Random Role Playing Death and all his friends

Axel1313 posted on Jun 16, 2014 at 11:47PM
You don't know exactly how it happened, but you died. Luckily! (or not, depends on how you look at it.) Death showed up and made a deal with you. Seeing as you have no idea how you died or why, but know somewhere inside that it wasn't right,he offered to bring you back to mostly alive and give you seven years to find the answer. You can extend this time, but it's going to come at a hefty price that you had better be able to pay.

Some general rules/ advice for those of you who made the deal:
1. Do NOT cheat Death. Not truly a rule, but common sense.
2. Relationships are ill advised. Not that they aren't allowed at all, but because of the fact that, unfortunately, there is no way to completely bring you back.
3.You can't tell people what you are or why you are here. If they figure it out and ask you first then fine, but then the secret is only between you and them. Nobody else must find out.
3. Beware slayers and rebels. Slayers do not know that you are harmless and rebels strive to defy death and become completely immortal

Your new appearance!
Not much has really changed in how you look...except for the paler skin and icy cold touch.
No need to worry about smelling bad, you wont rot or anything.
You can eat and need to sleep all of that normal, humany stuff
You will heal faster than usual and do have more strength and heightened senses.
There is a pulse in your chest, but it's not your heart. That's just there to make you seem like you're alive.

The usual, No God Modding,
no killing without permission,
Swearing is fine, so is sex just don't go into details
Avoid one liners at all costs and please use third person writing.
and Have fun!
last edited on Jun 17, 2014 at 02:16AM

Random Role Playing 136 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 136

over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Name: Sisceal Alebaster
Age: Appears in his late twenties
Personality: A kind and gentle soul, but harm any he cares about and you will regret it.
Background: He was a priest and that's all he can remember. That and waking up again in a torn and very bloodied up suit. It has at least three years since he was brought back and so far the only thing he's found out is that he's an unsolved murder case with no leads whatsoever....not exactly the ideal situation.
Name: Sisceal Alebaster
Age: Appears in his late twenties
Personality: A kind and gentle soul, but
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Name: Death
Age: Waaaay older than you and that's all you need to know
Personality: He's a cool guy, tries to stay with the times, joke around and help those he makes the deals with get along in the world until it's time to go again. Don't make him mad though....there's really no explanation to that one.
Background: Ha! Like I really need one. You know who I am.
Name: Death
Age: Waaaay older than you and that's all you need to know
Personality: He's a cool guy
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Charlotte Alvarez aka "Charlie"
Age: 22

Appearance: An obviously young woman with olive skin and dark eyes like an owl and thick monstrous eyebrows. Her teeth are broken and bucked, her hair a mass of untamed black curls and her clothes consist of greasy jeans and a heavily stained letterman jacket. Her most precious features are the concave curve of her cheekbones that give her a strange other worldy look, causing the eye to be drawn to her large mouth which is often painted with an alarming amount of red lipstick.

Background: Charlotte lived with her parents in Tuscon, Arizona. Her parents lower middle class hard-working people who seemed to neglect remembering they even had a daughter. They had no expectations for her at all, in fact. This often left her with a feeling of gaping emptiness... as if her freedom was too much to handle.

Charlotte felt she had nothing to do with herself but live. Not survive. Not thrive. Just exist. But outside of her home, she was someone else entirely. An animal living on impulse. She lurked on her own, hunting for a personality, a lifestyle just to leech off of. She knew people, but they never knew what to make of her, and she never had a close relationship with any of her peers. She mostly kept to herself, smoking cigarettes outside her school, cigs that she bummed off of older men who made kissy faces at her as they walked by in their drunken stagger.

She starved herself just to take joy in the ache and save up on her lunch money for a sense of control... She was a nobody... A fuck up... Until she met July. July, the tall, dark-skinned woman with blood-dyed hair. She met July at a bar after scoring a fake ID from one of her classmates.

July was a biker. A nomad. Her arm a sleeve of inky tattoos blending into each other. July was first to see through Charlotte's facade, and not to judge. Instead they found each other to be kindred spirits. Both seeking their lot in life, both having holes that were constantly agape with wanting hunger. They kept seeing each other after that. Talking about everything, from Charlie's parents to July's blotchy past... to the way of the world, and why everything was... even why the desert was dry and the sky so blue. Their relationship blossomed and even though July knew Charlotte was too young, and Charlotte knew it was too risky... They made a plan. A tug on their heartstrings called them to run away... Run away together.

The last thing Charlie remembered was being on the back of her partner's motorcycle, the sun rising across a desert road not far from her home before the scream of a car horn.
last edited over a year ago
Charlotte Alvarez aka "Charlie"
Age: 22

Appearance: An obviously young woman with olive skin and
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Name: Chloe Fayland
Age: around early 20's
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, shy, sweet
Background: She was a baker in a cafe. She was walking to her car when everything went dark...and she was dead. She has no idea what happen. All she does remember is waking up and finding out no one could hear or see her. Her body was a bloody mess so it was hard to identify her. It has been 3 years since then and there are still leads as to what happen to her. She won't rest till she knows what happen and who did it.
Name: Chloe Fayland
Age: around early 20's
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, shy, sweet
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
((Death's true form...Which you never want to see.))
((Death's true form...Which you never want to see.))
over a year ago onix11 said…
Name: Samuel Hunter
Gender: male
Personality: Rude, uncaring, sometimes violent.
Background: his goals for coming back were simple. To find out what ended his life and if it was a person, make them pay. He was apart of a gang for the longest time and was rather high up in their organization. He guessed that the best place to start would be where he was first killed. He has blood on his hands from during his climb to his position and is not afraid of dirtying them to find out the truth.
Name: Samuel Hunter
Gender: male
Personality: Rude, uncaring, sometimes violent.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
((I'm thinking about making another character and then maybe we could start?))
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Name: Christein Alestor
Age: 32
Personality: Kind and sweet...on the outside. Underneath there is something far more sinister that lurks.
Background: The only thing truly known about her is that she hails from a very wealthy family. It really helps when in the slayer business. Now, it is odd for such a sweet lady to be one, but she has her motives. Especially after her husband was taken from her so quickly by one.
last edited over a year ago
Name: Christein Alestor
Age: 32
Personality: Kind and sweet...on the outside. Underneath there is s
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Hood pulled up over his striking skull of a face Death strolled up to his favorite man with the snowy white hair. Who was, for better or for worse, stumbling his way down the streets and back to his cozy little apartment. Drunk out of his mind and without a care in the world at the moment.
"Hey! If I woulda known you party this hard I'd make you come to this side sooner!" He chuckled and gave him a hearty pat on the back. "So what is it this time? Bad memory surface? Get rejected? Just felt like drinkin' it up tonight?"
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Name: Alexander Jacquard

Age: He has lost count at this point

Background: Alex is the very first Rebel and the only man to have ever cheated death, he beat death in a game of cards; it's a long story. Now Alex has used his long life to start many company and try to gather enough Phantoms, as he calls you, to beat death.
Name: Alexander Jacquard

Age: He has lost count at this point

Background: Alex is the very firs
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
(( I am going to add to my profile. Not right now but eventually. It's too empty and I just thought of a background.))
Axel1313 commented…
Alright over a year ago
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Alexander Jacquard had always been different, so different in fact that he was once known as Count Dracula, but this never stopped him from blending in. Even now he had no issue attracting women as he was surrounded by a pack of them, all waiting for some sort of physical pleasure. "Now ladies, who's first?" He said as they reached his penthouse.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
Christein stood on the rooftop, staring down at her target. He was sure enjoying himself this evening...surrounded by women. It was going to be such a pleasure ruining it all for him and hopefully get some answers from him about their leader before silencing him forever.
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Surrounded by beautiful women, supermodels no less, when he was a child this was his dream; to live forever with beautiful women. But he had to die to achieve it. However, there are certain perks to being dead for one you still have good "Muscle" strength, if you know what I mean, for another when you live long enough you begin to develop certain habits and abilities such as being able to notice different body heats; especially those of young slayers ready to pounce on their targets. "Let's take this to the bedroom." He said as he opened the double doors to a glorious bedroom and then he used a simple trick. By "enjoying" the company of the women he had put innocent people between him and the slayer's line of sight.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"Pshh." She scoffed at his pathetic tactic. "Using innocent lives to guard his own? He must be a weaker one." She whispered to herself and prepared her bow. All she had to do was wait for the right moment to strike. That's all.

"I don't....know." He hiccuped. The alcohol causing his accent to thicken and words to slur. "I had the urge to drink tonight. okay? Something about it just...I needed to." He spoke guiltily as he stumbled along. Death at his side.
"Ah! So it's one of those memory feelings eh? You get those once in a while, but don't worry. It'll pass...until ya find out why you died of course."
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((I edited!!!)) Charlie held herself, her arms tucking her sleeves underneath her shirt, lumpy, and too large for her small frame. Her cheeks were swollen with the tears that had streamed down from her eyes. She had kept those tears back for so long...so long now. She sat down, hearing the hum of the city around her, so inaccessible yet very much there. Cars whooshing past, people practically walking through her in the midday sun. She was hopelessly lost.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((This is what July looks like))
((This is what July looks like))
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((Can Sisceal Alebaster run into Charlie or something?))
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(may i join? this seems like a lot of fun )
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((Oooooo! I hope so!))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(I want to jump in but I don't know where?)
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((Maybe we can help each other out, Dreamwriter. Charlie can meet up with Chloe or something along the lines of that.))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…

Chloe walked down the streets, feeling lost and so alone. She wanted answers but knew she couldn't get any. Not right away anyway. What was the point of coming back when there is not much she could do on her own. She sighed, feeling hopeless, when she saw a woman looking as she felt. Lost. Chloe took a deep breath and walked over to the woman. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked.
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
Name: Sakura Blood

Age: 16

Background: she's trying to become a Rebel but it's not a easy as she thought, from what she could remember she woke up covered in blood on a beach. but she was more worried about becoming a Rebel then finding out how she died and she still has 6 year's left.
Name: Sakura Blood

Age: 16

Background:  she's trying to become a Rebel but it's not a easy as s
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Charlie jumped and quickly wiped her cheeks with the sleeves of her shirt. "What- Me?! Huh?" She looked behind herself, feigning confusion as if she had no reason to be confronted by this woman. She sniffed, and tried to cover it up with a cough. "Yeah! I'm... I-" Her lip trembled as harshly as her hands. She wanted so badly to tell this stranger that no... she was not okay. She was lost, alone, and completely unsure of he nature of everything that passed.

"I'm okay! I'm fine!" She had the scratchy voice of a smoker despite being so young. "Uh... Actually. I d- Do you know what street this is?"
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Chloe looked at the woman, worried. She was not okay and that was clear to see. "This is Belmont road. I'm sorry to say this but I don't think you are fine. You look like you've been crying and still want to cry. It's okay if you want to. I won't judge. It's not good to keep it bottled in."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
(i'm just gonna jump in okay)

Walking down the road slowly, Sakura was trying to remember important things, and without even blinking she stepped right into oncoming traffic, she managed to walk across the street with out even getting a scratch, but hard to say, all the car's were pretty banged up. "how can i become a rebel...maybe i should just give up?" Sakura shook her head violently. "no i shouldn't give up that quickly." she smiled.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
((can i continue this tomorrow? i need to sleep))
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
(Yeah me too)
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
A few hours had passed and not once had Alex ever presented an opening but he also had a few tricks up his sleeve. He used the shadows to slip out of the building unnoticed and join the bowman on the adjacent rooftop. "Who are we watching?" He whispered over her shoulder.
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
She snapped around, instantly drawing her bow and aiming it at him. "Oh I think you know scumbag." She glowered. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which one would you prefer?" Her umber eyes burned with fury and determination. She was not going to let his charm distract her from her objective.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
She bit her lip and turned her body away from the other woman. Her eyes began to dart frantically and she made an audible swallow. "No, I'm fine... I'm not going to cry." She seemed to be telling this more to herself than anyone else. Finally, she whipped herself around and clenched her jaw. "I don't even know what Belmont Drive is! I've been walking for hours and I don't recognize any of this!" She motioned to the world around her with her arms outstretched in a shrug.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago onix11 said…
Samuel was walking down the street when he seen a girl walk across the street. He was confused why she would walk across like that but he guessed he really didn't care. He was looking for his old informant. He hoped he could get an answer from him about what happened.
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Chloe tilted her head to the side. "Are you new around here? I don't think I've seen you around here before."
over a year ago heart-of_love said…
With the feeling of someone watching her, Sakura quickly spun on her heel's to find who was looking at her, She pretty much ran away when she notice it was a guy and they way he looked made her feel uncomfortable as well as the fact she could tell he was deep in thought. All Sakura did was stare back.
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
"New here?! I don't even know what here is! I'm trying to find... Someone or something but I don't know what. I feel like something horrible happened, but I can't- I'm not-" Charlie sighed. "I'm not sure...."She had no idea why she was telling this woman all of this, there was something about her that pulled her in. A familiarity like an old friend or a distant relative.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Chloe sat down next to her. "You can talk to me about what's bothering you. I know I'm just a stranger but I'm a great listener! Maybe we can walk around and you might remember what happen to you."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"Woah there." He said as he raised his hands. "I just came up here to smoke and I happened to see a beautiful young lady spying over a ledge and thought she might be watching her crush; not trying to kill him."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"You flatter yourself." She said bluntly. "I know you didn't come up here just to smoke. You've been avoiding my aim all night. Putting innocent lives in front of you as a shield and staying out of sight." She pulled the bow back more. "I know more about your kind than you think."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"And what is my kind young missy? I am a human just like you simply up here to feed his addiction to something that will eventually kill him." He said as he pulled out a cig and stuck it in his mouth; lighting it. "see? Harmless."
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
"Uh..." She blinked, then closed her eyes. "Okay, yeah... I'd like that." She took a deep beath and wiped away the rest of her sorrow with her sleeves. "My name's Charlie."
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
"I'm Chloe. It's nice to meet you Charlie." Chloe smiled at her and stood up. "Let's go wonder around. Hopefully you will remember something."
over a year ago Phantelephant said…
Charlie nodded and started to walk alone side her, thecorners of her lips twitching. "Do you have any spare cigs?"
over a year ago xXDreamWriterXx said…
Chloe shook her head. "I don't really smoke but we can stop by a store and get some."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"How could something like that kill you if you're already dead?" She questioned him harshly. "You look harmless now, but I know better. You can turn deadly in an instant."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
Alex sighed heavily and then let the cigarette fall out of his mouth, however, before it even hit the ground he had drawn his knife, cut the string on the bow and was currently holding her, by her throat, over the buildings edge. "You're damn right. Now who assigned me to be your mark?"
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"N-nobody." She glowered. Her glare unwavering despite being held over the edge. "I chose you because of how long you've been around....I know somebody like you would have the information we need."
over a year ago shadowcon99 said…
"And what is the information you need? Clearly you will not force it out of me, so perhaps you should seduce it out of me; before I lose my grip."
over a year ago Axel1313 said…
"I'm not batting my pretty little eyelashes for you." She snapped. "All I want to know is everything you know about Death and what information do you have on all of the people he deals with."