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Ive been around this club for few years, but am I the only one here whos starting to get a bit bothered by all the sexual RPs going on?

I mean, maybe Im the only one who goes around checking up on RPs Im not part of when Im bored and read the most recent posts even if I dont know the characters or anything but upon doing so, Ive seen so much damn M rated material.

Its honestly been something I decided to be quiet about and ignore but its getting increasingly higher and higher in number so ignore this if you like. Its just a personal peeve of mine as someone who has seen the club go through many phases and to see it reach this point.

Honestly, Im not as much upset but more of some form of sad disappointment. I just prefered it better when RPs applied to the rules. Its not that Im a hard core rule follower but they are a good basis to follow off of.

Just voicing my concern. Give it attention or not, I do not mind. Troll, I do not mind. Try to start fights and call me names, I do not mind. Agree with me, I do not mind.
 Riku114 posted over a year ago
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Random Role Playing Answers

sieluvzsoul said:
Not trying to be a troll or be rude. But then maybe if it bothers you so much. Stop checking up on other people's RPs. I mean that's the only reasonable solver to your problem.
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posted over a year ago 
Strawberry0020 said:
Okay, I was going to rant and when I tried posting my answer, Fanpop had shorten it. xD

But no, I agree with both you and Flamez. It's everywhere. It has been for a while though. Smut? No problem. I've written it here, but it's not the basis of my writing. I like adventure. Realistically, things can get sexual, I mean come on. People diddle. If it's clearly pertaining to a purpose or plot (romance, stirring drama, etc), it's understandable. I just feel as if people don't know their boundaries. Like when I want a seven action RP with conflict an this shi happens:

"Let's kill this dragon! :D After I have two baby mommas and get caught up in a frisky, descriptive love affair and have to appear on a DNA paternity testing show."


"We slayed the dragon! :D Now let's have and orgy!"

Like, I don't really write smut unless someone else DIRECTLY engages in it with me first, simply because I just go with the flow and I don't find it completely necessary to touch every detail. But some do. Okay. Some are simply descriptive... while some are just outright blatant, vulgar, and clearly have a box of tissue at their desks. And I know the difference. I've dealt with one descriptive one and plenty perverts. Let's just say the descriptive one is the only one I actually tolerate RPing with when it comes to that subject matter, because she actually writes for the sake of writing and is truly respectable. Everyone else, nope. Cut off completely. I have abandoned RPs on here and even Google Docs due to the fact that sex had become the whole concept of the RP. Either that, or there was just drama alone. Yeah, some get a little hairy, and there's dire situations when people worry and it's understandable. Been there. On both each side. But some people go too far and get disrespectful (even the ones trying to "help") and it only divides us even more. Like when one says "You write that? You're a poor writer. That's pathetic." And such and such. I know a lot of people that write smut and write it well. There's just a fine line between moderate and getting carried away. Some people don't want to see it EVERYWHERE. And just going with the flow isn't always good either, depending on who you're collaborating with. xD
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posted over a year ago 
Finally! XD Speak more!!
Liquidz-Flamez posted over a year ago
i totally agree!
LetsDuel2012 posted over a year ago
Yeah I actually have to agree with you a bit there Strawberry. (Totally going to give you an even shorter nickname sometime) I mean, I still have not one who would like descriptive stuff like that and I am the type that would timeskip over if I were to even get to it, but I guess it can be reasonable at times. It still bothers me regardlessly for a reason I myself am not completely sure of. Actually its probably due to me just not being one for mushy romance in RPs unless it is REALLY hard to not ship or it plays with the plot. My largest concern is just how common it is getting now. Its actually gotten to the point that Ive become very weary of RPs I join outside of the ones made by me, Wanta, or Cyrus.
Riku114 posted over a year ago
Not that I joined RPs made from outside my main RPing group often in the first place......
Riku114 posted over a year ago
teamsalvatore98 said:
I know this question is old but I'm going to answer anyway because why the hell not.

In my opinion, everyone on this website is (supposed to be) 13 years or older, and by that age you've had sex ed classes, right? At least in my experience..... With that in mind, I don't think it's all the surprising that some people want to do sexual RPs. Maybe they're really lonely outside of fanpop and the only way to, erm, relieve that loneliness is through a sexual RP. I do, however, think that people who are going to RP that kind of thing need to put a warning or something in the title or the first line of the description part. But, as much as I agree that it's your fault for going through everyone's RPs, it does get a tad bit annoying when it becomes the focus of an RP that was meant for something else. I think the best thing to do in a situation where the topic isn't solely romance/sex would be to create a new forum or RP somewhere else where you can still use those characters. It would also be best to ask anyone else involved in the RP if they mind, which I don't see too much but it's probably a better-suited question to ask over the inbox option....

But that's just my opinion. ^-^
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posted over a year ago 
Liquidz-Flamez said:
Aaaaand sadly, i'm one of those Rpers that surcome to it. I'll complete admit to that. Eh, but what can I say. I just go with the flow of things nowadays. Not really like I have much of a choice, sense I'm mostly rushing through everything here while continuing with my military work.

((And if you havent heard yet, I absolutely HATE airplanes now XD))

BUT at the same time i'm actually starting to get a little irritant by myself with just "going with the flow" the majority of the times. I have yet to actually make an Rp where the rules are actually dead on implied and enforced, which makes me think. Why the living hell havent I actually tried to do that yet? *shrugs* Its hard to say. Though I have numerous ideas for things, I havent really gotten outside the box with lowering the amount of sexual content, nor have I actually really gone to the lengths of basing things off of actual character buildings.
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posted over a year ago 
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