: she has a well a very, very, short attention span.

last edited over a year ago
-Character sheet- 

Name: Absinthe, Just absinthe

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Rank: (Rank on sh
catos971 commented…
(Hey Samuri! glad you could join, just asking if you're character is a worker on the Duecalion?) over a year ago
samurinerd commented…
(yea she is) over a year ago
Phantelephant commented…
hope we didnt push you out, samuri!! over a year ago
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((Can i make a steamapunk robot/automaton character???? ))
catos971 commented…
Of course! I have an old character from a steampunk rp who was so modified by the machines he practically was one! i love those characters so go ahead! over a year ago
over a year ago samurinerd said…
((Absinthes' bionic eye))
((Absinthes' bionic eye))
over a year ago catos971 said…
-Character sheet-

Name: Torroni Gastovia

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Rank: Captain of the Gunship Deucalion

Bio: Torroni was the son of one of the first colonists of the Tank, so he grew up in a life of luxury. But that wasn't what he was looking for. He wanted an adventure and was constantly running away in the night, he joined multiple gangs, tried all sorts of drugs, even stole a ship once. He didn’t know that was his fathers ship, the Gunship Deucalion. His father caught him and gave him a right ol' scolding. He didn't learn anything and ended up joining another gang… only this one would leave its marks. When his new gang got caught in a fight, Torroni took quite a few hits, one major one on his upper spine rendering his arms useless. His father scolded him yet again and this time he learned his lesson. His father paid for him to get new arms. Exos were still in development back then so they ended up amputating his arms and attaching new arms used by heavy lifters. Torroni, having learned his lesson, trained under his father and became the new captain after his father passed 5 years ago. The Gunship Deucalion now does its best to stop pirates and protect civilians of the Tank.

Abilities: Extreme Strength. Runs off of the fuel found in the heart of the tank which burns in furnaces in his joints, after some modification by himself he is able to shoot excess fuel through pipes that end at his palms, creating bolts of fire.

Weapons: A ceremonial captains sword (its still a sword just looks fancy), a pistol and his arms. The Deucalion is equipped with a main gun capable of penetrating 10 meters of steel and still blow up a ship along with other smaller guns for your standard gun fights and 15 bi-planes for air to air combat.

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Burgandy

Hair length and style: Longer for a guy, Shagy

Skin color: Fair

Build: Athletic

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 184lb

Clothes: Formal captains uniform

Personality: to develop

Sexuality: straight

Extras: very faint French accent
last edited over a year ago
-Character sheet-

Name: Torroni Gastovia

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Rank: Captain of the Gunshi
over a year ago catos971 said…
The Gunship Deucalion
The Gunship Deucalion
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( Will be here in a second ))
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Name: Anton Giskard (Self given last name) once known as "Anton the Entertainer" or "Anton the Amazing Automaton"

Gender: None.Designed with the societal standards of male traits however.

Age: Unknown

Rank: Civilian (Might have them try to get on board as a stowaway or to maintain the ship)

Bio: Anton was created as an art piece during the boom of the Tank's success, an automaton that could play the organ or any instrument designed with keys. A simple unthinking machine built to entertain and look ornate. A conversation piece, its inventor renown for creating similar pieces that serve no conventional use only to add culture and bring happiness to its users. However in the age of industrialism, the of invention and technology based solely around productivity there was no room for such lavish and ostentatious creations. Their inventor was financially destroyed and Anton was pawned off a useless creature to be bought and salvaged for its parts.

This was not Anton's fate however. Anton's beautiful design caught the eye of an eccentric entrepreneur who saved the automaton from the scrapheap. Heinrich Price took the discarded under his wing and made it his own. Over the years he used Anton as a drawing board of sorts using experimental technology and testing it out on Anton. Not only did he restore the automaton but he improved it giving them functional legs, a voice, and most importantly of all... a mind. For years Heinrich kept this forbidden technology to himself, keeping Anton as a companion hidden from the world, with nothing but love and affection for his improved creation. Anton knew of no others like it, the concept of human verses machine never truly occurred to it. Its "mind" was a curious thing, as there were seldom heard of an automatic man who could think. Seemingly it was designed for the sole sake of providing conversation to the lonely inventor.

As years passed the more conversations, the more books read to it the more engage the robot became the more information Anton absorbed, the beginnings of sentience occurred. And Soon Anton could not differentiate itself from human. Consciousness is curious thing and were anyone other than Heinrich to have conversation with Anton they would be disturbed to find just how uncannily independent it was. This was nothing Heinrich had to worry about as he had no intentions of sharing the creation with the world.

Until one day... Anton was first introduced to the concept of death. Coming home from a shopping trip Heinrich was gunned down at his front door by a gang of marauders who immediately took to looting his house. They made a mistake, activating the metal man that lingered in his bedroom and Anton, seeing the the blood pool at threshold of its home, felt something it never felt before. Rage. Self-preservation. It attacked. It did no more than startle the intruders ( as they were young men no older than sixteen and easily frightened by the ineffectiveness of their bullets on metal creature with impressive size.) Once they have absconded from the home, he tried to wake his bleeding friend.. but Heinrich would not stir.

Anton was on its own. It could not stay alone in its home for risk of being discovered so it took to the streets and it was there that it learned to hate. Humans were afraid of it, some were intrigued and others saw it as a gain in wealth... Something of value something to possess. In one encounter with a group of drunk soldiers at port Anton had taken a life in self defense.... had killed, and it did not stop there... There would countless more times it would take a life. Without remorse without guilt, only anger and spite. But it would still sometimes take solace to those who were kind to Anton, kind or simply indifferent. Anton took a life of independence, disgusted by the world of organic life and in a way disgusted by its own creation. It isolated itself from the world stowing away from ship to ship in order to keep itself moving, disguised as a civillian human.

It will provide hospitilality for kindred spirits , those like it who are barely human or not at all. It is also protective of children and the defenseless downtrodden as long as they prove themselves trustworthy.

Abilities: Being a machine without a nervous system nor nerves, Anton feels no pain though it has sensors that alert it to damage throughout its body. That being said it can take a lot of damage on its outer casing before it can be completely stopped. It is in its own right an inventor of sorts harboring a large data base inherited from Heinrich when Hienrich was alive. It's capable of building machines of clockwork, trinkets, toys and all of which can be re purposed as weaponry as Anton has learned to do.Its knowledge comes in handy with maintaining its own repairs.

Weapons: It will sometimes carry with it a cane, which at first appearances seem innocent enought but with a turn of its top, it can easily administer a shock. It also bears with it a small pistol that it rarely uses and is simply terrifyingly strong for its size and weight.

Appearances: Anton stands about 6'4" (193 cm) with broad shoulders, long legs and a narrow torso giving its body a very striking shape. It has blue and silver casing. A face that vaguely resembles human without the characteristics of blemished or wrinkled soft skin, just smooth silver coated plating, much like a mask, upon which a pair of full effeminate lips are slightly parted to allow for a speaker, the corner of which are curved in a subtle smile. In the center the protrusion of a long perfectly centered roman nose which only serves the function of maintaining symmetry. Its eyes are large almond shape and bring to mind the death mask of a pharaoh but the steady eyeballs themselves are close to human the only exception being the dull blue glow emitting from behind the translucent irises. Above its eyes are etched the lines of what would be high arching thin eyebrows for the sole purpose of decor, they seem both comical in their attempt to make it appear mischievous and playful. It of course has no hair but does bear the faintest mustache, a swirling design that was etched above the lips, though scuffed and worn to near nonexistence.

As for clothes it adorns itself from head to toe in the most extravagant and theatrical of costumer, composed of various colorful fabrics and rags whenever it can find it. Large velvet coats with exaggerated collars. Strikingly dark suits and deeply purple cravats. It cannot wear shoes as its feet or what one would consider its feet is shaped much like a heeled boot all for the sake of appearances. Upon his large hands are kid gloves with padded finger tips which cannot be removed for underneath is only wires, hinged joints, rods and the bare skeletal make of humanoid appendages.

Personality: Cold and calculating. Rarely speaks and rarer yet kind when it has something to say. It loves music however, having been built for the sole purpose of composing and playing the organ at parties, and has a true love for art, culture and design when it can find it in this dark industrialized world of crime and steam. Leave it alone and it will not harm you however should it bear witness to any cruel act of a human against the disadvantaged then it is not afraid to draw blood. It keeps to itself for the most part despite its ostentatious presentation it usually keeps to places of low populace and mingles only in shadow. It often will sneak on board ships to pilfer fuel and equipment in order to maintain itself. It loves literature and romantic stories of old though it does not personally relate to the characters it just enjoys the way words sound. Much like a child despite its level of intelligence and can be prone to what humans would consider anger.

Sexuality: Asexual. Although the closest it had ever gotten to "love" was with Heinrich.

Extras: see ^ personality. might possibly be having a child with a bionic leg as protege. Also for OOC extras i created this character based on Vincent Price.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Name: Mackay Koltin

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Rank: Engineer

Bio: Mackay was raised by his mother and two elder sisters. His father was sent on an expedition to try to re-stablize and terraform earth, he gave Macaky his hat and told him to watch over his mother. The expedition was scheduled for only a week, but something went wrong with their ship and they lost communication. They never were found afterwards. Mackay being the eldest male of the family at age twelve then took up learning as much as he could about mechanics between working at the factory. He was making his own bionics when Captain Torroni saw his efforts and hired him to be the ships mechanic.he has work with him for 3 years now.

Abilities: robotic left hand up to mid forearm, arm got crushed at the Factory, both legs to the knees, legs since birth. He has enhanced speed, and other special abilities which will be revealed later.

Weapons: Pistol, Knife, and his assorted mechanical tools

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Strawberry Blonde

Hair length and style: goes down to his shoulders, let loose normally, but pulled back into a ponytail when working, he usually wear his fathers cap regardless of what he does with his hair.

Skin color: Pale

Build: lean but muscular

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 175 lbs

Clothes: usually wears heavy duty material breaches that end right at the knee, will wear knee high boots off the ship, light shirt, leather vest, suede apron and gloves while working.

Personality: cocky, arrogant, thick at times, and mistrusting, but if you befriend him you will see he is loyal, kind, and protective.

Sexuality: heterosexual

Extras: thick Irish accent. Has 9 siblings in total.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Mackay Koltin

Gender: Male 

Age: 19

Rank: Engineer

Bio: Mackay was raised by his mo
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((I figure Anton can be caught sneaking aboard or something like that... Not sure how it'll play out but I'm damn excited!))
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( me too my friend, me too ))
over a year ago catos971 said…
(( Glad to see everyone so excited we can start whenever you guys want, we all start in a relatively well kept bar near the docks of in the City of Smoke where the Deucalion is docked ))
over a year ago catos971 said…
Torroni sat at the bar by himself, the rest of his crew milling around the bar, floating in an out. He downed his drink some horrible glug of alcohol with a bitter flavoring. He tuned his cup up on the counter and made his way outside into the night, pulling a cigarette from his breast pocket. As he walked outside he light his cigarette with his mechanical arms and leant against the doorway, putting the cigarette to his mouth.
As he looked around a small boy dressed in a dirty overall covered in grease ran up to him, "S-sir! Your ship has finished refueling and is ready to leave when you are!" the boy said handing him a docket. Torroni nodded a thanks as the boy ran of the way he came and took another whiff of his cigarette.
over a year ago samurinerd said…
Absinthe sat alone at the bar counting some pieces of scrap metal she had picked up on her way there, 1 small rusted one bolt and 2 screws. She was hunched over looking intensely at this very specific one though, Absinthe picked it up the her fore finger and thumb and brought it very closely to her bionic eye, she zoomed in to look at its designs, "ma'am...." the bartender had questioned, "may get you a drink?" he asked not sure on how to comprehend what she was doing. Absinthe slowly lifted her had trying her best to look confused as she shook her head, "well if you would like anything just call" the bartender concluded turning around to clean up some glasses down at the other end. Absinthe smiled cheekily then threw the rusted bolt at the bartenders head, not with a rageful force but just enough for it to be noticeable. The bartender turned around, "did-did you just throw scrap at me?!" he asked alarmed. Absinthe played an innocent act as she shook her head, shrugging slightly, "well, alright" he said slowly turning around again, another piece of scrap, "ma'am, please stop" he begged turning around again trying to be polite. Absinthe gave the puppy dog eyes, "i-i didnt mean it" she whimpered trying to contain her smile, she loved messing with strangers, always filled her with a child like joy, "ok ok just, dont do it again ok, thank you" the man spoke clearly starting to sound annoyed he turned again but looked over his shoulder one more time before starting to walk...oops last one, "THAT IS IT MA'AM" he yelled as he slammed his hand on the bench, his eyebrow twitching slightly, "STOP THROWING THOSE DAMN SCRAPS AT ME!" Absinthe being well, Absinthe decided to put on a show, sniffling slightly acting as if she were about to cry, to any one else looking they wouldnt find any scraps, they were gone, and there was just an angry bartender attacking a 'poor innocent' girl.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Mackay was sitting in a corner, arm wrestling with his right arm with any competitor. All the strong men lined up to beat this little punk, try to teach him a lesson not to gamble, but his strength had been forged by working with machines for seven years. He didn't look strong at all, but he knew how to maneuver a hand just like how he knew to crank a wrench. Half strength, half angles and leverage did the trick near every time. Just then he heard the bartender yell at Absinthe. He sort of felt sorry for the man because he at one point was the victim of this game. He swooped his money to the dissatisfaction of the crowd, "Sorry lads, I've got to get me ship in the air." After pocketing all the coin and bills, he heads over to Absinthe, "give the poor gentleman a break, he don't know you like the rest of us."
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
(( Hope to not get left behind but work's been hard i'll try to post later today))
catos971 commented…
(( We'll try not to leave before Anton has a chance to sneak aboard )) over a year ago
over a year ago catos971 said…
Torroni took one final puff of his cigarette before putting it out on his metal arm, causing him no pain but still gaining a few confused looks from people who couldn't see the glint of metal under his sleeve. He walked back in the door way, Slamming his fist on the wall to gain the attention of the bar patriots, "Crew of the Deucalion! We're taking of in 2 hours, make your way to the docks." he said walking up to the bar and reaching into his pocket, "As for the rest of you," he put a pile of bills on the bar, "Another round of drinks are on me." he said, earning him a cheer and a few pats on the back as he made his way out of the bar towards the docks.
over a year ago samurinerd said…
Absinthe wiped the tear from her cheek and sent Mackay a cheeky smile, "i was just having fun till we set off" she sighed cheerily picking at a loose piece of wood from the counter, "it's not like we always get fun" she pouted but then the captain came in announcing the time of leave and a new round of drinks, Absinthe smiled and leaned forward taking the drink from the bartenders hand who was as told still annoyed, "sorry" she apologised just to be polite as she turned to face the direction Mackay as the captain left once again, "but how you been Mackay" she asked engaging in what they call 'conversation' before they go back to board the Deucalion.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
He smiled back, reaching for a drink, "having fun" he retorted, and jerk his head to the corner table, "just earned near a thousan cred from the sad little men over there. Poker and arm wrestling is where the real money is at. Engineering is just more stable." At about that time the bartender had checked Mackays ag, noticed he was a minor, and took the drink from him before he got a sip. "Now let's head before the drunkards realize they need to show their wife's their empty pockets"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago samurinerd said…
Absinthe smiled at Mackay and pushed off the counter waving the bartender goodbye, when she knew the bartender wasnt looking she slipped out the drink from before and handed it to Mackay, "dont get to cocky with 'em arm wrestles Mackay, until you can beat cap'n you can dance in that parade" she replied with a lop sided grin.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Using his bionic hand, he opened his beer bottle, and took a swig before replying, "Dont you forget? Cap'n doesn't have a biological arm left to wrestle with, only reason he beats me is his robotics are higher quality and higher up his limbs" Mackay then started walking out the bar. "But even then, I would never put money against ol' Torroni, if anything, I'd bet on him and intentionally lose!"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( Added a Poll for Mackay's Hat style, please pick your choice! ))
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
The infamous Deucalion, though infamy had no relevance to Anton, nestled safe and secure at the local port. A gunship. Usually such ships were avoided by Anton for the tight security but this situation called for something more dire. Anton had fallen into severe disrepair since the last incursions of scavengers who had the misfortune of discovering its sanctuary. Even though their fate was much worse than a few bent gears and a missing wire, a couple of snapped necks and one lucky survivor with a fractured rib, they still managed to leave it hindered and without the essence that kept it functioning. The essence of everything that kept the cities afloat and their inhabitants on constant move..

Fuel. The blood of the cities, and the Tank, the heart which without all of production would cease and collapse would soon follow. Fuel was a common ground Anton shared with the humans. A necessity as vital to mankind's survival as food and water, and Anton was usually one to barter in exchange for such a commodity, in some cases by means of extortion, but when it came to desperate times, Anton would take a much different approach.

It observed as the crew, who were undoubtedly armed to the teeth, staggered with a slight sway in their steps towards the ship, their breaths hot with whiskey and their cheeks rosy. It stood at the docks undisguised and completely disregarded as a dilapidated service bot, occasionally swiveling its head and twitching only to smile its frozen smile at all the passers-by, sometimes stuttering out a repetitive friendly greeting to the soldiers that passed. "Welcome!! La-Ladies and Gentlemen," It's audio would warp sputter. " What a beautiful-ful eveninnnngg-gng." It was an easy role to play, as it had been deeply programmed with the script from its very conception.
over a year ago catos971 said…
Torroni made his way slowly down the streets towards the docks, taking time to observe every little detail of the City of Smoke. The place was worst than nearly all the cities he'd been to so far, children as young as twelve buying drugs in back alleys. The streets were extended gutters, and the gutters were filled with blood (Watchmen quote, had to do it). The thing that caught Torroni's eye as he made his way to the Deucalion was an old automaton like the one's that littered the streets when the Tank was first commissioned. Its greeting sent a wave of nostalgia through him, "Hello old fella," Torroni greeted the robot, "You alright?" he asked.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Mackey kept guzzling his beer as he neared the ship, as he got closer he saw the captain talking to a robot of some sort, but what did it matter to him? His job was to keep the ship running and that was it. He of course would do whatever Torroni asked, but he didn't want to make assumptions on what the captain would do, Mackay instead to check the cargo for the new parts he requested. With them the ship would function so much better and have better maneuverability. He just hoped they were actually purchased because running the engines and other mechanics down were never a good idea.
over a year ago samurinerd said…
Absinthe wondered away from Mackay and towards the captain, "ello cap'n, oh, ello robot" she greeted, "how much longer till we have lift off" she questioned to see if she might have enough time to go check out a store that selled scraps, thought she might fix up her eye a bit before they head off, its been a bit stiff recently.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
"Good day sir! L-l-lovevely day for a tune." Anton had not expected such a question but its act did not falter. It continue to sputter out repetitive script inconsistent to the occassion however it appeared to lumber closer to the captain. " How shall I serve-serve-serve -serve.... Any requests?""
over a year ago catos971 said…
Torroni gave a curious small at the robot, "Ah, no requests today. You're looking a bit tired mate," He said inspecting the automaton, "You know I've got a friend that can fix you up if I asked nicely. You need a lift?" Torroni asked gesturing to his ship and the direction Mackey had wondered off in before turning to Absinthe, "Uh I'll just sort this out Absinthe you go help Mackey we'll leave just as soon as I sort this out."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago samurinerd said…
Absinthe gave a small nod, maybe next time, "alright cap'n, see ya on board, good day to you robot" she nodded with a smile as she skipped back to mackay inspecting the cargo, "Mackay boy, need a hand with anything?" she smiled with a helping hand, "or does your brute strength cover it all?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Mackay stopped cataloging boxes after hearing Absinthe, "Ye don't need brute strength for cataloging" he joked in response, after checking that current item he passed the clipboard to Absinthe, "I marked all my parts, catalog the ammo and other items, I need to get one last thing finished before takeoff"

he got off the ship one last time and went to the bank counter in the docks, the banks were the only way to move money on the Tank. No one on the ship knew what he did with his paychecks or gambling earnings, and he wanted to keep it that way. The automaton at the bank asked, "Deposit or Withdrawl?" Mackay put all but a hundred credits of his money on the counter "Deposit 900 credits" the automaton replied "account name and number?" "Bonnie Koltin, number 51002259"

Once he finished putting the money in his mothers account, he headed back to the ship, and loaded his replacement parts on a cart. "If anyone needs me I'll be in the engine hold"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Anton turned its head, rather jerkily, to the ship. It seemed to regard it with the glow of its vacant stare for a quite a while, in absolute silence aside from a faint whirring that emitted from underneath the plating of its chest. "Entry not found.," It said rather suddenly. "Sorry sir, perhaps anothe sic-sic-sic-sic-song? " It twitched and raised its arm, the other dangled useless and damaged at its side.
over a year ago catos971 said…
Torroni frowned at the robot whilst reaching into his pocket to pull out a shortwave radio, "Uh Mackey." he spoke into it, "Could you come up here? this robot could use a clean and service." He turned back to the automaton, "Come on. My friend'll fix you up." he said leading it across the extendable bridge to the Duecalion's deck.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Mackay signed to himself, it seemed he never stopped running around. He started pulling his hair back then putting his cap back on as he said this response on his shortwave, "on it, just putting on me lab coat because the doctor is in" once he got that squared away, he clipped on his tool belt, securing his mechanical apron, and grabbing his tackle box of spare parts.he started heading back to the loading bay where the captain and Automaton were last seen.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Anton trailed willingly behind the man. Its soft padded hands only lightly gripping the captain's as it was led up on to the ship. Though each step was timed perfectly it would occasionally stagger and slow behind it. Without so much as moving its head, it scanned the upper deck with a subtle twitch of the eyes.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Once he reached the bay Mackay really looked at the robot. Gears out of alignment, a few stray wires, and a desperate need of de-rusting and cleaning was the main problems he diagnosed without even running a investigative test. Unlike robots he had seen, he approached slowly, "now buddy, let me runs some diagnostics on you to see what I'm facing"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Anton stepped forward and tilted its head slightly. Upon closer inspection Mackay would see the machine was wearing clothes. A ruffled jabot dangled tattered form its neck, stained with a spray of rusty brown. A vest of bright blue and green paisley worn tightly across its chest had much deeper stains, redder stains and appeared to be tearing from the seams, parts of torn and burn where bullets had wedged themselves in the machinery. It did not object, only silently stared down at the human with its empty gaze an occasionally flickering blue glow.
over a year ago catos971 said…
Torroni patted the Automaton on the shoulder... or where ever he could reach. "Fix him up Mackay and i'll double your drinking money for the next stop." he said walking past his engineer, "Think he just needs some fuel and a fix up on his arm. We'll drop him off at the next city." Torroni walked past the two nd up the deck towards the control room, "I trust all the guns and ships are in working condition Absinthe?" he asked not stopping.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Yeah, I got it" he said to he captain, then muttered, "if the town allows underage drinking" Mackay heads to the automaton. He pulls out a scanner and hologram digitalizer. He sighs, then states, "I'm Mackay, ships engineer and newly promoted robot technician. If you don't mind, I want to run a digital scan of internal damage before I begin the repair process, sound good to you?"
over a year ago samurinerd said…
Absinthe knocked back into reality after having a deep conversation with herself about celery, "You betcha cap'n, all in prime condition, freshly cleaned and fixed up with a few new upgrades by yours truly" she beamed as she swung her legs to and from on the wooden crate she was sitting on, "but we will be needing some more ammunition at the next city, we have enough to last us possibly one minor attack the rest has got to be used with brute force".
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
"Entry not found.... Would you like to hear another sic-sic-song sir? Perhaps Bach's Tocatta and Fugue in D-Minor." The robot, in every stuttered syllable and twitchy movement, Anton seemed to appear incapable of an intelligent response or at least gave the illusion that it was incapable. Perhaps it was the damage that had been done to it, or perhaps something else.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Unfortunately" he said holding up the scanner, "this is the only thing I want singing." He plugged it in the service bots back, and h projector was showing the internal wokings and anything in blue was ok, yellow needed tweaking and adjusting, red needed replacing.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
The hydraulic joints in its shoulder and elbow were flashing red and the plating on its chest glowed yellow. It was clear that with some of the hydraulics torn, that fuel had began to leak into parts of its body where it shouldn't. The most peculiar however was its metal cranium, which for a brief moment flashed red before it twitched its head and no trace of color could be seen from the neck up. ((Might add another character? Sorry it took so long to post. Depression + 2 new jobs+ studying for school has absorbed me))
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( No worries at all! you are fine ))

"Ok, that is not good, but I can work with it." He said as he started filling out a list of things for the Captain to buy to fix it permanently. "I can do a nifty patch job on the shoulders for now, The chest is nothing, the leakage is nothing to worry about. and I will go from there" He said as he first started on the Hydraulic patch, something to temporarily provide movement and stopping the leak, but hydraulics was the first thing on the list.