Random Role Playing Experimental Captivation

xXDreamWriterXx posted on May 26, 2016 at 08:01PM
You thought you were safe. You thought nothing could go wrong. You've seen the news and figured it would never happen to you. Till you were walking alone and then you started feeling weird. Like the world was suddenly shifting underneath before everything goes black. You were just a kid. You didn't know better. You thought if you just did what you were told, they wouldn't come come for you.

You were wrong.

It's been many years since they took you. You've lost count on how many experiments they've done to you. You are no longer a child. You can't even be called human anymore. What they did...can never be undone. Why they did this and who they are is something you still never figured out. The whole world believes you're dead. You know better. You are alive and as long as you still breathe, you will do anything to keep it that way. Even if you have to escape...

While you are in your holding cell, the alarm suddenly goes off, blaring throughout the establishment. Something was wrong. No. Someone had escaped! Your electronic door clicks and slides open. Your chains fall off and even the anti-power barrier around the room that keeps you from using your ability is down.

It's open.
You can leave.
You can escape.

But you know whats out through those doors. They have worked hard to make sure that you never know your way around this place. It's a large labyrinth of twists and turns. Not only that, there are traps set up all around to keep you there and people who are trained and skilled in stopping you no matter how strong you think you are. They know your strengths and weaknesses. But until they get everything under control again, this might be your only chance!

So, will you take it or will stay and let them continue their hell raising experiments?


"Patient" Profile
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck. 7 digit number):
Current Age:
Age Taken At:

Blood type:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:

Experiment Results(What have you gained out of the experiments?):
Personality Before and After Being Taken:

Faculty Profile

Blood Type:
Hair color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:

Job Title(You can be anything from a scientist who did the experiments to a guard who stops the patients from escaping):

*Note: All Guards and a few selected scientist have a special anti-power chip installed in their skin that makes all abilities useless so they won't work on them.

Alicia Stones
James Grimm
Solange 'Mama' Bierman
Asu-Ni Lauru
Hiyomi Lauru

Snake - Guard Captain
Dr. Karen Scarlet - Head Scientist
Alexei Boykov(code name: Chimera) - Guard Lieutenant
Toby Sanders - Scientist
Shiro - Guard Coporal
last edited on Aug 12, 2016 at 12:42AM

Random Role Playing 84 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 84

over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Alicia Stone
Experimental Number: 136-8463
Current Age: 21
Age Taken At: 8
D.O.B: 5/23

Blood type: AB
Hair color: Earthy brown
Eye color: Emerald with golden yellow around the edges
Skin color: Peach
Nationality: French/Japanese

Family: Mother/Father/Younger Sister
Experiment results(what have you gained out of the experiments):
•heighten awareness
•lost most of her mind
•controls minds
•can drive people into madness

Personality Before and After being Taken: Before, Alicia was a sweet and innocent girl. She never bad talked anyone and was very friendly. Even animals found comfort in being around her. Afterwards, since the experiments have messed with her mind so much, she has completely gone mad with madness. Animals fear her and she has a twisted sense of humor. The sweet girl is long gone replaced with a mad woman.

Bio: Alicia was only 8 when she was taken. She loved her family very much and was excited when her mother told her she was going to be getting a new sister. She had always wanted a new sibling and her and her parents were getting ready for the newest member. Alicia was always told by her parents not to stay out pass 5pm. To come home straight away from school. But that day, she visited a park with her friend. They were playing with a ball when they threw the ball to far into the woods. So she decided to go in after it since she was the one who threw it there. That's when it happened. That's when they got her. The experiments were far too much for her young brain which caused her to lose her mind. Her screams turned into laughter and her tears turned into blood. She can control someone just by making eye contact and a simple touch drives people mad. That's why she is restrained with a white straight jacket, gagged and blind folded.

Other: she likes sweets. It calms her down from her madness. But the color blue drives her crazy. One of the scientist nick named her "The Mad Hatter"
last edited over a year ago
Name: Alicia Stone
Experimental Number: 136-8463
Current Age: 21
Age Taken At: 8
D.O.B: 5/23

over a year ago Angel_Kiss said…
Patient" Profile

Name: James Grimm
Experimental Number: 213-7782
Gender: Male
Current Age: 19
Age Taken At: 10
D.O.B: 12 December

Blood type: Previously O+, a black tar like liquid runs in his veins now.
Hair Color: Dark blue
Eye Color: A light shade of gold that darkens depending on his mood.
Skin Color: Pale grayish
Nationality: British
Family: Father/Grandmother(deceased)

Experiment Results(What have you gained out of the experiments?):
•Inhuman strength
•Muscle and skin regeneration (this excludes cardiac muscles, meaning his heart cannot regen.)
•Colour Blindness
•Occasional amnesia

Personality Before and After Being Taken:
Before: As a child, James never smiled or laughed as much as the other kids were, he was always gloomy and angry about pretty much everything in his life.
After: In the nine years spent within the facility, James only got angry, he became violent and heartless. Like an animal, he had learnt to adapt: only those who are strong enough gets to live another day. But other than that, he's fairly quiet, you know what they say, action speaks loud than words, much louder.
Bio: James lost his mother seconds before he was born and his father blamed him for her death, so for most of his life before the kidnap he stayed with his grandmother who showed him more kindness than he thought he deserved. Every time he stepped into her house he felt like he was entering a world found in fictional books, where he can say things without being judged or do silly things without being yelled at. Until one Friday afternoon, he found the magical doors wide open and oddly dressed men scattered about, one in particular pointed an object at his grandmother's forehead, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck and fell to the ground, before he blacked out completely, he heard the most dreadful sound. Bam.
•He doesn't eat a lot.
•Dislikes music of all sorts
•White is his favourite colour, not that he has much to choose from.

[b][u]Patient" Profile [/u][/b]

Name: James Grimm
Experimental Number: 213-7782
Gender: Male
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
Name: ??? [Codename: Snake]
Age: ???
Gender: male
D.O.B: ???

Blood Type: AB
Hair color: ???
Eye Color: Red/ Gold [he has a sickness called heterochromia]
Skin Color: ???
Nationality: Caucasian

Job Title: Guard captain [has a chip]
Weapon(optional): different pic but can be seen in the pic when sheathed
Bio: [will be revealed, but he feels at ease with the experimentals]
Other: rarely speaks but extremely caring
Name: ??? [Codename: Snake]
Age: ???
Gender: male
D.O.B: ???

Blood Type: AB
Hair color: ???
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
[His first sword, alpha]
[His first sword, alpha]
over a year ago Tiger_gaming said…
[The second sword, omega]
[The second sword, omega]
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Oh I hope more people join soon! I really want to start! I'll just make another character while we wait.)

Name: Dr. Karen Scarlet
Age: 26
Gender: female
D.O.B: 1/23

Blood type: O negative
Hair color: Scarlet red
Eye color: Cherry red
Skin color: Peach
Nationality: German/British(has a heavy British accent)

Job Title: Head Scientist
Weapon(optional): Customize twin pistols
Bio: Classified
Other: She is head strong, determined and is not afraid to get her hands dirty.
(Oh I hope more people join soon! I really want to start! I'll just make another character while we w
over a year ago mcterra said…
Name: Alexei Boykov [Codename: Chimera]
Age: 26
Gender: Male
D.O.B: 6/13

Blood Type: O-
Hair color: Jet black
Eye Color: Amber
Skin Color:
Nationality: Russian

Job Title: Guard Lieutenant [Has a chip]
Weapon(optional): High frequency sword [Blade vibrates at high velocity when its used permitting it to cut through virtually anything] and Thermal chain [Chain can be heated to extremely high tempertaure permitting it to melt whatever it touches]
Bio: Classified
Other: Has a deep hatred for experimentals and he strongly believes they should be killed rather than being contained.
Hes a cold, composed and coolheaded guy with a calculative and sadistic mind. Hes always ready to take down anything or anyone that stands in his way.
Name: Alexei Boykov [Codename: Chimera]
Age: 26
Gender: Male
D.O.B: 6/13

Blood Type: O-
Hair c
over a year ago 666demon said…
Name: Solange 'Mama' Bierman
Experimental Number:262-7142
Gender: Cis-Female
Current Age: 32
Age Taken At: 9
D.O.B: December 25, 1984

Blood type: AB+
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Skin Color: Ebony
Nationality: African American
Family: Mother, Father, 2 brothers. All dead.

Experiment Results:
-Heightened 'mother instinct'
-Can send out calming waves through touch
-Sense to know when someone is neglecting their own needs.
-She can feel someone else pain for them

Personality Before and After Being Taken: Before, she was all mean. Never gave a damn about anyone but herself, hated kids.. Now She's always in a 'mama bear mode'. And has taken some of the others in as her own, even if they downright refuse it at first.

Bio: "Why do you wanna know my life? I've told you a thousand times, do you enjoy me being in pain?My mom was a soul singer, my daddy was a drunk. My brothers were just getting off the school bus when it all happened.Some man, came up behind me pulled the trigger into my brothers six times each. Another man went into my house and killed my parents. I blacked out after that and when I woke up I was in this very room."

-You never, and I mean ever. Get in between her and her 'kids'
-She gets used a lot for when the newer kids come and when they are first starting expiriments.

Name: Solange 'Mama' Bierman 
Experimental Number:262-7142 
Gender: Cis-Female
Current Age:  32
over a year ago 666demon said…
Name: Toby Sanders
Age: 47
Gender: Cis Male
D.O.B: Classified

Blood Type: Classified
Hair color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: White
Nationality: American

Job Title: Scientist

Weapon(optional): "Weapons? There are no weapons here, Love! Only tools to make you better!" Various medical tools

Bio: Under strict classification; his actual name is Tobias Sanderson. He was put in a maximum high security State penitentiary for several charges of second degree murder at the age of 24. A few months after he was moved to Danvers Hospital for the Criminally Insane. He then escaped 14 years later at the age of 38, and began working at this very Facility under the name of Toby Sanders for 9 years.

Other: If you are a soon to be experiment and he smiles at you like he is in the picture... Run.
Name: Toby Sanders
Age: 47
Gender: Cis Male 
D.O.B: Classified

Blood Type: Classified
Hair col
over a year ago Haiiko said…
Name:??? (Codenamed: Shiro)
Age:??? (suspected to be 15-20)
Gender: male

Blood Type: AB
Hair color: white
Eye Color: black
Skin Color: pic
Nationality: irish

Job Title: guard corporal (has a chip)
Weapon(optional): a hybrid of a spear and a halbeard
Other: assigned in block 7-D the place where the most unstable experiments are kept
last edited over a year ago
Name:??? (Codenamed: Shiro)
Age:??? (suspected to be 15-20)
Gender: male

Blood Type:
over a year ago 666demon said…
Oh wonderful! This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to start!
over a year ago Haiiko said…
(when do we start?)
over a year ago 666demon said…
(I hope soon)
over a year ago Haiiko said…
(im too excited)
over a year ago 666demon said…
( Me and my mother had gotten into a little fight that got me upset with her and I swear to god Toby said
"If I make a slight incision on under her voice box, do you think I could change the pitch to sound like a chipmunk?" and I was like "What the fuck Toby?!" out loud and my mom asked who Toby was since I was looking at my phone and now she is concerned about my mental health lol XD)
over a year ago 666demon said…
(Come on! Toby wants to cut people open!)
over a year ago mcterra said…
(LOL I'm concerned about your mental health too.)
over a year ago 666demon said…
(I heard, all the best people are mad)
over a year ago 666demon said…
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Wow! Sorry! I didn't know more people joined! This is great! We can finally start!)

The alarms filled the air of every cell. Guards were running around trying to keep the prisoners in check. Screams could be heard as they bounced off the walls and echoed through the halls. A girl sat in her room, bounded by the white straight jacket and blindfolded by a thick piece of cloth. She was confused at first by the sounds that she heard but recognized the sound of her door unlocking and the click of the chains on her ankles as they fell off, freeing her. A slow smile appeared on her face as she slowly stood up. More yelling and screaming could be heard as her door slid opened. The girl chuckled as she slowly walked to the door. It was hard because the straight jacket bounded her body so tightly together but she managed to take a step out into the hall and take a deep breath. "Smells like freedom..." She muttered and began humming a happy tune she once heard and walked down the hall. She could smell blood and even fighting that was erupting around but she didn't care. She kept going, away from the fighting and away from the screams. First things first. She needed to remove her binds.
over a year ago 666demon said…
Toby looked up from his work, scalpel just stopping inches from the dotted line he had made on one of the dead guards torso. The alarm went off. Oh great, all his hard work going down the drain. No matter, they were all just there as 'livestock'. How in the hell was he supposed to do his work with all this noise? He sighed, covering up the body and put it in a freezer so he could work on it later. He packed up his kit, don't wanna give any experiment weapons now, do you? He walked out of the lab, and flagged down the nearest possible guard. "What in the hell is going on here?! Did one of the livestock escape?"

Solange looks up as she hears some of the newer experimental screaming in pain, her 'kids' screaming in agony, as she feels the weight of the thick metal cuffs lessen. The doors open, and she's in 'mamma bear' mode once again. She finds one of the newest addition, a 5 year old girl lying with a bullet in her temple as she lays in her own blood. This brings Solange to her knees and she weeps, the pain too much for her to feel because this little, innocent child had to be slaughtered like a pig for what cause?!! The girl's black irises showed fear... So much fear. Her ethnic hair pulled up into a puff at the top of her head was matted with blood. "Why you? It shouldn't have been you! It shouldn't have been you!!" Mama sobbed as she held the dead child in her arms.
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
Patient" Profile
Name: Asu-Ni Lauru
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck. 7 digit number): 090-2089
Gender: Female
Current Age: 14
Age Taken At: 5
D.O.B: 24th December

Blood type: AB
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Pale
Nationality: British and Japanese
Family: Sister( Hiyomi ), Mother( Akura ( Dead ), Dad( Karuki( Dead )

Experiment Results(What have you gained out of the experiments?):
.Mind Control
.Lost all sense of humor
.Bad essence
.Speed got faster almost at the speed of light

Personality Before and After Being Taken:
Before: When she was 5 till 7 she always smiled even if she was trapped she was a kind welling girl for charities.

After:She turned insane, silent, depressed, she stopped smiling unless she's insane, corrupted and hates helping out

Bio: It will appear later on
Other: Same as Bio
Pic: Down Below
last edited over a year ago
Patient" Profile 
Name: Asu-Ni Lauru
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck. 7 digit
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
"Patient" Profile
Name: Hiyomi Lauru
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck. 7 digit number): 667-9901
Gender: Female
Current Age: 18
Age Taken At: 3
D.O.B: 23rd August

Blood type: O
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Purple
Skin Color: A tanish Pale
Nationality: British and Japanese
Family: Sister ( Asu-Ni ) Mother:( Akura ( Dead ), Father: (Karuki ( Dead )

Experiment Results(What have you gained out of the experiments?):
.Ghostly figure
.Reads Minds

Personality Before and After Being Taken:

Before:Protective, Smiled alot till 4 years old, Caring and Kind

After: Soulless, Depressed, Insane and the last is unknown

Bio:Can't be told yet
Other: Same as Bio
"Patient" Profile 
Name: Hiyomi Lauru
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck. 7 digit
xXDreamWriterXx commented…
Welcome to the party! You can start whenever you are ready! over a year ago
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
Both of the girls sat among some chairs with soulless faces..they never cracked a smile, Aus-ni's head twitched insanely as Hiyomi just sat there looking in the room as she drops her book, she went to pick it up before she fell off the chair getting back up, "2:30 Pm...great" Aus-Ni said in a depressed and stressed voice (( this really reminds me of the song Kagomi Kagomi))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Dr. Karen Scarlet slammed her pin on her desk as the alarm went off. She grabbed the remote and turned on the monitor. She watched in horror as the guards tried to recapture the patients. Some were even forced to kill them and that didn't sit well with her. She grabbed the mike on her desk and turned it on before speaking into it. "Attention all guards! Do not kill our patients! Restrain them by any means! But do not kill!" She turned off her mike and put on her lab coat. She never thought this day would come. She grabbed her special twin pistols with non lethal bullets and took a deep breath. As head scientist, it her responsibility to get her experiments back where they belong. Back in their cells or restrained on a lab table.
over a year ago 666demon said…
The guard told him nothing, great. Heading back into the lab, he spotted Dr. Scarlet. "Ma'am! Are you hurt? What happened?" Looking at the screen, he saw 262-7142 being ripped away from a little girl, and her screaming 'no' "Ma'am, what if they escaped?" He looked back at her, worry in his eyes as he thought of his hard work slipping through his fingers.
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
"..."Hiyomi stayed silent looking around the room
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Karen turned her attention to Mr. Toby Sanders when she walked out of her office. "Mr. Sander, this place is built more than fifty feet underground made from the strongest metal on earth. The likely hood of them of escaping to the outside world is very slim. That is why we must restrain all experiments and find out who was the one who started this mess in the first place." She noticed that he was unarmed and frowned. "I suggest arming yourself, Mr Sanders. I have a feeling it will be a long few days."

Alicia continued to slowly walk through the halls before stoping in front of a room. She could sense life coming from inside and made her way inside. Because of the blindfold over eyes, she couldn't tell who she was standing in front of but she could tell that they were female. She put on her best, non insane smile. "Hello there. Can you help me with these?" She wiggled her arms the best she could in her straight jacket.
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
Hiyomi looks at Alica, smiling trying to also not to do her insane smile "And why's that may I ask.."Hiyomi said tilting her head before she removed her blindfold so Alicia could see the sisters faces one soulless and one quite insane, Hiyomi held a knife among her hands smirking
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alicia stared deeply into the young girl's eyes. "Because, sweet child, it is very warm in this thing and I don't want to smell bad when I rip people's heads off." She said sweetly. "Plus, my arm is falling asleep and I really don't like that when it does." Her smile never left her face.
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
"If I take that off, you must help us kill everyone here so we can have freedom like years ago" Kyomi said smiling creepily, " deal or no deal?" Kiyomi asked as she held up a knife to Alica's neck
over a year ago mcterra said…
"Attention all guards! Do not kill our patients! Restrain them by any means! But do not kill!"
That was the message that resounded throughout the facility. Alexei cursed in Russian. He recognized Dr. Scarlet's voice. She was ordering the guards not to kill any of the experiments but just to restrain them. He was totally against that. He just wanted to go out there and slay all of them.
But Dr. Scarlet was Head Scientist and technically she was his superior so he had to do as she said. He already had his suit on and was ready for combat. He reluctantly switched his weapons to non-lethal mode.
He cursed again and pulled his visor down before stepping out of his cabin.
If he wasn't going to kill that scum, he could at least hurt them as much as he could.
And he knew he wasn't gonna enjoy doing it.
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
Kiyomi looks at the door knowing that someone like a guard will enter, Kiyomi grips onto her knife
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
"Patient" Profile
Name: Arriyah "Seven" Mason
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck. 7 digit number): 236-7717
Gender: F
Current Age: 19
Age Taken At: 7
D.O.B: January 19, 1997

Blood type: B
Hair Color: Chestnut brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Pale
Nationality: Born in the US, French ancestry
Father- George Mason
Mother- Paula Mason
Twin Sister- Amberly Mason

Experiment Results(What have you gained out of the experiments?):
- Perfect Memory
- Occasional Precognition
- Horrible Burn Scars (stomach) (among other scars)
- Blindness in her Left Eye
Personality Before and After Being Taken:
Before- Arriyah was the typical bubbly seven-year-old, nothing but sunshine and rainbows and happiness. She was a pure ball of joy. She was practically inseparable from her twin sister Amberly.
After- Arriyah, perhaps partially due to the flawless memory she gained early on, has managed to keep at least the last critical sliver of her sanity, despite spending twelve years in hell on earth. Not to suggest she is in any way able to be defined as sane. She is full of rage and has a dangerously over-developed sense of vengence. Her pride also gets her into trouble, and she has become known for "making things difficult" for her tormentors.
Bio: Arriyah had a great life through her early childhood. She grew up in a warm, loving, and nurturing family feeling safe and protected. Her parents loved her, and her sister was her lifelong friend from the day they were born. Or at least, that's how it was supposed to be. Not long before Amberly and Arriyah's eighth birthday, their parents were going to celebrate their tenth anniversary. The twins were going to spend the night with their Aunt Christine, when the unthinkable happened. Amberly was retrieving a treasured stuffed horse from the van, while Arriyah followed their aunt into the kitchen with the promise of snacks. But instead, when Arriyah followed her through the kitchen door, she was greeted by her Auntie's lifeless body, her warm, fresh, blood soaking Arriyah's white socks. She shrieked that unparalleled shriek of a child losing their blissful ignorance. There was a sharp sting on the back of her neck, and the next thing she new she woke up in a room with bars on the door.
Other: The burn scars are from Alexei's thermal chain. When she was 16, she spit in his eye, and he hit her in the stomach ((to be deleted or modified at your will Mcterra)), was one of Mama's first "kids" ((to be deleted or modified at your will 666demon)), no ones really sure whether her nickname, Seven, comes from the abundance of sevens in her experimental number, or perhaps the age she was brought here, but everyone, faculty and patients alike, call her that.
"Patient" Profile 
Name: Arriyah "Seven" Mason
Experimental Number(located on the back of your neck
666demon commented…
My reaction (the one with three eyes)---> link over a year ago
mcterra commented…
I'm okay with that over a year ago
Firebird06721 commented…
Lol you like? over a year ago
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
"..."Hiyomi stayed silent smirking
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
Seven was immediately overwhelmed by a sense of surreality as her arms, chained to the wall above her head by the wrists, fell to her sides, the chains slapping against the wall with a metallic clank. She swung her arms around as she rose, in suspicious disbelief, to her feet. They were extremely sore and she was finding it rather difficult to process the current turn of events. She walked cautiously over to her the barred door of her cell. Was this a trap? A test? If it was, she submitted to the truth that her hope would fail her, and, pushing the door gently, waited for the resistance of the mechanic locking device. It didn't come.

Abandoning all caution she fled, the door slamming behind her as she took of running down the hall. As the siren began sounding, she was met by all hell breaking loose. In a momentary vision of precognition, she saw a small blonde girl fall back with the impact of a bullet through the head. She acted almost immediately, spotting the girl only three feet away. She pulled the little girl in towards her and the bullet zipped just in front of her nose instead. The guard, angered by her interference, cocked his gun and pointed it at Seven's head. The announcement saved her life.

"Attention all guards! Do not kill our patients! Restrain them by any means! But do not kill!"

Seven took advantage of the guard's moment of surprise, breaking his neck, and taking his weapon. She continued running. Patients. Even hearing it made her sick.
over a year ago 666demon said…
Mama had gotten away, she ripped out the exposed jugular with her bare teeth. Now she was running. Running to find more of her kids... Seven. She had to find Seven. Was she out? She had to be, every cell was opened. Gun fire near her. She prayed to God that it didn't harm Seven. When upon the scene, she found the scared child. "Hun look at me. It's ok. I promise. Nothing's going to hurt you." Mama crouched down and touched the girl's cheek, the blond instantly calming down. Taking the child back to her cell, where she would be safe, tucking her into a mattress with blankets, she kissed her forehead and smoothed her hair before walking out and closing the door. Mama was running again, looking everywhere for her 'Lucky Number Seven'. Something triggered her to think of when she first met Seven. Oh that little girl was so scared, it took almost about all her energy to calm her down. The next day, they wanted to experiment on her and if you think Mama bears are scary; you haven't seen Solange Bierman when something gets between her and her kid.
"But Ma'am, they're killing our guards left and right! Shouldn't we retaliate?" Toby asked while getting a taser out of his desk. He didn't need it, he just pulled it out to let her dive into her little world. If livestock didn't function, they were killed. That's how the surface worked, and that's how it was going to be down here for him. It would be quick, yes, but it would be painful.The fact he couldn't grab 262-7142 before shit went down angered him a bit because they could use her to bring false security to the newer livestock so he could snatch them up.
over a year ago mcterra said…
As Chimera marched through the corridors of the facilty, thoughts kept spiralling. How manage they were finding themselves in such a situation? Who in the wolrd was capable of infiltrating the facility and disabling the security systems? Whoever did that was no amateur. Chimera even thought about the possibilty that there could be a traitor within.
It was just a possibility though. That wasn't his main priority though. He had to find and restrain as many experiments as he could. On his way, he had already met and taken down a good number of them, striking them with the back of his sword and delivering non-fatal wounds.
He went on till he reached a room. Pushing the door open, he walked in and found three girls. 2 of them looked very much alike and the third was trapped in a straight jacket.
He twirled his sword in his hand as he prepared to attack.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
As she fled through the chaos, Seven tried to process what was happening. She was free, everyone was free. She was running through the halls with a gun in her hand. Could she do this? No, there's no way, she thought think more frantically. She couldn't pull this off, she had nowhere to go, no one to go to. No, that wasn't true, Seven corrected herself. She knew exactly who to go to. She had to find Mama.

Even though Mama technically was old enough to be her mother, in fact she was maybe a year older than Seven was now when they first met, she was like a real mother to Seven. Mama was the only family she'd had for the past twelve years. She would be able to help. Seven searched for her keeping the gun concealed, but ready at her side. If the guards saw her with a weapon she k ew she'd be targeted. Someone coughed blood in her face, the warm, red spray dried on her face, and she kept moving. Only when she spotted Mama did she she risk calling out. "Mama!" She yelled, struggling to be heard in the midst of the commotion.
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alicia threw her head back and laughed insanely. "Kill everyone here? Oh sweetie, that was the plan all along!" Her eyes twinkle with madness and excitement. "You think I would let them live after what they've done? Ha! What a joke." She turned to the new comer and smirked. "I suggest putting that away before you get hurt." Her madness radiated off her in a huge wave, blasting anyone and everyone who was in the room against the wall except for the strange girl with the knife to her neck. She turned her attention to the girl who would set her free. "You have a deal."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
"But first.."Kiyomi said cutting the jacket enough for her to escape
over a year ago mcterra said…
((All guards have an anti-power chip right? So did Alexei get blasted too?))
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
Asu-Ni glanced at them smirking with a insane face she seemed stuck in one of those insane jackets , "Come on nii-chan..free me as-well.."Asu-Ni begged, "No..you'll try to kill everyone here again, you already killed 30 patients and 10 guards here..."Hiyomi said
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Nope! Guards are immune! He's safe.)

Alicia smirked as her jacket hit the floor with a thud. Her arms stretched above her head as her fingers reached for the ceiling. "I'm...free!" She exclaimed as she laughed loudly. She turned to face the guard, a twisted smile on her face. "And there is no way you taking that away from me!"

over a year ago 666demon said…
Mama turned around, ready to comfort a 'child' of hers. "Seven!" She smiled, running to the girl and hugging her. She let out a laugh, sending out calming vibes. She had her 'Lucky Seven' back. Checking over the teen, as if she was her real mother. She knew this wasn't the place to do it but she needed to check. "Nobody tried hurting you?" Mama's dark eyes flicked up, a deep hatred in her eyes but it wasn't for Seven. Even if she tried, she would never be upset at her 'kids'.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
As she returned Mama's hug, Seven even managing a small smile. Despite the hell breaking loose around her, she was flooded with a sense of calm relief. "I'm fine." Seven assured her. She decided not to mention the gun being pointed at her head. Seven knew how much it would worry her to hear. She was also glad Mama didn't ask about the dried blood splattered on her face. There wasn't much a need as it was obviously not her own. "And I've got a surprise." She said, revealing the gun to only Mama.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alexei watched the scene before him with a cold demeanor. Seems like he had met experiments that were more insane than the average ones. The three girls before him seemed visibly undisturbed by his presence. And he had to admit he didn't like that. He was used to seeing expressions of pure fear on the faces of the freaks he faced, even some of the craziest ones.
That's why if these girls didn't fear him, he was going to make them.
Without warning, he suddenly sprang forward. In the blink of an eye he was standing right infront of Alicia. He held his hand out and gripped her neck then held up his sword to slash it down at her.
over a year ago ErzaScarletXX said…
Hiyomi cuts her sisters jacket before they both smiled holding a weapon "you done this...to us..now it's our turn for experiments"Aus-Ni said looking at the man giggling her smile got wider as she tilted her head nearly the whole round
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Alicia didn't even flinch as she kept smiling more and more. "You know, if you weren't a guard, you would so be my type." She laughed as she pulled out a broken piece of glass from her pocket and stabbed his hand that was around her neck forcing him to drop her. As soon as she was free, she dropped kicked him and slammed her foot into his hand that was holding the sword before quickly picking it up and inspecting it. "Oh very nice! I like it. Think I'll be taking this to go. See you hotshot!" She ran out the door, laughing, and ran through the halls. Now that she had a weapon AND was free, she was going to have fun. Let the killings begin.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Alexei was on his feet in a heartbeat. He had underestimated her and she had taken advantage of that. He would reprimand himself later. At that moment he had to fix his mistake.
She had picked up his sword and was running away with it. He couldn't allow her to go far away with it. Alexei pressed a button on his gauntlet that activated one of the sword's wireless functions. It began vibrating in her hand and produced a huge electrical charge sending a good number of volts into Alicia's body. The electric charge was enough to force her to drop the sword and render her body utterly numb.
With that done, Alexei turned his attention to the two other girls. The restraint one had been released. They hadn't attacked yet so he didn't know the extent of their abilities. That's why he had to finish with them quickly. He whipped his chain out and whipped it forward and wrapped it around Hiyomi. He yanked the chain violently, slamming her on the ground.
He sprang forward and kicked Asu-Ni in the chest with enough force to project her across the room.
The three girls were visibly physically inferior to him. He knew he could deal with them on his own.