Pokémon My D/P Fanfic

SaitoSaturno posted on Mar 26, 2008 at 01:19AM
Okay. People at my school that know me have read this story, up to at least the fifth chapter. They really liked it. It's based off the games, though there are some obvious differences from almost the very start. I would enjoy reviews. Oh yeah, and it's separated into three books:
Genesis: The Beginning
Exodus: The Penultimate
Leviticus:The End

Here's the first chappy! Reviews are greatly appreciated!

Chapter I

Dawn dragged Damion across the grass by the collar of his striped shirt, her dark blue hair whipping slightly in the wind. It was September 23, 2007 when Dawn and Damion’s adventure began.
“Are you out of your flippin’ mind!?” Damion called from his line of protest apon the ground, the grass making green, highlighted stains on his black slacks. Dawn didn’t answer, she just pushed on to the tall grass on the other end of Verity Lakefront. “Can you at least put me down?” Still no answer from Dawn. Damion huffed, tensing his muscles as he tried to wriggle free of Dawn’s grasp. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” he fumed between flails of arms and legs. Finally, Dawn answered.
“Look, those people left behind their briefcase. We need to return it before they completely forget about it.” Dawn’s voice was gruff as she continued to yank Damion across the grass. She didn’t even turn around when she said it.
“You’re gonna’ tear my shirt.” Damion’s voice was quiet but angry as his flailing ceased. Dawn snorted, blowing a lock of navy hair from her face.
“Does it look like I care?” Dawn whipped around, eyes ablaze with impatience, her grip tightening around his shirt collar. “I could be dragging you by your hair!” Damion quieted, but crossed his arms as Dawn continued across the grass, finally at the edge of the tall foliage surrounding Lake Verity itself.
“Why meeeeee?” Damion moaned as the tall grass began tickling his nose.
“Oh, shut up!” Dawn huffed. “Look, we’re here. All I need to do is get the briefcase, then we can leave.”
Dawn reached for the briefcase, temporarily freeing Damion. He hurriedly scrambled to his feet, and started to take off, but before he went an inch, Dawn grasped him by his arm and firmly pinned him to the ground. He fell in a heap, huffing again, and crossing his arms this time when Dawn let go.
“I’ve got it!” Dawn exclaimed, grasping the top of her white, pokeball emblazoned cap with excitement. She had the briefcase in her other hand, grasping it firmly. “It’s a little heavy, but...”
“Can we please just get out of here?” Damion complained at Dawn’s feet. She opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by a rustle in the nearby bushes. “What was that?” Damion yelped, glancing over to the rustling bushes warily.
“It’s probably just a harmless Pokemon,” Dawn retorted, flicking back her thick, navy hair. Damion wasn’t assured. Suddenly, bursting from the bushes came two very angry Starly, flapping their little, yet powerful, wings strongly, small black eyes glowering dangerously.
“Yagh! What do you mean by harmless?” Damion yelped, clinging to Dawn’s leg in fright.
“Get offa’ me!” Dawn squealed, kicking her leg into Damion’s face. He went sprawling. “Now’s no time for being afraid, we’ve gotta’ fight these guys!” Dawn shouted over the Starlys’ angry twittering and heavy wing-beats.
“With what?” Damion retorted, standing up. He brushed off his dusty slacks hastily, glaring at Dawn. Dawn looked thoughtful for a moment, then her eyes brightened.
“I know! Maybe this briefcase has Pokeballs in it!” She started smashing at the briefcase.
“Stop it!” Damion shouted. The Starly looked ready to attack, for they were growling. “That briefcase isn’t ours! Just see if it’ll open!” Dawn nodded, and sure enough, the case wasn’t locked. Her face brightened as she noticed the contents.
“Pokeballs! Three of them!” She picked one up, and tossed it to Damion. “Use this one!” Damion caught it. He could feel power eminating from the cranny of its opening.
“Okay, go, whoever you are!” Damion tossed the Pokeball into the air, and it opened. A blaze of white light appeared, and a small green turtle with a leaf on its head materialized. Its big yellow eyes sparked with pride and courage. Damion smiled. “A Turtwig! Oh, it’s so cute!” He embraced Turtwig with a hearty hug.
“We don’t have time for this!” Dawn called over the raging battle between one of the Starly and the Pokemon she’d found; a Piplup. “Use Turtwig to fight the other one!” Damion nodded curtly. He raised his arm and stood up, pointing at Turtwig’s opponent.
“Use Tackle!” Turtwig nodded, and turned to face the now speeding Starly. Turtwig dodged whatever attack Starly tried to land apon it, and then charged quickly at the small bird. What a speedy Turtwig! Turtwig gave a tremendous leap to the air, plowing its skull into Starly’s back. Damion smiled as andrenaline pumped through his blood. Starly became angry, and cawed with menace at Turtwig. It zoomed towards Turtwig, wings lit up with white light. The Starly was using Wing Attack! Something had to be done! The super affective attack could hurt Turtwig terribly. “Um...I know!” Damion called to the wary Turtwig. “Use Withdraw!” Turtwig obeyed, and tucked into its shell faster than sound. Starly hit Turtwig’s shell. Its shell spun around wildly for a few seconds, then stopped at a lopsided angle in the grass. When Starly was far enough away, Turtwig popped from its shell, smiling determindely. “Finish it with Razor Leaf!” With that, Turtwig leaped into the air, and did some spirals. Flinging from the leaf on its head came more leaves, all spining rapidly, edges as sharp as knives. Starly chirped with alarm as the leaves edged closer. The Razor Leaf hit with an amazing force. Starly lost its balance, and fell to the ground, squiggles in its eyes.
Damion was so amazed. His jaw dropped with awe as he gazed at the fainted Starly. Then, he snapped back to reality. “We did it, Turtwig!” Damion called. Turtwig cheered with approval. Damion embraced the small turtle in a crushing hug. Turtwig and Damion both smiled, Damion laughing the whole time. “That was great, Turtwig!”
A few meters away, Dawn was finishing up her battle. Piplup was fighting strong and proud, using a montage of attacks on the angered wild Starly at Dawn’s commands. Eventually, the other Starly fainted as well. She praised Piplup heartily, and at the same time celebrating their first victory. “Damion!” Dawn called to her friend. Damion looked up from hugging Turtwig and stood up. “I can’t believe it!”
“Neither can I!” Damion chorused in a proud tone. They exchanged some excited banter after that while Piplup snd Turtwig played together in the grass. Then suddenly, Dawn’s face fell.
“I just realized something,” she said sadly, the realization whipping her in the face. Damion looked at her curiously at Dawn while Turtwig ran between his legs after Piplup. “We used some Pokemon that weren’t ours. We have to return them.”
“Oh,” Damion answered, sighing. He looked down at Turtwig who was playfully tusseling with Piplup. Both were smiling, energy eminating from them even though they had just fought in a tough battle. Turtwig was a strong Pokemon. However, it had been wrong to use it. Dawn was right, Turtwig belonged to the people who forgot their briefcase. “Guess we had better return them.” Dawn nodded.
“Piplup, return.” Dawn returned Piplup to her Pokeball and Damion did the same with Turtwig.
“Have you guys seen our briefcase?” A sudden voice startled the crestfallen trainers. Tearing from the bushes came the young boy who had been there previously with an older man. The briefcase was obviously theirs. They recognized him from when they had first been at the lake. They remembered it clearly, for it had happened only a few minutes ago.

Damion was sitting with Dawn at the edge of Lake Verity. They had been fishing for a rare Pokemon, just to see and admire.
Damion hadn’t managed to catch anything, but Dawn was fruitful with catches, reeling one in after another.
“I caught one!” Dawn shouted, reeling in a Goldeen. It was a nice size, with bright colors. It looked healthy. Damion rolled his eyes and tried to concentrate on his own line. “Look, Damion!” Damion refused to look as he grimaced at what he reeled in. He had hoped it were at least a Magikarp, but it was a bundle of heavy lichen that had caught on his hook.
“Drat!” he cursed, throwing his line back into the water. Dawn released the Goldeen after a few moments of adoration.
“Come on, Damion! Usually you catch more than just lichen!” Dawn jeered, adding new bait onto her hook. Damion ignored her, and watched his bobber float gently against the soft waves.
For a while there was a silence. Dawn managed to catch another Pokemon, this time a young Corphish. It was hard for her to let it go because she tried to avoid its snapping pinchers. She hastily tossed the clattering creature back into the lake with disgust. They were rare, but Dawn had never liked crabs.
After a while, it became boring to stare at his line, and Damion found himself gazing about the lake. Its surface sparkled with beautiful light reflections. Something caught his eye. On the other end of the lake, he saw two figures, who appeared to be looking for something.
“Hey, Dawn, look at this!”
“Did you catch something?”
“No..... There are people over there. D’ya see them?” Damion pointed his finger in the direction of them.
“Yeah. Hey, they’re coming this way!” Dawn reeled in her line and put it at her side, racing forward to meet the people. Damion sighed self-conciously and reeled his own in, only to find he’d caught a stick tied up with a blobulous green moss.
“Wait up!” He chased after Dawn, green scarf flapping madly in the strong wind. No matter how fast he ran, however, he couldn’t catch up to her. He stopped, out of breath, for the wind was pushing quite a resistance against his efforts. “Wait up...” he mumbled, as he trudged on after the energy high thirteen year old.
“Well, Lucas, it appears there is nothing unusual about this area either.” The sudden voice made Damion look up. An old man was speaking to a young boy about his and Dawn’s age, who wore a black shirt and slacky jeans.
“Hey, professor, who are those people?” The boy asked, fingering him and Dawn. The professor looked up, seeing them. Dawn had finally stopped running ‘against the wind’ and Damion was a few feet behind her.
The professor dismissed Lucas’s question and stalked calmly out of Lake Verity’s realm. Lucas watched in silence, and soon followed.
When Dawn looked back, she could see something left on the side of the lake.
“Hey, Damion, look!” The professor and Lucas had left behind their briefcase. “Let’s return it to them.”
“Are you out of your flippin’ mind?!” Damion called. “The briefcase is in the tall grass, where the wild Pokemon are!”
“Oh, shut up, come on,” Dawn grasped the struggling Damion by the collar of his striped shirt and began dragging him across the grass.


“Yeah, right here!” Dawn called, holding up the briefcase in one hand to show Lucas.
“Oh, thank Palkia you found it!” Lucas ran up and snatched the briefcase from her hand. He was about to run off when he saw what were in Dawn and Damion’s hands. “Did you guys use....” Damion and Dawn frowned and glanced at eachother warily. “Oh, you did didn’t you!” Lucas began sweating, limbs shaking. “Darn, what’m I gonna’ say to the prof.?” He ran off, not glancing back once to see if Dawn and Damion were following.
Dawn and Damion followed however, tucking the Pokeballs into their pockets and wearing gloomy, responsible looks on their faces. Dawn cast an apologetic glance at Damion. It had been her fault that they ended up in the tall grass. Damion smiled, giving her the sign that it was okay. They were speechless, deep in thought as they trailed out of Lake Verity’s realms.
Several yards down Route 201, Dawn looked up to see Lucas and the professor walking calmly in the opposite direction; to Sandgem Town a few miles away. Dawn nudged the still downcast boy at her side with her elbow. He looked up.
“It’s them,” Damion whispered. “D’ya think they’re mad?” Dawn wasn’t sure, so she shrugged. “Let’s go talk to them.”
“Okay, but we’d better hurry, they’ll get too far away and we’ll never catch up.” Dawn’s voice was quiet, not that it surprised Damion. They were both upset, they’d done something they shouldn’t’ve, and they were going to have to return the Pokemon they used. It was sad for them, because Piplup and Turtwig were already their best friends. The exilleration of battles; it was amazing. Pokemon and people alike trusting eachother, fighting together....It was a shame to see Piplup and Turtwig go.

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over a year ago SaitoSaturno said…
C'mon peoples, don't be shy to review! I won't post any new chappies until I get a POSITIVE review. Thankees.
over a year ago SaitoSaturno said…
o.o nobody has made a review...Maybe they won't until the story is interesting enough. In that case, here's chapters two and three to get things rolling.

Chapter II

Dawn and Damion started running after the professor and Lucas. “Wait up!” Dawn called. Lucas stopped and turned around. So did the professor. The professor got a strange look on his face as Dawn and Damion caught up with them.
“Are you the two people who used my Pokemon?” the professor asked.
“Erm....Yes,” Damion answered. The professor looked thoughtful for a moment’s time.
“May I see them?”
“Sure,” Dawn and Damion both said simultaneously.
“Go, Piplup!” Dawn said, tossing the Pokeball into the air. Piplup appeared, posh and proud as always.
“C’mon out, Turtwig!” Damion did the same with Turtwig’s Pokeball.
“Twiiig!” it cheered. The professor looked thoughtful as he examined his Pokemon.
“So, you used my Piplup, and Turtwig?”
“Yes’sir!” Dawn said. Damion nodded.
“Hmmm..... Come to my lab at once.”


The four of them arrived in Sandgem Town. It was large compaired to Dawn and Damion’s hometown, Twinleaf, but it certainly wasn’t big. A few houses decorated the side of the dirt road and a Pokemart and Pokecenter were at the far end of town. A big building was pretty close to the exit of Sandgem, heading to route 201.
“Is your lab here?” Dawn asked the professor with a questioning tone in her voice. The professor didn’t answer; he just led them inside the large structure.
“Yes,” whispered Lucas from a distance behind the professor. “He doesn’t talk much, and he doesn’t want to talk much, either.” Dawn nodded in understanding.
“So, Lucas,” Damion started, eyes searching the large establishment for anything suspicious. There wasn’t of course, it was your ordinary sort of lab: computers, assistants, a desk, papers everywhere, shelves of books decorating the walls....Average. “Do any weird experiments get tested in here?”
“Not exactly. Sometimes we’ll do tests, but-”
“Hold up, hold up. We’ll? What do you mean?” Damion asked.
“Oh, did I not tell you guys? I’m the professor’s assistant.”
“What?” Dawn and Damion both hissed in unison. Lucas smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.
He was about to reply when suddenly: “Alright. You two, let me see those Pokemon again.” It was the prof. who was speaking.
The two trainers-to-be released Turtwig and Piplup before his eyes. Piplup clung to Dawn’s leg while Turtwig bounced into Damion’s arms and snuggled there. The professor examined his Pokemon, then started laughing. “Hohoho! It really seems to me that these two have taken a liking to you! You can keep those Pokemon,” the prof. said jollily.
“Really?” Dawn exclaimed. “Did you hear that Piplup? You can stay with me!”
“Yep! I sure did!”
“You-you just talked!” Dawn exclaimed, jamming her finger at Piplup. “Professor, what’s happening?”
“You see, when Pokemon and Trainer have a strong relationship, one can understand the speech of another. They weren’t yours, however, until just now.”
“Cool!” Damion squealed. “Can you talk too, Turtwig?”
“Of course I can. I have a mouth, vocal chords, understanding of English..... Isn’t it obvious?” Turtwig smiled, clinging to Damion.
“Can you understand them, prof.?” Dawn asked.
“Alas, no. They aren’t mine any longer. I can no longer understand their speech.” The prof. looked solemn, then smiled. “I have a very important job for you, now that you have Pokemon.” He handed them some square objects; to Dawn, a pink one, and to Damion, an orange one. “These are called Pokedexes, encyclopedias of Pokemon. You see, I research Pokemon, and I use the Pokedex to help me find out more. In my old age, however, I am unable to go on an adventure to see all the Pokemon in the world and record their data. I’m putting my trust in you three.”
“What about Lucas?” Dawn asked. “What about his Pokemon and Pokedex?”
“He already has one, see,” the prof. answered. “A blue Pokedex and a Chimchar for a starter.” Dawn nodded.
“Hey, ya’ know, we never told you our names,” Damion offered.
“Well, introduce yourselves then! I’m prof. Rowan, and I research Pokemon evolutions.” Dawn and Damion laughed.
“I’m Damion.”
“My name’s Dawn!”
“Well, best of luck to ya’! But you should probably call your mothers and tell them where you’re going.”


A half an hour later, both Dawn’s and Damion’s mothers had regrettedly allowed them to leave on their journey. Dawn and Damion said their thankyous, and hung up. Prof. Rowan told the three that they should probably travel together. There was safety in numbers, after all.
The three went to the Pokecenter on the far end of town to heal up their Pokemon. At the Pokemart they bought their supply of Potions, Pokeballs, Antidotes, Awakenings, and Paralyze Heals, using a great deal of their money.
They had soon left Sandgem town on route 202 to begin the most amazing adventure of their pre-mature lives.

Chapter III

The campfire burned down to coals as the three trainers and starters slept around the fire comfortably, bellies full of dinner, minds filled with great aspects of adventure. They were on rout 202 that night, the night when they met Lucas’s Chimchar. It was certainly a very spunky and active Pokemon. It had made it difficult for them to sleep, but the fire monkey soon wore itself out and hit the sack. They were abut fifteen miles from Sandgem town, deep in the woods.
The night may have seemed peaceful, but from the bushes, vicious golden eyes watched maliciously as the trainers and Pokemon slept. One twitch from them, and the assault would begin. There were others, surrounding the campsite from the bushes, watching every twitch, every breath.
The hungry Luxray raised it’s head to signal the others. They had become too hungry to wait any longer. They had a feast before them; all they had to do was attack.
A Shinx trembled behind its father in the bushes, cold and hungry, thin and fearful. Its parents had completely forgotten about it, leaving it hungry and cold without letting it share in daily kill.
With a flick of its long, star-tipped tail, the leader Luxray began the ambush.
Streaming from the bushes came dozens of Luxray, Luxio, and Shinx, golden eyes filled with the craze of hunger.
“Rrrraayyyyy!” The leader of the pack roared, bounding towards the sleeping trainers.
An orange head popped up from one of the sleeping bags; Lucas’s Chimchar had woken up. Apon seeing the attackers, Chimchar tried to wake up Lucas, but couldn’t.
“I’ll have to handle them myself,” Chimchar muttered to itself. It leaped in front of the trainers and other Pokemon. The attacking Luxray, Luxio, and Shinx stopped for a moment to scoff at the Pokemon, and the leader bounded over to Chimchar, and spoke.
“Out of our way,” the leader Luxray commanded, star-tipped tail lashind viciously. “We are hungry. Here is our food.” Its words were simple, but powerful. Chimchar quaked with fear but stood its ground. It refused to move. “Fine then. Thunder!” Sparking from Luxray’s fur came blasts of electricty. One blast hit Chimchar full force.
“Aaaaaaargghhhhh!!!” It cried. It fell to the ground, breath labored from just a single blow. This woke up the other Pokemon, and trainers.
“Ahh! What’s going on?!” Dawn screamed, apon seeing the Luxray. She covered her face with her pillow. “Make them go away!” Damion and Lucas leaped from their sheets, eye-pupils wide with fear. They flipped open their Pokedexes to gather information.
Shinx: All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded. Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered.
Luxio: Its claws let loose electricity with enough amperage to cause fainting. They live in small groups. It rests its forelegs on others to communicate with rythmic electric pulses from its claws.
Luxray: It has eyes that can see through anything. It spots and captures prey hiding behind objects. When its eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding prey-even those taking shelter behind a wall.
Lucas saw Chimchar, sprawled out on the ground, scars covering its body and electricity singeing its orange fur.
“What’d you do to Chimchar?” Lucas damanded to the Luxray. Luxray said nothing, just stared hungrily at Lucas. It flicked its tail and the others surged forward, paws pounding the ground.
“Alright, Turtwig, let’s use Razor Leaf!” Damion called. He wasn’t going down without a fight.
“No, not Razor Leaf. I learned a new attack. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Turtwig looked apologetic, but started to glow green.
“Is he evolving?” Dawn queried, her face uncovered from the pillow.
“I don’t think so,” Lucas said. “When they evolve, they glow white. He’s glowing green.” Turtwig released a blast of wind and leaves from its body. It became a swirling mass of leaves and wind. The mass wound its way towards the hungry pack of electric lions.
“What is that!?” Damion called.
“Its called Leaf Storm,” Lucas answered, eyes wide. The huge mass hit the pack of charging Luxray, Luxio, and Shinx with amazing force.
The pack was blown back, some hitting the ground with a deafening thud, while other landed nimbly on their feet. Most of these were Luxios and Luxrays.
From the bushes, the hungry Shinx peered at the sight. It daringly set a thin blue paw on the ground outside the bushes. I want to be part of the ambsuh, too! It thought. There was no doubt in its mind that it wanted to help its father.
Then it saw the scared look on the Pokemon and trainer’s faces. A stone dropped in its heart. It felt so sorry for those people. He could tell that these people were still young. He’d seen larger ones before. And the Pokemon too.
“Father, stop!” It shouted. Its father and the trainers and Pokemon turned their heads around to see the thin Shinx quaking on the outskirts of the campsite.
“Shinx, get back to the bushes. We shall hunt what we shall hunt.”
Of course, the trainers could only hear, “Rrray... Luxluxrayrayray!” For Luxray was not theirs.
“What’s he saying, Piplup?” Dawn asked.
“He says, Shinx, get back to the bushes. We shall hunt what we shall hunt.”
“Hunt? We’re not prey!” Dawn protested.
“Please, father. These people wouldn’t hurt us!” Shinx begged, golden eyes round with pleadingness.
“Be quiet. We are hungry. We will perish if we do not find food soon.”
“These people are terrifyingly strong, father! They could hurt you really bad!”
“I said no! If you don’t be quiet, you won’t get your share of the meat.” Luxray’s tone was firm and angry.
“I had a feeling I wouldn’t get any anyway,” Shinx muttered. Luxray’s facade softened.
“I shall make a deal with them. If they can defeat us, then they may leave. Piplup, tell the girl,” Luxray demanded.
“He says he’ll let us go if we can defeat them.”
“Us? No way! Piplup, I’m flippin’ scared, okay! I’m FLIPPIN’ SCARED!!!” She started crying, covering her face with a pillow.
“If you refuse to fight, I’m afraid we’ll have to attack,” Luxray warned. Dawn continued to cry, while Piplup tried to comfort her. “Pathetic humans.” Luxray flicked his tail. “Attack!”
“No!” Shinx cried. “Daddy! Maybe one of the boys will fight!”
“Damion, we have to fight them!” Turtwig called, panting from using the super strong grass type attack. Damion’s heart was thundering ten times faster than usual. The pack was getting closer... “Damion!”
“You must do something! Convince Damion, Turtwig! I cannot help you!” Shinx called, regret and worry sparkling in its golden eyes.
“Damion, please! For the sake of Dawn?” Damion froze. He looked over at Dawn, who was crying uncontrollably, trembling with a fear so great....
“For all of us!” Damion called. “Turtwig, Zen Headbutt!” Damion had found a TM early on on route 202 containing Zen Headbutt. He taught it to Turtwig.
“That’s more like it! Kimakazee!” Turtwig’s skull glowed a dangerous blue as it charged forward. It knocked a couple Luxio and a Shinx silly. They retreated into the bushes.
“You are strong,” Luxray commented. “Defeat the others, then defeat me.” He flicked his tail and another wave of Luxios, Luxrays, and Shinxes flowed towards Turtwig.
“OMG! There’s even more of them? Turtwig use Withdraw!” Turtwig popped into its shell as the hoard of electric lions tried to trample him into the dust.
Lucas watched from the sidelines, his fainted Chimchar hanging limply in his arms. You can do it, Turtwig and Damion.
“Now, Turtwig, Leaf Storm!” Turtwig glowed green once more and unleashed his fury of a leaf torandoe at the pack. Several went flying, while others retreated into the thickness of the forest. “Yeah!”
“You guys can do it!” Shinx called.
Turtwig stood panting, eyes filled with weariness and fatigue, but also determination.
Only Luxray was left. His eyes glowed dangerously. “I must admit, for a Turtwig, you are indeed strong. Now that you have defeated my clan, you must defeat me.” Luxray’s fur sparkled with electricity.
“What should I do now, Damion?” Turtwig panted, trembling a little. Damion watched in horror, eyes wide, limbs frozen. If he lost.... It would be the end of his life, and Lucas’s....And Turtwig’s...Piplup’s....Chimchar’s...He gulped, tears filling his eyes. And Dawn’s.....
“I don’t know!” He screamed. Dawn looked up and saw Damion trembling, crying. She stopped crying and watched. “I can’t! I can’t! You saw how much....How much control he had over all of those others! How can I defeat him! I can’t! I CAN’T!”
“Piplup, Peck!” Dawn’s sudden voice startled Damion. She was standing up, commanding her Piplup to fight....
“Dawn, what’re you doing? You’re gonna’ get us all killed!” Damion called.
“I’m gonna’ try! I might be flippin’ scared, but I’m gonna’ try!” Her voice was determined. Shaky, but determined.
“Dawn...” Damion murmered.
Piplup flew through the air, beak glowing. It struck the Luxray. Luxray stumbled, but flicked Piplup off of him with a flick of its tail. Luxray’s sleek black body was unscathed.
“I’m....I’m okay,” Piplup answered.
“Damion, I need your help!” Damion was frozen. “DAMION!!!”
“I can’t.....I can’t.....”
“Fine then, Turtwig and Piplup will fight together if you won’t fight with me! Turtwig, Zen Headbutt! Piplup, Bide!” Turtwig charged forward, ramming its head into Luxray’s body. Piplup glowed white, and released a plume of heat energy from its body. Both hit Luxray. Dust kicked up. When it cleared....Luxray was still standing, not a scratch on its body. “I-I don’t believe it!”
“I give in,” Luxray prompted.
“Dawn! He says he’s giving in!”
“There are better meals than some bratty human children. I will leave. Next time we meet, however, I will not retreat.” In a flash of blue and black and gold, Luxray was gone.